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Perencanaan Learning Material

Media Interaktif

Materi Konten : Education For All

A. Pendahuluan

Bahan ajar mengenai Education For All ini aka disajikan melalui power point
animasi yang akan membuat peserta didik akan belajar dengan asik tanpa merasa
bahwa mereka sedang belajar. Animasi ini menampilkan video animasi sebagai
gambaran dari penjelasan dan memiliki audio yang akan menjelaskan materi
mengenai Education For All. Presentasi animasi ini akan dipandu oleh sebuah
karakter yang bernama EFA.

B. Segmentasi
1. Introduction
Perkenalan singat mengenai karakter EFA
2. Pemaparan Materi
- Definisi Educarion For All
- Urgensi Education For All
- Contoh Education For All
- Penyelenggaraan Education For All di Indonesia
3. Closing

C. Script
1. Introduction
Hii, I’am Efa. Here i will invite you to learn about education for all. We
will study concepts, program examples, the urgency of education for all, and the
implementation of education for all in Indonesia.
2. Definisi Education For All

EFA (Education for All) is an equal education for all strata of society
without distinction of tribe, race, religion, class, education is the right of Citizens
without exception either in the form of formal education or not formal. The
Concept of Education for All is an idea or a design already formed in the human
mind with regard to equalization and equal opportunity to get education without
a background and a person's social status. Education For All or education for all
is wrong one educational concept that shouldn't be only used as a catchword
when there is one nation's activities or campaigns, however is a solution or an
alternative in solve educational problems. Education for All are the translation of
the 1945 Constitution Regarding education for citizens Indonesia (Suyahman,

3. Urgensi Pendidikan untuk semua

Education for all must be provided for all societies because all people
must get education to raise the level his life and improve his competence
education must be belagsug throughout life. Education For All is one solution to
solve the problem education in particular with regard to equal distribution of
education. Everyone has the right and obliged to study in order to be able to
develop the potential that is owned and can improve his life in the future come to
be even better.(Suyahman, 2015)

4. Contoh-contoh education for all

1). Inclusive education

UNESCO initiated the Educational for All philosophy. Educational for

All implies that education "exists" for all or obliged to accommodate the diversity
of normal student needs or those with special needs. To accommodatethis
diversity must be held by an embracing institution the needs and desires of all
parties, including children with needs special. In the last decade, inclusive
education has begun to show significant progress in fulfilling rights and
educational needs for children with special needs in Indonesia. (Armeth & Al,

2). Center for teaching and learning activities

3). Equality education

4). Formal Education

5. Peyelenggaraan Education For All di Indonesia

In Indonesia, education has been organized for life accordingly with the
aim of national education and compulsory schooling is held until 12 year. As well
as schools have also been organized in an inclusive ascetic manner distinguish
children with special needs or children in general. According to UNESCO 2010
Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report, according to the report, many
countries the world's poorest are not on track to meet EFA goals by 2015.
Progress towards the Dakar Framework for Action, a comprehensive document
on global education goals adopted on 2000, has eroded in the countries
developing in the last few years. Lack of income and level decreased aid from
countries high income during the financial crisis global has been tough in
countries developing.

6. Closing

Thank you for completing the series of material about education for all, as
an evaluation material, let's do some quizzes.

1). Whats the EFA?

2). What are some examples of education for all?
3). How is the implementation of edcuation for all in Indonesia?
Experience when make a script

I started compiling the script with confusion because I was still not
sure what teaching materials would be given to students in interactive
media that I would like to work on. However, after digging into the source
of several references, I began to compile the script smoothly. The hardest
part about compiling a script in my opinion is when we are required to find
reliable reference sources, because during this pandemic we only have one
way to find sources, namely by using the internet. It's different from before
the pandemic, we can find some valid sources by going to the library

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