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The Emerging Role of Dairy Proteins and Bioactive

Peptides in Nutrition and Health

Bioactive Properties of Milk Proteins with Particular Focus

on Anticariogenesis1
William R. Aimutis2
Food Technical Development Center, Cargill, Inc., Wayzata, MN 55391

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ABSTRACT Beyond nutrition, there is an increasing amount of data and information to demonstrate a bioactive role
for dairy components in adults including a role in prevention of dental caries. Specifically, the casein fraction and
hydrolysates thereof have been the focus of researchers investigating cariogenicity prevention. Tooth enamel is a
polymeric substance consisting of crystalline calcium phosphate embedded in a protein matrix. Dental caries develop
by acidic demineralization (calcium and phosphorus solubilization) of tooth enamel. Demineralization occurs directly
(acidic food consumption) or indirectly (by fermentation products of dental plaque odontopathogenic bacteria growing
on residual food particles between teeth or adhering to the plaque). Research efforts with milk derived bioactive
peptides have focused on inhibition of cariogenic, plaque-forming bacteria, inhibition of tooth enamel demineralization,
and subsequent enamel remineralization. Caseinophosphopeptides (CPP) and glycomacropeptide (GMP) have been
patented for use in common personal hygiene products to prevent dental caries. Research has shown CPP and GMP
to be growth inhibitory to the cariogenic bacteria Streptococcus mutans and other species. Additionally, CPP forms
nanoclusters with amorphous calcium phosphate (AMP) at the tooth surface to provide a reservoir of calcium and
phosphate ions to maintain a state of super saturation with respect to tooth enamel. This would buffer plaque pH, and
also provide ions for tooth enamel remineralization. Glycosidic structures attached to GMP are important to numerous
bioactive properties of the peptide including anticariogenicity. Like CPP, GMP has shown inhibitory activity to enamel
demineralization and promotes tooth enamel remineralization. J. Nutr. 134: 989S–995S, 2004.

KEY WORDS: ● milk ● bioactives ● anticariogenicity ● caseinophosphopeptide ● glycomacropeptide

Dental caries (tooth decay) are a major public health problem caries. A major emphasis has been placed on developing products
that plagues all countries in the world. Industrialized nations have that are convenient to the consumer such as chewing gums and
controlled the problem with fluoride enriched water and personal sugar-free confections that offer a degree of protection from the
hygiene products since early in the 1960s, but cariogenicity re- causative agents of tooth decay.
mains a crisis that economically burdens the health care system to Milk is an excellent protein food that provides essential amino
an extent greater than many publicized diseases such as heart acids and organic nitrogen for humans and animals of all ages.
disease, cancer, and hypertension. Dental disease remains a “si- Milk also contains factors that have anticariogenic properties:
lent epidemic” in the United States that threatens children and calcium, phosphate, casein, and lipids. Dairy products were rec-
adults (1). As developing countries begin consuming more de- ognized in the late 1950s as a food group that is effective in
veloped foods, tooth decay also is becoming an issue (2). High preventing dental caries. Shaw et al. (7) observed that milk, ice
risk of dental caries is accentuated by a number of sociodemo- cream, and cheese lowered incidence of dental caries in rats.
graphic variables including ethnicity and low socioeconomic sta- Epidemiological studies in recent years indicate children (8) and
tus. Certain individuals are also at risk as a complication of other adolescents (9) with low incidence of dental caries drank more
disease states including diabetes (3,4), obesity (5), and osteopo- milk than those with high caries incidence. Elderly people that
rosis (6). Researchers and product developers continue to search eat cheese several times per week had a lower incidence of root
for products to reduce overall severity and prevalence of dental surface caries development (10). Several reviews describe the role
of milk and dairy products in dental caries prevention (11–13).
The purpose of this paper is to review the role of minor milk
Published in a supplement to The Journal of Nutrition. Presented as part of proteins and bioactive peptides embedded in the major milk
the 94th American Oil Chemists’ Annual Meeting & Expo held in Kansas City, MO, proteins that inhibit cariogenicity.
May 4 –7, 2003. This symposium was sponsored by the National Dairy Council,
Kraft Foods Inc., The Whey Protein Institute, and the U.S. Dairy Export Council.
Guest editors for the supplement publication were Peter J. Huth, National Dairy Dental caries pathogenesis
Council, Rosemont, IL; Donald K. Layman, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL; and
Peter H. Brown, Kraft Foods Research and Development, Kraft Foods Inc., Children’s teeth become infected with potential odonto-
Glenview, IL.
To whom correspondence should be addressed. pathogenic bacteria between middle of y 2 and end of y 3 of
E-mail: life—the “window of infectivity” (14). Primary source of in-

0022-3166/04 $8.00 © 2004 American Society for Nutritional Sciences.


fection for infants is maternal, but certain environmental post-translational modification with either phosphorus and/or
conditions, such as infants born into a high caries-prone carbohydrate moieties. Caseins are relatively hydrophobic, but
population, can also favor nonfamilial infection (15). Chil- have primary sequence clusters that have high surface hydro-
dren that are not infected by a high maternal dose by 3 y of age phobicity that contributes to functional properties such as
remain minimally colonized by odontopathogenic bacteria un- emulsification and foaming. Fox (18) and Wong et al. (19)
til eruption of their secondary teeth. review the relationship of individual casein’s structure and
Caries lesions, or tooth decay, are the clinical manifestation function.
of a pathogenic process that may have been occurring as a Whey proteins (20% of total milk protein) are also a
series of interactions on the tooth surface for months or years. heterogeneous, polymorphic group of proteins composed of
Plaque is a biofilm over tooth enamel composed of viable and ␣-lactalbumin (␣-LA,3 20%), ␤-lactoglobulin (␤-Lg, 50%),
nonviable bacteria, mucopolysaccharides, and other cellular serum albumin (BSA, 10%), immunoglobulins (10%), and
debris and metabolites. The first step in cariogenicity is that proteose peptones (⬍10%). Unlike caseins, whey proteins
indigenous oral bacteria begin decay by interacting with di- have high levels of secondary, tertiary, and quaternary struc-
etary constituents (e.g., sucrose) at the tooth enamel’s surface. tures, and are typically heat-labile globular structures. All

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Dental plaque appearance on tooth enamel is the first overt whey proteins contain intermolecular disulphide bonds that
clinical evidence of this interaction. Plaque bacteria metabo- stabilize their structure. Whey proteins are not extensively
lize dietary sugars to produce organic acids that solubilize tooth glycosylated, and none are phosphorylated. The dominant
enamel composed of hydroxyapatite crystals of calcium phos- proteins (␣-LA and ␤-Lg) are responsible for functional prop-
phate. When enamel is exposed to organic acids, solid calcium erties, predominantly foaming and gelation, that have been
phosphate is solubilized to free calcium that is removed from commercialized in whey protein concentrate and isolate prod-
the mouth by saliva movement. This process is termed demin- ucts.
eralization, but can be reversed by presence of salivary sodium Milk contains numerous minor proteins found mainly in
bicarbonate that aids in remineralization. the whey and milk fat globule membrane fractions. These
The role of bacteria in causing dental caries is a source of minor proteins do not have significant functional properties
continual controversy. At issue has been whether a specific like casein and whey fractions, but many have been identified
bacterial species or a nonspecific mixed bacterial flora is the as having physiological effects. The minor proteins include
agent responsible. Also debated is if dental caries is an infec- enzymes, metal-binding proteins, enzyme inhibitors, vitamin-
tious bacterial disease in the classical sense or an ecological binding proteins, and numerous growth factors (18). Several
overgrowth (16). Frequent presence of Lactobacillus acidophilus minor dairy proteins have been included as bioactive ingredi-
and Streptococcus mutans with caries activity gave credibility to ents in nutraceutical products.
their being specific cariogens. However, many other indige-
nous oral bacteria are capable of producing substantial Dairy protein bioactivities
amounts of organic acid from fermentable carbohydrates pro-
viding arguments for nonspecificity. Numerous studies have Bioactive proteins and peptides are embedded in casein and
shown some indigenous bacteria are capable of remineralizing whey primary sequences. A variety of regulatory activities are
tooth enamel to prevent dental caries. To date, more research exerted by milk-derived bioactive sequences. Biological activ-
in understanding mixed-bacterial ecology and metabolism is ities identified include modulators of digestive and gastroin-
needed to develop therapeutic strategies to counter excess acid testinal functions, hemodynamics (hypertension and gastric
accumulation and tooth demineralization. blood flow), anticariogenicity, analgesic properties, growth
Dental caries is still the predominant cause of tooth loss in factors, immunoregulation, and nonimmune disease defense.
all populations worldwide. Numerous approaches have been Most bioactivities are only expressed by peptides derived from
used to protect children and adults from cavities. Milk and the amino acid sequence of native milk proteins. Digestive
dairy products have been identified as having cariostatic fac- proteases or in vitro proteolysis liberates bioactive peptides to
tors. However, milk-derived cariostatic factors have limited the host’s benefit. Milk-derived peptides are now commercially
effectiveness in their natural source because they would re- produced and these peptides are being used as dietary supple-
quire large consumption of dairy products. Researchers have mentation in functional foods and personal products. How-
focused on isolating protective factors from milk to use as food ever, very few clinical trials have been done to prove safety of
additives or in personal hygiene products to reduce cariogen- milk-derived peptides. Most commercial companies have pre-
icity. sumed safety on basis of a “safe” starting raw material. Acute
toxicity, allergenicity, and nutritional studies have not been
adequately conducted (20). Extensive reviews on milk-derived
Milk proteins bioactivities are written (21,22).
Milk is synthesized in mammary secretory epithelial cells Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein found in milk of
and contains 2 major protein groups distinguished by their many species including bovine and human, and has been
solubility in unheated milk at pH 4.6 and 20°C: caseins observed to possess numerous bioactive properties. The bioac-
(insoluble) and whey proteins (soluble). Both groups have tive role of lactoferrin appears to be dependent on exceptional
unique physiochemical and biological properties. Caseins ac- iron-binding activity by the molecule. Iron availability from
count for ⬃80% of the total protein in bovine milk, and exist an infant formula supplemented with bovine lactoferrin has
primarily as calcium phosphate stabilized micellular com- been evaluated by iron balance studies in human infants (23).
plexes. Caseins are a heterogeneous family of proteins predom- Iron retention was 36% in the supplemented group versus 28%
inated by ␣s1-, ␣s2-, ␤-, and ␬-caseins (17). Individual casein in the nonsupplemented group. Lactoferrin has also been
proteins are small molecules with a molecular mass of 20 to 25
kDa, and primary amino acid sequences that are high in
proline content. Proline prevents casein molecules from hav-
Abbreviations used: ACP, amorphous calcium phosphate; ␣-LA, alpha-
lactalbumin; ␤-Lg, beta-lactoglobulin; BSA, bovine serum albumin; CPP, case-
ing much secondary structure (␣-helices, ␤-sheets, and inophosphopeptides; GMP, glycomacropeptide; SCN⫺, thiocyanate; S-HA, sa-
␤-turns). All caseins show genetic polymorphism and have liva-coated hydroxyapatite beads.

shown to have an effect on cell line growth by stimulating TABLE 1

DNA synthesis (24,25). Other researchers have reported lac-
toferrin inhibits proliferation of cancer cell lines in vitro Glycomacropeptide glycosidic structure
(26,27). Lactoferrin has antibacterial activity toward Gram-
Saccharide Composition and Structure
negative bacteria including the dental cariogen Streptococcus
mutans (28). Lactoferrin is a moonlighting protein that exhib- Monosaccharide GalNAc-O-Thr
its multiple functions that are expressed in different loca- Disaccharide Gal ␤133 GalNAc-O-Thr
tions and at different times as extensively reviewed by Trisaccharide NeuAc ␣233 Gal ␤133 GalNAc-O-Thr
Shimazaki (29). Trisaccharide Gal ␤133 (NeuAc ␣236)GalNAc-O-Thr
Other minor proteins in bovine milk have antibacterial Tetrasaccharide NeuAc ␣233 Gal ␤133(NeuAc ␣236)
activity. Lysozyme is an effective antibacterial enzyme isolated
from milk, tears, and saliva. Human milk is a better source of Galactose (Gal), N-acetyl galactosamine (GalNAc), neuraminic acid
lysozyme (2.5 mg/100 mL) than bovine milk (0.025 mg/100 (NeuNAc), oxygen (O), threonine (Thr).
mL). The mechanism of action for lysozyme is to hydrolyze

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␤(134)-glucosidic linkages in bacterial cell wall peptidogly-
can. Lactoperoxidase is a porphrin-containing peroxidase se-
bacteria (probiotics). Kehagias et al. (36) reported bifidobac-
creted by the mammary gland. This enzyme is part of a com-
teria growth was promoted by a casein fraction that was similar
plex that ultimately has antibacterial effects. Lactoperoxidase
to GMP. Poch and Bezkorovainy (37) demonstrated that
catalyzes the oxidation of thiocyanate (SCN⫺) to hypothio-
bovine casein and whey digest promoted bifidobacteria
cyanate by using hydrogen peroxide produced by endogenous
growth. Petchow and Talbott (38) found that growth promot-
bacteria (Fig. 1).
ing activity for some bifidobacteria species is present in bovine
Induced bioactive components are defined as activities de-
milk ultrafiltration permeate and retentate. GMP would be
rived by proteolytic or immunological means (30). Protein
present in the retentate. Therefore, it appears permeate may
modification by proteases can occur in situ in the mammary
contain amino acids and other compounds also necessary for
gland or digestive tract, or by in vitro digestion with commer-
bifidobacterial growth.
cial proteases. The resulting peptides influence particular phys-
Milk micelles contain physiologically significant amounts
iological or metabolic processes. Immunological derived bio-
of calcium and phosphorus. Phosphorus in milk is bound via
active components result from vaccinating cows to induce
monoester linkages to casein serine residues. The presence of
production of antibodies to the vaccinate antigen.
phosphorus and calcium bound to casein helps to maintain
Bovine ␬-casein treated with chymosin is cleaved into 2
thermodynamically stable casein micelles in fluid milk. Ca-
peptides during the cheese making process. Para ␬-casein
seinophosphopeptides (CPPs) are phosphorylated casein-de-
(residues 1–105) remains with the curd, while a unique pep-
rived peptides produced by proteolytic digestion of ␣s1-, ␣s2-,
tide, glycomacropeptide (residues 106 –169), elutes with the and ␤-casein in vitro or in the digestive tract (Table 2). CPP
cheese whey (17). Glycomacropeptide (GMP) is a major com- complexes and solubilizes minerals, especially calcium. CPP
ponent of cheese whey protein as it is 15–20% of the total improves bioavailability in intestinal absorption by keeping
protein. Glycomacropeptide is a glycophosphopeptide with no minerals soluble and preventing precipitation. Most CPPs
aromatic amino acids. This could have positive implications contain a serine phosphate cluster and glutamyl residues in the
for certain dietary restricted populations. sequence of 3 phosphoseryl groups followed by 2 glutamic acid
Glycosidic structures (Table 1) attached to the peptide are residues. These amino acids serve as mineral-binding sites
important in GMP bioactivity. The ability to bind enterotox- because of negatively charged side chains. However, there is a
ins from Vibrio cholerae and Escherichia coli has been reported difference in calcium binding activity depending on the casein
with GMP (31). Carbohydrates attached to GMP mimic re- phosphopeptide source (39). The order of mineral chelating
ceptor sites for enterotoxins. Therefore, in animal challenge ability is ␣s2-casein ⬎ ␣s1-casein ⬎ ␤-casein ⬎ ␬-casein.
studies GMP binds enterotoxin and the complex is washed Casein phosphopeptides released from casein molecules are
from the intestinal tract. GMP treated with neuraminidase to resistant to further proteolytic breakdown in the intestinal
remove sialic acid carbohydrate moiety from the terminal end
of the glycosidic side chain on GMP lost its bioactivity.
Feeding mice GMP (1 mg/d) during in vivo trials protected the
animals from E. coli and V. cholerae enterotoxin associated TABLE 2
diarrhea (32). Primary sequences of caseinophosphopeptides derived
Kawasaki et al. (33) demonstrated that GMP inhibits hem-
from ␣-caseins and ␤-caseins
agglutination of 4 human influenza virus strains. The effect
was noted with low GMP concentrations (80 mg/L). Hemag- -Casein (fragment) Sequence
glutination of Mycoplasma gallisepicum (34) and M. pneumoniae
(35) is not inhibited by GMP. ␣s1-f(59–79) -gln-met-glu-ala-glu-ser(P)-ile-ser(P)-ser(P)-ser(P)-
The role of GMP as a prebiotic is elusive. Prebiotics are glu-glu-ile-val-pro-asn-ser(P)-val-glu-gln-lys-
compounds that promote growth of desirable gastrointestinal ␣s1-f(112–119) -val-pro-asn-ser(P)-ala-glu-glu-arg-
␣s2-f(5–18) -glu-his-val-ser-ser(P)-ser(P)-glu-glu-ser-ile-ile-
␣s2-f(29–34) -asn-pro-ser(P)-lys-glu-asn-
␣s2-f(55–64) -gly-ser(P)-ser(P)-ser(P)-glu-glu-ser(P)-ala-glu-val-
␣s2-f(127–147) -gln-leu-ser(P)-thr-ser(P)-glu-glu-asn-ser-lys-lys-
␤-f(12–23) -ile-val-glu-ser(P)-ser(P)-ser(P)-glu-glu-ser-ile-lys-
(variant A)
␤-f(12–23) -ile-val-glu-ser(P)-lys-ser(P)-glu-glu-ser-ile-lys-
FIGURE 1 The mechanism of action for lactoperoxidase. Thio- (variant D)
cyanante (SCN⫺) and hypothiocyanate (OSCN⫺).

tract. Formation of CPP in the intestinal tract should increase TABLE 3

the concentration of soluble Ca available to the host animal
(40). However, conflicting data has been reported on Ca Bioactive proteins secreted in bovine milk
absorption, Ca balance, and bone formation. Although CPPs
Protective Proteins Hormones
seem to have little effect in young, healthy animals (41– 43), Immunoglobulins Thyrotropin releasing
positive data have been observed in ovariectomized rats (44) Proteose peptones hormone (TRH)
and postmenopausal women (45). Other studies showed Ca Lactoferrin Somatostatin (SIH)
and Zn absorption to be improved in rat pups (46) on oat- or Transferrin Calcitonin
soy-based infant formulas and in healthy individuals (47) fed Insulin
rice-based or whole grain diets. Growth Factors Relaxin
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) Thyroid stimulating hormone
Lactoferricin B is an induced bioactive peptide encrypted Tissue growth factor ␤ (TGF␤) (TSH)
within lactoferrin, and can be liberated by the digestive en- Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) Luteinizing releasing
zyme pepsin (48). Lactoferricin is active against both Gram- hormone (LRH)
positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and is more bactericidal Enzymes Gastrin releasing peptide

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than undigested lactoferrin because the peptide’s smaller size Lactoperoxidase (GRP)
may facilitate access to susceptible sites on the microbial Lysozyme Adrenocorticotropichormone
Plasmin (ACTH)
surface (49). The effect of Lactoferricin B against oral odon- Xanthine oxidase Prolactin
topathogenic bacteria has not been investigated. Glucose oxidase

Anticariogenic activity of milk bioactive proteins

solution can stabilize 60 mmol/L CaCl2 and 36 mmol/L sodium
Early studies recognized that dairy products (milk, casein, phosphate at pH 7.0 to form CPP-ACP complexes (58).
caseinates, and cheeses) exhibited anti-caries activity (50,51). Specific-pathogen free rats orally infected with Streptococ-
Acid casein (insoluble) as an active ingredient in toothpaste cus sobrinus had a reduced incidence of smooth surface caries
was effective at reducing dental caries, but was required at very after CPP-ACP solutions were applied to the animal’s teeth
high levels for activity (52,53). Sodium caseinate solubilized in twice daily. A dose dependent response was observed with a
water and fed to rats in a caries model was shown to be 0.1% (wt:v) CPP-ACP producing a 14% reduction, and 1.0%
anticariogenic (54). Sodium caseinate as an ingredient in a CPP-ACP a 55% reduction relative to a distilled water con-
chocolate confectionary reduced cariogenicity, but high levels trol. These results were similar to a 50 ppm fluoride control. A
of caseinate (17%) were required to elicit an effect and the
synergistic effect was reported when CPP-ACP (0.5%) and
product was unpalatable (55,56). Therefore, early studies dem-
fluoride (500 ppm) were applied together to rat’s teeth. Non-
onstrated that casein was an effective anticariogenic sub-
phosphorylated casein peptides had no anticariogenic effects.
stance, but casein’s adverse organoleptic properties and the
large amount required for efficacy precluded its use as a food or A synthetic octapeptide, Ac-Glu-Ser(P)-Ile-Ser(P)-Ser(P)-
toothpaste. Ser(P)-Glu-Glu-NHMe, significantly reduced caries activity
Tryptic digestion of caseinate did not destroy the proteins’ in the rat model. This confirmed that the xn-Ser(P)-Ser(P)-
ability to prevent enamel demineralization in a human oral Ser(P)-Glu-Glu-xn portions of CPP are associated with anti-
caries model (57). Analysis of human dental plaque samples cariogenicity. However, the synthetic octapeptide was not as
found elevated concentrations of casein peptides, calcium, and effective in binding ACP or in anticariogenicity as CPP-ACP.
phosphorus. It was concluded that these peptides were casein- This indicates other residues and/or conformational specificity
ophosphopeptides derived from specific tryptic activity on such as in the longer ␣s1- and ␤-peptides are required for full
␣s1-, ␣s2-, and ␤-caseins. This prompted investigators to focus activity (58).
on casein peptides in subsequent research. A human in situ caries model has been used to study the
Many of the reported physiologically active or bioactive ability of 1% CPP-ACP to prevent enamel demineralization
components account for a very minor fraction of total milk (59). Humans are fitted with a removable dental appliance
constituency. This group includes lactoferrin, lysozyme, lac- that contains a left and a right pair of enamel slabs placed in
toperoxidase, folate-binding protein, growth factors, and other the mouth to produce a plaque retention site. Frequent expo-
proteins (Table 3). Immunoglobulin proteins also have a sure to sucrose solutions elevated levels of oral mutans strep-
protective role in vivo. Bioactive components that have a role tococci and lactobacilli. Subsurface enamel demineralization
in prevention of dental caries would need to mechanistically resulted in an incipient “caries-like” lesion. Two daily expo-
inhibit odontopathogenic bacteria and/or bind minerals. sures of CPP-ACP solution to 1 side of the enamel slab
Prevention of dental caries by milk-derived bioactive pep- reduced (51 ⫾ 19%) enamel mineral loss compared to the
tides is a complex physical and chemical sequence of cascading control side. Plaque exposed to CPP-ACP had 2.5 times more
events. In general, bioactive peptides with anticariogenic ac- Ca and phosphorus than control plaque. Caseinophosphopep-
tivity have multiple functions to prevent dental lesions includ- tides stabilize ACP; in turn this is used to localize ACP in
ing bacterial inhibition, competitive exclusion to enamel dental plaque, provides a large calcium reservoir within
binding sites, improved buffering capacity in the pellicle sur- plaque, and slows diffusion of free calcium (60). Restricted
rounding teeth, reduced enamel demineralization, and enamel mineral loss during a cariogenic episode is likely to occur, and
remineralization. Anticariogenicity studies with dairy bioac- conversely provide a source of calcium for remineralization.
tive peptides have been accomplished with a number of in Therefore, the mechanism of anticariogenicity for CPP-ACP
vitro, in situ, and in vivo model systems. Much of the work has is that this bioactive peptide substantially increases the level of
been done with caseinophosphopeptides-colloidal amorphous amorphous calcium phosphate in plaque depressing enamel
calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP). Caseinophosphopeptides in- demineralization and enhancing remineralization. As the con-
hibit dental caries lesions by influencing the demineralization/ centration of CPP-ACP in contact with tooth enamel in-
remineralization process of dental enamel. A 1% (wt:v) CPP creases so does remineralization (Fig. 2). An increased con-

saliva-coated hydroxyapatite beads (68). Lactoperoxidase and

lysozyme synergistically work together to inhibit glucose me-
tabolism by S. mutans thereby reducing acid production in the
plaque environment (69). Proteose peptone fractions 3 and 5
were shown to inhibit demineralization of hydroxyapatite in
vitro (70). Both proteose peptone fractions are embedded
within ␤-casein and are liberated by plasmin hydrolysis
(71,72). Plasmin is an endogenous protease of milk.

Commercialization of milk bioactives

There is commercial interest in production of dairy-derived
bioactive peptides with the purpose of using them in commer-
cial products such as toothpastes, gels, or mouth rinses. Casein
FIGURE 2 Dose response of CPP on remineralization of tooth

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enamel subsurface lesions (61).
GMP was patented as an antimicrobial agent effective against
S. mutans (73,74). Product developers incorporated GMP into
commercial products that were protected by patents (75). The
centration of free and bound calcium in 0.5 and 1.0% CPP- uniqueness of this patent was the use of hydrolyzed gelatin as
ACP preparations was most effective at remineralization (61). a stabilizer in the compositions. A patent was issued (76) for a
Sodium caseinate, CPP, and GMP inhibited adherence of multicomponent anticaries dentifrice composition and meth-
oral bacteria to saliva-coated hydroxyapatite beads (S-HA) ods to use that contained GMP and fluoride in combination.
(62). The potential dental pathogens, Streptococcus sobrinus Another patent (77) was issued when it was disclosed that
OMZ 176 and Streptococcus sangius OMZ 9, were competi- GMP in combination with xylitol would act synergistically to
tively excluded from S-HA beads by casein derivatives. How- yield enamel remineralization results greater than those ob-
ever, Actinomyces viscosus Ny 1 was not excluded from the served with xylitol and fluoride in combination (Fig. 3). These
S-HA beads. Another experiment in this study demonstrated patent’s claims were supported by in vitro enamel remineral-
that caseinate, CPP, and GMP were capable of binding di- ization data. A patent has been filed (Warner-Lambert Com-
rectly to bacterial cell walls of the examined strains. These pany) to use CPP in chewing gum compositions to promote
results offer another possible mechanism for anticariogenicity anticariogenicity. Lactoperoxidase and lactoferrin have been
by dairy-derived bioactives. By selectively inhibiting strepto- formulated into toothpaste to be bactericidal to cariogenic
coccal adhesion to teeth, dairy bioactives could modulate the bacteria. Glucose oxidase in this toothpaste activates the
microbial composition of dental plaque and favor establish- lactoperoxidase system to produce hypothiocyanous acid and
ment of less cariogenic species such as oral actinomyces (62). hypothiocyanite ions in the oral environment (Fig. 4), result-
This could also control acid formation (buffering) in dental ing in inhibition of odontopathogenic bacteria.
plaque, in turn reducing hydroxyapatite dissolution from tooth
enamel (63). Future research
Milk components CPP and GMP incorporated into the Tooth decay is a series of interactions that occur on a tooth
salivary pellicle, and reduced adherence of S. sobrinus and S. surface, and remains a critical health problem despite advances
mutans (64). Electron microscopy visualized GMP on the made in fluoridation of water and toothpastes. Research data
pellicle surface in a globular-micellular form. Conversely, CPP outlined in this paper presents a strong case that dairy-derived
was found in microglobular and geometrically irregular struc- bioactive peptides reduce dental caries in humans using in situ
tures. This relatively selective inhibition of S. mutans could
eventually produce a noncariogenic plaque. Additional evi-
dence was reported by Rose (60) indicating CPP-ACP would
compete with calcium for plaque Ca binding sites. This will
reduce the amount of calcium bridging between the pellicle
and adhering cells and between cells themselves. High extra-
cellular free calcium concentrations could exist that have
bacteriostatic or bacteriocidal effects on odontopathogenic
bacteria (65).
Schupbach et al. (64) demonstrated GMP could prevent
cariogenic bacterial adhesion in an in vitro model. The re-
searchers speculate GMP reduces dental caries by changing the
microbial population of dental plaque from 1 predominated by
Streptococcus mutans and S. sangius to a less cariogenic popu-
lation predominated by Actinomyces viscous.
Whey proteins from cottage cheese manufacture or acid
casein precipitation were not as effective as CPP in preventing
Ca and phosphate solubilization from hydroxyapatite (66). FIGURE 3 Synergistic effects of glycomacropeptide-containing
Although whey proteins may not prevent enamel demineral- and xylitol-containing toothpastes on tooth enamel remineralization in
situ. Healthy adult subjects were fitted with palatal retainers that had
ization, it has been suggested whey may exert a topical anti- demineralized tooth enamel planks. Subjects brushed their teeth with
cariogenic effect by acting as a buffer (54). Minor whey pro- toothpastes that contained the active ingredients 10%-glycomac-
teins may provide anticariogenic effect when they are enriched ropeptide (GMP), 10%-xylitol (Xylitol), or 10%-glycomacropeptide and
or purified from the heterogeneous whey protein mixture. For 10%-xylitol (GMP/Xyl). The placebo toothpaste contained silica abra-
example, lactoperoxidase and lysozyme restricts S. mutans me- sive without fluoride. Hydroxyapatite thickness was determined by
tabolism (67). Lactoferrin inhibits adherence of S. mutans to radiography.

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