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Activity: Snowball Fight

In-charge: Sta Ana, Lady Mariz A. and Vasquez, Ar Jay P.

Methodology and Procedure:

The activity is not directly related to sex education topics. Instead, it helps the
participants and the audience to be most sensitive, good listener and supportive peer.
The in-charge students will pick 20 people from the crowd, with different gender and
ages. They will be seated in chairs aligned creating two horizontal lines facing each

The in-charge students will start to give the participants a piece of paper and
pen. The in-charge students will ask the participants to think of a secret, something that
they wouldn’t tell to anyone, or that most people don’t know them. They will be assured
that they will not be ask to write it down or to tell it to anyone. Once everyone has
thought of a secret ask the group members to think about what it would take from a peer
before they would be able to tell them about their secret. Ask them to write down one
word, a group of words or a phrase that describes what they would need. Remind them
that they should not write down their secret as other people may read this. After they
have finished writing, have the group stand in an open circle. Tell everyone to ball up
their paper and on the count of three have everyone throw their paper at each other and
keep throwing them until you say stop. Like a snowball fight!

After a minute or two, the in-charge students will stop the fight, have everyone
find a random snowball and return to their spots. Go around the room and ask them to
read their papers aloud. Write up their answers on a flipchart or whiteboard. Overall, this
activity should allow the in-charge students to use the participants’ statements to
provide an agreed upon explanation of what it takes to be a good listener and
supportive peer inside and outside the classroom. The in-charge students must also
debrief everyone of the things it might take for a person to open up to someone and
share his/her problem. This activity could last for 20-30 minutes, it will be a great opener
and preparation for an upcoming seminar.

Resources and Budget:

For the activity to be entertaining, the in-charge students must have high energy.
Materials needed should be prepared like white board and white board marker, pieces
of papers and ordinary markers. This will only cost 200-250 pesos. Facilitators could
also make use of manila papers instead of white board, and any alternative to its
materials as long as it serves its purpose to fully facilitate the activity.

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