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Rachel’s Notes 9/16:

★ Pop. change
○ Formulas for population
★ What determines NIR
○ Healthcare, education, eco, gender, culture, public policies
■ Infections by birth-woman and children dying
○ Low development, higher infant mortality rate, bring it lower by increasing
education and health care, favor fertility, no limiting pop.-> gov
responsibility to provide jobs
★ Where are these countries- LDC= Africa, Middle East, L. America,
○ MDC=immigration
○ Fastest growing are least capable to handle it
★ Doubling time= how fast a country doubles it pop.
○ 70/NIR=how fast pop. doubles, smaller number is a problem b/c too many

★ Stage 1
○ Where a country is in terms of death rate, birth rate, disease, and
■ Preagricultural-able to survive(subsistence)
■ High death rate b/c warfare, disease-NIR is low(sometimes
■ NO COUNTRY IN STAGE ONE- could be tribes, modern medicine
■ High birth rate-worker, child mortality high
■ High Death rate- short life expectancy, lack of medicine, sanitation,
war, low nutrition, famine
★ Stage 2
○ Agricultural-1750
■ Trade, more than subsistence
■ CDR goes down
■ CBR high
■ NIR-more kids not enough people die b/c food
■ High pop- not used to longer life
■ Industrial revolution
○ Europe/us enter in 1800s
○ Africa, asia, LA 1950
■ Disease, culture, medicine, pushed into stage two by colonization
★ Develop-how we help underdeveloped countries
○ Economics
■ Government has to help
● Corruption
○ Education
■ People leave the country b/c not developed, need to stay and
help develop the country more
★ Stage 3
○ Industrialize
■ CBR down, b/c machines do jobs so less children
■ CDR lower slowly, b/c people don’t die as fast
■ NRI b/c gap is smaller
○ Customs change
■ IMR down
○ Eur/us early 20 c
○ Asia recent years
★ Stage 4
○ Service base
■ Finance, real estate
○ Urbanized
○ CBR=CDR, both low
○ NIR approaches zero
○ TFR=zero population growth ZPG
○ High dependency-people under 14/65+ depend on others to survive
■ 14-under developed
■ 65+ higher developed
○ US/europe
○ Social customs
■ Women work
■ Birth control
■ $ for leisure, travel
○ Russia/E.E. low NIR b/c quality of life is low, communism
★ Stage 5
○ CDR is higher than CBR- irreversible pop decline
○ w/o immigration country will not exist (japan)
○ No stage 1, small stage 4, most 2&3
○ Industrialization 2
○ Customs 3
★ Millennial Cohort=age group going through same experiences
★ Pop. pyramid
○ Male left, female right
○ GRAPH US- less children(Lower bottom), Big working age takes care of
top and bottom
○ GRAPH NIGERIA- can’t provide for young children or elder b/c bad health
○ GRAPH GERMANY- less kids, big working class, immigration helps
★ Site for project
★ Dependency ratio
○ MEMORIZE= (0-14yrs+65+yrs/15-64)x100
○ Every 100 people of working age have X people depending on them

★ GRAPHS(before stages)
○ Quiz and test study w/ explanation + examples
Rachel’s Notes 9/18
★ Malthus and his theory
○ England 1800s- industrialization, high pop unnecessary,
○ Economist, looked a population
★ Population growing faster than resources
○ Food grows by one, people by 2
○ Believed to have starvation and famine
■ Agricultural development
■ Family planning
■ Humans adapt, we’re survivors
■ Education, women's rights
● FRQ points
★ NEO Malthus
○ Paul Ehrlich- 1960s
○ Baby Boomers are reproducing
○ More countries are reaching stage 3 (India, Africa)
■ Medicine-pop. Increase
○ Green revolution
■ Food production went up
○ MALTHUS didn’t realize
■ Famine is not related to lack of food, but UNEQUAL distribution
★ Population and Sustainability
○ Carrying Capacity- do i have the resources to care for my people?
■ Importing can allow for pop to be supported
○ Overpopulation is when carrying capacity is so high you cant care for your
■ Over consumption of resources
■ Inefficient allocation of good- over fishing
■ Unsustainable land use- climate change
■ MDC blame LDC- children
■ LDC blame MDC- consumption
○ Work together
■ Education
● Family planning
○ Female peacekeeper
■ Economics
● Sustainable land use
○ Not cash crops
■ Provide jobs to MDC
● Government's have to change
○ By the people of the country not MDC
○ People must be educated for any change to occur for themselves and
their children
★ Demographic Momentum
○ When the bottom of the pyramid is too heavy, population will grow no
matter how many children are produced
★ Diffusion
○ Dispersal of ideas
○ Spread of ideas, disease, technology, anything can spread
○ HEARTH= where something originated
■ Moves faster because of space time conversion

Rachel 9/20
★ Diffusion Types
○ Relocation Diff. spread because people move
■ Our fathers brought protestant
○ Expansion Diff. snowball process
● Diff. of aids
■ Hierarchical=top down process, MDC to LDC
● Music is known all over the world
● EXCEPTION IS RAP MUSIC, poor to the rich
■ Contagious=disease- does not care who you are
● Cancer does not care about anything
■ Stimulus diff=i only like some of it, not all of it
● Technology, food-change what’s in the sandwich but like the
idea of the sandwich
○ Diagram
○ Contagious
■ Malaria
● Below 35 degrees (LDC)
● Access to clean water
● Less doctors, education
■ Tuberculosis
● Lungs- cough blood, smoking
■ Yellow fever
● 35 below
● Humid
■ Influenza
● Effects children
★ Epidemiologic Transition Stage
○ Stage 1
■ Death everywhere
○ Stage 2
■ Receding pandemics
■ Improved sanitation, nutrition, medicine
○ Stage 3
■ Human-created diseases, genetics, heart attacks,
○ Stage 4
■ Delayed degenerative diseases, you take medicine to prevent
○ Stage 5
■ New strains of viruses
■ We thought we were good but they’re back again, Anti Vaxx
■ The germs waking up and gonna kill us all
○ ¾ of the world are in 4 regions
■ Asia
● China has the largest population and live in coast
● Japan and Korea live in cities
■ South Asia
● India has second highest pop.
● Live in rural
■ Europe
● Urban areas
■ Southeast Asia
● Rural areas

Rachel’s notes 9/30- Migration

★ Migration!!!!!
○ Mexico to us
■ Latin america to us through mexico
○ India to united arab emirates
■ Jobs, oil drilling
○ Bangladesh to india
■ Economics

Jessica - people are living longer due to the Green Revolutions and new technologies
- Most populous countries
-- china doesn't have enough girls
-- India (semi-peripheral) has rural areas so they can’t enforce the 1 child policy
No social security -- men take care of family bc daughters are taking care of
husband’s family. Child mortality is high.
-- Nigeria no contraceptives (developing)
-- indonesia (developing)
-- Natural Increase rate NIR
-Nir = CDR-CDR
*know formulas* make percentage
Health care -- 3rd world -- have child at home -- not clean (wash)
Conclusion -- low dev, education -- higher infant mortality rate -- decrease =
health care, public policy
LDCs - sub sahara , middle east, LAmerica
MDC immigrations
Fastest growing regions = less equipped
Doubling time - How fast a country will double pop
*formula* 70/NIR = number of years
Smaller number = problem bad news
DTM - death rate, birth rate, disease, development
Stage 1 -- pre-agriculture (per 8000 BCE)
High births and deaths -- climate, warfare, disease, ecological factors NIR low
No single country -- could be tribes (don’t die as fast -- maybe Amazon)
High birth rate -- workers -- feudal political economy, high IMR
Short life expectancy --
Stage 2 -- Agr revolution 1750
More food than subsistance
Cdr goes down
CBR high - no used to idea people are living longer
NIR high - not enough people are dying
Living longer - Industrial revolution
Europe, US 1800 -- Asia, Africa,LA 1950 Medical rev
Colonizers bring medicine bring them into stage 2
Bill Gates foundation - goal = bring down diseases -- not helping, not enoughfood
→ education -- brains need to stay in country
→ people are leaving --
Stage 3 industrialized or manufactured - based countries.
Many countries get stuck in between 2 and 3
CBR low
CDR falls
Instead of 10 children = 5 children - hinder economically
Customs change
Europe & NA early 20th century
*look at other countries*
Stage 4 service based
Urbanized (cities)
2.1 or below = trf
High dependency ratio = people under 14 or over 65 -- need others to survive
US is both Japan is over 65 Africa is under 14
Women live longer -- men take risks (drink more, smoke, stress drive faster)
Social customs -- women work, less children, contraceptives, $ for leisure,
Russia & East Europe - NIR low bc communism
Numbers going up bc communism forgotten
Stage 5 - death rate is higher than birth rate
Pop going down
(no immigration) Japan
Industry declining in Japan = prostitution (sex industry)
Companionship sites -- restaurants
Generalities - Underdeveloped = lower
Stage 2 = Afghanistan
Catholics, morman, muslim - not changing
Millennial Cohort -- look on website
Population pperiod - male on left , woman on right
US= even -- not as many children .. baby boomers have most
Nigeria = can't take care of kids.. Less old not good enough healthcare
Germany = better than US.. enough working to take care of both up and down
Look on website
Dependency ratio Children + elderly / working class x 100
Extra credit - day of quiz
2 places observe (strbucks vs gamestop vs gym)
Who goes in .. who comes out who goes in at what time and income

Thomas M
Economy and pop
England 19th century
Crisis = pop grow to fast for resources
Essay on the principle of population
Outgrowing food supply
-food to supply
-people like to produce
-No contraceptives, gov didn't say no
-food = arithmetic
-pop = exponencial
→ starvation and famine
→ didn’t think about green revolution, family planning, adaptation, education (women)
- Not foreseeing (above)
Argument, didn’t foresee, 2019

Neo malthusian - more critical

Paul Elrich - the population bomb = malthus is right.
Crisis in 60 bc baby boom reproduction, more countries in stage 3 bc medicine in
3rd world countries, the Green revolution. Grain was more resilient.
-- panic in LDC, still thinks there is a crisis

J and S curves

Malthus doesn’t recognize… famine does not = lack of food but distribution of food…
other countries have access obesity.

Carrying capacity - max people (overpopulation)

High density → surpass
Ability to support population
Tricky because people import food (NDC ---> $)
Over pop =>
- Overconsumption
- Inefficient in getting goods (overfishing)
- Unsustainable land use
- MDCs blame LDCs -- too many babies
- LDcs blame MDC -- high consumption (disproportionate)
- Teach LDCS ab family planning, economics -- sustainability, jobs
- LDCs have to change governments … by people in country -- Arab spring
- Can't change gov if education is not present

Demographic Momentum
- The tendency for pop growth to continue despite strict family planning bc child
bearing years
- Bottom heavy
- Propelling

- Process in which phenomenon spread from one place to another
- Technology, disease, trends
- Hearth : place of origin (bikini = US)
- Happens quicker today due to modern technology, communication,
- (Space time compression)
- Relocation - spread bc people move
- Expansion - snowball process tarts small but gets bigger and bigger
- a) hierarchical diff : top down process rich to poor stars to no famous LDC 2 NDC
one exception -- rap and R&B !! poor to rich (influencer)
- b)contagious : disease - doesn’t care who you are -- gender, age, no racism
- c) stimulus : spread of underlying -- Apple and Microsph take little things from
one another … Mcdonalds -- what’s in sandwich
- Religion can be 1 & 2
- Contagious vs hierarchal

Malaria -- below 35 degrees -- no access to clean water
Tuberculosis - lunger - lungs collapse - smoking
Yellow fever - 35 under -- humid -- rainforest
Diarrhea and Influenza - loose fluids in body - no clean water - no IV - children

Epidemiologic transition stage

★ Stage 1 Pestilence and famine
★ Death by animal attacks
★ Accidents
★ Infectious = quick and parasitic diseases
★ Death all the time

★ Epidemic = outbreak
★ Endemic = disease exists permanently
★ Pandemic = epidemic diffuses around world

★ Stage 2 receding pandemics

★ Improved sanitation
★ Improved nutrition
★ Improved medicine

★ Stage 3
★ Degenerative diseases
★ Human created
★ Heart attack -- stress
★ Cancer

★ Stage 4
★ Delayed degenerative disease
★ Still have stage 3 disease -- cures
★ Reduced use of tobacco, alcohol, better diet, exercise.

★ Stage 5
★ New strains of viruses
★ Bacteria resistance
★ Poverty prevents paying for medicine
★ Improved travel - contagious diffusion
★ SAR - origin ASIA attacks skin and immune system

-⅔ pop in 4 regions -- E.ASIA (Japan, Taiwan, Koreas, E. CHINA
China = large pop on East coast… still have rural places
Japan and Korea = live in cities
S. Asia -- pakistan india, bangladesh, sri lanka (most live in rural areas
India = 2nd most populous
Europe (E&W) most live in urban
S>EAST Asia Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines most live in rural

★ Health Care- women usually have the baby at home in underdeveloped countries
and due to germs baby and women get infections and die
★ Countries with
● low development, low education, low gender empowerment= higher infant
mortality rate
● Health care, cultural traditions favoring fertility and no public policy limiting
pop growth= low infant mortality rate
★ LDC’s
● Sub-Sahara Africa, parts of Middle East

★ Doubling time:
● 70/ NIR
● Shows number of years until population doubles
● Small number bad news, big number good news

● DTN= Deve
● Stage 1
- Pre-Agricultural
- Time Period- Prehistory (Pre-Modern)
-Subsistence farming and hunting and gathering
- High Birth and Death Levels
-High death b/c of climate, warfare, disease and ecological factors
- No countries are stage one

● Stage Two
- Agriculture
-For trade purposes more than subsistence
-CDR goes down
-NIR is high because there are more kids and not enough people
are dying
-CBR high like stage one
-High population

- Europe and US entered stage two in 1800

- Asia, Africa and LA gor pushed forcefully into stage two because of
medical revolution until 1950
- Bill Gates: Goal- Bring down disease, not helping enough, need more food

★ Stage three
● Industrialized or manufacturing based countries
● CBR is low
● CDR continues to fall but is at a lower rate than CBR
● NIR is modest
● CDR falls in stage 3 bc of changes in
● China entered in early 1980s bc of one child policy
● Stage 4
● Service based ( finance, insurance real estate)
● Urbanized
● CBR=CDR - people aren't dying too fast and people aren't being born too
● NIR approaches zero
● TFR of 2.1 produces zero population growth
● High dependency ratio ( under 14 yrs old and over 65 ys old)
● Women live longer than men
● Europe and USA
● Social customs account for stage 4
❏ Women work
❏ Birth control
❏ $ for leisure
● Russia and EE- NIR is low
★ Stage Five
● If CDR is higher than CBR- irreversible population decline
● Even if couples have one child they aren't replacing themselves so the
population declines
● If a country stays in stage five without immigration, it will eventually cease
to exist (Japan)
★ Generalities
● No country in stage one
● Most countries in stages 2 and 3
● Model has two big breaks with the pass
❏ First break= sudden drop in death rate
★ US Population Pyramid

★ Dependency Ratio

★ The Demographic Transition Model

★ Overpopulation implies a breach of an area's carrying capacity
○ LDCs have to provide jobs, the government has to change
○ Cannot change government unless people are educated
○ Over consumption of resources
○ MCDs blame LCDs- have too many babies
★ Demographic Momentum
○ The tendency for population growth to continue despite strict family
planning because of young population in child bearing years
■ Asia and LA 33% of population under 15
■ Africa 40% of population under 15
★ Diffusion
○ Dispersal of ideas
○ Spread of ideas, disease, technology, anything can spread
○ Hearth= where something originated
■ Moves faster because of space time conversion

★ Types
○ Relocation
■ spread bc people move
○ Expansion
■ Snowball process starts small but gets bigger and bigger
- a) hierarchical diff : top down process rich to poor stars to no famous LDC to
NDC one exception -- rap and R&B !! poor to rich (influencer)
- b)contagious : disease - doesn’t care who you are -- gender, age, no racism
- c) stimulus : spread of underlying -- Apple and Microsph take little things from
one another … Mcdonalds -- what’s in sandwich
- Religion can be 1 & 2
- Contagious vs hierarchal

Malaria -- below 35 degrees -- no access to clean water
Tuberculosis - lunger - lungs collapse - smoking
Yellow fever - 35 under -- humid -- rainforest
Diarrhea and Influenza - loose fluids in body - no clean water - no IV - children

Epidemiologic transition stage

★ Stage 1 Pestilence and famine
○ Death by animal attacks
○ Accidents
○ Infectious
■ Quick and parasitic diseases
○ Death all the time

★ Epidemic
○ outbreak
★ Endemic
○ disease exists permanently
★ Pandemic
○ epidemic diffuses around world

★ Stage 2
○ Receding pandemics
■ Improved sanitation
■ Improved nutrition
■ Improved medicine

★ Stage 3
○ Degenerative diseases
○ Human created
○ Heart attack
■ Stress
○ Cancer

★ Stage 4
○ Delayed degenerative disease
○ Still have stage 3 disease
■ Cures
○ Reduced use of tobacco, alcohol, better diet, exercise.

★ Stage 5
○ New strains of viruses
○ Bacteria resistance
○ Poverty prevents paying for medicine
○ Improved travel
■ Contagious diffusion
○ Origin ASIA
○ Attacks skin and immune system
○ Smallpox

-⅔ pop in 4 regions -- E.ASIA (Japan, Taiwan, Koreas, E. CHINA
China = large pop on East coast… still have rural places
Japan and Korea = live in cities
S. Asia -- pakistan india, bangladesh, sri lanka (most live in rural areas
India = 2nd most populous
Europe (E&W) most live in urban
S>EAST Asia Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines most live in rural

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