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Name: Michelle ASHQUI

DATE: MONday-MAY 31st 2021

LEVEL: A2 7-9 AM
What’s the book about?

Talk about the picture on the front of this book.

1. How old is the girl?

She is 11 years old.

2. Where is she?

She is waiting at the train station.

3. What is she waiting for?

She is waiting to be picked up from the station.

4. Why is nobody with her?

She is alone because she is an orphan and Mrs. Spencer would leave her on the train.

5. What is she thinking?

She thought if she could sleep in a big tree that night.

6. What is she feeling?

She felt sad because she thought they were going to love her in her new home, and it was
not like that.

1.2 What happens first?

Look at the name of chapter 1 and the sentences in italics on page 1.

Then look at the picture in chapter 1 and the words at the bottom of the pages. Circle the best

1. Avolea is in ..
 The United States
 Canada
 Mexico
2. The time is ....
 The 1700s
 The 1800s
 The 1900s
3. The girl and the man go to the house...
 by train
 by car
 by horse and buggy
4. The girl is about ...
 Eleven
 Fourteen
 Nineteen
5. The man is ..
 the girl's father.
 the girl's uncle
 a stranger
6. On the way to the house, the girl is...
 Happy
 surprised
 sad
7. The man is.
 Happy
 surprised
 sad

8. At the end of the chapter, the man and the woman are...

 Happy
 excited
 sad

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