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Visiting a pharmacy

Pharmacist: Good morning, welcome to our pharmacy, how can I help you?

Elderly person: thanks, I have a new prescription, but I do not understand the instructions

Pharmacist: Ok, I am going to help you, show me the prescription please

Elderly person: here it is

Pharmacist: So, you must take two pills, twice a day

Elderly person: Ok, how often do I take these?

Pharmacist: each 12 hours sir. Consider that the pills may make you drowsy.

Elderly person: It is good to know it, anything else to consider?

Pharmacist: Yes, be sure to take these on a full stomach

Elderly person: that is very important too, thank you so much!

Pharmacist: You are very welcome, if you have any questions, please give us a call.

Elderly person: OK, thanks, have a nice day.

Pharmacist: You too! Bye bye.

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