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You are a journalist writing for a student newspaper. The editor has sent you on assignment to write a newspaper
feature article about a fellow student (= a portrait of a fellow student). Make the interview and article interesting.
 Every article will be posted on your class’s Moodle space and be read by all the students who participated in
the activity.
 You will also orally present an aspect of your portrait as your oral evaluation for the semester.

Prepare your questions (choose from the list of questions below and complete it with your own questions). Take
detailed notes during your interview.

Possible questions:
Where are you from?
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
How old are they?
Do you have any pets?
Where do you live? Do you have a roommate? Do you live alone?
Do you walk to get to university?
What countries have you visited?
Do you have any foreign friends?
What languages do you speak?
What are your hobbies?
Do you like to cook?
What is the last book you have read? The last concert you have been to?
What sports do you play?
What kind of music do you like? Dislike?
Do you play a musical instrument?
Do you watch any TV series in English?
What do you do on Sundays?
Why are you studying biology/economics/psychology?
Would you like to be an Erasmus student in L3? Where and why?
What summer jobs have you had?
What do you want to do after you graduate?
Have you ever done anything unusual or dangerous? Why?
Do you have any dreams? Who do you admire? Who would you like to meet? Who are your heroes?

Other questions:

L1 Psychologie UE3-1 Anglais S1 2020 3

2. 1 FIRST VERSION of your article - to bring to class 4 (week of Monday 4 November)
 Write in the article in the 3rd person (he/she/they).
 Your article should be double-spaced with 4 cm margins for easier annotation and correction. Reread your
article to correct mistakes. Use spell check in English to help correct your text.
 Proofread your classmate’s article and your classmate (partner) will also proofread yours. You should
each underline problems in the text for each other to correct. You will both also complete the peer editing
form (class 4 - available on Moodle).
 Be sure to write in your own words to avoid the possibility of plagiarism (using the words or ideas of someone
else). Your text will automatically be scanned for plagiarism upon submission.

2.2 FINAL VERSION of your article.

 Be creative!
 Have a headline that will draw readers’ interest.
 Include pictures.
 Make sure the style of your text (font, background...) matches your classmate's personality.
 Your article should fit on one page (approx. 200 words).

→ You will submit a printed version of your article to your teacher class 7 (weeks of December 7 or 14
depending on your group) and post it on your class’s Moodle page.

Here are a few websites that might inspire you….

- British council writing skills:

- How to write a Profile Feature Article

- Writing Your Rough Draft Of Interview With A Classmate (tips)


You will be presenting part of your portrait of a classmate in class 7 (exact date depending on your group) as your oral
evaluation this semester.
 You will be asked to speak about one aspect of the profile (chosen randomly by the teacher) for the oral
(e.g. describe two interesting things you learned about your partner).
 Your evaluation will be done in front of your teacher with your partner and another pair of students (groups
of 4) and will last +/- 10 minutes.
 You will ask at least one question to the other pair (about the person and/or how you went about creating the

NB. Don’t simply read your profile article.

L1 Psychologie UE3-1 Anglais S1 2020 4

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