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Question 1

The first skill is growth mindset. When I growth mindset, I will know how to apply my

knowledge, skills and experience to my work to bring the best results.

The next skill is teamwork, thanks to the group's interactive activities, I both develop

knowledge, practice individual skills and contribute to activities that bring many values to the

collective and community.

The last is critical thinking. The important thing about critical thinking is that it helps me

classify what is correct and what is not, and gives you a solid, practical foundation for

problem solving or handling.

Question 2

I can practiced those skill in LUK by regular group activities with everyone by actively

speaking out or refuting the other's opinions will help you develop teamwork and increase

critical thinking. Read a lot of news and write news every day to help you improve the

thinking and knowledge that apply to life and become a global citizen.

Question 3

The most meaningful lesson I have learned in LUK is presentation skills. Presentation helps

me develop skills in teamwork, searching for information to develop thinking. Standing up

and speaking in front of everyone gave me the confidence to show off the skills I've learned

in LUK

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