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Penerapan Benchmarking dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Institut Agama Islam di Indonesia

Asep Kurniawan Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Syekh Nurjati Cirebon


Keywords: Education Benchmarking, Islamic Institute, Performance Improvement


Benchmarking encourages an institution to look deep into the process of similar competitors, and is
proven to provide better results. But, this strategy is often forgotten. The purpose of this study is to
uncover the application of benchmarking in improving performance at Islamic State Institute Sheikh
Nurjati and Islamic Institute Bunga Bangsa, Cirebon, West Java. This research is a multi-case studi with
qualitative approach. Data were collected by participant-observation, documentation-studi, and in-
depth interviews. Analysis techniques were conducted through collecting data, reducing data, displaying
data and concluding data. The results showed that benchmarking at Islamic State Institute Sheikh Nurjati
and Islamic Institute Bunga Bangsa, Cirebon was sufficient to provide results in improving the
performance of good institutions. Benchmarking plans were formulated through comprehensive
planning and team building. Benchmarking implementation was formulated by selecting and adapting
the results of benchmarking and taking into account the conditions of the institution. Benchmarking
control in improving performance at both institutes is carried out through good communication
between leaders, subordinates, and all education stakeholders.


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