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 MARIN MAMANI, Juangrovert. 2018114670
 CUENTAS MAMANI, Nathaly Milagros. 2018114767
 FLORES FLORES, Ronald. 2018117346
 NAVARRO ALVAREZ, Amparo Cecilia. 2018114581
 ROMERO FERNANDEZ, Luis Miguel. 2018114520





A mi familia porque siempre están conmigo en

las malas y las buenas me inspiraron para
hacer de la mejor forma posible presente


1. ABANDONED: family law. Minor who is deprived of food, care or sufficient education,
in a way that may compromise his physical or psychological health. Example: Maria was
abandoned by her alcoholic father.
2. ABANDONMENT OF APPEAL: When the appeal is filed by both parts of the process,
abandonment can be made by one of them and the process will continue according to
the interest of the other party. Example: Juan abandons the judicial appeal.
3. ABANDONMENT OF INSTANCE: Withdrawal of one of the parties or both, of the
procedural actions in a trial, which assist it as a certain possibility. Example: Luis
abandoned the process.
4. ABANDONMENT OF MOVABLE PROPERTY: abandonment of a thing of this nature,
by virtue of which it passes to be considered as most good. Example: Luis abandoned
his car.
HOME) Voluntary departure from home by husband or wife, neglecting obligations that
correspond to them in relation to it. // Action of one of the spouses who contravenes the
duty of cohabitation derived from marriage. Example: Luis left his married home.
6. ABANDONMENT: procedural law. The actor is in a position to abandon the process,
either by his own determination or due to deadlines. Example: Juan abandoned the
process, because the deadline for submitting evidence was exceeded.
7. ABANDONMENT: stock market law. It is said when an operation in the stock market is
not settled and the affected party of the contract chooses to abandon it, renouncing its
fulfillment. Example: Juan renounces the purchase of shares.
8. ABDICATED: general theory of law. Cede or renounce the sovereignty of a people or
hierarchies. Example: The President resigned from governing the Peruvian people.
9. ABDICATION: Act by which a person declares that he renounces the function with which
he is invested. Example: The abdication of the vowel was timely to avoid
10. ABIGEATO: Criminal law: Crime consisting of the theft of livestock. Example: They
stole the entire herd of cows.
11. ABIGEO: Criminal law. Individual who commits the crime of cattle theft, cattle thief.
Example: Luis stole the entire herd of cows.
12. ABINTESTATO: Civil Law. Judgment made to distribute the property of the person who
dies without leaving a will or with a null will, without indicating an heir or if he dies before
the testator or resignation. Example: Luis's father died without leaving the inheritance.
13. ABOCAR: Meet by mutual agreement with two or more people to discuss a legal
business. Example: Juan and Maria sign a commercial agreement.
14. ABOLISH: Delete, withdraw, annul or withdraw a law. Example: article 354 of the penal
code was abolished.
15. ABORT: naturally interrupt or cause the development of the fetus during pregnancy.
Example: Maria aborted the fetus due to complications.
16. ABROGATION: General theory of law. Delete, cancel, delete, withdraw, cancel and
revoke. Void a legal provision. Example: the civil code of 1936 was repealed.
17. ABSENT: Civil law. Who is not in the place of his habitual residence passing the legally
2-year term to configure the presumption of absence and whose whereabouts are
unknown. Example: Luis was declared absent.
18. ABSENTEEISM: Labor law. Lack of attendance habitually practiced. Example: The
workers of the MINSUR company are not going to work.
19. ABSOLUTELY ABLE: Civil law. He is the subject of the law who has the authority to
exercise and practice all legal acts. Example: Pedro is 18 years old and can now carry
out legal acts.
20. ABSOLUTION: General theory of law: action or effect of absolution. Judgment that
ends the process, declaring the defendant free of the lawsuit or complaint. Example:
Juan was acquitted of the complaint.
21. ABSTENTION: Action and effect of abstaining, or voluntarily depriving yourself of a thing
or carrying out an activity. Example: Pedro abstained from testifying in the oral trial.
22. ABSTENTION: Procedural law. It is the obligation that a judge or magistrate has by his
own initiative to inhibit himself in the knowledge of a litigation to understand that he lacks
impartiality to judge. Example: The judge abstained from the process.
23. ABUSE OF AUTHORITY: Criminal law. Crimes committed by public officials. Example:
The police officer hit the detainee.
24. ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE: Criminal law. Fraud crime forms consisting of using the
facilities provided by a person to cause damage or damage to their property. Example:
Maria swindles Juan, stating that if he gives money, she will return double.
25. ABUSE OF POWER: Administrative law. Action of any public servant exceeding the
limits that the legal order sets for the exercise of the public function under his charge.
Example: The mayor orders the police to take care of their home.
26. ABUSE: General theory of law. Illegal consisting of exercising a faculty, power, right
beyond what is morally or legally permitted, also taking advantage of a situation or object
for the same purpose. Example: The MINSUR company invaded the lands of others.
27. ACADEMIC DEGREE: Administrative law. University level that is achieved as honor
and evidence of mastery in a field of knowledge and qualifies for academic practice.
Example: The lawyer Juan has the degree of Doctor of Law.
28. ACCEPTANCE: cartular law. Bill of exchange with promise of payment made by the
issuer of the bill of exchange and which, in general, is indicated by the inscription on the
back of the document with the word "I ACCEPT". Example: Juan accepts a bill of
exchange from Pedro.
29. ACCESS TO HEALTH: health right. For the national statistical system, it is defined as
the proportion of the population that can access adequate local health services.
Examples: We all have the right to access quality health care.
30. ACCESSORY GOODS: Civil law. Those who need a main asset to have utility.
Example: The lining of a book.
31. ACCESSORY: Civil law. Accessories are goods that, without losing their individuality,
are permanently affected for an economic or ornamental purpose with respect to another
good. Example: Car accessories such as a spare tire.
32. ACCESSORY: Criminal Law. In criminal law, accessory crimes are those carried out for
the execution of another or others, what the criminal intended to actually develop;
Example: such as breaking the door or window to commit theft, etc.
33. ACCIDENT: In law is the circumstance that produces damage or mishap. If it occurs due
to unpredictable events, it is called a fortuitous event or force majeure. If it is otherwise a
consequence of carelessness, fault or non-observance of the law, it creates civil liability
for compensation for damages, including criminal penalties. Example: Luis ran over a
34. ACCIDENTAL CLAUSE. - This is the clause that is not usually essence in the contract
or start from the nature of it and that they agree the contracting parties that are part of it,
as secondary, as well such as posting after a sale is priced, for example, the place or the
way in which it is to be effective.
35. ACCOMMODATION: Civil Law. In general terms it means accommodation, which can
be free or expensive. Example: Juan made a lodging contract with Lucia.
36. ACCOMPLICE: Any person who collaborates in the realization of a crime. Examples:
Luis is complicit in the robbery with Carlos.
37. ACCOUNTING: Commercial law. It constitutes the set of standards and technical
principles used to keep accounts and records of income and expenses. Example: Luis
studied accounting.
38. ACCREDITES: Procedural Law. In the forensic environment, it means "giving credit to
a person's saying" and its procedural acceptance is equivalent to "proving". Example:
Juan credits his neighbor as a criminal.
39. ACCUSATION: Criminal procedural law. Action and effect of blaming someone for a
punishable act to impose the correct punishment. Example: Luis accuses Pedro of
stealing from him.
40. ACCUSE OF REBELLION: Civil procedural law. Procedural act by which one of the
parties to the process requests the judge to apply the law without listening to the other
party. Example: Luis was declared in rebellion for not going before the judge.
41. ACCUSER: Judicial Law. The one that promotes the jurisdictional action in crimes, with
representation of the public ministry. Example: Jorge accuses his neighbor of family
42. ACQUIRE: Obtain ownership of a thing. Example: Juan acquires a house.
43. ACT OF GOD: Civil Law. An event that cannot be foreseen and, therefore, inevitable.
Example: An earthquake is a fortuitous event.
44. ACT: general theory of law. Legally, it means any manifestation of will that has a legal
effect as its purpose. Example: A sales contract.
45. ACTION OF HABEAS DATA: Constitutional law. The action of habeas data is one of
the constitutional guarantees, which proceeds against the fact or omission, by any
authority, official or person. Example: A person who has never had a debt is incorrectly
listed on a credit bureau as a debtor. So he files a habeas data with the institution in
order to have his name removed.
46. ACTION OF UNCONSTITUTIONALITY: Constitutional law. It is one of the
constitutional guarantees provided for in the constitution, which proceeds against the
norms that have the rank of law: laws, legislative decrees, emergency decrees, treaties,
regulations of Congress, etc., that contravene the constitution in the form or in the
background. Example: Unconstitutional action against the law that prohibits state
advertising in the media.
47. ACTION REQUEST INHERITANCE. Civil law: This action is regulated by article 664 of
the current civil code, and it is the action that the law grants to the heir who is not in
possession of the assets that belong to him to assert his title and enter into their
possession. Examples: Juan found out that they left him a house as an inheritance.
48. ACTION: Procedural law. It is when a natural or legal subject resorts to the state to
request that it perform the jurisdictional function. Example: Juan initiated the action for a
claim for nullity of a legal act.
49. ACTIVE SOLIDARITY: civil law. When in the obligatory relationship there is a plurality
of creditors and any one of them can receive payment on behalf of all, disobliging the
debtor party. Example Only after the repression did he call for active solidarity with the
struggle in Lima.
50. ACTIVE SUBJECT: Criminal law. He who acts or has control of criminal circumstances.
Example: Mario is the active subject of the crime of robbery.
51. ACTIVE SUBJECT: In civil law, it is the creditor. Example: Juan is Luis's creditor.
52. ACTOR: Procedural law. He who has the initiative to initiate a process or procedure.
Example: Juan is the plaintiff in the process.
53. ADHESION CONTRACT. - They are the contracts in which, in advance and essential
clauses are established; without the counterpart having the opportunity to discuss its
content. Unit prices and other conditions of the contract, are unilaterally established by
the supplying company. Example: A bank contract.
54. ADMINISTER JUSTICE: Activity of the organs of the jurisdiction destined to the
application of theright through the process. Example: The state has a duty to administer
55. ADMINISTRATION OF HEREDITARY FLOW: Civil law: It is constituted when a person
dies and there is no evidence of the existence of a will, or of ancestors, descendants or
spouse of the deceased. Example: Juan will administer the land of his deceased uncle.
56. ADMINISTRATIVE ACT: Administrative Law. It is the unilateral legal act of the
administration, consisting of an administrative declaration. Example: The municipality
granted an operating license.
57. ADMINISTRATIVE ADVICE ACTION: Administrative procedural law. Right that every
person has to appeal to the jurisdictional body to request that it declare or pronounce
itself, by means of a judicial resolution. Example. Juan goes to court to see his
administrative case.
58. ADMINISTRATIVE CALL: Administrative law. Announcement or writing by means of
which it is summoned. Example: the municipality of the city of Juliaca called a public
competition for managers.
59. ADMINISTRATIVE CAREER: Administrative law. It is the set of principles, norms and
processes that regulate the entrance, the rights and duties that correspond to the
servers. Example: Contest to choose the new manager.
60. ADMINISTRATIVE CONCENTRATION: Administrative law. Process tending to bring
together in a geographical area the management activity of the public administration.
Example: Sunedu is concentrated in Lima.
61. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: Administrative law. It is that part of public law that
determines the organization and behavior of the direct or indirect administration of the
state. Example: Administrators have the right to receive administrative acts.
62. ADMINISTRATIVE ROUTE: Procedure followed in the administrative jurisdiction.
Example: Juan processes his DNI in the administrative route of the RENIEC.
63. ADMISSION: Admission is understood, in public international law, the decision of a
international organization, which accepts a State as a new member. Example: Peru was
admitted to OTAN.
64. ADOLESCENCE: Family law. Period that passes in the human being from the
beginning of puberty until the somatic maturity arrives. Example: Luis is a 16-year-old
65. ADOPTER. - Person who adopts. Example: Luis is an adopter.
66. ADOPTION: Civil law. Procedure that legally establishes the paternal, maternal
relationship between people who do not have it biologically. Example: Luis is an adopted
67. ADULTERATION: Change in the substance of a thing to modify its essence, being able
to derive said event to the detriment of third parties. Example: The INKAFARMA
company adulterated its medicines.
68. ADULTERY: Civil law. It is synonymous with a child born from a criminal or prohibited
marriage. Example: Luis had an extramarital son with Lucia.
69. ADVISE: Advise, elucidate legally. Example: My lawyer advises me.
70. AFFINITY: Civil law. An imperative legal bond between the relatives of one of the
spouses and the other spouse. Example: my sister-in-law is called Maria.
71. AFTER DEATH: Loc. Lat. Which means: "After death. Example: with post Morten the
obligations end.
72. AGE OF MAJORITY: Constitutional Law. Required age established by law to acquire
full capacity. In Peru, the age of majority is acquired at the age of 18, together with the
rights of the citizens. Example: Luis is 18 years old and is of legal age.
73. AGGRAVATED ROBBERY: When illegitimate seizure, is aggravated by the
consequences they produce. Eg. Death of the victim, injuries to the victim, etc. Or when
it is carried out with a weapon, in a gang or in a deserted area, thereby aggravating the
penalty of such robberies. Example: Luis committed the crime of aggravated robbery.
74. AGGRAVATED THEFT: When illegitimate seizure is aggravated by the consequences it
produces. e.g. death of the victim, injury to the aggrieved party, etc. Or when it is carried
out with a weapon, in a gang or in a deserted area, thus aggravating the penalty for such
robberies. Example: He now awaits trial on charges of 'aggravated theft'.
75. AGGRAVATING: Criminal law. Any circumstance concurrent in the commission of a
crime that must necessarily influence the scope of the judge, to apply a sanction greater
than that established by law. Example: Luis stabbed his wife and cut her in parts.
76. AGGRESSION: Violently attacking someone. Example: Luis denounces Carlos for
assaulting him with a stick.
77. AGGRESSOR: Who commits an aggression. It is said of the person who violates or
violates the right of another. Example: The aggressor was sentenced to five years in
78. AGREEMENT: Procedural Law. Resolution adopted by a court in matters within its
competence. Examples: A judgment of the Supreme Court of Civil Justice.
79. AIR GUIDE: Customs law. It is the document that protects a shipment that is
transported by air, and is known more by its name in English. AIRWAY BILL. Example:
Luis received his air guide of the product that he sent to Spain.
80. ALCABALA: Tax law. Old-time tribute that especially taxes purchase and sale
operations. Example: the tax for the transfer of a house.
81. ALCOHOLISM: Criminal law. In criminal law it constitutes a mitigating circumstance or
exemption from liability. Example: Luis was acquitted for being drunk at the time of the
violence against Mario.
82. ALLEGED DEATH. civil law. the judicially declared when ten years have elapsed since
the last news of the disappeared, or five, if he was over eighty years old to pass two
years if the disappearance occurred in circumstances of danger of death and when it is
certain of death without the body being found or recognized. Example: Luis who was
declared dead, his children go to the position of legal heirs.
83. ALLUVIUM: Family law. Increase in the surface extent of a riparian property due to the
dragging of the water current. Example: My land gained extension due to landslide
84. AMENDMENT: Political law. In political and constitutional law, any modification of a
draft law that is being discussed in the legislative assembly, at the proposal of the
government or a member of the assembly. Example: The Congress of the Republic
proposed an amendment.
85. AMNESTY: Criminal law. Form of extinction of criminal law action. Example: Congress
gave Amnesty to an inmate.
86. ANALOGY: General Theory of law. Method of legal interpretation by which a legal
norm is applied to situations not included in it, but similar and that are not regulated or
are poorly regulated. Example: The judge found a legal void for a civil sentence, so he
will resort to an administrative rule.
87. ANALYSIS OF EVIDENCE: Methodology consisting of examining the importance and
value of any indication or evidence in a criminal act. Example: The judge performed an
analysis of the evidence.
88. ANNEXATION: International law. The appropriation of the territory or part of the
territory of another state. Example: Russia annexed to Crimea.
89. ANOMY: Lack of law, without norm, void of law. Example: the customs of a people.
90. ANSWER TO THE DEMAND: Civil procedural law. It consists of the act of the
defendant to rule on the claim of the actor. Example: Luis answered the demand to
91. ANTAGONISM: Enemy, conflict of interest. Example: Mario sues Luis for usurping his
92. ANTICHRESIS: Civil law. Real right by virtue of which the debtor delivers a property to
his creditor in guarantee of a monetary loan, granting the creditor the power to exploit it
and receive its benefits. Example: Mario gave Pedro his land in antichresis in exchange
for 30,000 soles for two years.
93. ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL: Constitutional law. Act contrary to the constitution.
Example: The Mulder law is unconstitutional.
94. ANTISOCIAL CONDUCT: Family law. Proceed individually in opposition to the rules
that govern social coexistence. Example: Luis stole his neighbor.
95. APPEAL: Procedural law. Appeal that is filed against a resolution. Examples: Luis will
appeal his sentence.
96. APPLICATION OF THE LAW: It is the submission of a specific case to the
corresponding law. Example: The crime of homicide is established in the penal code.
97. APPRAISAL: Procedural Law. Evaluation, modification of the value or price of a certain
property. It guides the judge as to the patrimonial damage. Example The Commission
has analysed the valuation and considers it to be correct.
98. APPROACH: Criminal law. The approach is tailored to piracy offenses, characterized by
bringing one ship closer to another with the intention of catching it or taking over
everything. Example: The Peruvian ship was boarded by Somali pirates.
99. APPROPRIATION: Civil law. Way of acquiring the property of other people's things or
of nobody by unilateral manifestation of will of the acquirer taking them for if as if it were
the owner. Example: Luis appropriates Carlos's car.
100. APPROVAL: Procedural law. In the procedural aspect, to approve means the action of
the parties to give arbitration firmness; or to manifest the confirmation made by a court
judge of certain acts or agreements previously agreed upon by the parties. Example:
Homologate of the agreements adopted by the family council.
101. ARBITRARITY: General theory of law. Run over, overreach. Act or proceed contrary to
justice. Example. The judge was not partial in the case.
102. ARBITRATION: Procedural law. The referral of a dispute by one or more impartial
persons for a final determination. Example: Juan is the referee of Carlos's situation with
103. ARCHIVING: Procedural law. The judicial resolution that determines the material
completion of a file or case, and in its criminal matter means the end of the action,
definitive or provisional. Example: the case was closed.
104. ARGUMENT: Reasoning that is used to prove or demonstrate a proposition, or to
convince another of what is stated or denied. Example: The attorney argued at the
105. ARMISTICE: Public international law. Agreement in two belligerents for the cessation
of hostilities. Example: Peru and Chile sign an armistice,
106. ARRAS: Civil law. Sign to formalize a contract later, especially the sales contract.
Example. A contract with ARRAS.
107. ARREBATO: Criminal law. Synonym of violent emotion that coincides as violent
emotion in the commission of crimes. Example: Luis snatched Carla's wallet.
108. ARREST: Criminal Law. Provisional arrest of someone. Examples: Luis is arrested by
the police.
109. ARTICLE: They are each one of the numerals of a law or regulation. Example: Article 56
of the civil code.
110. ASCENDANT: Ancestor, predecessor, ancestor. Person joined to another by kinship.
Example: My grandfather is an ancestor of my father.
111. ASCENDING LINE. - The series of degrees or generations that link the trunk with his
father, grandfather and other ancestors. Example: My father is the upline.
112. ASSEMBLING ASSETS: Crime consisting of transmitting the assets fictitiously so that
the creditors cannot collect their debt. Example: Luis made a list of goods
113. ASSENT: Voluntary declaration that expresses consent to perform an act or contract.
Example: Juan grants his assent for a contract.
114. ASSESSMENT OF COSTS: Economic valuation of expenses incurred in a lawsuit by the
clerk of the court. An example of a cost appraisal is initiated by a request to the court at
the request of the litigant who has won the case.
115. ASSETS: Commercial law. Set of appreciable assets or rights in money that are part of
an estate. Example: a batch of imported cars.
116. ASSIGNMENT: Civil law. Legal or administrative act by which the title of goods or
rights, transfers these to another person freely and voluntarily. Example: Juan gave
Pedro his house on assignment.
117. ASSIGNMENT: Labor law. Additional benefits for the worker. Example: The worker will
have his family allowance.
118. ASSOCIATION: Legal union of several people to obtain a common goal. Example:
Association of workers.
119. ASYLUM: Constitutional law. It is the right of asylum that a state has to give that
protection by virtue of its own sovereignty. Example: Luis is asylee in Spain.
120. ATTACHMENTS: copy of ID, documents to start the process, proof of representation,
proof of heir, spouse, others; all the evidentiary means, copy of the conciliation
document. Example: The lawsuit has annexes.
121. ATTENUATING: Criminal law. This is the name of the circumstance that occurs in the
composition or structure of a crime, in a specific case, subtracting, modifying, helping to
eliminate criminal liability. Example: Luis's crime was mitigated.
122. ATTORNEY: Judicial Law. He is the one dedicated to defending a trial for the interests
of the litigants. Example: I am a lawyer.
123. ATYPICAL FACT: Fact that is not regulated in the Penal Code and, therefore, outside it
based on the principle of criminality. Example: The strange act that the accused had
committed was considered as an atypical fact, and he could not be condemned.
124. AUCTIONEER: Who organizes auction or adjudication of goods or services to the best
bidder. Example: The judiciary has its auctioneer.
125. AUDIENCE: Procedural law. The hearing is the oral, public and solemn procedural act.
Example: The hearing will be in August.
126. AUDIT: Administrative law. It is the objective and systematic examination of the
financial and administrative operations of an entity. Example: The audit will be in March.
127. AUTHENTICATE: Notary law. Give authenticity to an instrument by a legally authorized
public official. Example: Legalize my signature at the notary.
128. AUTHOR: Criminal law. It is used to identify the active subject of a crime. Example: The
author of the crime was Luis.
129. AUTHORITY: The person who exercises one person over others. Example: The judge is
the highest authority in a process.
130. AUTHORIZATION: Faculty or consent that we give to a person who cannot act in his
name or ours. Example: Authorization to be a procedural representative.
131. AUTHORIZED AGENCY. - Commercial company dedicated to providing and
commercialize all the services related to the vehicles of an assembly company.
Example: TOYOTA's automotive agency.
132. AUTO: Procedural law. Judicial resolution that mediates between the decree and
sentence. Example: Procedural cleanup order.
133. AUTONOMOUS STATE INSTITUTIONS: Constitutional law. Those that exist by
mandate of the constitution, a set of autonomous public institutions that are not attached
to the organs of the executive power. Example: The BCR is an autonomous institution.
134. AUTONOMY OF THE WILL: It is the free will of all individuals who have the ability to
regulate their rights and contract obligations. Example: I have autonomy of the will to
create my company.
135. AUTONOMY: Political law. It is the state and condition of the people that governs itself.
Example: The country of Peru has autonomy.
136. AUTOPSY: Legal Medicine. Examination of a corpse to specify the causes that
determine its death. Example: an autopsy was performed on the body of yesterday's
137. AUXILIARY: Procedural law. Assistant collaborator, performing functions of
jurisdictional collaboration or judicial assistance. Examples: The court clerk is the
assistant to the judge.
138. BACKGROUND: Action in relation to a lawsuit, non-contentious procedures or legal
matters. Example: Luis had already sued Pedro in 2010.
139. BALLISTICS: Science that studies projectiles. Example: The ballistics expert claimed
that it came from a long-range weapon.
140. BAND: Criminal law. Association of two or more people for criminal purposes. Example:
The gang the bloody moles were arrested.
141. BANK GUARANTEE: Document issued by the bank that establishes the support for a
certain amount to the bidder to tender or contest. Example: Your bank guarantee is
about to expire; you must renew it as soon as possible.
142. BANK: Banking law. Institution that carries out banking operations, that is, it is a
borrower and credit lender. Example: The BBVA financial institution.
143. BANKING: Banking Law. This term refers to the activity carried out by commercial and
development banks in their different modalities. Example: BCP's mobile banking.
144. BARTER: Change of ownership of one property for the ownership of another. Primitive
form of trade, when currency does not yet exist. (See: Barter) Example: How the barter
system will replace financial structures.
145. BARTER: exchange of property of one property for property of another. Primitive form of
trade, when the currency did not yet exist. Example: Juan exchanges with Pedro a
house for a modern car.
146. BASSIST: Stock Market Law. Position in the stock market, of an interventionist who
foresees a decrease in the exchange rate of all or part of the transferable securities.
Example: A drop in share prices on the stock exchange was forecast.
147. BELIGERANTS: Public international law. That he is at war with another. Example:
Both states are in a belligerent situation.
148. BENEFICIENCY: Institution of social charity, aimed at providing comfort, assistance and
well-being to those in need. Examples: Luis will donate his house to charity.
149. BENEFIT: Object or content of the obligation, it is the behavior that the debtor must have
consisting of a giving, a doing or a not doing / Say of the object of an obligation.
Example: the contract of performance is a legal duty.
150. BET: Random contract, Example: Luis bets on the cards.
151. BICAMERAL: Constitutional law. It is the parliamentary system based on the duality of
cameras. Example: Peru had a bicameral congress.
152. BIDDER: Civil Law. In contractual matters, who makes an offer, that is, the one who
invites to enter into a contract. Example: Juan is the offeror of the contract.
153. BIDDER: Person who puts or offers a price to something that is sold or leased at auction
judicial. Example: Juan won the judicial auction.
154. BIGAMY: Criminal law. It is the fact of contracting a second marriage without dissolving
the previous one. Example: Luis is BIGAMY.
155. BILATERAL: Civil law. This is called the reciprocity that defines the obligations and
rights of two parties involved in a contract. Example: A contract of sale is bilateral.
156. BLASPHEMY: Serious attack, in word, against good customs, religion or the church,
whose purpose is to provoke hatred or contempt against them. Example: Luis
blasphemed against people.
157. BODY REMOVAL: Criminal Procedural Law. Diligence carried out by the medical
lawyer, with the assistance of the judge, in which a record is drawn up at the place
where the body was found, in order to describe the position of the body and write down
all the information that would help to clarify the fact. Example: The prosecutor ordered
the removal of the body.
158. BONUS: Labor law. It is any payment that increases the salary on the basic
remuneration. Examples: They gave bonuses for national holidays.
159. BORDER ZONE: Part of the territory of a State located on its borders with another.
Example: The border area of Puno and Bolivia is the city of DESAGUADERO.
160. BOYCOTT: Commercial law. It is said of any restriction to a country, person or
institution, of social, commercial or economic relations, as a means of pressure for them
to access or accept what is proposed or required. Example: Peru proposes FTA with
Brazil for more flexible trade agreements.
161. BRACED: Criminal law. Bribery of a public official. Example: Luis bribes a public
162. BRIBERY: Act of corruption by which the agent gives gifts to an official or public servant
so that, outside the legal causes, he can execute the benefits in his benefit. Example:
the Bribery, including proposing, offering and accepting.
163. BRIBERY: An act of corruption by which the agent gives gifts to an official or public
servant so that, outside the legal channels, he or she may perform services for their
benefit. Example: Gustavo bribed the police officer.
164. BUSINESS ABSORPTION: Company rights. Incorporation of the assets and liabilities
of one or more companies to an existing one. Example: Company A Joined Company B.
165. BUSINESS DAYS: Those in which legal proceedings can be practiced, "These are non-
business days on Sundays, national holidays and holidays for labor purposes in the
respective autonomous community and locality." Example: The court only attends on
business days.
166. BUSINESS HOURS: those during which legal procedures can be practiced. Examples:
The lawsuit was not accepted because it was not presented during business hours to do
167. BY ACCIDENT: Loc Lat. which means: "by accident". Example: miguel ocasiono por per
acciden un delito de robo.
168. CANCELABLE: It is when a legal act that makes it successive of ineffectiveness due to
defects in its birth or origin. Example: a marriage where the husband has a chronic
169. CANCELLATION: Loss of validity or efficacy of a legal act or business for having vices
or defects of substance or form. example: Annulment of a marriage for having absolute
170. CAPACITY: Customs Law. This is the name given to the operation of recognizing the
goods and determining their classification in the tariff nomenclature and the rights that
are applicable to them. Example: Customs classifies clothing into another level of tariff
171. CAPITAL PENALTY: See: Death Penalty. Example: The death penalty is the maximum
sentence that the judge can pronounce.
172. CAPITAL: Civil law. This is the name given to the main part of a money debt, as
opposed to the interest that may be produced. Example: My money capital is greater.
173. CASSATION: Procedural law. It is one of the institutions that the law attributes to the
highest judicial organ of a country. Example: Luis filed an appeal.
174. CASUISTRY: Famous causes of the past that serve as a reference for academic or legal
analysis. Example: A casuistry in the civil sphere.
175. CAUSE: Civil law. It is the end for which a person is forced against another. Examples:
Lease of a house.
176. CAUTION: Civil law. Caution, bond or protection. It is a security that is given as a
guarantee of an obligation to comply with what is agreed. Example: The lawyer granted
a sworn bond.
177. CENSUS: Administrative law. Statistical data set comprising universes defined for a
given period. Example: Peru in 2016 started with the CENSUS.
178. CENTRALIZATION: Administrative law. Form of administrative guarantee
characterized by the existence of a hierarchical superior center, to which a set of organs
is subordinated. Example: The ministry of education is centralized.
179. CHALLENGE. - right by which, whoever has a legitimate interest, alleges that a
resolution of the authority violates their interests and rights, demanding that it be
remedied is at the corresponding end or in its entirety, and may even lead to
cancellation. Example: Maria is sentenced to twenty years of preventive prison, she
seeing the sentence unfair appeals.
180. CHANGE OF JUDGE: Procedural Law. Power that the litigating parties have to request
that a judge or member refrain from administering justice in a process because they
consider that they have an interest in it, questioning their impartiality. / Right of the
parties to affirm that a judge departs from the knowledge of a trial, for presuming that it
has personal interest and, therefore, will not be impartial. Example: Maria requested the
judge's recusal.
181. CHARGE: Cartular law. Action to present a bill of exchange or any other document that
represents a debt, for the corresponding payment. Example: Luis will charge Pedro a bill
of exchange.
182. CHECK: Administrative Law. It is a commercial document that rotates a public
institution to pay compensation. Example: The judiciary draws checks to its workers.
183. CHILDREN'S RIGHT: Family law. Specialized branch of legal science that aims to
regulate the person and the legitimate interests of the human being from its generation
to its legal majority. Example: Luis is 14 years old and has children's rights.
184. CIRCULATION OF THE VALUE TITLE: Cartular law. The phenomenon of the transfer
of title from one subject to another is indicated. Example: Juan gave a value title to the
185. CIVIL ASSOCIATION.- Contract under which several individuals agree to meet in a way
that is not entirely transitory, to make a common purpose that is not prohibited by law
and that has no character predominantly cheap. Example: Association of legal
186. CIVIL DAMAGE: Damage that has as its object a human interest and for the cause of
man. It means, the unfavorable alteration of the circumstances that as a consequence of
a certain fact occurs against the will of a person and that affects the legal assets that
belong to him. Example: The civil damage was committed last year by a fugitive from
187. CIVIL LAW: Civil law. It is the branch of law that regulates the relations of citizens
among themselves, which may be patrimonial or not and includes the regime of people,
legal acts, family, property, obligations, contracts and the succession of death. Example:
A sales contract belongs to civil law.
188. CIVIL PART: Procedural Law. Person who assumes the claim for civil reparation, as a
consequence of the damage caused by the crime. Example: Luis is the civil part of the
189. -CIVIL PROCESS: The various successive procedural acts united by the relationship of
causality that are carried out in each civil instance, which concatenate seek procedural
preclusion to culminate the process with a sentence. A dialectic group of procedural acts
carried out by the active elements of the procedural relationship that seek to end the
legal conflict. It includes the postulator stage, the evidentiary stage, the decision stage,
and the challenge stage. Example: the civil process is related to the lawsuit.
190. CIVIL REPAIR: Reparation of the property or compensation by whoever produced the
criminal damage, when the event affected the particular interests of the victim. According
to article 93 of the Criminal Code, civil reparation includes: (a) restitution of the property
or, if this is not possible, payment of its value; and (b) compensation for damages. Civil
reparation is joint and several if several perpetrators are involved. Its enforcement is not
limited to the person of the offender(s) but may be transmitted to his or her heirs and
third parties. Example John asks for civil reparation for the damage caused to him.
191. CIVIL STATUS: Civil law. Civil status is said to the fundamental lines of the civil
organization, thus marriage, nationality and in each of its types or state relationships a
certain number of points are distinguished in which people must be included. Example:
Juan has the status of single.
192. CIVILIST: Lawyer specialized in civil law. Example: Juan is a lawyer specialized in
civil law.
193. CIVISM: Way of acting of the citizen who in his scale of values cultivates respect.
Example: Peruvians have civility.
194. CLAIM ACTION: Civil procedural law. Action of a real nature that is aimed at regaining
possession. It is the real action that is conferred on the owner of a thing that has lost its
possession, claiming it from the owner. Example: Juan is the owner of a house, and yet
Pedro owns it.
195. CLAIM: Procedural law: oral or written statement of the lawyer, which summarizes what
has been done and the reasons why they are acting in favor of their sponsored or
accused, challenging those of their adversary. Example: My attorney will argue at the
196. CO-AUTHOR: Civil law. In civil law, this concept is of interest in terms of copyright law,
also called intellectual property law. Example: Luis is a co-author of a book.
197. CO-AUTHOR: Criminal law. In the presence of two or more people, it is referred to as
responsible agents or authors of the criminal event. Example: Luis is a co-author of the
198. COERCED: Criminal law. Force or violence that is done to a person, to force him to say
or execute something. Example: Luis was coerced by Pedro.
199. COGNITION: Procedural law. This term is equivalent to knowledge or knowledge
process and identifies the stage of the trial in which the magistrates adopt a decision.
Example: The knowledge process belongs to the subdivision of the cognition process.
200. COHABITATION: Criminal law. Living one person together another or others, under the
same roofs. Example: Luis cohabitates with Carlos.
201. COLLATERAL LINE. - It is made up of the series of degrees between people they do
not descend from each other, but they come from a common trunk. Example: My
cousins are collateral line.
202. COLLISION OF RIGHTS: It is said that there is a specific case, two or more
incompatible rights or duties. Example: Right to the environment collides with mining law.
203. COMMERCIAL BALANCE: Financial law. It is the part of the balance of payments that
includes imports and exports of goods or tangible goods. Examples: Taxes for importing
204. COMMERCIAL BARRIER: Financial law. They are those obstacles imposed at the
national level that limit free exchange in order to protect the economy such as: rates,
fees, etc. Examples: Interest on loans.
205. COMMERCIAL EMBLEM: Commercial law. Mark trade. In commercial law, any symbol
is known that, in the form of a drawing, acronym or motto, identifies and particularizes a
company. Example: The maccdonals company brand is an M.
206. COMMISSION: Commercial law. Payment method, which consists of the percentage
received by the person who sells one thing on behalf of another, who is called a
commission agent. Example: Maria sells Susana's watches, and Susana gives her a
portion of the proceeds from the sale.
207. COMMITMENT CLAUSE. - The one established by the parties to bind to submit to
arbitrators the differences arising on the occasion of compliance of a contract, the
interpretation of a will or any other matter legal that alone concerns them. Example: The
sanction clause in case of breach of contract.
208. COMMITMENT: Promise to contract: generally bilateral. Example: Juan gives the
commitment to contract with Luis.
209. COMMITTEE: Civil law. Group of people who organize and act in common for the public
collection of contributions intended for an altruistic purpose. Example: The sports
210. COMMON LAW: Civil law. It is said of civil law, in general. This part of the right is of
supplementary application to the companies of the financial and insurance system.
Example: Financial banks use common law.
211. COMMUTATION OF PENALTY: Criminal procedural law: Decrease or decrease in the
duration of a conviction in criminal law. Example: Luis's sentence was reduced from 4 to
2 years.
212. COMMUTATIVE CONTRACT. - It is commutative, since when it is celebrated The
advantages and risks existing for each of the parties can be foreseen. As well as, that
the benefits are certain and determined and correspond presupposing a balance
between them. Example: The contract to buy and sell a house is commutative.
213. COMPENSATION: Reparation or compensation for damages. Example: Luis will
compensate Carlos for the accident.
214. COMPETENCE: Procedural law. It is the way in which jurisdiction is exercised, it is the
aptitude that the competent bodies have to impart jurisdiction. Example: The civil judge
is the competent one.
215. COMPETENT JUDGE. - Judge who is called to resolve, within his jurisdiction, any
matter that has expressly attributed to him the legislator. Example: The civil judge is the
competent one.
216. COMPILATION: Denomination given to the conglomerate of laws arranged
chronologically. Example: Civil law laws were compiled.
217. COMPLAINT: Act by which the competent authority is informed of the imminence or
perpetration of an act that is considered criminal. The complaint can be made verbally or
in writing. Example: Luis denounced Jorde for theft.
218. COMPLEX CONTRACT. - It is complex due to the plurality of benefits. Indeed, it
involves various acts, each of which is by itself enough to satisfy a need and all of them
together achieve fulfillment of a different and higher need, which makes all acts are
consolidated into one. Example: Service provision contracts.
219. COMPLEX FACT: Set of facts that make up a situation whose legal scope extends to
various aspects. Examples: The acts of the accused turned out to be a complex fact for
his conviction.
220. COMPLIANCE ACTION: Constitutional law. It is one of the constitutional guarantees
established in article 200 of the constitution and that proceeds against any authority or
official reluctant to abide by a legal norm. Example: An administrative officer does not
receive an administrative appeal from an administrator.
221. COMPOSITE ASSETS: Civil law. Those that are made up of different parts and these
retain a value. Example: A car and all its parts.
222. COMPROMISE: To consent in part to that which is not believed to be just, reasonable or
true, in order to arrive at an adjustment or concord; or in the spirit of condescension.
Example We cannot compromise on respect for other peoples and religions.
223. CONCEIVED: Civil law. The one about to be born. Examples: Lucia's conceived was
224. CONCESSION: Administrative law. Concession contracts are those entered into by
state entities. Example: The MINSUR company is a mining concessionaire.
225. CONCILIATION HEARING: It is the meeting in which the people who havea conflict
seek the solution of their differences, with the collaboration of a conciliator. Example:
Maria has a conciliation hearing on Tuesday.
226. CONCILIATION: Act of composing the spirits of people whose positions or criteria or
interests are opposed to each other. Example: Maria and Jose reconciled not to go to
227. CONCILIATOR: Who conciliates or tends to it. Example: Over the weekend my parents
will have a meeting with the conciliator.
228. CONCUBINATE: Civil law. It is the de facto union of man and woman without
impediment to marriage. Examples: Juan and Carla are under the concubinage.
229. CONDITIONAL RELEASE. - (CRIMINAL LAW) penitentiary benefit that allows the
inmate sentenced to a custodial sentence, to obtain his release when he has served half
or three quarters of the sentence imposed as the case may be. Example: a second
corporal whose only participation in the events described in the sentence was
transferred to a detainee without further knowledge or responsibility, would have to
publicly repent of a qualified kidnapping and would not obtain the benefit of such a
230. CONDITIONAL RELEASE: Criminal Law. Penitentiary benefit that allows the inmate
sentenced to a custodial sentence, to obtain his release when he has served half or
three quarters of the sentence imposed as the case may be. Example: Luis has
conditional release.
231. CONDOMINIUM: Civil law. Right of common property and joint ownership existing in
favor of several people over a movable or immovable property. Example: The
MANANTIALES condominium is on Calle Aguirre.
232. CONDONATION: Civil law. It is the waiver that the creditor makes of a right. Example:
The state waived its debtors.
233. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Civil procedural law. Confluence of opposing interests on
a legal asset. Example: Luis and Pedro have a conflict of interest.
234. CONGRATULATION. - (CRIMINAL LAW) death of the son executed by his father or
mother. Crime committed by those who kill their child. Example: Saturn kills her
youngest son with gunshots to the head.
235. CONSENSUAL CONTRACT. - Because the consent of the parties and he has freedom
of form. It is consensual in view that it is perfected by the common consent of the parties,
prioritizing the autonomy of the will and the parties enjoy freedom even verbally.
Example: Contract for the sale of a cell phone.
236. CONSENT: Procedural law. It is said of the order or sentence that it has not been
object of appeal in the legal term by the interested party. Example: The resolution was
declared consented.
237. CONSERVATIVE SEQUESTRATION: (Civil procedural law). Precautionary measure
for future forced execution, by means of the private quality of the possession of any of
the assets of the debtor president, for the purpose of transforming the fulfillment of the
payment arranged in an executive order. It is practically a payment order. Example:
Legislative decree regulating the kidnapping of public and private transport vehicles for
crimes of injury or culpable homicide.
238. CONSOLIDATION: Civil law. It consists of the meeting in the same person of the
qualities of the debtor and creditor with which the obligation is extinguished. Example:
Juan was consolidated from the mandatory relationship.
239. CONSORTIUM LITIGATION: Civil Procedural Law. It is that plurality of parties with a
common interest, right or obligation that litigates, either as plaintiffs or defendants.
Example: Juan is litigating with Pedro in a single lawsuit.
240. CONSORTIUM: Company law. Form of association between two or more companies
that act together. Example: The MINSUR company was associated with the Cerro Verde
241. CONSTITUENT: Constitutional law. In its legal sense, it is everything related to the call
of the legislators for the implementation or reform of the constitution of a state. Example:
The full constituent is in a meeting.
242. CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEES: Set of declarations, means and resources with
which the constitutional texts assure all individuals or citizens the exercise of public and
private rights that are recognized. Example: I will use my constitutional guarantees if I
have difficulties in that process.
243. CONSTITUTIONAL: Constitutional law. Everything related to the constitution of a
state. Example: The political constitution of Peru.
244. CONSTITUTIVE FACT: That which constitutes a legal effect. Example: The constitutive
act of killing is prison.
245. CONSULTATION: Procedural law. In procedural law, it means raising a file before the
superior, to approve or disapprove a certain procedural act. Example: Query of
separation of bodies sentence.
246. CONSUMABLE ASSETS: Civil law. They are those goods that are extinguished with
the first use. Example: gasoline
247. CONSUME: Criminal law. The term is used in the sense of committing a punishable
offense. Example: The crime of homicide by Luis was consumed.
248. CONTEMPT: Ignorance, injury, lack of consideration and respect, against public
authorities, in the exercise of their responsibilities. / Crime committed by the person who
offends, threatens or insults a public official, damaging the dignity of his function.
Example: Luis was denounced for contempt of authority.
249. CONTENTIOUS: Set of disputes that may be committed to the courts. Example: A
contentious judicial process.
virtue of which, a part, which is designated by the name of professional or teacher, is
obliged to perform a job that requires technical, artistic and sometimes professional
qualification to take it to held, in favor of another person, called client, in exchange for
remuneration which is called a fee. Example: Carlos hires a painter.
251. CONTRACT: Civil law. It is the agreement of wills generating obligations. Example:
Lease agreement.
252. CONTRADICTORY: Procedural law. It is the contradictory judgment to discuss in
ordinary judgment the sentence passed in a summary judgment, providing new
evidence. Examples: Juan contradicts the sentence.
253. CONTRIBUTION: Commercial law. It is used as a synonym for contribution to share
capital. Example: Juan contributes to the company.
254. CONTRIBUTIONS: Tax law. They are the liens that the law establishes in charge of the
people who have the character of taxpayers or taxpayers. Example: Juan is a good
255. CONTROVERSIAL FACT: In all lawsuits, one of the parties denies having stated
otherwise. Its procedural significance receives in that it must be the object of proof;
except to have special favor of the law. Example: The denial, after the affirmation to the
contrary, became for the court judges a controversial fact.
256. CONTUMAZ: Applied to a defendant who does not appear in court. Example: Luis was
declared a stubborn prisoner.
257. CO-PROPERTY: Civil law. There is joint ownership when a property belongs by ideal
quotas to two or more people. Example: Juan is a co-owner of a house.
258. CORPSE: Lifeless human body. Example: The corpse was found under the bridge.
259. CORRECTIONAL COURT: Judicial expression referring to the Chamber of the Superior
Court of Justice to which the oral and public trial of all kinds of crimes corresponds.
Example: She had been convicted, along with others, by the sixth Tunisian Correctional
Court of First Instance.
260. CORRECTIONAL COURT: Judicial expression referring to the Superior Court of Justice
Chamber to whom corresponds the oral and public judgment of all kinds of crimes.
Example: The resolution of the correctional court came out.
261. CORRECTIONAL: Criminal law. In Peru, guardianship establishments for minor social
misfits or juvenile delinquents are vulgarly called that. Example: Luis went to a
correctional facility.
262. CORRUPT: To debase someone, to bribe. Example: The Peruvian police are corrupt.
263. COSTS: Procedural law. Set of taxable expenses incurred by the parties in a lawsuit.
Example: The costs of a judicial evidence.
264. COUNTERPARTY: It is the opposite party in a dispute. Example: Luis is the counterpart
in the process.
265. COUNTERVENTION: Administrative law. It is a violation of a police or regulatory
provision. Example: Do not litter.
266. COURSE: Procedural law Generic term covering the total of procedural legal acts of
the parties challenging the effectiveness of a court decision in the same process. For this
reason, the expression "challengeable appeals" is misleading, since all appeals are
challengeable / It means in a general sense: return to the starting point, according to
Couture: "It is a journey, a running again, the path already taken". Legally, the word
denotes the re path that is taken. again through the other instance, as the means of
impugnation by virtue of which the process is followed". example the remedy of Ampere
is one of the constitutional guarantees.
267. COURT: It is said of the court that the judge dispatches. Generically speaking of juvenile
court, criminal court, etc. Office where the judge works. Example: The judge of the civil
268. COURT: Procedural law. It is the denomination for the supreme court of justice or
superior courts of the judicial districts of Peru. Example: Juan works in the supreme
269. COURTHOUSE: Headquarters of the administration of justice in Peru, whose main
building is in the city of Lima. Example: The Peruvian courthouse.
270. COVE-UP: Criminal law. Action and effect of covering up. The penal codes sanction
this conduct when it affects the knowledge of a criminal act, by way of cover-up.
Example: Criminals used the cover-up for their crime.
271. CREDIT CONTRACT. - It is the document in which the creditor is undertakes to lend an
amount of money (capital) to the borrower and where the conditions in which he will
receive and pay said amount are stated, as well as the interests, expenses and
commissions that are stipulated. Example: Bank contract.
272. CREDIT: As a noun and in civil law it means wealth, finances, patrimony, the set of
goods and rights of a natural or abstract person. In commercial law and accounting it is
an asset or credit of a person; it is opposed to the "Debit". Example: The "credit" of the
hacienda is less than the total of the debts; then they will not have to pay the taxes.
273. CREDITOR: Civil Law. Holder of a right established in a credit expression, by virtue of
which the legal system grants him the power to demand from another person (debtor)
the fulfillment of a certain legal right. Example: Juan is a creditor and Pedro is the debtor,
since Pedro owes him the sum of 500 soles.
274. CRIME OF WHITE NECK: Criminal law. It is carried out by people of high
socioeconomic status and in the exercise of their profession. Example: The former
president is a white-collar criminal.
275. CRIME: Criminal law. It is that criminal offense that damages natural rights, such as
freedom, honor and life. Example: Roberto committed a crime of passion.
276. CRIMINAL ACTION. Criminal law. This is the name given to that which is exercised by
the public ministry or by individuals, depending on the nature of the crime. Example:
Complaint for homicide.
277. CRIMINAL ANTHROPOLOGY: It is said of the science that studies the physical,
psychological of the delinquent. Example: The offender is robust.
278. CRIMINAL BIOLOGY: Criminal Law. It is the scientific study related to the inclination of
the individual to commit crimes, derived from their conditions, morphological and
physiological. Example: According to Lombroso, the criminal is fierce.
279. CRIMINAL CLAIM: Procedural law. Irregular expression to name the complaint that is
made to counter another previous complaint, in a criminal process. Example: Juan
contradicts Pedro.
280. CRIMINAL ESTABLISHMENT. - Conditioned property to house incarcerated and safe
people detained by court order. Example: Carlota was detained in the prison for the
crime of femicide.
281. CRIMINAL LAW: It is an instrument of social control whose main characteristic is
sanction. Example: Homicide is sanctioned by criminal law.
282. CRIMINAL OFFENSE: Violation, breach or violation of the Criminal Law. They can be
according to the Peruvian system crimes, offenses or contraventions. Example are
criminal offenses all contained in criminal law.
283. CRIMINAL VIOLATION. - violation, breach or violation of criminal law. They can be
according to the Peruvian system crimes, offenses or contraventions. Example: Genaro
writes the offensive and vexatious comments of his cousin Carla, and for this reason he
will be solely responsible for having written and published these words.
284. CRIMINOLOGY: Criminal law. Science that aims to study crime, the offender. Example:
Jose is a criminologist.
285. CROSS OUT: procedural law. Act of rejection of a document or the declaration of a
witness, due to the falsification of the document or the hostile or favorable bias of the
witness, which will not be considered in the process due to its invalidity and lack of
evidentiary efficacy. Example: the lawyer asked to cross out the procedural evidence.
286. CUNNING: Criminal law: Proceeding unfairly that in criminal law constitutes an
aggravating circumstance. Example: The thief used his cunning.
287. CURATOR: Civil law. Person appointed to take care of the assets and businesses of a
minor or of the person who is not in a state to manage them by himself. Example: Luis is
Mario's curator.
288. CUSTOM: What is done as a custom, or use, with the force of the law. Example: The
use of the natives of the jungle is based on custom.
289. CUSTOMS FORMALITIES: Customs law. Set of operations that users and customs
must carry out to comply with the legal and regulatory provisions whose application is
the responsibility of the latter in relation to the control of travelers, luggage, merchandise
and means of transport. Example: a customs formality is to identify the consignee.
290. CUSTOMS: Customs law. Its purpose is to administer, supervise, sanction and collect
tariffs and taxes, which concern foreign trade. Example: seized customs products arrived
from Bolivia.
291. DATION IN PAYMENT: Civil law. Mode of extinction of obligations, by which the debtor
is released by supplying the creditor, with the consent of the latter, a service different
from that originally agreed. Example: Juan makes his payment to Luis.
292. DAY. - in labor law, maximum duration of a person's daily work. Time or duration of the
benefit of the worker's activity, as consideration for the remuneration he receives from
his employer. Example: Cesar works in the police, working eight hours a day.
293. DEAN JUDGE: Oldest magistrate of a region or province whose functions are:
294. DEATH PENALTY: Legal penalty consisting of depriving the person who commits
certain crimes considered extremely serious. Example: In the United States they carry
out the death penalty.
295. DEATH: Death of a person. // Death, death, death, death. Extinction of the legal
personality of a natural person by virtue of his death. Example: Luis died.
296. DEBT: Financial law. Public credit system. They are the financial resources that are
obtained by arranged credits. Debt is the product of public credit. Example: The national
bank grants loans to members.
297. DECALOGUE OF THE LAWYER: Judicial law. Commandment of conduct and ethics
that the doctrine and professional regulations or corporations impose on lawyers.
Example: All lawyers have to respect the lawyer's decalogue.
298. DECREE: It is a judicial resolution used to give impetus to the development of the
process, providing for procedural acts of simple procedure. Example: Decree number 10
came out.
299. DECREE: PROCEDURAL LAW. It is a resolution that drives the development of the
process. Example: The judge issued a decree.
300. DECRIMINALIZATION: criminal law. Measure taken when, for reasons of criminal
policy and, for not having greater importance, the quality of crime is removed from
certain acts, for example, what has happened with the practice of prostitution and
301. DEFECT OF LAW: Civil law. Judges cannot fail to administer justice by default of the
law. Example: The judge applies another law in case of a defect in the law.
302. DEFENSE LAW: Criminal procedural law. The accused has the right to be assisted by
a defense attorney of his choice, from the beginning of the process to its conclusion.
Example: Luis has the right to an attorney to take his case.
303. DEFENSE OF SUBSTANCE: It is a manifestation of the right of contradiction, by means
of which the defendant contravenes the claim that is the subject of the process.
Example: Luis responds to the demand, as a defense.
304. DEFLORATION: Legal Medicine. In criminal and legal medical matters, removing the
virginity of a maiden by penetrating the penis into the female genitalia, for the first time.
Example: The medical doctor will review the deflowering.
305. DEMAND: Procedural Law. Appear before a judge or court to recognize the existence
of a right. / In a broad sense is any request made before the Judiciary. Example: Luis
sues Pedro.
306. DEMOCRACY: Political law. Perhaps the best definition of democracy was given by
Abraham Lincoln, who says it is the government of the people. Example: Peru uses the
political system of democracy.
307. DENIAL OF JUSTICE: procedural law. It is the crime that the judge commits. Example:
The judge denied justice for being impartial.
308. DEPOSIT. - (CIVIL LAW) contract by which, in an obligatory relationship, a third party
agrees to answer to the creditor, in the event of the insolvency of the debtor, may be
constituted against the will of the latter. Example: Juan gives a guarantee as a third
309. DESCENDING LINE. - The set of degrees or generations that unite a person with their
children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. The son forms the first grade; he grandson,
the second; and so on. Example: My downline child.
310. DIFFUSE INTERESTS: Procedural law. Diffuse interest is one whose ownership
corresponds to an undetermined group of people, with respect to assets of unstable
patrimonial value, such as the defense of the environment, cultural or historical or
consumer goods or values, that may promote or intervene in the process. Example: The
protection of the environment is a vague interest.
311. DIGNITY: Constitutional law. Spiritual and moral value inherent in the person,
intimately linked to the free development of the personality and the rights to physical and
moral integrity. Example: People have dignity.
312. DILATORY: Procedural law. It is said of what serves to extend, defer, postpone, or
extend a judicial term or the processing of a matter. Example: Litigants are delaying the
313. DILIGENCE: procedural acts in which the court clerk complies with the judge's orders or
orders. / Judicial action carried out by the court clerks. Examples: The judge did an
314. DIMENSION: Tax law. In general terms, it is equivalent to the determination of the tax
obligation. Example: Juan will pay his taxes for the income of his company.
315. DIPLOMATIC: International law. Person in charge of the accreditation status to act as
such. Example: The Peruvian consulate abroad.
316. DISABILITY. - sanction applied to a person, prohibiting him from exercising his
profession, trade, functions or position, as well as that of certain rights. Example: when
the judge humiliates the prosecutor by taking advantage of his position.
317. DISABILITY: Civil law. Lack of capacity to directly exercise rights and obligations. In
civil law, there is an "absolute" disability: total disqualification; and "relative" disability;
“Disqualification only in some rights. Example: Carlos is totally incapable, and cannot
exercise his rights by himself.
318. DISAPPEARANCE: Civil law. When a person is not at their place of residence and
more than 60 days have passed without news of their whereabouts: Example: Luis
disappeared from his home.
319. DISCERNMENT: Family law. Faculty of a person to determine freely and with
conscience. Example: People of legal age have full judgment.
320. DISCIPLINARY PROCESS (deadline): Once the process is open, the Commission
proceeds to carry out the investigations for a maximum period of 60 days from the
notification of the beginning of the Process until the final report. During the investigation,
the Commission may order the performance of the proceedings with respondents as it
sees fit. The time limits for carrying out the procedural acts are as follows: Head of
RENIEC, to interpose denunciation of part. This term is of caducity, a) 6 months,
counted from the date of the fact, act or conduct attributable to the Judge. Prosecutor,
Head of Council of the Provisions the article submitted to process. example: the
admissible evidence corroborates the veracity of a fact. Example: the disciplinary
process has a maximum of 60 days for the ruling.
321. DISCIPLINARY PROCESS: procedural principles. The preliminary investigation and
the disciplinary process are in accordance with the principles of legality, immediacy,
speed, impartiality, publicity and presumption of innocence, in accordance with the
provisions of these Regulations (Article 19 of the Regulations on Disciplinary
Proceedings of the CNM - RPD-CNM). Example: the disciplinary process must be in
accordance with the principle of legality.
322. DISCRIMINATION: What is done with freedom and sound judgment. Free acting.
Example: Criminal law sanctions discrimination.
323. DISINHERITANCE: Probate provision by which a person deprives his forced heirs of the
hereditary rights that correspond to them. Example: Luis was disinherited.
324. DISMISSAL: Labor law. Resolution taken by the employer or employees, which ends
the employment relationship. Example: The MINSUR company fired its workers.
325. DISPOSAL. - voluntary or legal transfer of ownership of a thing or right of it. Example:
Maria transferred her house to her son Edgardo since he is the only son.
326. DISPUTE: Any matter that is subject to judgment. Example: A lawsuit for land ownership
is contentious.
327. DISQUALIFICATION: sanction applied to a person, which prohibits the exercise of their
profession, trade, functions or burden, as well as that of reserved rights. Example: the
judge disabled Pedro
328. DISSOLUTION: Commercial law. It supposes the rupture of the social bond that affects
in a different way depending on whether it is a corporation or companies founded in
consideration of the personal realities of the partner. Example: The MINSUR company
329. DIVISION OF POWERS: Political law. It is the division of the function of the state so
that it may carry out a better development for the common good. Example: In Peru, the
powers of the state are divided into legislative, judicial and executive.
330. DIVORCE: Dissolution of the conjugal bond that returns the spouses to singleness.
Example: Luis divorced Ana.
331. DOCTRINE: General theory of law. A set of teaching principles that constitutes a
science. Example: Doctrine is fundamental for learning law.
332. DOCUMENT: Procedural law. Writing, instruments, title, etc., with which something is
approved, justified or stated. Example: The writing is a judicial document.
333. DOCUMENTARY-FALSE. Civil procedural law. It comes from a discrepancy between
what appears in the document and reality, whether due to material alteration of the
document, alteration with erasures and amendments to the original text. Example: The
document delivered by the complainant is false.
334. DOMICILE REGISTRY: The inviolability of the domicile is a consequence of the right to
privacy (article 18-2 of the Constitution, article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and article 8
of the European Convention on Human Rights) and involves two different issues, not
always well differentiated: the search of the domicile and its registration. For example,
John processed his home registration for the sale of his real estate.
335. DONATION: Civil law. Free transfer of a good or the right you have over it. Example:
Juan made a car donation to his cousin.
336. DONATION: Contract by which a person, called a donor, discards a good to transfer it
free to another, called a donation. Example: Juan donated a car.
337. DUMPING: Commercial law. Sale of goods abroad at a lower price than that sold in the
domestic market of the exporting country. Example: China always performs dumping in
all countries of the world.
338. DUTY: General theory of law. Duties are imperatives instituted in the interest of the
community. Example: Everyone has a duty to respect the laws.
339. EDICTS: Judicial resolution that is communicated to an interested party through the
newspapers, official bulletins or the notice board of the court. Example: The judge will
notify by means of judicial edicts.
340. EFFECTIVE JUDICIAL PROTECTION: The right to effective judicial protection is the
possibility of demanding from the judicial organs the opening of a process to obtain a
reasoned and argued resolution on a petition protected by law. Example: The judge,
when issuing a resolution, is also carrying out an effective judicial protection.
341. EMBEZZLEMENT: Criminal Law. Allocate public, collective or external funds to
expenses other than those for which they were intended. Examples: The mayor
embezzled funds.
342. EMERGING DAMAGE: Loss suffered by the creditor for the default of its debtor.
Example: Luis suffered emergent damages as a creditor.
343. EMOTIONAL HOMICIDE. - the one that is produced by means of a psychic excitation
that diminishes the rational or inhibitory brakes, as products of the knowledge of an
external fact that provokes an uncontrolled violent reaction, simultaneously, that leads to
homicide. Example: A sniper shoots a person, killing him, then shoots another person
again, and so on.
344. EMOTIONAL HOMICIDE: The one that takes place by means of a psychic excitation
that reduces the rational or inhibitory brakes, as products of the knowledge of an
external fact that provokes an uncontrolled violent reaction, simultaneously, that leads to
homicide. Example: Carlos committed a homicide against his ex-wife out of hatred.
345. END OF LICIT: Civil law. Validity requirement of the legal act. Example: Juan makes a
lawful contract, which is valid.
346. END OF THE TEST: Civil procedural law. The purpose of the evidence is to create a
conviction in the judge about certain facts. Example: The attorney turned in all the
evidence, ending the collection of more evidence.
347. ENJOYMENT OF RIGHTS: In private international law, consistent benefit, for a
foreigner, in the power to prevail, in a state, of certain rights whose determination is
independent of the choice of applicable law. Example: Our partner of German nationality
is in Peru with the full enjoyment of his rights.
348. EQUALITY. - uniform application of the same laws to all citizens. Example: Cesar and
Maria committed the crime of theft, both will be penalized for equality.
349. ERROR: Civil law. The error is a vice of the will that arises from the agent himself, it is
internal, there is no bad faith in him and it consists in the lack of coordination or
coincidence between the mental representation that the agent makes of a person.
Example: Luis had an error in signing a contract, because he did not know what it was
350. EUTHANASIA: Pious homicide. / Death requested expressly and consciously by an
incurable patient, who suffers intolerable pain. Example: Euthanasia is prohibited in
351. EVALUATION OF THE EVIDENCE: Procedural law. Evaluative judgment made by the
judge, on the merit or demerit of the evidentiary means offered and acted in a procedure.
Example: The judge will appreciate the evidence offered by Luis.
352. EVICTION JUDGMENT: Procedural Law. Process that is followed against the tenant of
urban property or lessee of rural property, so that it leaves it in a peremptory period, for
breach of the obligation, expiration of the contract or other. Example: The judge ordered
the eviction of a house at the trial.
353. EVICTION: Trial to compel a tenant to voluntarily leave the property they occupy.
Example: Luis was evicted by court order.
354. EVIDENCE: Procedural Law. Circumstances or vestiges, which by association or
inference lead us to related events. Judgment based on the principle of chance.
Generally, it is used to know a fact through the circumstances that surround it. Example:
Evidence of the murderer was found.
355. EXCEPTION OF THE ARBITRAL SETTLEMENT. Law of civil procedure. That is
successfully deductible when the parties have agreed to present the subject of the claim
to the decision of the arbitrator or the arbitrators previously determined. Example: Pedro
and Mario went to an arbitral tribunal.
356. EXCEPTION: Procedural Law. Defense means that the court has the summons to
nullify the action or the claim of law. Right that the party summoned has, tending to
challenge and / or annul the action that has been filed against it. Example: Pedro carried
out an exceptional action against Luis' lawsuit.
357. EXCHANGE CLAIM: This is the power to demand from the exchange debtor the
payment of the amount contained in a security, by virtue of having subscribed to it. An
example of this is the payment of the agreement made.
358. EXECUTABLE: He is a citizen as soon as he submits to the judicial bodies and, at the
same time, he can resort to them in defense of his rights. Example: Pedro is the accused
in the process.
359. EXECUTION: procedural law. comply with the provisions of the jurisdictional authority.
in the exercise of its functions. It usually refers to the sentence. Application of the death
penalty. Example: Simon was sentenced to death for the crime of rape of a girl under the
age of nine
360. EXECUTIVE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS: Public international law. The
international conventions that the president of the republic celebrates or ratifies and
adheres to are called international conventions. Example: G30 Convention.
361. EXECUTIVE TITLE: It is the one that entails judicial execution or that is the one that
forces the Judge to pronounce an execution order if requested by the person entitled in
the title or his representative legal. Example: Juan activates an executive conciliation
362. EXECUTIVE TRIAL. Civil procedural law. brief process in which compliance with the
obligation expressed in the title - value is demanded, the origin of which, due to the
necessary formalities, does not warrant discussion; therefore, without further delay, the
obligation must be fulfilled. Example: Cesar is sentenced to five years of preventive
prison, thus having to fulfill said sentence.
363. EXEMPT. - Everything that releases the author of a crime from criminal responsibility.
Example: when one person kills another in self-defense.
364. EXEMPTION: Tax law: it is said of the privileged benefit established by law, expressly,
by virtue of which an economic taxable event (subject to tax) ceases to be, with a
temporary or permanent nature. Example: The municipality exempts the taxes for the
month of July.
365. EXEPTION: Procedural law. Defense means that is available to the defendant or
prosecuted, with which it tries to weaken the claims of the plaintiff or actor, or exclude or
delay the resolution of what he has requested in his lawsuit. Example: Luis uses the
means of exception to contradict the defendant.
366. EXHORT: Communication addressed by a judge to another of equal or superior
hierarchy or to a foreigner, requesting their collaboration to carry out a diligence of the
process. Example: The judge of the first civil court sent a warrant abroad.
367. EXPEDITION: Procedural law. In procedural law, the pronouncement of a judicial
resolution within a file. Example: The lawyer makes copies of the resolution of the file.
368. EXPERT: Person recognized for his knowledge of an art or craft, whose opinion guides
the judge. Example: the expert was present at the scene of the crime.
369. EXPERTISE: Test, analysis or examination made by the specialist or expert, appointed
by the examining magistrate, to obtain more information, prove or verify a cause or fact,
say the person who has extensive knowledge and experience in a science or art.
Example: Albert was given a psychological assessment for having emotional problems.
370. EXPIRATION: Civil law. According to Flores Polo, date when an obligation becomes
due. / Termination of term established by law or convention. Example: the judge
dictated an expiration date to present the documents.
371. EXPIRATION: General theory of law. It is said of the law that the passage of time does
not harm or prescribe its validity. Example: the demand for food does not expire.
372. EXPIRY: Action and effect of expiration, expiration of term in the legal field. Example:
The deadline to file a response to the demand has expired.
373. EXPOSURE OF PERSONS AT DANGER: Criminal law. Crime that acquires various
figures or modalities, where the legal good protected by criminal law is life, body and
health, such as the exposure of minors to danger, etc. Example: Maria left her 2-year-old
daughter alone at home.
374. EXTINCTION OF CRIMINAL ACTION: Criminal law. Lack of normal completion
(conviction or acquittal) in which, under exceptional conditions, criminal action may be
incurred, due to the death of the accused, amnesty, res judicata authority, prescription
and / or resignation of the victim in crimes prosecutable by private action. Example: Luis
died and his criminal action against him was extinguished.
375. EXTINCTION OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS: There is talk of the extinction of rights
and obligations at the end of themselves, that is, when for some reason the holder of the
right ceases to have the power that the norm grants him and the obligor cannot be
compelled to perform the conduct that should. Example: The right to sue expired.
376. EXTORTION: Criminal law. Blackmail, action and effect of usurping and snatching one
thing forcibly. The extortion differs from the scam in that, although in both the victim is
the one who delivers the thing, in the extortion he does it out of fear and in the scam,
with the will vitiated by deception or fraud. Example: Luis received extortion from his
377. EXTRADITION: Criminal law. It is the surrender of a person, accused or convicted of a
crime, by the state in whose territory he has taken refuge, to the one who is competent
to judge or execute the sentence that has been imposed on him as a present offender.
Example: Former judge César Hinostroza has an extradition order, since he is a refugee
in Spain.
378. EXTRAJUDICIAL LAW: Any act carried out outside the trial or process. Example: a
settlement was made.
379. EXTRAJUDICIAL: The acts, arrangements and transactions that are made without the
intervention of the jurisdictional authority. Disputing parties use it to avoid a process that
they consider cumbersome or unnecessary. Example: Juan and Diana made an
extrajudicial conciliation.
380. EXTREMIST: Political law. He who adopts a radical and exaggerated position regarding
some political belief, tendency or creed. Example: Soviets are extremists.
381. EXTROMISION: procedural law. institution by which the judge, ex officio or at the
request of a party and by a duly motivated resolution, withdraws from the process a
legitimate third party who had been initially admitted as part of the process. Example:
when insufficient evidence is found towards a person for any crime committed.
382. EYE INSPECTION: Civil procedural law. In civil procedural law, the evidentiary means
that consists of the presentation of the judge, who constitutes himself in the place that
interests the purposes of the litigation, so that he better appreciates the questions of fact
submitted to his resolution. Example: The judge performed the eye inspection of the
383. FAILURE: criminal procedural law. final consideration of the judge in a process that is
authorized in the sentence. Example: when the judge ends the trial.
384. FAIR COMPENSATION. Administrative law. includes the objective value of the
property or goods that are expropriated and the reparation that the active subject of acts
of expropriation, must pay in case of creditable evidence of damages for the taxable
person originated. Example: the president of the republic makes foreign loans making
the Peruvian state more indebted, to pay compensation at the clinics.
385. FALSE TESTIMONY: Criminal Law. Maliciously false statement, distorting or
misrepresenting the facts subject to the investigation, committing a crime against the fair
administration of justice. Example: Luis was a false witness in the criminal trial.
386. FALSE TITLE. - fraud or ruse committed by those who display supposedly legitimate
documents, which prove their ownership of someone else's property. Example: Juan
sells a property posing as the owner of said home.
387. FALSEHOOD AND FALSIFICATION: Forgery supposes falsehood, while falsehood
does not indicate falsification: one is the genus and the other is the species of that one.
Example: Forgery of medical certificate.
388. FAMILY ABANDONMENT: When, without justified reason, he fails to comply with his
obligation as a parent to provide food, health and education to people who are under his
parental authority. Example: Albert abandoned his children.
389. FAMILY COUNCIL: Family law. The council is made up of the people that the last of
the parents who had the child under their parental authority or guardianship has
designated by will or in public deed. Example: The family council appointed Luis as
Carlos's guardian.
390. FAMILY FOOD: Civil law. It is said, in family law, that you have a right to maintenance.
Examples: Pedro's children have the right to food.
391. FAMILY THEFT. Criminal law. illicit seizure of food to alleviate desperate hunger and to
proceed as a result of starvation. The scholar Luis Jiménez describes it as a robbery
produced by a state of need. Example: Carlos enters his uncle's store and steals sacks
of rice.
392. FAMILY: By lineage or blood is the set of ancestors, descendants and collaterals with a
common trunk, and the spouses of married relatives. Example: Peru recognizes family
393. FEASIBILITY OF THE TEST: Procedural law. This condition implies that the
evidentiary means is real (concrete, as we have said) and that its performance is
feasible. Example: My lawyer submitted some factual evidence.
394. FEDATARIATE. - said notary or official who has the legal powers as depositary of the
public faith, through the verification and legalization of documents. Example: Carla is
going to write the title deed documents to the notary.
395. FILE: Procedural Law. It is the set of writings, acts and modifications where all the
procedural acts carried out in a process are recorded, which are ordered according to
the sequence of their execution on duly numbered pages sequentially. Example: Carlos
requested his judicial file.
396. FILIATION: Civil Law. Relationship that children have with respect to their parents. /
Link between parents and children. Example: Juan and his son have a filial relationship.
397. FINAL SENTENCE: The one against which no appeal is possible, except that of
revision. Example The sentence is the imposition of a custodial sentence by virtue of a
final judgment.
398. FINANCE. - Loan a capital or sum of money to a person under certain credit and
payment conditions. Example: The bank will finance the cost.
399. FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION: Financial law. Intervention function carried out by
national credit institutions, auxiliary organizations, national insurance and surety
institutions and other institutions or entities legally authorized to establish themselves as
liaison means, between the creditor of a financing and the borrower, obtaining a
commission for their work to arrange the credits in the national and international money
markets. Example: BCP is a means of indirect financial intermediation.
400. FINANCIAL LAW: It is the part of the law that regulates economic-financial activity.
Example: The law of the financial system is under the regulation of financial law.
401. FINANCIAL LEASE.- Contract through which a company (lessor) obtains certain goods
(in this case automobiles) and the makes available to the lessee who must cover a
periodic fee. Example: The bank makes a credit lease.
402. FINE: Criminal Law and Administrative Law. Pecuniary sanction imposed on those
responsible for infractions. Application of sanctions for infractions of legal regulations.
Example: Luis got a fine of 100 soles.
403. FINGERPRINTS: Traces that are left by the fingertips when in contact with a surface.
Example: The offender left his fingerprints on the door.
404. FIRMNESS. - quality of a judicial resolution for which it cannot be appealed. Example:
Juana decides to open a savings account at the bank, so that the money she deposits
earns interest and grows.
405. FISHING: Police voice, which orders the inspection or inquiry to extract useful
information in the police investigation. Example: the work of the investigation is carried
out by the PNP.
406. FITNESS: General theory of law. In law it is used as a synonym for the ability to act.
Example: Juan has the ability to open alone.
407. FLAGRANT CRIME: The crime that is being highlighted at this time / Current moment of
execution of a crime. It is also called "red-handed crime." Example: Luis was caught in
flagrante delicto.
408. FOJA: Judicial expression to refer to the duly numbered sheet. Example: Sheet number
13 of the judicial file.
409. FOOD SON. civil law. The minor who has not been recognized and whose affiliation
has not been proven by judicial means; it has the quality of such respect to who had
sexual relations with the mother in the period of its conception, being favored with a
pension. Example: when the son is not recognized by his female partner, until he passes
the DNA test.
410. FORCE MAJEURE: Civil law. It is one of the grounds for termination of contracts. In
addition, the parties must establish the terms of the resolution. Example: Bank contracts
will be frozen due to the pandemic, as it is force majeure.
411. FORCED HEIRS. civil law. person who, by legal provision, happens in whole or in part,
in the rights and obligations of the person to whom it happens. They are forced heirs; the
children and other descendants, the parents and other ancestors and the spouse.
Example: the forced heirs are first the children as much natural and in adoption.
412. FORMAL CONTRACT. - The one that for its validity requires certain formalities or
solemnity Example: Luis made his contract to purchase a car and enrolled it in
413. FORMALITY: Administrative law. Requirement required for the performance of an
administrative act. Example: To apply for a driver's license, you must be 18 years old.
414. FORUM: Place where courts resolve cases. Formerly the Romans called the public
square a forum, where the town's meetings were held. Example: The case will be
discussed in the forum.
415. FOUNDATIONS: they are reasons that serve to affirm a fact. Example: The lawyer
explains the fundamentals of the case.
416. FRAUD. - civil law .Trick whereby a debtor, pretending to be insolvent, hiding his
assets, makes it difficult for his creditors to seize and make payment with the money
obtained. Example: Maria seizes Juan's assets at the university.
417. FRAUDULENT BANKRUPTCY: Criminal Law. The malicious action by which the
bankrupt bankrupt merchant seeks not to pay his debts by hiding his assets, simulating
non-existent debts or favoring one creditor to the detriment of another. Example: Luis
minito a by saying that he declared his company bankrupt.
418. FREE ACCESS TO JUSTICE: Procedural law. Access to the justice service is free,
without prejudice to the payment of costs, costs, and fines in the cases established by
the civil procedural code. Example: Luis sues Pedro, the lawsuit is free, if embargo
payment by the evidentiary means offered.
419. FREE ZONE: Territorial space within which the goods or goods that enter are found
exempt from the payment of customs duties and any kind of tax excise. Example: The
city of Tacna is a free zone.
420. FREE. Civil law. What the beneficiary receives without having to reduce his assets for
it, that is, deliver another good in exchange. Example: Maria receives the family bond
from the state without receiving anything in return.
421. FREIGHT: Commercial law. Goods transportation cost. Example: The freight from
China to Peru is 20 dollars per product.
422. FRONT MAN: Voice that designates the subject that lends his name in an economic,
contractual or legal fact, representing in a hidden way the interests of another. Example:
You want to make sure that you are only a front man
423. FRUITS: Civil Code. - They are the renewable benefits that a good produces, without
altering or diminishing its substance. Example: Juan receives fruits from the rent of his
424. FUNCTION OF CHOOSING: Procedural law. It corresponds to the people and consists
in the appointment by election of the people who will be in charge of legislating and
governing. Example: The mayor of the city of Juliaca was elected by the people.
425. FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS: Basic set of judicially guaranteed powers and freedoms that
the constitution recognizes for citizens of a given country. Example: Life is a fundamental
426. GENERAL CLAUSE. - It is the one that records the data common to all kinds deeds;
such as names of grantors, neighborhood, knowledge of themselves by the authorizing
notary or by the witnesses, their intervention, etc. Example: Names of the contracting
427. GENERAL CONDITIONS. - Document that establishes the conditions legal for the
operation of the insurance. Example: All the conditions of a contract.
428. GENERAL OF THE LAW. - (CRIMINAL PROCEDURAL LAW). Basic references on the
identity of a person, such as: names, surnames, nationality, marital status, age, domicile,
children, degree of education, etc. They are important to fully identify the accused.
Example: Gerardo makes a statement mentioning his generals of law.
429. GOOD CUSTOMS: Civil law. Qualification of moral order, but from a legal point of view.
Example: To carry out a birth without abortion, is of good habit.
430. GOOD FAITH: General theory of law. It can be understood in the sense that the
person in good faith acts with good intention and that someone in judging another
person does so with fixation on their conduct. Example: John acts in good faith at the
431. GOOD PRO: Administrative law. Approval of a bidder's proposal or offer in tenders.
Example: They gave the Good Pro to the MINSUR company.
432. GOODS OF PUBLIC DOMAIN.- Those that meet the requirements established by
applicable state and municipal laws in the matter. Example: A park.
433. GOVERNMENT ACT: Discretionary act of the Executive aimed at solving a political
problem within the limits indicated by the State Constitution. Example: Emergency
decree is an act of government.
434. GOVERNMENT: In a broad sense, the set of public powers of a country. Group of
executive power agencies. It is also the set of powers and activities of the government
insofar as they guarantee the supreme direction of public affairs and determine the
orientation of the country's politics. Example: Governments have to be democratic,
otherwise they will have many difficulties.
435. GRACE: In civil law, it is used in the expressions "grace period" "grace term", referring
to a favorable legal or judicial measure, which mitigates the rigor of a commitment.
Example: You have used your right of grace to postpone agreed payments.
436. GRANDPARENTS: Civil law. In the blood relation, they constitute the second degree in
an ascending straight line. Example: my grandfather will leave an inheritance.
437. GREATER AMOUNT OF PRETENTION: Procedural law. It is said of those lawsuits in
which a certain amount is litigated for the future, without a maximum limit. Example: a
test with an amount of more than 1,000,000 dollars.
438. GRIEVANCE: Civil procedural law. It is said of the damages suffered by a litigant due
to a certain judicial resolution. Example: Luis feels affected by the judicial resolution, so
he decides to appeal.
439. GUARANTEE. - civil law. Person who guarantees with his assets that the creditor has
paid his belief in case of insolvency of the debtor. Person who is obligated to the
creditor, together with the main debtor, to guarantee the execution of the obligation.
Example: Luis guarantees his cousin Juana with his home so that he can take out a loan
from the bank.
440. GUARANTOR: Civil Law. Person who guarantees with his assets that the creditor will
see his belief paid in case of insolvency of the debtor. / Person who is obligated to the
creditor, together with the main debtor, to guarantee the execution of the obligation.
Example: Luis is Pedro's guarantor in his debt.
441. GUARDIANSHIP: Civil Law. Institution of family law to take care of patrimony and the
person of minor not subject to parental authority. Example: Mario is under the tutelage of
442. GUILT: Civil law. In the unintentional failure to fulfill its obligations by a debtor. Example:
Pedro is sued for guilt, for not fulfilling his contract.
443. GUILTY: Criminal law. The person who is guilty of a crime. Example: Luis is convicted
guilty of the crime of robbery.
444. HABEAS CORPUS ACTION: Constitutional law. The habeas corpus action proceeds
before an act or omission, by any authority, official or person who violates or threatens
individual liberty or related constitutional rights. Example: The police arbitrarily detain a
445. HABITUALITY: In criminal matters, it is a revealing circumstance of extreme
dangerousness, to be verified in the unlawful impulses, which, when it finds judicial
precedents, constitutes the aggravating aggravations of repetition in the generic criminal,
and of recidivism as long as it is a transgressing specialty. Example: He was sentenced
to twenty years in prison for his criminal and unlawful habit of killing an innocent.
446. HARASSMENT: civil law. Institution by which two or more persons who have a dispute
over a property, voluntarily trust the custody, conservation and administration of the
same to a third party. Its purpose is to allow the economic development of the good
while the process lasts, in order not to harm its real owner. (Criminal Law). Crime
against freedom. by which a person is unduly detained, demanding, for the freedom of
the kidnapped, goods, money or other claims. / Deposit of a thing in litigation, for which
there remains a result of the court ruling. / In another acceptance, illegal retention of a
person, with the aim of asking for money or some other claim, to leave it free. Example:
It looks like a good place to have a kidnapping victim.
447. HEADLINE: civil law. Who holds a thing, a power or authority. According to
Cabanellas, who legitimately enjoys a right declared or recognized in his favor.
According to Flores Polo, who exercises a charge or function in his own right, based on
a certificate, the opposite in substitute or replacement. Example only the owner of the
house may file the complaint.
448. HEALTHY CRITICISM: procedural law. Name given to the freedom of judgement with
the account of the jurisdictional authority to resolve the dispute and evaluate the
evidence with criteria of conscience, with the burden of the decisions taken .example
Healthy criticism is the primary and guiding system for all evidentiary evaluation activity.
449. HEARING: Conclusion of the knowledge of a case by the Judge or Court (hearing of the
case), before two resolutions or judgments. Example: the judge from a subjective point
of view is the power to punish or impose a sentence.
450. HEGEMONY: Supremacy that a State exercises over another, generally based on its
military and economic power. Example: Most industrialized countries have hegemony
over developing or underdeveloped ones
451. HEIR: Civil Law. Person who by legal or testamentary provision, happens in whole or in
part, in the rights and obligations that the deceased had had at the time of death. They
can be forced heirs and voluntary heirs. Example: Juan is the forced heir.
452. HITMAN: Criminology. It is said of the murderer for a salary, who sells his services
without any scruples to kill. Example You make it sound like you're going to hire a
453. HOARDING: Administrative law. Monopolistic practice that consists of retaining
merchandise in order to cause a price increase, or to form reserves in anticipation of an
increase in prices. Example: INKAFARMA pharmacy is hoarding its products.
454. HOARDING: Criminal Law. Hoarding is conceptualized as the purchase and storage of
merchandise in large quantities to influence demand, causing artificial shortages and
profit on rising prices. Example: the company MIFARMA bought all possible reserves of
medicines for COVID 19 from the general company.
455. HOLDER: Civil law. In rights in rem, a person who materially possesses a good /
(Commercial Law) Legitimate holder of a valuable title, acquired by endorsement, mere
tradition, or in an original way / Person who possesses a thing, with or without title.
Example: Monteverde At holder road take RIGHT towards Monteverde directly.
456. HOME REGISTRATION: The inviolability of home is a consequence of the right to
privacy (article 18-2 of the Constitution, article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and article 8
of the European Convention of Human Rights) and involves two different issues, not
always well differentiated: the search of the home and its registration. Example: The
judge ordered the search of Luis's house.
457. HOMICIDE: Criminal Law. Crime for which by action or recklessness a person is killed.
Example: Carlos committed a homicide.
458. HOSTAGE: Holding a person against their will by force or threat of violence, in order to
secure an obligation or payment of money, conditioned by the pressure of damage to the
hostage. Example: Terroists took a citizen hostage.
459. HYPERINFLATION: Financial law. Inflation rates above a thousand percent a year, but
it is also used at lower rates, due to the ease with which they rise to hyperinflationary
levels. Example: BCP charges hyperinflationary rates.
460. IDENTITY: Set of elements and circumstances that allow us to affirm that a person is
who he or she claims to be or who is sought. Identity verification is useful in civil and
criminal matters. Example: The police indicated the identity of the alleged thief.
461. IGNORANCE OF THE LAW: Ignorance of the law. Principle of law that indicates that
ignorance of a law in force in a country does not exempt the subject from compliance
with it. Example: Luis committed a crime due to ignorance of the law.
462. ILLICIT ACT: General Theory of Law. It is the action or omission prohibited by legal
order. Example: Luis commits the crime of robbery of Maria.
463. ILLICIT DRUG TRAFFICKING: Criminal Law. Crime consisting of the illegal trade in
psychotropic substances. Example: Mario was arrested for illicit drug trafficking.
464. ILLICIT ENRRIQUECIMIENTO: Increase that occurs in an estate illegally. Example: My
aunts commit the act of illicit enrichment.
465. IMPEDIMENT: Civil Law. What is opposed to those that are aspired or wanted, and is
typified by the legislator as such. / That is opposed to something, from the legal point of
view. Example: Being married to someone is an impediment to remarry another new
466. IMPERSONAL CONTRACT. - It is impersonal, since it does not depend on the qualities
and conditions of the subjects and these, by themselves, do not have a greater than
normal importance. Example: buy an ice cream.
467. IMPROCEDENCE OF THE DEMAND. civil procedural law. situation that is verified
when a procedural budget or a condition of the action is missing. Example: Juan is
rejected for not having enough requirements.
468. IMPROPER REINCIDENCE: When the author commits another crime that should be
punished, but different in its modality from the previous one. Example Albert commits
improper incidence in theft crime.
469. IMPUNITY. Crime not punished. Lack of sanction for an illegal act, for not having
discovered its author, the action, for flight, pardon, judicial corruption or prescription.
Ruler or authority, who for various circumstances performs acts against the law.
Example: Nadine and Ollanta do not acknowledge that the odebrecht company would
have given them such money.
470. IMPUTABILITY: Criminal Law. One of the constituent elements of the crime. One is
imputable when one possesses the faculty of discerning - reason or conscience is called
by some authors. Example: Luis was charged with committing crimes.
471. IN DUBIO PRO REO: Principle of the criminal process by which, in case of doubt, the
judicial body must adopt the most favorable option for the accused. Example: Carlos was
sentenced with a law that gives him less time in prison.
472. INADMISSIBILITY OF THE CLAIM: Civil Procedural Law. Situation that is verified
when a requirement or an annex to the demand is missing. Example: Katy's lawsuit was
declared inadmissible.
473. INADMISSIBILITY: there are no legal requirements, there are no annexes, there is no
petition, there is no procedural form, the judge orders the plaintiff to rectify the omission
for 10 days, but to present it. Example: the lawsuit was declared inadmissible.
474. INCIDENTAL ROUTE: In procedural law, question of accessibility that arises in the
section of the procedure and whose substantiation should not interrupt the course of the
main file. An example of an incidental procedure is those questions that arise within a
475. INCOME PROFIT. - refers to all the benefits and benefits that the person has stopped
perceiving as a consequence of the damage that has been caused. It is a criterion that
must be taken into account when establishing the amount to be paid as compensation
for damages. Example: loss derived from income that is no longer earned due to the
default or frustrated business termination by the creditor.
476. INCOMPETENT JUDGE. - Judge who tries to hear a matter that is not expressly
reserved for him by the legislation related to the rules of the competition. Example: The
criminal judge is incompetent in civil matters.
477. INCREASE: Civil law. In the inheritance law, it is said of the legal power that the joint
heirs have over the vacant portions of succession for having renounced them or not
having acquired them. Example: Juan is a joint heir of a house together with Pedro.
478. INDICATION. procedural law. circumstances or vestiges, which by association or
inference leads them to facts that are related. Judgment based on the principle of
chance. Usually it is used to know a fact through the circumstances that surround it.
Example: The police follow false indications and will not solve the crime.
479. INDIGNITY. civil law. legal situation in which a person finds himself when the law, as a
sanction, deprives him of the right to succeed, that is, to receive his share of inheritance.
Example: Carlos does not give her the part of the inheritance that corresponds to Maria
that her parents have left them.
480. INDISOLUBILITY OF MARRIAGE: Civil law. Characteristic that some social, legal and
religious regulations assign to the conjugal nexus, considering that the individuals who
have been united through it, cannot cancel or eliminate the bond that unites them, under
any circumstances. Example: The marriage between Pedro and Maria is indisouble.
481. INDIVIDUALIZATION OF PENALTY: Criminal law. Phenomenon proper to criminal
law, by which the sanction of each offense is particularized depending on the
characteristics and conditions of the same and the subject who perpetrates it. Example:
Luis received an 8-year sentence, and Marco received 5 years, the sentence was
482. INDIVISION PACT: Civil Law. Unanimous agreement concluded between the co-
owners of a property, in order to postpone its partition. In Peru, if it is registered in the
corresponding registry, it has effect against third parties. Example: Maria made a house
pact with Susana.
483. INFANTICIDE: Murder of a child. Example: The neighbor murdered a child.
484. INFRA PETITA: Loc. Lat. which means "below the order". Below the demanded. Give
less than requested. Example: The judge fell in infra petita in his resolution.
485. INJURY: Civil Law. Tort that occurs in the contract, by which one of the parties takes
advantage of the pressing need of the other and imposes a benefit that is
disproportionate to what the other must perform. Example: Luis injured Carlos.
486. INJURY: tort, offense, outrage of words or deeds, with the intention of dishonoring,
insulting, demean, discredit, make someone despicable or suspicious, ridicule or mock
their. Example: Luis commits the crime of injury.
487. INPRUDENCE: Action carried out with no malice or intentionality. Example: Carlos
committed an imprudence with his car.
488. INSCONTITUTIONAL. - everything that goes against the validity of the constitution. It is
said of the legal provisions that contradict the constitution. Example: An article
prohibiting women from working would violate the right to equality and freedom of work,
and could be challenged through an unconstitutional action.
489. INSTANT CRIME: Where the violation of the legal order occurs in a single moment,
coinciding with its consummation. Where the legal violation carried out at the time of the
consummation, is extinguished with it. Example: The gang of the "piranhas" were found
in an instant crime.
490. INSTANT EXECUTION CONTRACTS. - In Instant Execution Contracts, the contractor's
interest is in the provision being made at a certain time and when this occurs the interest
is satisfied. Example: A contract to buy and sell a car.
491. INSTIGATE: Inciting, provoking or inducing a person to carry out an act. Example: Pedro
instigated Carlos to steal.
492. INSTRUCTIONAL JUDGE: Procedural Law. Judicial authority designated by law to
exercise jurisdiction in criminal matters. Also called Judge Criminis, the current legal
nomenclature is that of Judge of First Instance in Criminal Matters, but according to our
use it is that of Judge. Example: Luis is an investigating judge of the city Juliaca.
493. INSULATION: Prisons Law. It is the confinement in the solitude of the inmates.
Example: the inmate of the Piedras Gordas prison.
494. INSULT: Offense of word or action, which wounds the most sense of dignity of a person
or institution. Example: Sandra's family and lawyers immediately reported this insul to
the police station.
495. INTENTION: In a general sense, malicious, deceptive or fraudulent intention to achieve
an end. / Deception through artifice, cunning or machination, to obtain a manifestation of
will which would not occur if the injured person knew the true reality. Example: Luis
acted intentionally in the robbery.
496. INTERDICTION: Additional penalty that is imposed in certain crimes, depriving the
sentenced person of their civil rights. / Deprivation of the capacity of those who cannot
fend for themselves, for example drug addicts, those suffering from mental illness, etc.
Example: Luis was declared unlawful by the judges.
497. INTERDICTION: Civil law. Decreased situation in which there are certain people who by
court order are incapacitated to carry out all or some acts of their civil life. Example:
Mario was declared with an interdiction resolution.
498. INTEREST: Percentage established in the law to increase the debt over time from the
moment it should have been paid. Example: Bank interest.
499. INTERNATIONAL CONTRACT: A contract is international, when one or several of its
elements are linked to foreign legal systems, being by the domicile of one of the parties,
the place of conclusion of the contractor the place where it will produce its effects.
Example: Import contract.
500. INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE: Organism of the United Nations coming from
the Permanent Court of International Justice in 1921, in The Hague (Holland). Example:
Some extremely important cases carried out here in Peru have been submitted to the
International Court of Justice to determine the final judgment of mandatory compliance.
501. INTESTATE: Civil Law. It is said of the person who dies without having made a will.
Example: Pedro started intestate succession process.
502. INVALIDATE: Deprive the value or efficacy of a legal act. Example: the legal act is
503. INVENTORY. - List of assets, things or rights that make up the assets of an individual or
social person. Example: Luis inventoried his house for trial.
504. INVESTIGATION EXPENSES: Amount covered by the borrower for concept of
reviewing your credit history. Example: The defendant spent on expert investigations.
505. INVESTMENT OF SECURITIES: Commercial rights. Those made in transferable
securities issued by other companies in order to use surplus temporary or permanent
funds. Example: Luis invests in the stock market.
506. INVOICE: Commercial law. Document that is issued to record a sale, which shows the
date of the operation, the name of the buyer, the seller, the agreed conditions, the
quantity, description, price and total amount of the sale. Example: My company issues
an invoice to its customers.
507. JOINT CREDITOR: Active subject of an obligation or holder of a credit concurrently or
jointly with other creditors, with respect to one or more debtors, with the right to demand
their proportional share. Example: Juan and Maria are creditors in the obligatory
relationship with Pedro and Mario.
508. JUDGE DEAN. - oldest magistrate of a region or province whose functions are. 1. Adopt
and propose measures aimed at improving the judicial service. 2. Execute the
agreements of the superior hierarchical organs and the board of judges. Example: Juan
has a very old magistrate position which is based on improving new laws and making
himself respected in hierarchical bodies.
509. JUDGE OF PEACE. - the justice of the peace, essentially is a judge of conciliation,
consequently is empowered to propose alternative solutions to the parties in order to
request conciliation, but is forbidding him to impose an agreement. Example: Cecilia files
a food claims against her ex-partner Carlos, the Justice of the Peace calls for conciliation
and that they can solve in the best way.
510. JUDGE: Procedural Law. Person invested with jurisdictional authority, who decides in a
process the solution that must be given to the litigation raised. Who on behalf of the
state, resolves the conflicts raised between individuals. Example: Juan is a judge.
511. JUDGMENT: Criminal Procedural Law. Final consideration of the Judge in a process
that is authorized in the sentence. Example: The judge handed down the ruling against
512. JUDGMENT: Criminal procedural law. Judgment by which one of the parties is obliged
to fully or partially satisfy the claims of another litigator. Example. Luis received a 10-
year sentence.
513. JUDGMENT: Intellectual activity through which one decides between several
alternatives, evaluatively analyzing the qualities of each one. Resolution of a problem./
(Procedural Law) judicial process in which a controversy is aired. Example: The trial
against KEIKO Fujimori.
514. JUDICIAL ACCESS: Judicial Inspection. Example: ODECMA inspect the judges.
515. JUDICIAL ACTS: the decisions, orders, orders, procedures and any disposition of a
judge in the exercise of his functions. Example: a resolution as a judicial act.
516. JUDICIAL BULLETIN: It is said of the official newspaper or gazette where judicial
publications of all kinds are made. Example: In Peru the official gazette is the newspaper
517. JUDICIAL CAREER: Permanent labor exercise in the instances of the Judicial Power.
The judicial career comprises the following degrees: 1. Vocal of the Supreme Court of
Justice; 2. Member of the Superior Court of Justice; 3. Specialized or Mixed Judge; 4.
Legal Justice of the Peace. Example: Juan is in a judicial career as a judge of the
superior court.
518. JUDICIAL COMPARISON: civil procedural law. It is a comparison that is made
between two documents. Examples: The judge compares the evidence.
519. JUDICIAL DEBATE: All controversy litigation filed in the courts. Example: Judges are
those who debate judicially.
520. JUDICIAL DISTRICT: Part of a territory where a judge or court exercises jurisdiction.
Example: The judicial district of Puno.
521. JUDICIAL EMPIRE: Judicial law. It is said that the judges have the power to issue the
sentences and have them executed. Example: The judge's resolution is mandatory for
522. JUDICIAL KIDNAPPING: civil procedural law. Precautionary measure for the future
forced execution, by means of which the owner is deprived of possession of the property
subject to a process, handing it over to a custodian while the appropriate person decides
in the sentence. Example: The judge ordered the police to hijack a car from the litigation.
523. JUDICIAL OFFICE: Civil litigation. The judge will personally attend the judicial office.
Example: Today I will go to the judge's office.
524. JUDICIAL POWER LETTER: mandate that a person confers in writing to another to
represent him in a special or extensive way, taking his place. Through it a temporary
representation is exercised, revocable only by the grantor. Example: Luis granted a
power letter to Carlos.
525. JUDICIAL RECOGNITION: Means of evidence consisting of the observation by the
judge, with the assistance of the clerk of the court, of the place or object of the litigation.
Example: judicial recognition makes a sentence process continue.
526. JUDICIAL REQUISITION: Judicial act by which the presence of someone is claimed,
under a mandatory court order. / Court order for the accused of a crime to appear or for
his search and / or capture to proceed. Example: Luis is a requisitioned.
527. JUDICIAL SALE: Economic transaction of a property, ordered by the Judge in
compliance with a sentence. Example: Pedro put his car up for sale by order of the
528. JUDICIAL SECRETARY: Official in charge of attesting to judicial acts. Example: The
clerk of the court communicates the decision to the Attorney General, who will proceed
according to the law.
529. JUDICIAL TECHNICIAN: Auxiliary personnel of the administration of justice,
subordinate to the secretary of a court, in charge of supporting the Judge. Example:
Jose is the judicial technician of the civil court.
530. JUDICIAL TRANSACTION: Agreement of wills to end a litigation, making reciprocal
concessions. Example Where the creditor has already obtained a court decision, a court
settlement or an authentic instrument, the provision of security should be left to the
discretion of the court.
531. JUDICIAL ZONE: Common expression in military fuel, to designate the extension where
the Council of War exercises jurisdiction. Example: I have no doubt that the ideas
contained in this document will be part of the future debate on a common Peruvian
judicial zone.
532. JURISCONSULT: He who has a recognized status in law, and writes texts on the
subject. Example: Anibal is a great jurisconsult.
533. JURISDICTION: Procedural Law. Derived from the Latin phrase jurisdictio, it is that
sovereignty of the State applied to the special body to the function of administering
justice, to guarantee the application of law and for the composition of litigation. Example:
The state gives jurisdiction to the country.
534. JURISDICTIONAL UNITY: Jurisdictional unity has three meanings, which are not
always taken into account, because of their similarity: (a) monopoly in the application of
the law: only the courts can apply the legal rules to specific disputes; and furthermore,
they can only fulfil this function and no other (b) complete resolution of the case
entrusted to their jurisdiction, without any elements of the dispute being able to be
separated (incidents, preliminary or pre-trial questions, for example) in order to entrust
them to a different decision-making centre c no species of offence or qualified persons
that can be removed from their jurisdiction. Example: Ecuador has taken decisive steps
to obtain Jurisdictional Unity.
535. JURISDICTIONAL. - Place where you have authority to govern or put in execution the
laws. Example: The state has jurisdictional authority.
536. JURISPRUDENCE. - This word has traditionally been used to designate the Science of
Law. In addition, jurisprudence can be considered as the jurisdictional interpretation of
the Law and is constituted by the set of judicial and sometimes administrative decisions,
issued on the same question and in analogous species. Example: Court rulings can lead
to jurisprudence.
537. JURISPRUDENCE: Study of the experiences of the law, through its rulings and
sentences handed down by its courts, whose observance is mandatory for new cases of
the same modality, assuming it as a source in similar situations. Example: A court ruling
is a jurisprudence.
538. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE: The Justice of the Peace is essentially a Judge of
Conciliation. Consequently, it is empowered to propose alternative solutions to the
parties in order to facilitate conciliation, but it is prohibited to impose an agreement.
Example: Luis is the justice of the peace of a town.
539. JUVENILE HOSTEL: Family law. Public establishment intended to receive minors
removed from their domicile in which they were. Example: the orphanage
540. KIDNAPPING: Civil Law. Institution by which two or more people who have a
controversy over a good, voluntarily entrust the custody, conservation and administration
of the same to a third party. Its purpose is to allow the free economic development of the
property while the process lasts, in order not to harm its true owner. Example: Luis
kidnapped a house that is in dispute.
541. KIDNAPPING: Criminal Law. Crime against freedom, for which a person is improperly
detained, demanding, for the freedom of the kidnapped person, property, money or other
types of demands. / Deposit of a thing in litigation, for which it remains as a result of the
judicial decision. / In another sense, illegal retention of a person, in order to ask for
money or some other claim, to release them. Example: Luis kidnapped his ex-girlfriend.
542. KIDNAPPING: kidnapping of a person for fraud, violence or persuasion; In other words,
the means used to carry it out are not specific. Example: Maria was kidnapped for deceit
on the Internet.
543. LABOR CODE: Designates only the legislative text with that name. Not to be confused
with a country's collection of labor laws. Example: The country of Peru has a work code.
544. LABOR LAW: Regulates the legal relations between the company and the worker, and
of one and the other with the state. Example: The labor regime is regulated by labor law.
545. LAST NAME: Family name with which people are distinguished and which appears after
the proper name. Example: His last name is MARIN.
546. LAW: Set of norms that the State maintains in force with a coercive nature. "Order of
actions aimed at satisfying the diverse human interests established and guaranteed by
the social authority" (Coviello). Example: Law is a social science that regulates
coexistence in society.
547. LAWSUIT REQUIREMENTS: Civil Procedural Law. Procedural budget consisting of
the set of elements of form and substance that must be gathered when filing the claim.
Among the formal requirements we can cite the annexes required by procedural laws;
Among the substantive requirements are those that give the claim its character as such.
Examples: Procedural estimates are the requirements of the lawsuit.
548. LAWYER OF THE STATE: Lawyer whose main tasks are the defense of the State in
trial, administrative advice and the liquidation of the real rights tax. Example: Luis is the
comptroller of the PUNO region
549. LAWYER: It is the profession and practice of the lawyer. Example: I need a lawyer to
advise me.
550. LAWYER'S FIRM: Procedural law. It is said of the office, "study where the lawyer
dispatches." Example: Juan has a LAW FIRM.
551. LEARNER: Labor Law. All unskilled workers who aspire to learn a trade, training for
their exercise on a regular basis. Example: Luis is an apprentice for the position of
552. LEGACY: Civil Law. Liberality made by will for the benefit of third parties, that is, of
those who are not forced heirs. / Free disposition made by will in favor of a person called
legatee. Example: Luis left a legacy before dying.
553. LEGAL ACT: Civil law. Voluntary, lawful legal fact, with effects intended to create,
regulate, modify or extinguish legal situations or relationships. Example: A marriage
554. LEGAL CERTAINTY: General Theory of Law. Guarantees of stability in the legal
traffic, allows the free development of individuals, banishing inhibition due to uncertainty.
/ Respect for the rules established by the authority, subject to regulations. / Impartiality,
rectitude and independence of the judiciary in the performance of their duties. Example:
The judge issues a resolution with full legal certainty.
555. LEGAL COURSE: Civil law. It is said of the unlimited liberating power of the currency,
consisting in that the minted metal signs and the notes issued according to laws of the
matter by the legally authorized banks, must be accepted in payment by the creditors at
their nominal value. Example: Juan pays with the national currency of his country for a
purchase that I make.
556. LEGAL DOMICILE: It is said that the domicile is expressly indicated by the parties in a
judicial proceeding, as a specific venue for procedural purposes. The headquarters of
the sponsoring law firm is commonly designated. Example: Carlos's legal domicile is at
Manco Capac Street.
557. LEGAL FACT: Civil Law. Phenomenon or event that generates the birth, the
modification or the extinction of rights, that is to say, that modifies the legal reality / A fact
is legal insofar as the law attributes legal effects to it. Example: A tidal wave is a legal
558. LEGAL FIGURE: Expression used in a pejorative way to mean a certain species or type
within a legal institution. Example: The Family is a legal figure.
559. LEGAL FOUNDATION OF THE REQUEST: Civil procedural law. Requirement
required in article 424, subsection 7) of the civil procedural code. Example: Lawyer Juan
duly substantiated the lawsuit.
560. LEGAL HEIR: It is said of one whose rights cannot be unknown even by the deceased,
except in case of disinheritance. Example: According to the laws Maria is the legal heir.
561. LEGAL HISTORIOGRAPHY: It deals with the various works referring to the History of
Law. Example: My cousin supported a thesis on Legal Historiography, highlighting the
help that this science gives to law.
562. LEGAL IDEOLOGY: Ideas and guiding values of a legal system. Ideology comes to
constitute the basic and general orientation of a legal system, culture or tradition.
Example: The legal ideology of Peru is from the Roman system.
563. LEGAL PERSON: Collective entities to which the law attributes the capacity to exercise
their rights and the duty to bear their obligations. Example: the legal person is abstract.
564. LEGAL RELEVANCE: A subjective fact, by which it is valued that an action or an
omission, has a relevance to be elevated to the competent tribunals, to discern the
controversy. Example: Conflict of interests of legal relevance is that conflict that is
generated when a subject, with his action or omission, produces as a result the breach
of the legal system.
565. LEGAL RELEVANCE: Subjective fact, by which it is valued that an action or omission,
has a relevance to be elevated to the competent courts, to discern the controversy.
Example: The crime of homicide is relevant.
566. LEGAL RESERVE: In modern terms, it establishes custody or safeguarding of some
principle or the development of a legal institution, on the part of and in favor of an
exclusive and exclusive regulatory modality. Example: The case is a legal reserve.
567. LEGAL SECURITY: general theory of law. Guarantees of stability in the legal traffic,
allows the free development of the individuals, banishing the inhibition for uncertainty /
Respect to the established norms on the part of the authority, being subjected to the
normativity / Impartiality, rectitude and independence of the judicial power in the
performance of its functions. Example Legal security is one of the pillars of our society.
568. LEGAL SERVICES: This is the range of professional services in law offered by
contemporary society, within the so-called legal pluralism. Example Legal services of
advice and representation in criminal law.
569. LEGAL SYSTEM: Set of rules that at a certain historical moment govern a community.
Example: Our Peruvian legal system.
570. LEGAL VICE: Civil Law. Obstacle that does not allow an optimal development of the
agent's will. It can be error, fraud, violence or intimidation. Example: The judge canceled
a contract because there was a vice in the will.
571. LEGISLATION. - It is a special aspect of the creation of law, the creation of general
norms, by specific organs, that is, the bodies legislative. Example: Peruvian legislation is
based on constitution.
572. LEGISLATIVE ACT: Act carried out by an organ of this nature aimed at creating the
positive law. Example: The Congress of the Republic passed a new law.
573. LEGITIMACY TO WORK. procedural law. logical - legal relationship that must exist
between the material and procedural relationship, so that those who are part of the
material legal relationship must retain such quality in the same position, in the procedural
legal relationship. Example: when a person has a need, he will seek to identify a good
through which he can satisfy his need, we call it interest.
574. LEGITIMACY: Constitutional Law. Foundation and social consent that a measure or
norm acquires, that seeks to become valid in a social order and have validity without
altering harmonious coexistence. Example: Civil law has legitimacy.
575. LEGITIMATE DEFENSE. criminal law. Extreme circumstance by which a person is
forced to defend his integrity against unlawful aggression, which as a defense reaction
could cause damage or death to the attacker, and may be according to the facts.
Example: Mario is attacked by an unknown person who wanted to steal his cell phone,
however, he defends himself by attacking him and killing him immediately.
576. LEGITIMATE. civil law. portion of the hereditary estate that the testator cannot dispose
of, which belong by law to the so-called forced heirs. Example: Part of the inheritance of
which the testator that, by mandate of the law, cannot freely dispose of.
577. LEGITIMATE. - In the succession systems that admit the existence of forced heirs, the
hereditary portion of which the testator cannot dispose, as it is legally assigned to them.
Example: The legitimate daughter of Pedro.
578. LESS AMOUNT. - procedural law. expression that designates the jurisdiction and
procedure of trials whose amounts of material objects of the economic litigation do not
exceed a limit, considered of less economic controversy. As opposed to the largest
amount of money. Example. 10% of the lesser amount of the contracting entity is used,
regardless of its purpose.
579. LIABILITY: Consequences of an unlawful action or omission, which derive an obligation
to satisfy the damage or loss caused. There may be civil liability and criminal liability or
both at the same time. Example: Pedro has civil responsibility in the case.
580. LICENSE: Official authorization to exercise a certain activity for a given period. Example:
Juan applies for his driver's license.
581. LIFTING OF CADAVER. -criminal procedural law. procedure carried out by the
medical lawyer, with the assistance of the judge, in which a record is drawn up at the
place where the body was found, in order to describe the position of the body and write
down all the information that is available. Example. When a person is found dead on a
public highway, and is ordered by a prosecutor to carry out the removal of the body.
582. LIGAMEN. - Legal relationship between two or more people than they can Derive
obligations of a bilateral or unilateral nature. Example: The contract produces ligamen.
583. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: Mercantile company whose obligations are guaranteed
by a certain capital. Example: Juan's company is a limited liability company.
584. LIQUIDATION OF GOODS. - Total sale of the goods by closing of the establishment or
by change of branch. Example: Luis went bankrupt and liquidated his assets.
585. LIQUIDATION OF THE MARRIAGE SOCIETY. - Process through which determines the
position of property corresponding to each of the spouses. Example: Luis and Maria
liquidated their assets by divorce.
586. LITIGANT: Procedural Law. Who assumes a leading role in the process, either as an
actor or as a site. Example: Juan is the litigator in the process.
587. LITIGATION: Legal proceedings before the ordinary and private jurisdiction, as opposed
to administrative proceedings. For example, the parties may resolve the matter through
litigation in the courts.
588. LOAN CREDITOR: In the pledge contract, it is said of the creditor that your credit is
guaranteed with a personal property of the debtor. Example: Juan lends money in
exchange for Mario's motorcycle.
589. LOCATION: Civil Law. Service provision contract whereby the landlord undertakes
before the principal to perform a certain job, but without being subordinate to it. Example:
Location contract by the telephone company.
590. LYING: Lying down example luisa is lying on the stretcher.
591. MAGISTRATE. - Currently the person invested with the dignity of the judicial office is
designated, which empowers him to administer justice on behalf of the state. Example:
Mario is chosen to represent the state so that he can do justice.
592. MAGISTRATURE ACADEMY: Judicial law. The academy of the magistracy is part of
the judiciary, it is responsible for the education and training of judges and prosecutors at
all levels. Example: Judge Juan trained at the Lima magistracy academy.
593. MANAGED: Administrative law. The administered is the natural or legal person, who in
principle is a taxpayer or recipient of the administrative action. Example: Juan is going to
request a motorcycle license from the municipality of Juliaca.
594. MANAGEMENT ACT: General theory of law. The one that by the sole will of the agent
is practiced in the administration of the things of others; how to manage a commercial,
industrial, agricultural or other type of establishment. Example: Juan runs his company.
595. MANAGEMENT: Co-management, management, power. Example: The management of
the company should be entrusted to an experienced manager.
596. MANDATE: Civil Law. Contract by which one person instructs another to carry out
business or other activities of their interest and under their responsibility. Example:
housing construction contract.
597. MANDATORY: Civil Law. Who, by virtue of the mandate contract, assumes the
mandate of the principal. / (Constitutional Law) By analogy, the President of the Republic
is called the first president of the Nation. Example: The President of Peru is the
598. MANIFESTATION OF THE WILL: Civil law. Externalization of the will, through acts
executed with discernment, intention and freedom. Example: I stated my willingness to
599. MARITAL SEPARATION: See: Divorce Example The purpose of marital separation and
community property is to ensure the protection of children in divorce proceedings.
600. MARKET ACCESS: Commercial law. Definition of trade rules of a country to facilitate
or limit the entry of goods or services from other countries or groups of countries.
Example: the free trade agreement between Peru and Bolivia.
601. MARRIAGE PROMISE: Civil Law. Promise to contract marriage that can be unilateral
or bilateral and reciprocally accepted. It does not create a legal obligation to marry.
Example: Luis and María made a marriage contract.
602. MARRIAGE SEPARATION: See: Divorce. Example: Luis and Maria divorced.
603. MARRIAGE: Civil Law. Solemn act by which a man and a woman unite to make life
together, constituting a family. / It is said of the family status, that is, of the legal
relationship that emerges from the marital act. Example: Luis made his marriage in the
city of Juliaca.
604. MASS: In Law, set or assembly of things or goods. / Total assets. Example: Land mass.
605. MATERIAL FALSE: It is called false or real material, when the imputation of the truth
falls on the materiality of the document. Example: false documents.
606. MATRICIDE: Homicide committed against the mother, whose perpetrator is an
ascendant or descendant. Qualified homicide due to family ties. / Homicide committed by
a son against his own mother. Example: Luis committed a matricide.
607. MAYOR: Municipal Law. It is the highest authority in a municipality in a certain territory.
Example: The mayor of Lima is Muñoz.
608. MEANS OF APPEAL: they are instruments that the law grants to the parties so that they
can achieve the total or partial annulment or revocation of a procedural act affected by a
vice or error. Example: Luis activated the means of challenge.
609. MEANS OF PROOF. - Legally provided instruments to demonstrate what a litigant
intends to demonstrate in support of his right. Example: Maria is accused of theft and
she demands that the evidences of said act be demonstrated.
610. MERCHANT: Commercial law. Any natural or legal person who, having legal capacity,
habitually performs commercial acts. Example: Luis is a wholesaler.
611. MERIT OF THE PROCESS: Procedural law. It refers to the set of evidence and
reasons that result from everything acted and that serves the judge to form a criterion on
the litigation and give its decision. Example: The lawyer Juan gave all the merits of proof.
612. MILD CRIMINAL COMPLAINT: Criminal Procedural Law. Denomination given to the
exercise of criminal actions when the law establishes, for crimes or offenses that do not
entail greater severity, that the offended party be its sole owner; So it is called private
action. Example: Luis will file a complaint against Antonio.
613. MINING LAW: Set of rules and principles of public and private nature that regulate the
expiration and exploitation of mineral substances found in the soil, subsoil and in the
maritime domain, whatever the form in which they are found. Example: Mining is
regulated by mining law.
614. MINISTRY: Political law. Each one of the departments, sections or dependencies in
which the government and administration of a state are divided for their exercise.
Example: The Ministry of Culture.
615. MINUTE. civil law. document or extracts made privately, which has value for the parties
if they subscribe it, which enhances its legal value if it is raised to public deed and this is
written in public records. Example: in which a contract or agreement between two people
is embodied.
616. MINUTES: Written relation of what happened, treated or agreed in a meeting. Act and
document in which it is recorded, issued by a competent authority, and intended to relate
or relate a material fact or legal act with legal effects. Example. A marriage certificate.
617. MONETARY POLICY INSTRUMENTS: Financial law. They are all those measures or
mechanisms that affect the liquidity and supply of the money supply. Example: The
dollar costs 3.45 soles, the value is the monetary instrument.
618. MONETARY VALUES: Values expressed in currency. Example: The values expressed
in Peru are the nuevo sol and in whole numbers.
619. MONOGAMY: Civil Law. Marriage system by which a man has only one wife, and a
woman has only one husband; both could remarry after dissolution of the previous
marriage bond. Example: In Peru only monogamy is allowed.
620. MORA. - civil law figure. guilty delay in fulfilling an obligation, which can still be
executed because it exists, still in the creditor's interest. Example: when the delay in
compliance is reprehensible to the debtor.
621. MORAL DAMAGE: Hypothetical assessment of the victim's ailments during their
healing, the grief, the affliction or the painful emptiness that the absence of a person may
generate, discredit, etc. Example: Maria has damaged her morale.
622. MORTGAGE CREDITOR: Active subject of an obligation that has its credit guaranteed
with the real mortgage right, constituted in its favor. Example: The bank BBVA is Pedro's
623. MORTGAGE: Real right of guarantee that is constituted in things that do not come out of
the possession of its owner, but the creditor may be asked to sell it if the obligation is not
fulfilled. Example: The main credit instrument of banks are mortgages.
624. MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE. - Set of general rules issued for a specific matter, usually of
a municipal nature. Example: the municipality of San Román Juliaca has a municipal
ordinance for public roads.
625. MURDER OF AN IMPORTANT PERSON: Criminal law. Homicide to the detriment of
an important person. Assassination of a high-ranking person or state official, whose
disposition moves society, for example, the murder of César, Lincoln, Manuel Pardo,
Ghandy, J.F. Kennedy, Donato Colosio, among others.
626. MURDER: Criminal law. Liquidate, execute, eliminate, immolate, kill, take life with
extreme evil. Example: A man murders another person.
627. MURDERER FOR MONEY.: Criminology. The murderer is said to be for a salary, who
sells his unscrupulous services to kill. Example: Mario hired a hitman.
628. MUTUAL. - civil law. contract by which money or other expendable property is loaned
and the beneficiary party undertakes to return it in the same quality and quantity.
Contract by which one person mutually delivers to another certain amount of money or
consumable goods for the use, with the obligation of the second mutual person, to return
the same quality and quantity of the same kind. Example: Sergio borrows from David the
amount of two thousand soles in order to repay said loan by making a document of
mutual agreement.
629. MUTUATOR. - civil law. who, by virtue of the mutual agreement, receives money or
other expendable property as a loan. Example: Maria makes a loan of 1,000 soles on
account, leaving her home as a guarantee.
630. NAME: Civil Law. Designation that individualizes and identifies people. By name is
meant the pronoun or given name and the surnames or patronymics. Example: Juan is
my name.
631. NATION: Historical community that have the same origin, common language, identity of
customs and share a cultural legacy that unites them as a stable and unique society.
Example: Peru is a great nation.
632. NATIONAL JURY OF ELECTIONS: Constitutional law. It is an autonomous
organization that has a legal representative of public (internal) law, in charge of
administering electoral justice; to control the legality of the exercise of suffrage.
Example: Luis registered his political party in the NATIONAL JURY OF ELECTIONS.
633. NATIONAL PROSECUTOR. - Peruvian constitutional law. Maximum representative of
the public ministry. According to Doctor Pedro Méndez jury; It has the power to intervene
in matters within its competence throughout the territory, through the prosecutors of the
provincial authorities. Example: Juan has a maximum position to represent the state.
634. NATURAL JUDGE: It is the constitution of the competent judicial body to hear a
litigation prior to the facts that are prosecuted through a law and invariably and fully.
Example: In the city of Juliaca there is no natural judge.
635. NATURAL PERSON: Those capable of exercising their rights and assuming their
obligations. Example: the natural person faces his obligations.
636. NEGOTIATING TABLE: Stock market law. It is said of the mechanism that allows
transactions on the stock exchange. Example: Juan and the rest make a negotiation
637. NET PROFIT: It is the product that remains after deducting the gross profit, expenses,
penalties, reserve, Example: The company had a net profit last year as expected.
638. NICKNAME: Alias, nickname, name that is usually given to a person. Example: Juan's
alias is PAULUS.
639. NO NEED FOR THAT: criminal procedural law. Judicial resolution declaring that there
is no place, provisionally or definitively. In the first case, define the criminal process, the
legend, but in a provisional way, that is: conditioned to the appearance of new elements
of judgment / Declaration of the court, which prevents the continuation of the case
against the accused and puts an end to the process. Example No, we want the defense
to ask for a dismissal.
640. NO PLACE. - judicial voice that classifies as inadmissible an action or claim filed by a
court. Example: the judge classifies Carlos's application, which is inadmissible on the
part of the prosecutor.
641. NOMINATED CONTRACT. - It is the one that lacks regulations specific, against the exit
to the nominated or atypical contracts. Example: franchise agreement.
642. NOTARIAL LAW. - Set of legal norms related to the notarial function Example: The
notary public.
643. NOTARY: This is the notary or official who has the legal powers as depositary of the
public faith, through the verification and legalization of documents. Example: Juan is a
notary public.
644. NOTIFICATION CERTIFICATE: Document issued by the auxiliaries of the judiciary.
Example: Luis received a judicial notice.
645. NOTIFICATION. - procedural law act by which a knowledge is proposed to the parties
or third parties related to the litigation of the resolutions or of the citations issued by the
dependencies of the judicial power. Example: Carlos is notified so that he can give his
statement for a maintenance demand to the corresponding court.
646. OBJECTION: Opposition by a lawyer to ask a question to a defendant, or to the way the
question is asked. Example: The attorney repeatedly used the objection.
647. OBJECTIVE LAW: General theory of law. It is the set of rules that order and prohibit
doing something or carrying out certain behavior. Example: The penal code belongs to
the objective law.
648. OBJECTIVE LAW: It is the set of legal norms that make up the legal machinery, the set
of precepts of the law the legal norm that constitute the codes. Example: The civil code.
649. OBLIGATION NOT TO DO: That which consists in the realization of a negative benefit
by part of the obligated (a not to do). Example: The municipality ordered that the trees
not be cut down.
650. OBLIGATION TO GIVE: That which has as its object the transfer of property or another
right real. Example: Juan fulfills the obligation to give the contract.
651. OBLIGATION: Civil Law. Relationship between two parties, by virtue of which one,
called creditor, can demand the fulfillment of a certain benefit, in its interest and benefit,
to another, called debtor. It is more proper to speak of a mandatory relationship.
Example: Juan has a contractual obligation.
652. OF OFFICE: Procedural law. Any procedure, action or diligence that must and can be
carried out by judges or officials with jurisdictional power. Example: The judge acts ex
officio in the review of the demand.
653. OFFER. - civil law is the name given to the expression of will by which he offers or
invites himself to celebrate a contract. Example: that is, contractual by the bidder.
654. OFFICIAL JOURNAL: Law: administrative. It is the written means of communication
that a state uses to publish its legal norms. Example: The official newspaper of Peru is
from the official newspaper of Peru.
655. OMBUDSMAN: Person appointed by Parliament to receive and process complaints filed
by citizens about the malfunction of the Administration. Example: Peru has the
ombudsman against injustices.
656. ONEROUS CONTRACT. - It is an onerous contract, in principle, since the consideration
is represented by the payment of the price. Example: Buying a home for a value.
657. OPENING OF THE INSTANCE: Procedural law. Procedural act in which the judge
advocates the knowledge of a demand. Example: The judge advocates the process.
658. OPENING OF THE TESTAMENT.- Judicial diligence by which the judge proceed to the
opening of a closed will or holograph. Example: The judge opens the hereditary process.
659. OPINION: Document or verbal statement that the expert produces before the Judge who
knows the litigation, and which contains his judgment on the points that were submitted
to him. Example: The expert opinion says that it was positive.
660. OPPOSITE PARTY: In all controversy or trial, there is a litigant and his claim, and
another with a claim opposed to the first. Example: Luis is the opposite party to the
661. ORAL HEARING: This is the criminal trial and its public performance, when the law so
establishes it at designated times and days, exhausting its procedures until its
completion with the sentence. Examples: The oral hearing begins in May.
662. ORAL REPORT. - argument before the judge or court of lawyers, before the judicial
resolution, where the arguments of the party are freely supported, incur in the Litigation.
Example: Luis and Maria are following a demand for food, in which both voluntarily
present their defense.
663. ORAL TRIAL. - the second stage of the ordinary criminal process, in which, after
completing the investigative stage, the oral debates of the parties are conducted in
public before the court, directly evaluating the facts and evidence. Example: Maria is
preparing to do litigation on the part of her patrons.
664. ORDER OF APPEARANCE. - criminal procedure law. ordinance of the competent
authority for a person to appear, preserving their freedom. Example: Juan has the right
to carry out the clarification, proceedings and pending procedures in his judicial process.
665. ORDER OF DETENTION. - criminal procedure law. mandate of the judicial authority
that deprives a person of his freedom and that must be fulfilled if necessary with the
public force on the spot. Example: Manuel is ordered by the judge to nine months of
preventive prison for the crime of sexual rape.
666. ORDINANCE: Set of general rules issued for a specific matter, normally of a municipal
nature. Example: The municipality issued an ordinance.
667. ORDINARY JUDGE: Common voice to designate the Judge who in the first instance
knows the causes. Example: The civil judge is an ordinary judge.
668. ORDINARY PROCEDURE: Normal procedure, where the litigants have all the
procedures of the case, however, that require a delay in the process. For example: an
investigation was opened for those investigated in the ordinary way; an accusation and
sentence were issued under the scope of the summary proceeding.
669. ORGANIC STRUCTURE: Administrative law. Systematic arrangement of the organs
that make up an institution, according to hierarchy and specialization criteria, ordered
and coded in such a way that it is possible to visualize the hierarchical levels and their
dependency relationships. Example: The judiciary has its organic structure.
670. PARDON. - Suspension of the sentence imposed by sentence to the inmate, which
shows his social readjustment, returning it to the bosom of his family and community and
is granted as a grace by the President of the Republic. Example: The President of the
Republic gives the humanitarian pardon Alberto because there is a sentence to be
671. PARLIAMENTARY IMMUNITY: Constitutional law. It is the prerogative enjoyed by
parliamentarians not to be deprived of your freedom or subject to procedures that may
culminate in said deprivation, without the prior consent of the chamber to which they
belong. Example: Congressmen have parliamentary immunity.
672. PARRICIDE: Criminal Law. Qualified homicide, due to the family relationship, since the
victim is an ascendant or descendant of the active subject. / Crime committed by who
kills his own mother. Example: Luis committed the crime of parricide.
673. PASSIONAL KILLING. - the one that is committed in a state of uncontrollable shock,
because the honor or the loving feelings are affected, which affect the psychic balance of
the agent temporarily. Example: Mario discovers his wife Carla's infidelity, killing her with
a stick to the head.
674. PASSIVE SOLIDARITY: civil law. When in the obligatory relationship there is a plurality
of debtors and any of them owes payment on behalf of all, cancelling the debt. Example
of solidarity is passive when the obligation is incurred by several debtors.
675. PASSIVE SUBJECT: Criminal law: He who receives the consequences of the act of the
active subject. Example: Carlos is the victim and is the taxpayer of the robbery.
676. PASSIVE SUBJECT: The one who receives the consequences of the colt act, or the
one who acts under the domination of the crime example the active subject is the victim
of a crime.
677. PATENT: Title granted by the government to the author of certain inventions, in order to
ensure the exclusive right of exploitation for a certain period. Concession that grants the
right of exploitation of a creation, invention or discovery. Example: Juan is the holder of
the newest cellular technology patent.
678. PATERNITY: Natural, legal and moral bond that unites a man with his son. Example:
Pedro has paternity over his son.
679. PAULIAN ACTION: Civil Law. It is a conservative measure of the debtor's assets and,
therefore, a credit protector. Example: Juan lent money to Pedro, and he commits fraud
by saying that his house is not his, and that he has nowhere to pay Juan.
680. PAYMENT IN ACCOUNT: Amount that the debtor of the income credits in his
accounting in favor of his creditor because it is a legally enforceable credit on that date.
Example: The debtor credits 1000 dollars to the account of his creditor.
681. PAYMENT ORDER. - document by means of which there is an undoubted commitment
to cancel debt by expense, purchase and debt. Example: Juan has a commitment to pay
off his debt.
682. PAYMENT: Civil Law. Figure by which, in the obligatory relationship, the due benefit is
fulfilled, the bond is extinguished and the debtor is released. Example: Luis made the
payment of 1000 dollars to Pedro.
683. PEASANT AND NATIVE COMMUNITIES: Civil law. They are legal persons whose
origin dates back to the Inca era. Examples: La Oroya peasant community.
684. PENAL CODE: Organic series of precepts concerning crimes, criminals or other acts
committed by ordinary people; applicable to cases and procedures exercised by criminal
jurisdiction. Example: The lawyer has a criminal code.
685. PENALIST: Lawyer specialized in criminal matters. Versed in criminal law. Example:
Juan is a criminal lawyer.
686. PERENTORY: It refers to the last period granted or the final resolution taken in any
matter. Compelling, decisive, indefectible. Example: Miguel was given a peremptory of
10 days.
687. PERJURE: He who swears falsely, or maliciously breaks the oath he has taken.
Example: The Minister of the Interior maliciously perjured the PNP.
688. PERMANENT OR TOTAL DISABILITY. Impossibility of the individual to carry out his
activities due to the absolute loss of faculties, during all his life. Example: The person
without discernment has permanent disability.
689. PERPETUAL CHAIN: In the old systems of penalties, it is the most severe sanction of
custodial sentences, immediately less than the death penalty. Example: In Peru, the
Perpetual Chain was removed as the maximum penalty for aggravated terrorism.
690. PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION. - Document or proof of personality. Example: The DNI is
our identification.
691. PERSONNEL: Act of appearing in court to exercise one's rights. Example: the defendant
is under an obligation to appear in court.
692. PHILOSOPHY OF LAW: Branch of philosophy, which aims at the study and knowledge
of the essence and foundation of the particular legal sciences. Example: We take the
philosophy of law course.
693. PIGNATION: Contract that has the purpose of assuring the fulfillment of an obligation
through the acceptance of some goods with guarantee. Example: the lease has the
consequence of a pledge.
694. PLEAD: Judicial law. Defends in trial. figuratively, intercede, speak for someone,
practice the profession of lawyer. Example: Luis the lawyer is María's defender in the
695. PLEBISCITE: constitutional consultation technique that is carried out on citizens to verify
whether they approve or reject a matter or government decision. Example: The
government will organize a plebiscite.
696. PLEDGE: civil law. Figure by which a movable property is given as security for the
performance of an obligation to ensure the commitment of an obligation; in case of
default, the aggrieved creditor may make payment from the proceeds of the sale of the
property. Example: the lease contract was made with a pledge clause.
697. POLICE REPORT: Police document of an administrative nature by which the result of
the investigations carried out around a reported crime is reported. The certificate must
contain the testimony of the intervened, the investigative process and its conclusions.
Examples: The police report indicates the date of the action.
698. POLICE: Law enforcement officials. Example the police enforces the law.
699. POLITICAL ACT: Act that aims to achieve a political effect. example: The congressman
presented a bill.
700. POLITICAL SCIENCE: Studies the facts, events and public processes; it is not left alone
in the legal-constitutional analysis or in the exposition of the development of political
ideas; Rather, it tries to investigate how men actually act in politics. Example: I take the
political science course.
701. PORTFOLIO: Commercial law. Generic designation that includes the values or
commercial effects and documents in charge of clients that are part of the assets of a
commercial company. Example: My client portfolio is pure companies.
702. POSITION: Civil law. Lien or restrictive or limiting measure of a property. Example:
charges such as property taxes.
703. POST INDIVISIBLE: Loc. Lat. Which means: "to divide from". Example: post indivisible
of the police record the preparatory instigation was initiated.
704. POST PARTUM: loc. lat. Which means: "After birth". Example: Pos partum la nacen
eats in the obligation to register in the respective registers.
705. POSTPONEMENT: Procedural Law. Suspension of a diligence or hearing not started,
setting a new date. Example: The hearing date was postponed for August.
706. POWER OF ATTORNEY: Any natural or legal person, with legal capacity to represent
and proceed on behalf of another person. Example: Luis is Mario's attorney.
707. POWER: Power to make a decision. Example: The power of the decision judge.
708. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURE: procedural law. institution through which the court, at
the request of a party, advances certain effects or all of a final decision or the assurance
of evidence, by admitting the existence of an appearance of law. Example: the judge
competent to issue precautionary measures is the one who is empowered to hear the
claims of the lawsuit.
709. PRECLUSION: According to Couture the extinction, closure or expiration; action and
effect of extinguishing the right to perform a procedural act, either by prohibition of the
law, by having missed the opportunity to verify it or by having performed another
incompatible with it. Example: with the preclusion its process expired.
710. PREJUDICIAL: It says of the judicial question, whose litis is previous, in relation to
another what implies, that previously there must be a judicial pronouncement of the
respective instance, to assume its result or sentence in the right that is sustained or
pretended. Example: prejudicial is before the judicial.
711. PREMEDITATION: Anticipated reflection of a criminal act, calculation of its
consequences and externalization of a meditated act with a deliberate criminal intent.
Meditation of a damage. Aggravating circumstance of a crime. Example: a criminal act
with premeditation has a higher sanction.
712. PRESCRIPTION: End of a period of time established by law. / (Criminal Law),
Temporary limit established by the state to punish certain crimes, after which its punitive
power becomes inoperative. Example: the prescription of an investigation is the
responsibility of the competent authority.
713. PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE: a principle that in criminal proceedings it is the
prosecution that must prove the criminal responsibility of the accused. Example: the
presumption of innocence is a right of the accused.
714. PRESUMPTION OF OWNERSHIP: the owner is the owner until proven otherwise.
Example: Juan is the alleged owner of the property.
715. PRESUMPTION: It is a deductive reasoning which, based on the law, allows to form
conviction in the mind of the judge. It is a substitute for the means of proof. / De luris
Tantum: Presumption which can be rebutted if the contrary is proved. / De lure Et a legal
duty. Ture: which cannot be rebutted, therefore, does not admit proof to the contrary.
Example: the presumption is a supposed fact.
716. PRETERITION: civil law. Omission in the will of a forced heir, not knowing his capacity
as such, but without expressly disinheriting him. Example: preterition is the omission of a
forced heir.
717. PRETERNATIONAL: criminal law. That which exceeds the intention, say of the fact
that it exceeds the purpose of the agent causing the crime. It is an international fact,
however, whose results have gone beyond what the agent sought. Example: the crime
was committed by an agent before the crime was committed.
718. PREVARICATE: Crime against the correct exercise of the administration of justice,
committed by the judge who should conduct the process with honesty and impartiality.
/Delinquent by failing or proposing, knowingly or by inexcusable ignorance, resolution of
manifest injustice. Also when there is a breach of Article 8 of the Preliminary Title of the
Peruvian Civil Code, which is also the source of the Law: The failure to administer justice
because there is no law. Example: the prevarication is the responsibility of the judge in
charge of the sentence.
719. previous act or provision. Example: No longer paying attention to a contractual event.
720. PRINCIPLE OF LEGALITY: A rule that obliges all the powers of the state to submit to
the law. Example: the principle of legality is one of the principles of the constitution.
721. PRIORITY: The anticipation or preference with which one thing must be attended to in
relation to another with which legal terminology hásieu death penalty, some in favor
(morticolas), others against (abolitionists) / See: art. 140 that swears falsely, or
maliciously breaks the oath he has made. is compared. Example: every process must be
carried out with priority.
722. PRISON: Criminal law. It is the establishment of reclusion. Example: Luis is in jail for
723. PRIVATE DOMAIN ASSETS.- Those that meet the requirements established by
applicable state and municipal laws in the matter. Example: A health clinic.
724. PRIVATE LAW: General theory of law. It is the set of norms that regulate the relations
of individuals among themselves, or the relations between them and the state. Example:
Marriage belongs to private law.
725. PRIVILEGED CREDITOR: It is said of the creditor that he enjoys privilege, preference or
priority over the other creditors with respect to a debtor, for the payment of his credit.
Example: Juan is the most privileged in the debtor's loans compared to other creditors.
726. PROCEDURAL ACCUMULATION: Procedural law. There is accumulation, when a
gathering of procedural objects occurs. Example: Accumulation of claims in a lawsuit.
727. PROCEDURAL CELERITY: Ideal purpose pursued by any judicial administration
system. Example: The state guarantees judicial speed.
728. PROCEDURAL CLAIM: A party's willingness to seek to satisfy an interest, allegedly
infringed by another party, through a court, having transformed its material claim into a
procedural claim. Example: the procedural claim seeks to satisfy a personal interest of
an individual.
729. PROCEDURAL ECONOMICS: procedural law. Principle that governs the process by
which it seeks to obtain the judicial decision using the least effort of the parties and even
the state, with less pecuniary expense. Example: Luis and Carlos sue Pedro in a single
lawsuit for reasons of procedural economy.
730. PROCEDURAL EVENT. - procedural law those situations that do not have their origin
in the will of the people, such as the death of one of the parties, loss of the judicial file.
Example: the prosecutor disappears the file that he had for years in a trial.
731. PROCEDURAL FACTS: Procedural Law. Those situations that do not have their origin
in the will of the people, such as the death of one of the parties. Example: loss of the
judicial file in the process.
732. PROCEDURAL FRAUD. - criminal maneuver to induce deception, through falsifications,
impersonation or misrepresentation of established judicial procedures. It can start from
one of the litigants, the parties, third parties or the auxiliaries. Example: Juan represents
his brother Miguel in the judicial process.
733. PROCEDURAL INVALIDITY. - procedural law deprivation of effects imputed to the
acts of the process that suffer from novice in its essential elements and that therefore
lack the ability to fulfill the purpose for which it is intended. Example: it is when a trial is
declared invalid due to lack of evidence.
734. PROCEDURAL LEGAL ACT: It is the legal act emanating from the parties, the agents
of the jurisdiction or even from third parties linked to the process, capable of creating,
modifying or extinguishing procedural effects. Example: A resolution as a procedural act.
735. PROCEDURAL MISCONDUCT: Procedural law. Misconduct, both of the judge and the
litigant. Example: The lawyer committed procedural misconduct.
736. PROCEDURAL NULLITY: Procedural Law. Deprivation of effects imputed to the acts
of the process that suffer from some vice in its essential elements and that for this
reason, lack the ability to fulfill the purpose for which they have been used. Example:
Juan filed an annulment of a procedural act.
737. PROCEDURAL PRINCIPLE: It is the postulate or axiom that informs the form or manner
of being a process. Example: the procedural principle refers from the beginning to the
end of a case.
738. PROCEDURAL SUBSTITUTE: procedural law. Figure by which one of the procedural
parties is replaced by another person, by death or other cause, the pursuit of the process
with regularity. Substitution may occur at any time in the process when the inaction of
the plaintiff indirectly harms the creditor. It is also known as an oblique action or
intervention of an intervening or adherent third party. Example Procedural substitution
involves the change of the person who is to answer for personal facts in the examination
of parties.
739. PROCEDURAL SUCCESSION: Procedural Law. It is when a subject occupies the
place of another in a process. There is a change in the subjects of the procedural legal
relationship, with the transfer of procedural powers and duties that this position entails.
Example: Pedro's son is the successor of the process.
740. PROCEDURE: Administrative Law. According to Guillermo Cabanellas, "each one of
the states, proceedings and resolutions of a matter until its termination." Example: Juan
carries out his driver's license process.
741. PROCESS DIRECTION: Procedural law. In a broad sense, it is said, in procedural law,
powers that the law grants to judges and courts, to channel the procedure in the most
convenient way. Example: The judge is the one who directs the process.
742. PROCESS: From Latin Procesius, it derives from Procederé, which means to avarify,
trajectory, it is the set of coordinated and systematic acts regulated by the law and
procedure establishing a pre-classical order and linked between them/ Instrument of the
due process in the legal order, by which the parties and the State, have mechanisms
through the Procedural Codes to act according to regulations, forms, terms and
resources to be attended in due time. Example: the process is the stages that a case
goes through.
743. PROCESSED: Person formally accused of a crime in a criminal proceeding or of a
misdemeanor in an administrative disciplinary proceeding. Example: the defendant is an
officer accused of a criminal offence.
744. PROCURADOR: Graduate in Law duly collegiate that represents the interests of the
State when this one litigates before the judicial organs. example the attorney represents
the State.
745. PROFESSION: Specialty learned by a person by virtue of a skill, which will put into work.
Example: Juan's profession is law.
746. PROFESSIONAL SECRET: Obligation that a professional has with his patient or
sponsored, to ensure the discretion of the information disclosed by him, in his
performance of his professional duties. It is usually considered as an exemption from the
obligation to declare in procedural matters. Example: Lawyers have a duty to observe
professional secrecy.
747. PROFITS. - It is said of the assets whose domain corresponds to the spouses equally.
Assets acquired by one of the spouses during the term of the marriage and which are
part of the common estate. Example: Mario and Juana acquire real estate for equality.
748. PROHIBITED AREAS: One hundred kilometer strip located along the borders and fifty
kilometers along along the coasts of the national territory, within which foreigners and
foreign companies they are prevented, in absolute terms, from acquiring direct control
over lands, waters and their accessions, for reasons of security and preservation of
sovereignty and territorial integrity. Example: The Peru-Brazil border.
749. PROHIBITED ZONE: A strip of national territory of one hundred kilometers along the
borders and fifty kilometers on the beaches, in which, for no reason whatsoever,
foreigners and foreign companies can acquire direct ownership. For example: the
military has a prohibited zone in its base.
750. PROMITANT: Person who makes a promise. Example the judge is known to be very
751. PROOF: Res the activity that has the purpose of accrediting the alleged and
controversial facts. Proof of a material or legal fact. Example: the evidence accredits a
criminal act by an individual.
752. PROPER REINCIDENCE: When the author commits a crime again after having served
his sentence, and this new crime is of the same criminal modality for which he was
sentenced. (V. G.: he committed theft and, after his release, he commits another theft).
Example Albert commits the improper recidivism for theft.
753. PROPERTY: It is the subjective right to dispose freely of the objects on which it falls.
Example: the home is private property.
754. PRORRATIO: Proportional share of a total amount divided among several parties to the
event. Example: The apportionment of the profits derived from the sale was carried out
755. PROSECUTOR OF THE NATION: Peruvian Constitutional Law. Maximum
representative of the Public Ministry. Example: Pedro Chavarri is the former prosecutor
of the nation.
756. PROSECUTOR: Official who exercises in the public ministry before the courts.
Examples: The prosecutor orders the arrest.
757. PROSELITISM: Action of spreading a doctrine with the purpose of attracting new
adherents and propagators. Example: In times like these, politics, proselytism, the spirit
of a sect generated great passions.
758. PROTECTION: Family law. Action of guardianship or protection of the minor. Example:
If the minor is abandoned, the state will give him protection.
759. PROTEST: It is the diligence carried out before a Notary Public or Justice of the Peace,
by which the title of value becomes a means to prove the lack of total or partial payment
of the same and to start legal actions. example Juan protest against the diligence carried
out against the judge.
760. PROTOCOL: To incorporate or register a judicial file to private in the official registry kept
by the notary. Example: the notary recorded the cases of the day in his register.
761. PROVEN FACT. criminal procedural law. Each one of the actions and circumstances
that were carried out in the execution of the crime subject to trial, which, when evaluated
by the collegiate superior, constitutes one of the assumptions underlying the sentence.
Example: the facts can be proven and of them it can be said that they are true if it is
verified that they are real, or that they are false, if it is proven otherwise.
762. PROVISIONAL LIBERTY: Criminal Law. To take advantage of this situation, the
custodial sentence to be imposed in the event of a sentence that is not more than 4
years, or that the accused is undergoing a detention of more than two thirds of the
sentence requested by the Fiscal. Example: Luis was favored with provisional freedom.
763. PROVISIONAL PRISON: Extraordinary precautionary measure agreed by the judge for
the deprivation of liberty of a detainee while the case is being investigated. Example:
provisional detention is known as remand.
764. PUBLIC DEBT SECURITIES: Titles issued by the State in order to obtain resources as
a loan. Example: The Peruvian state signed a natural gas loan contract with the
company PERUGAS.
765. PUBLIC EXPENDITURE: Expenditure of public flows on account of an administrative
patrimony and for a purpose of public utility. Example: Public expenditure this year is
high compared to the previous year.
766. PUBLIC FUNCTION: Administrative law. Government management. Set of activities
that are carried out for the fulfillment of the functions of the state and the policies of the
government, for which it has the corresponding investiture, and that implies duties and
rights and is exercised by public officials and servants. Example: A judge is a public
767. PUBLIC FUNDS: Administrative law. They are those managed by public entities and
state companies of public law and private law. Example: customs raises public funds
through taxes.
768. PUBLIC HAMMER: Commercial assistant, who sells at public auction. Example: The
court summoned public auctioneers for the auction.
769. PUBLIC LAW ENTITIES: Civil procedural law. The state and the other entities of
public law, including the autonomous constitutional bodies, may designate special
judicial proxies for the processes in which they are part, whenever they deem it
appropriate for reason of specialty. Example: The BCR OF PERU responds through its
representative to the demand filed by another entity.
770. PUBLIC MINISTRY: Criminal procedural law. The public ministry's main function is to
defend legality and act as a defender of the people with its own autonomy. Example:
The prosecution service of Peru.
771. PUBLIC MORAL: It is frequently used as an essential element of certain regulations.
Example: The judge observed public morals to give sentence.
772. PUBLIC TREASURY: Accumulation or set of State assets, furniture and real estate,
rents, taxes, and other income, destined to satisfy public needs and national progress.
Example: The public treasury has a reserve close to ten billion of dollars.
773. PUBLIC WRITING. - Document issued by a notary public that reflects contracts,
declarations or acts of any kind. Example: Carlos bought Enrique's house and they go to
the notary to make a purchase and sale.
774. PUNISHABLE ACT: Criminal Law. Conduct of a person, which is verified by means of
an action or omission, which produces a harmful effect, which is classified as unlawful by
legal order. Example: The crime of robbery is a punishable act.
775. PURCHASE AND SALE: Civil law. The contract under which one of the parties, called
the seller, agrees to transfer ownership of a good or service to the other, called the
buyer. Example: Luis sells his car to Carlos.
776. QUALIFIED ROBBERY: When the illegitimate seizure of the thing or things of others,
serious events occur that must be separately qualified for an evaluation of the penalty for
the dangerousness of the act. Eg. Robbery with murder, use of weapons, etc. Example:
Pedro was convicted of the crime of qualified robbery.
777. QUALIFIED THEFT: When the illegitimate seizure of something or things belonging to
others, serious facts concur that must be qualified separately for an evaluation of the
penalty for the dangerousness of the act. E.g. robbery with homicide, use of weapons,
etc. Example: According to the data available, qualified theft predominates in the
structure of juvenile crime.
778. QUASI -CONTRACT: It is a purely voluntary legal act that, without any agreement or
express agreement, produces an obligation in favor of a third party and, sometimes, a
reciprocal obligation between two parties. Example: Luis made a quasi-contract.
779. RATE: civil law. In mass contracting, the list of prices that must be paid to be a creditor
of a service, such as goods, services, works, etc./ Catalogue of prices in the figure the
value of each of the services that are provided. Example: Larger supermarkets can be
found in Tariff for purchases.
780. RATE: Tax Law. Taxes whose taxable event consists in the use of the public domain or
the performance by the administration of an activity that relates, affects or benefits in a
particular way to the taxable person. Example: The judicial fee is 15 dollars.
781. RATIFICATION: Public International Law. Procedure established by the states to
confirm a treaty, which requires the fulfillment of certain previous facts, for example,
approval by a House or the Legislative Power, according to the custom or law of said
State. Example: Spain ratified the treaty with France.
782. REAL REINCIDENCE: When the author commits a crime again, after having served the
sentence. Example Mauricio is sentenced to 8 years for actual recidivism.
783. REBELLION: A procedural condition that can be assumed by the parties, in view of their
non-appearance at the trial or situations that constitute an 'abandonment' of the trial.
While default by non-appearance can only fall on the defendant, default by
'abandonment' of the trial can fall on either party. Example: the feeling of default led you
to commit a misdemeanor.
784. REBUS SIC STANTIBUS: Log. let, used in the Roman Right, which means that a
contract will be fulfilled "if the situation remains the same". In International Law, it is said
that international treaties can only be broken by radical changes, which make them
impossible to enforce. Example: rebus sic stantibus refers to a principle of law.
785. RECEPTION: Criminal Law. Crime against the estate by which the agent helps to
circulate a property of criminal origin, either by saving, hiding, selling, helping to
negotiate or receiving a donation. Example: Ana received a stolen phone from Julio.
786. RECIDIVISM: Criminal Law. Aggravating circumstance in criminal law, which consists
of the realization of a new crime, within five years after the sentence is passed, which
has been suffered in whole or in part. Example: Luis is a repeat offender of the crime of
787. RECLUSION: Penalty of deprivation of liberty that is imposed on sentenced persons,
whose offences are serious. Example: John was given 8 years of imprisonment for the
crime of theft.
788. RECOGNITION OF THE CLAIM: Declaration of the will of the defendant to comply with
the object of the claim that is the subject of the process, in addition to accepting as valid
the factual and legal grounds set forth in the complaint. It must be timely, unconditional,
total and express. Example: acknowledgement of the claim the object is the claim of the
matter of the proceedings.
789. RECOMPILATION: Denomination given to the conglomerate of laws ordered in a
chronological way. Example the collection of evidence served for the final sentence.
790. RECONVENTION: Civil Procedural Law. Figure by which the defendant, when
answering the demand, seeks to assert the claim that he has against his plaintiff, It is a
counterclaim; you can say that two claims are asserted in one action, / Commonly known
as the counterclaim or contraction. According to Alsina it is a "claim introduced by the
defendant in his reply (...) and constitutes a case of plurality of litis in a process between
the same parties", it constitutes a claim, this time, raised by the defendant against the
act: original (active subject), giving an accumulation of claims / Act of petition made by
the defendant against the plaintiff before the same judge and in response to the claim
that has been filed, so that both are processed and resolved with the sentence.
Example: Father nodded, accepting the counterclaim, and stood up to leave
791. RECURSE OF NULLITY: The one that should be filed in the highest instance, when in
the lower judgments the forms, the law or the constitution have been violated. See:
appeal in cassation. Example: juan filed his appeal for annulment against the sentence
792. RECURSE OF REPOSITION: (Civil Procedural Law). Means that serve to challenge
decrees or resolutions of mere processing, which promote the process, with the aim that
the same judicial body that issued it revokes or modifies, correcting the error. Example:
Juan filed his appeal for reversal to have the judgment issued modified.
793. REFORM: Appeal promoted in a criminal process that is resolved by the same judge
who issued the resolution. Example: The lawyer appealed to the reform.
794. REGALY: The prerogative of an inventor, author or creator by an international
convention respects the exclusive rights of his creation for use and reproduction. The
word "royalty" is also used as a synonym. Example: One who litigates over a thing,
estate, possession or royalty.
795. REGIME: Form of organization of the exercise of authority in a political or institutional
system. Example: North Korea is a dictatorial regime.
796. REGISTRAR OF THE PROPERTY: Official in charge of the registration of the acts and
contracts related to the property and other real rights over real estate. Example: Juan
searches his house.
797. REGULAR CREDITOR: The creditor is said to have no privilege or preference to
demonstrate the debtor's bankruptcy. Example: Pedro is the creditor in the obligatory
relationship with Mario, and there is only one private document of the loan.
798. REGULATION: A set of legal rules issued by the Administration for the regulation of a
matter. Example: The police regulation.
799. REHABILITATION: In Criminal Law to restore the use and enjoyment of the rights and
capabilities of which the author of a crime was deprived, after having served his
sentence. For example, the competent body ordered the rehabilitation of Pedro.
800. REHABILITATION: To hold a person against his will by force or threat of violence, in
order to secure an obligation or payment of money, conditioned by pressure from the
dice to the hostage. Example John was taken hostage by criminals.
801. REINCIDENT: criminal law. Whoever, after having suffered in whole or in part a
sentence of deprivation of liberty, imposed in a national or foreign sentence, incurs
(before spending five years) in another crime punishable by deprivation of liberty.
Example John is a recidivist in the crime of theft.
802. REITERATION: criminal law. Repeatedly commits a crime, in a successive manner,
before suffering a firm sentence. Example: Juan was given a reiteration before he was
803. RELATIONSHIP LINE. - Series of degrees of relationship. Example: My grandparents
belong to the kinship line.
804. REMEDY RESOURCE: Civil Procedural Law. Means that serve to challenge the
decrees or resolutions of mere processing, that drive the process, so that the same
jurisdictional entity that issued it revokes or modifies, correcting the error. Example: Juan
filed an appeal for reconsideration.
805. RENT: Civil law: Lease of a thing. Example: I will rent my car to Pedro.
806. REPEALING CLAUSE. - In its broad sense it is the one that leaves without effect
807. REPOSITION: procedural law. It is the appeal against the decrees and its purpose is
that the judge replaces, revokes or reforms the decision taken in its resolution. (See:
Replacement Appeal). Example the replenishment of the demand is done economically.
808. REQUIREMENT: A judicial act by which the presence of someone is demanded, under a
mandatory court order / court order for the appearance of the accused of a crime or for
the search and/or capture of the accused. Example: the requisitioning unit is to capture
requested criminals.
809. RES JUDICATA AUTHORITY: procedural effect of the executed sentences, that is,
those that have definitively resolved a dispute. Example: the resolution has the quality of
res judicata.
810. RESOLUTION: Document that expresses the will of the state entity that issues it. /
Document that expresses the decision of the authority in the exercise of its functions. /
The decisions of the jurisdictional authority. / (Civil Law) Action and effect of removing
the effectiveness to a contract due to supervening cause, that is, due to the impossibility
of fulfilling the obligation arising from the act. For example: when in a purchase-sale
contract, the good is delivered, but the price is not paid. / In Procedural Law, it is said
that the decree, order, sentence or order issued by the judges in the exercise of their
functions. Example: The judge issued his court decision.
811. RESOLUTIONARY CONDITION. - The one that motivates the ineffectiveness
(resolution) of the contract. Example end of contract.
812. RESOURCE OF ALZADA: procedural law Generic term by which the doctors who
challenge the decision are designated, so that the superior of the person who issued the
decision is the one who suspends or modifies it. Example: With the appeal we can
appeal before a body, which has given us a resolution of an administrative procedure,
and with which we are not satisfied.
813. RESTITUTION: Return by will or pressure, of an object to its previous owner, in some
cases with compensation for damage caused. Example: Pedro returns a motorcycle to
814. RETALIATION: Actions that seek to intimidate, coerce or cause fear, before an
individual or group attitude or behavior. Example: The lawyer received retaliation.
815. RETRACT: Civil Law. Existing right in the purchase-sale, in which by law a third party is
favored, who takes the place of the buyer and reimburses the expenses that the original
purchase was made / Right granted by law to some people to rescind a sale made and
replaced instead of the buyer. Example: Juan retracted the purchase of a car.
816. RETROACTIVITY: General Theory of Law. Principle of law that prohibits the application
of a norm to events that occurred before its validity. Example: The law can be non-
817. REVIEWED: Number the sheets in the file. Example: Maria reviewed the file.
818. REVINDICATE: Recover the good that is ours. Example: The ex-prisoner is obliged to
vindicate his individual image.
819. REVOCATE: To rescind an act. Example: The customs authorities may withdraw the
authorization at any time.
820. RIGHT OF ACTION: Civil procedural law. It consists in that every subject of law is in
the capacity to demand from the state jurisdictional protection for a specific case, be it its
conflict of interest or legal uncertainty. Example: I act before the state my intention to sue
821. RIGHT OF SUCCESSION: Civil law. This autonomous legal discipline deals with
succession understood as the transfer of property by reason of death. Example: the will
belongs to the succession law.
822. RIGHT PRICE. - The corresponding to the real value of the thing, not gathering this
quality when it is less than its value. Example: The fair price of a house.
823. RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION: Constitutional law. It is the faculty that a
person has to communicate his thoughts to others. Example: Maria has the right to
freedom of expression.
824. RIGHT TO JURISDICTIONAL PROTECTION: Procedural law. It is the one that has
every subject of law, and that the state does its jurisdictional function. Example: Pedro
activates the right to judicial protection.
825. RIGHT TO LIFE: Constitutional law. Basic right of every person, the main one of
human rights. Example: All Peruvians have the right to life.
826. ROPERTY REGISTRATOR: Official in charge of registering acts and contracts related
to property and other real rights on real estate. Example the registrar of the property was
to make a diligence.
827. RUFIANISM: Exploitation of a prostitute under the pretext of protecting her, generally
under coercion. Example: the figure of Child Ruffianism is a crime.
828. RULE OF LAW. - In constitutional law, it is said of the modern state whose foundation is
the balance and limits of the public and governmental function, through the
independence, responsibility and mutual supervision, of the three constituted powers.
Example. Peru is a state of law since it has a government that governs.
829. SALARIATE: Labor Law. Day laborer, worker, employee. Example: Luis is an
employee of the judiciary.
830. SALOMONICA: Let it be said of wise and just decisions. Referred to King Solomon.
Example The Court of Justice has issued a Solomon's sentence.
831. SANCTION: From the Latin verb Sancire, which originally means "Sanctify" or
"consecrate". Formerly drastic disposition of the emperor. It is used to designate the
punitive function, for who breaks a law. Example: The traffic police sanctioned a car
832. SANCTION: From the Latin verb Sancire, which originally means "to sanctify" or "to
consecrate". Formerly a drastic disposition of the emperor. It is used to designate the
punitive function, for whoever transgresses a law. Example The sanctioning of this norm
is only the first step.
833. SANITATION: (Civil law) According to the jurist Figueroa Estremadoyro, it is the
obligation that the transferor of a right has to leave the transferred right unharmed, being
the transferor obliged a respondent before the buyer when a firm right is not transferred
or not its new owner enjoys it or exercises it. / In the contract of sale, it is said of the
obligation that the seller has of commitment to the buyer the legal and peaceful
possession of the sold thing and of responsibility for the hidden defects that can have the
good. Example There is a particular lack of attention to the problem of sanitation.
834. SANITATION: Civil Law. According to the lawyer Figueroa Estremadoyro, it is the
obligation of the transferor of a right to expedite the transferred right, leaving the
transferor obliged to respond to the acquirer when a firm right is not transferred or does
not allow its new owner to enjoy or exercise it. completely. / In the purchase-sale
contract, it is said that the seller has the obligation to guarantee the buyer the legal and
peaceful possession of the thing sold and to be responsible for the hidden defects that
the property may have. Example: Luis sold a motorcycle with a lien, so his duty was to
clear the lien.
835. SCAM: Criminal Law. Crime against the patrimony, by which the agent seizes by
means of deception or trick the property that the victim gives him, as a result of the error
to which he is subjected. Example: Luis suffered a purchase scam.
836. SEAT: Registration law. It is all inscription made officially in the public registers.
Example: I will register my vehicle at SUNARP.
837. SECRETARY: It is the person who in any association or organized group, draws up
minutes and certifies the agreements adopted by its governing bodies. Example: Juan is
the clerk of the judicial branch.
838. SECTARY: A qualified member of a political or religious group with qualities of their
sect .example This is due to a sectarian misunderstanding of what true religion is.
839. SEDITION: Criminal action against public order. Example It was an act of sedition by a
840. SEDUCE: Deceivingly convince a woman of legal age to lie with her. Example: Luis
deceives a woman.
841. SEDUCING: Tricking an older woman into lying with her. example Yes, using the
uniform to seduce girls.
842. SEIZE: Civil Procedural Law. Precautionary measure consisting in the subjection of
one or more assets of the alleged debtor to a regime of legal immobilization, which
prevents the reduction of the guarantee that said assets represent. Example: A process
was opened with a precautionary measure of embargo.
843. SEIZURE: Customs law. Sanction consisting in the definitive deprivation of the property
of the merchandise. Examples: CUSTOMS confiscates illegal merchandise.
844. SELF-DEFENSE: Criminal Law. Extreme circumstance by which a person is forced to
defend his integrity against illegitimate aggression, which as a defense reaction could
cause damage or death to the attacker. Example: Luis acted in legitimate defense.
845. SELF-DEFENSE: Procedural law. Lawyers and judges can defend themselves in their
own cause. Example: The lawyer defends himself against false accusations.
846. SELLER: Civil Law. Who in a contract of sale, transfers to the buyer the property of a
good in exchange for a price paid in money. Example: Juan is the seller of his land.
847. SEMI-FREEDOM: This is the prison benefit that allows the sentenced inmate to leave
the prison for work or education under conditions similar to those of free life; he is
obliged to remain at home at night, subject to control and inspection by the Public
Prosecutor's Office and the prison authority (Articles 48 to 52 of the Penal Enforcement
Code). Example Then comes the phase of trust, having served one third of his sentence
and the phase of semi-freedom, having served half his sentence.
848. SENSU STRICTO: Loc. lat. which means: "in the strict sense". Example burgdorferi
sensu responsible for infections in North America stricto.
849. SENTENCE: From the Latin Sentiendo, to specify what it thinks, is that resolution that
pronounces on the litis of the process putting an end to the instance / final part of the
judicial process, by which the judge must resolve with juridical relevance the conflict of
interests, applying with logical criteria the right that corresponds to each concrete case
for the resolution of the controversy. Example The sentence has been passed in a court
of law.
850. SEPARATION OF BODIES: (Civil law) Interruption of de facto or de jure, bed duty
between spouses. It is a primary measure in a divorce trial. Example All separation of
bodies must be authorized by the court.
851. SERIOUS NEGLIGENCE: Omission of the diligence or care that must be put in the job
or trade, forgetting orders or precautions. Example: The doctor committed gross
852. SERVITUDE: (CIVIL LAW). Real right established by the holder of a property, on
another property of others for first utility. A distinction is made here between the
dominant property, which is the one for whose benefit real rights have been constituted,
and the servient property, which is the one on which personal or real servitude has been
constituted. Example We come to a mansion, and you want to live with the easement.
853. SEVICIA: Abuse. Abuse of the victim, deliberate cruelty, which can go as far as death /
mistreatment and serious injury of one spouse against the other. It is a cause for
divorce. example, the service is an imperialist system.
854. SEXUAL HARASSMENT: unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or
other physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature. Example: Luis verbally harasses
Lucia, telling her these delicious.
855. SHAREHOLDER: Commercial law. Subject, physical or moral, holder of a quota-part or
fraction of share capital of a company structured on the basis of shares. The character of
shareholder confers rights and imposes obligations, the source of which may be the law
or the bylaws. Example: Juan acquires shares in the company GLORIA.
856. SHIFT: Temporary arrangement in which bodies or courts of the same specialty
alternate in their regular operation. Guardianship: (Civil Law) Institution of family law to
take care of the patrimony and the minor not subject to parental authority. Example We
can now move on to the second part of the Question Time.
857. SIMONY: According to canon law, a crime against the spiritual goods of the church (e.g.,
theft of tithes or alms from the faithful for venal purposes). Example Relics are not
collectibles and should not be put up for sale under any circumstances. Sales of this kind
are acts of simony.
858. SIMPLE THEFT: V. Theft. Royalty: The name given to the intellectual patent or canon
for invention rights. (See: Royalty). Example: It is a simple theft, but it is a repetitive
offender so you will have to spend some time in jail.
859. SIMULATION: Civil Law. Legal figure through which the parties seek to deceive third
parties about their legal relationships or situations; if it is an absolute simulation: the
parties only want to project the image that they celebrate a legal act that they do not
really want, therefore, the act is null; if it is a relative simulation, a legal act is carried out,
but the image that another is performed is projected, for example, I say that I am selling,
but the other party knows that I am giving in deposit.
860. SLANDER: Criminal law. It is a crime against honor. Example: Luis slandered Carlos.
861. SMUGGLING: Customs Law. It is the trade that is done in violation of the laws of a
country. Example: Luis brought contraband to Peru.
862. SOCIAL PATHOLOGY: Science that studies the anomalies of the social organization, in
this the importance, extension, causes, results and treatments of those who produce
poverty, delinquency, ill health, etc. are detailed. Example: The sociologist studies social
863. SOLIDARITY: civil law. Modality of the obligation that allows, in case of plurality of
creditors and/or debtors, and only if there is an agreement, that a creditor can collect on
behalf of all: in the first case, or a debtor must pay on behalf of all, in the second case,
giving, in pregnancies, the release of the debtor. Example Solidarity, this word that
frightens the developed world.
864. SPEAKER: Member of a judicial college entrusted by the law with certain powers due to
the need to give the development of the procedure greater flexibility than, in principle,
the multi-personal nature of the Court allows. Example. Juan is tomorrow's speaker.
865. SPECIAL CLAUSE. - The one that refers to the object and circumstances determining
the nature and effects of the act in question. Example: The conditions of the object of the
866. SPECIFICATION. -civil law acquisition of the property of a good by someone who uses
others to elaborate it, provided that he has acquired them or acquires them later.
Whoever owns assets is also the owner of those that are made with them. Example:
Carla and Carlos both own this property.
867. SPONSORS. - civil law promise to contract marriage that can be unilateral or bilateral
and reciprocally accepted. It does not create a legal obligation to contract marriage.
Example: Mari Carmen and Pedro marry each other since both are completely in love.
868. SPOUSE: Civil law. Husband or wife in marriage. Example: Juan and Diana are
869. STANDARD. - (GENERAL THEORY OF LAW) the social or institutional rule that
establishes limits and prohibitions on human behavior. Example: A police officer has to
comply with certain laws that his institution has.
870. STATE INTERVENTION: Administrative law. Government action, which positively
affects economic activity. Example: The state regulates economic activity.
871. STATE OF NEED: Criminal law. It is said of the state or situation of the person that to
safeguard their interests or those of others they are forced to commit a punishable act.
Example: Luis killed a criminal who was stabbing anyone who crossed his path.
872. STATE OF SITE: Constitutional law. Supervening in case of invasion, foreign war or
civil war or imminent danger of it occurring. Example: Peru declared the entire country in
a state of siege.
873. STATE: Constitutional law. It is a community organized in a defined territory, through a
legal order served by a body of officials. Example: Peru is a state.
874. STATUS QUO: in Latin: "the existing situation". It is used mainly in certain peace
treaties where the belligerents agree to return to the state and conditions in which they
were before the outbreak of hostilities. Example: Maintaining the status quo is
equivalent to perpetuating the colonial status of the Territory.
875. STATUTE: Civil law. Internal regulations in companies and legal entities in general.
Example: The financial company has statutes.
876. STERILIZATION: Legal Medicine. Any surgical operation or treatment by chemical
substances or another species, or by any other means, aimed at killing the power of
fertilization. Example: Specialist doctors perform sterilization.
877. STIPULATION: Contract, agreement, pact. / It is said to be any of the clauses of a
contract. Example: Juan stipulated the content of a contract.
878. STOCK MARKET: The one in which the transactions are carried out in the stock market.
Example: Juan bought shares of the Lima stock exchange.
879. STRICTO SENSU: Loc. lat. means: "in the strict sense". Example: in view of this, the
Court did not request a pension adjustment stricto sensu.
880. STRIKE: A means of collective pressure or an instrument for the promotion, defense or
self-protection of the interests of workers, which consists in the cessation of the provision
of services. It is a right that is expressed in the cessation of work aimed at pressuring
employers for improvements of an economic, union, social, working conditions, ... is
exercised in the manner established by law. Example: The strike, which was started by
the workers, lasted so long that it ended up leading the company to bankruptcy.
881. SUB JUDICE: Controversy, pending judicial resolution. Example Regarding the
commission deliberately did not address the issue because it was sub judice.
882. SUBCULTURE: A culture that belongs to small groups that live within a society, but do
not participate in the culture that hegemonizes social values. Example: There is a whole
subculture around this game.
883. SUBJECTIVE LAW: General theory of law. They are the inherent legal powers and
powers of people by reason of nature, contract and other admissible cause in law.
Example: Prepare a will, belongs to the subjective right.
884. SUBLETTING: Civil law. A figure by which the lessee of a property, cedes the use of it,
in whole or in part, by virtue of a lease contract he concludes with a third party. / Second
lease made by the tenant or driver, becoming himself a sub-lessor. Example Subletting
a room in a family home
885. SUBORDINATE: Dependent on another, subject to higher authority. Example: The court
clerk is the judge's subordinate.
886. SUBROGATION: Action and effect of replacing one person with another in his or her
rights and obligations. Example Subrogation of a security regime.
887. SUBSCRIPTION: Commercial law. Action and effect of paying the payment, receiving a
service, periodically or a certain number of times. Example: MINSUR company workers
receive a bonus of 300 soles each month.
888. SUBSIDIARY. - Belonging to or related to the children. Example: Luis has a filial
relationship with his son.
889. SUBSIDIARY: This refers to the supplementary or secondary education, as well as to
that which serves as a subsidy or aid. Example Matters referred by the Conference of
the Parties to the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice.
890. SUBVERSION: Violent and planned actions that seek to undermine and modify the
established legal order of a State. Example A destabilization and subversion plan is
underway against Cuba.
891. SUCCESSABLE: Susceptible to succession. Example the heir is plowed in succession
to the inheritance.
892. SUCCESSION: Civil Law. It can be stated that succession exists in all cases where the
acquired right derived from another person, defending the latter from the existence of the
previous right. Succession is therefore understood in two ways: Succession mortis
causa: when a person inherits other property by will or by provision of law; Succession
intervals: when one person replaces another in a right that remains. The use of this
word traditionally predominates in the mortis causa approach, which occurs both in
legitimate successions (due to the law) and in testamentary successions (according to a
will, contract or capitulations). It is always given from the death of the author of the
succession or by the legal presumption of his death / Transmission of rights or
obligations, by act between living persons or by cause of death. Example Complete
succession of the accounts of the total economy
893. SUICIDE: Death caused by a deliberate act by the same victim. - Active subject: The
one who acts or has control over the circumstances/ In civil law, creditor/ In criminal law,
the one who commits a crime. Example If you suffer from severe depression or have
thoughts of suicide.
894. SUMMARY JUDGMENT. - procedural law. brief process. In civil matters it occurs when
only the fulfillment of the provision of an obligation is required, as proof of its existence is
not required. in criminal matters, the investigating judge knows the case, does not submit
the previous case. Example: the bosses were tried by a summary and they were
sentenced to twelve years of preventive prison.
895. SUMMARY PROCEDURE: Abbreviated trial of quick procedure, either because of the
possessory character in civil matters, or because of the seriousness in criminal matters.
Example: Rosa Ríos was prosecuted for the crime of usurpation in summary
896. SUMMARY: In Procedural Law, fast judgment. Example: The food process is a
summary judgment.
897. SUPPLEMENTARY: Say what remedies a fault or defect; also what complements or
replaces. Example The supplementary regime is that of the community property
898. SUPPLIER: Person who provides, supplies, provides material means, data or reports.
Example of supplying you with certain raw materials used in food production.
899. SUPPLY CONTRACT. - It is a contract that is executed to fulfill consumer needs,
without being exhausted in a single act, but their effectiveness lasts over time. Legal
business in which a party agrees to to another to fulfill periodic and continuous benefits
for the payment of a price determined. Example: Electric power contract.
900. SUPPLY: administrative law. Provision of supply or provision of goods or services of
necessary use of the entities for the development of their activities and the fulfillment of
their goals. Example: the company Electro Peru signed an electricity supply contract with
the company RANMA.
901. SUPRA: Short for Latin syntagm: "Et supra", which in legal language means "the
above", "that which is cited above". Example See the resolution mentioned above.
902. SUSPENSIVE CONDITION. - One that suspends the fulfillment of the obligation or the
possible effectiveness of a right, until a future or uncertain event is verified, or not.
Example: A judge's decision with suspensive effect.
903. SUSPENSIVE EFFECT: procedural law. The one that occurs when the interposition of
an appeal that questions a resolution paralyzes its execution until it is decided on it.
Example: Juan appealed in the process and for this reason the effects of the resolution
were paralyzed.
904. SYNDERESIS: Quality to judge correctly. Example The synderesis, put drives to do
905. TABOO: Prohibition of sacred considerations, surrounding it with strict observations.
Example There can be no taboo there.
906. TACHA: (Procedural Law) Act of rejection of a document or the testimony of a witness,
on the grounds of falsity of the document or hostile or favourable bias of the witness,
which are not subject to prosecution in their process of invalidity and lack of evidentiary
effectiveness. Legal reason for invalidating the probative value of the witness / Synonym
for censorship Example: of the witness Tacha to testify
907. TACIT: Quiet, silent. / Qualifier of the manifestation of will that is understood by the
agent's action. For example, the meticulous investigation is one of the most famous
attributes of Tacitus.
908. TACITUS: Quiet, silent. / Description of the manifestation of will that is understood by
the actions of the agent. Example: Juan manifested himself tacitly.
909. TALION: A voice that means: as it is. In ancient times, it consists of making the guilty
party fall back on the same damage as that caused (e.g. "An eye for an eye"). Example:
Sacred things fall under the law of the talion
910. TARIFF: Customs law. It is the official rate of import and export rights. Example: Luis
pays his fees to import sneakers.
911. TAX CREDITOR: The state or tax entities with delegated jurisdiction, in their capacity as
active subjects of the tax obligation. Example: Juan must resort to pay his taxes to
912. TAX EVASION: Tax law. Any intentional act or omission that in violation of the tax laws
produces the elimination or reduction of the tax burden. Example: The company
MOVISTAR performed tax evasion.
913. TAX UNIT: Technical element that the legislation uses to update and correct annually
the bases for calculating taxes, fines and other monetary benefits due to the State.
Example: The tax unit is 1 UIT.
914. TAX: tax law. Taxes whose taxable event consists of the use of the public domain or the
carrying out by the administration of an activity that refers to, affects or benefits the
taxable person in a particular way. Legislation has contributed to the doctrine that fees,
together with contributions and taxes, are three types of taxation: / Levy / Tax that serves
to finance a public service. Example: Substance fee in the range of 1 to 10 tons.
915. TENANT: Civil law. Tenant, who takes something for lease. Example: Juan is the tenant
of an apartment.
916. TERM: Procedural Law. It is the period of time determined by the Law or by the Judge
within which a procedural act must be carried out. Example: The deadline to answer a
demand is 10 days.
917. TERRA NULLIUS: Loc. lat. meaning "no man's land". Example: The High Court of
Australia, in its 1992 decision in Mabo v. Queensland, considered the legal and other
effects of the doctrine of terra nullius.
918. TERRORISM: Criminal Law. Technified actions of a small group, which try to seize
power to preserve it by producing violence in order to instill panic, fear and intimidation.
It can be executed by opponents of the State or irregular antisocial groups. Example:
Terrorism was fatal in the 1990s.
919. TESTAMENTARY CREDITOR: It is said of the creditor with the right to claim from the
heirs the legacy or donation instituted in his favor or the credit that would have been
recognized in the will. Example: Juan claims that his land was left as an inheritance for
his cousin Mario.
920. TESTATOR: Civil Law. person who, in the exercise of his freedom, disposes of his
assets for after death, through the will. According to the College of Notaries, a will can
only be granted to people with mental alertness and necessary freedom, who fully enjoy
their civil capacity. Example: my grandfather was my father's testator.
921. TESTER: civil law a person who, in the exercise of his freedom, disposes of his assets
after his death, through a will. According to the College of Notaries, the Will can only be
granted to persons with mental clarity and the necessary freedom, who enjoy their civil
capacity. The following are prohibited: 1) Minors, except (2) Those who are deprived of
discernment; (3) Deaf-mutes, deafblind and blind persons who are unable to express
their will without question. 4) The mentally retarded. 5) Those who suffer from mental
changes that prevent them from avoiding their will. 6) The habitual drunkards. 7) Drug
addicts. 8) Those who lack, at the time of testing, for whatever reason, even if it is
transitory, mental clarity, and the necessary freedom to test. Special situations: The
alphabets and the blind, can give a will only by public writing. The mute, the deaf-mute
and those who are unable to speak for any other reason may give only a closed or
holographic testimony. Example in the case of a will, the testator determines his or her
922. TESTIMONY: Procedural Law. Statement of a third party on the facts of the litigation
that are their personal and direct experience. Example: Maria gave her testimony at the
923. THANATOLOGY: Systematic study of death, which involves analyzing its causes,
agony, cadaverous signs, apparent death, etc. Example: The judge requested the
intervention of a thanatologist.
924. THE CONVICTION SUSPENDS Suspension of the sentence imposed by sentence to
the inmate, which shows his social readjustment, returning it to the bosom of his family
and community and is granted as a grace of the President of the Republic. Its legal basis
is the Political Constitution of Peru. Example: Peru's pedestrian pardoned Alberto
925. THE TRIAL: Procedural law. Action to prosecute. In a more appropriate sense, it
constitutes the order and method followed until a sentence is obtained. Example: The
trial will take place on Wednesday.
926. THEFT WITH EFFECTION: V. Theft with fractures. Example You have made the
greatest robbery with fraction in the history of humanity, since you have destroyed the
national sovereignties.
927. THEFT WITH FRACTURE: In order to consume the theft, previously violence is
exercised on its material safeguards. E.g. breaking a door, window, fence, etc. In this
robbery, the hole of the deposit is found, perforation of cut or deactivation of the electric
fence. Example: The first is related to a charge of burglary with fracture and the other to
possession of cannabis sativa.
928. THEFT: Criminal Law. Crime for which, without using violence or threat, the active
subject removes a good from the passive subject, with the aim of obtaining an undue
economic profit. Example: Luis committed the crime of theft.
929. THIRD PARTY: Action that competes with those who are not party to a trial, to defend
their rights against those who are litigating for theirs. Example: The Civil Society
Assembly is created and the United Nations Third Party is convened.
930. THIRD: Civil Law. Person who has not been a party to the celebration of a specific legal
act. Example: Juan is the third in a contract and did not intervene at any time.
931. THIRD: Civil Procedural Law. Who is interested in joining a process, who does not
have the quality of plaintiff and defendant. Example: A third party wants to be part of the
932. TITLE: civil law. Document that proves the existence of a legal relationship. / Authentic
demonstration of the Law that one possesses / Foundation of a right or obligation /
Origin, cause, reason / Document or diploma that accredits the realization of studies and
grants the faculty to exercise a profession. Example: Rosan is asked to present his
degree in political science for litigation.
933. TO AWARD: Civil law. Concession, assignment, delivery, distribution. The act of
declaring someone the property of a thing, whether by inheritance, auction or partition.
Example: Juan received a house at the auction.
934. TORTURE: torture inflicted on a defenceless person, detained against his will.
Historically, it admitted torture as a means of obtaining the confession of the defendant
who was accused of complicity or authorship of a crime. An example: of this is the
torture of those who do not help the justice system to find the truth.
935. TOXICOLOGY: Study of the effects of chemical substances on the living organism. Eg.
Identification of poisons. Example: The police carried out a toxicology test on Pedro..
936. TRADITION: Civil Law. Deliver one thing. Give. The delivery of a good to who should
receive it. Example: Juan transfers his house by tradition.
937. TRAFFICKING IN WHITE WOMEN: This is the trade in women for prostitution, in places
far from their residence or abroad. Example: Luis was convicted of the crime of
trafficking in white.
938. TRAFFICKING IN WOMEN: This refers to the trade in women for the purpose of
prostitution, in places far from their residence or abroad. Example: Mari Cruz was taken
abroad and sold as white slavery.
939. TRAFFICKING: In general, illicit, immoral and reprehensible business. Example: Albert
is being reported for the crime of trafficking.
940. TRANSACTION: Civil Law. This figure is verified when the creditor and debtor parties to
a mandatory relationship, making reciprocal concessions, decide on a contentious point,
end their differences, avoid the process or end the procedures, as a matter of res
judicata. Example: Mario makes an extra judicial transaction with Pedro.
941. TRANSFER: Voluntary or legal transfer of ownership of a thing or its right. Example:
Juan alienates his car to Pedro.
942. TRESPASSING: Procedural law. It constitutes the act by which one of the parties
accepts, accepts or assumes the legal claim invoked by the other party. Example: the
prosecutor allano to KEIKO.
943. TRUSTEE: Trusted person who handles reserved matters. Example: Juan is a trustee of
Pedro and Luis.
944. TUITIVE: General theory of law. Nature of the legal norm or institution created to
protect, protect or defend the weak part of a legal relationship and disability. Example:
Maria has tuitive quality.
945. TYPICAL CONTRACT. - Contract that is regulated. Example: The rental agreement.
946. TYPICITY: General Theory of Law. Quality of behavior or conduct that is described in
the norm, being therefore, regulated and / or described in the legal system. Example:
Theft is the typicality of a crime that is recognized in criminal law.
947. TYRANNICIDE: Violent death of the tyrant Headline: (Civil Law) Who holds a thing, a
power or authority. According to Cabanellas, who legitimately enjoys a declared or
recognized right in his favor; / According to Flores Polo, who exercises a charge or
function in his own right, based on a certificate; the opposite in substitute or
replacement. Example; the corn distributor is mentioned only in passing, and the incident
of the tyrannicide is discussed in a footnote.
948. ULTRA PETITA: Loc. lat. Which means: "beyond the order". It is used when a judge
exceeds the demand of the actor. Example: For a case in which this flexibility went
almost to the point of violating the principle of ultra petita.
949. ULTRAACTIVITY: Principle of criminal law, which states that a person can only be
condemned by existing law before the execution of a criminal act. Example: a criminal
was convicted with the principle of the ultra-activity of the law.
950. ULTRA-PETITE SENTENCE: Final pronouncement of the judge, which goes beyond
what was requested by the litigant in the lawsuit. For example, the judge in the final
sentence said sentence ultra-petite.
951. UNANIMITY: In collective entities, coincidence of opinion or votes regarding an opinion
or proposal. Example: Congress passed a law unanimously.
952. UNATTACHABLE ASSETS: Assets that the debtor keeps, as they are out of execution
and exempt from any security measure. It has express prohibitive service, it is restrictive
and its exclusion must be provided by law. Example: Luis has assets that are
953. UNEMPLOYMENT: Deprivation of a public post or position by resolution of the
government or other authority. Example: The government hastily decreed the dismissal
of workers from the Ministry of Labor.
954. UNEXPECTED. - Event that in the natural order of things is not. We could not have
foreseen even with the most careful attention. Example: The accident was unpredictable.
955. UNFOUNDED: Procedural Law. Action that lacks legal foundation, when the facts and
the right that is invoked have not been proven. / In general, the lawsuit is said to invoke a
right without supporting the claim. Example: The judge declared the lawsuit unfounded.
956. UNILATERAL: civil law. denomination given to contracts in which only one of the
parties binds itself to the other, without being available, benefiting from the performance
of the former. Example: As a result, the proposal is unilateral and very unbalanced.
957. UNLAWFUL FACT. - criminal law conduct that carries out the type of a criminal law,
even if the guilty aspect is missing. Unlawful acts are classified, according to the severity
of the threat and the penalty for crimes and offenses. Damage generating action.
Example: Carlos threatens Maria with damages to her home.
958. UNLAWFUL: It is said of everything that is contrary to the law. Example: homicide.
959. USE: Civil Law. Real right by which the owner of a good can use it according to its
nature. Example: Juan has the right of use on his car.
960. USHER: In some countries, designation of court employees in charge of notifications.
(e.g. Argentina). Example I am here because of the Court Usher.
961. USUFRUCT: Civil Law. Faculty, granted by the owner of a non-consumable good, for
another to use it and benefit from its fruits for a certain time, in exchange for taking care
of it and keeping it in good condition. Example: Juan has the right of usufruct over his
962. USURPATION: Criminal Law. Crime against the patrimony that consists of depriving
the holder of the possession of a real property. Example: Pedro usurped Juan's land.
963. USURY: Criminal Law. Offense consisting in contracting a loan at excessive interest,
with respect to those legally established, or in covert exploitation under any other
contractual form, generally computed by excessive and abusive regulations. Example:
The BCP bank commits the crime of Usury.
964. UT SUPRA: Loc. lat. meaning: "as above". Arguments previously affected in the brief.
Subsidiary example: of all the other alternatives referred to ut supra.
965. VACANCY: A position or, burden or responsibility, of a labour or institutional nature that
is not supplied. Example: Due to the vacancy of the position for several months,
expectations were quite high.
966. VALIDATE: confirm or validate something, especially an imperfect legal act, or subject
to temporary or partial nullity. Example: Juan answered the demand and I validate it.
967. VALIDITY OF STANDARDS: standards that have been repealed or that have not
exhausted their production phases are invalid. Miguel Reale, points out that the legal
norm for it to reach formal validity or validity, must meet three fundamental conditions:
the legitimacy of the body that dictates the norm, the competence of the legislated matter
and the legitimacy of the procedure. Example: current laws are valid.
968. VALIDITY OF THE RULE: The rule is not valid if it has been repealed or has not
exhausted its production stages. Miguel Reale points out the legal norm for the
registration of a formal validity or validity, it must comply with three fundamental
conditions: the legitimacy of the organ that dictates the norm, the competence of the
legislated matter and the procedural legitimacy. An example: of the validity of the norm is
when it is not derogated.
969. VALIDITY: General theory of law. The quality of the rule or legal act, due to its legal
training procedure, has legal effects, therefore the provisions of it must be complied with.
Example: A contract is valid if it is lawful.
970. VALUE: Intrinsic amount of specific goods or services, the sum for which they can be
exchanged legally, therefore the provisions of the agreement must be complied with. At
a given time. Example: John has to pay for the value that the vehicle costs.
971. VEJATION: To mistreat, harass, make a person suffer physically and morally. Example:
John is blamed for vexation of his wife.
972. VENEREAL: Saying of the sexually transmitted diseases. AIDS, according to scholars,
would not be included in this classification, since it presents unprecedented
characteristics in its constitution and transmission, being classified, so far, as a sui
generis disease. Example: Luis has a venereal disease.
973. VERBAL CONTRACT. - The content of which there is no written record, the mere oral
expression being sufficient for its effectiveness. Example: Candy purchase contract.
974. VESTIGES: Remains or indications by which the investigation of a criminal fact begins
that directly does not evidence the authors. Example: Vestiges of smoke invites you to
show through images the beauty and aesthetic richness that can create the path of this
physical phenomenon.
975. VICTIMOLOGY: Neologism created by B. Mendelssohn, which consists of the study of
the causes produced by the victim, as a basic element of the crime. It classifies the
victims, in several types, in relation to their relationship or responsibility with the crime
that caused their death. Example: Juan specialized in victimology in Mexico City.
976. VINDICATE: The act of defending the acts or deeds of a person. Example: Vindicate in
law is the act or effect of taking back something that belongs.
977. VIOLATION OF CORRESPONDENCE: criminal law. Crime that consists of unduly
opening a letter, sealed communication or office that is not addressed to you. The
dissemination of its content, the seizure or alteration aggravates the crime. If the crime
is committed by, who is obliged by functions to transfer it, the action is repressed with
greater penalty. Example the violation of correspondence as those criminal conducts that
imply a proxy, of papers, letters, e-mails, or any other documents or personal effects.
978. VIOLATION OF DOMICILE: criminal law. Crime that consists of the entrance without
authorization to the place of habitual residence of another one. / Undue penetration in a
domicile, that does not admit him neither authorizes, according to Raúl Goldstein: It is
consumed with the entrance, it is a material crime, susceptible, therefore, of attempt “.
Example: Ricardo entrance to the domicile of Ana, she denounced it for violation of
979. VIOLATION OF SEXUAL FREEDOM: Criminal Law. Crime that consists of forcing
another person to have carnal treatment against their will, or with their will when the
taxpayer is a minor, in which case the figure worsens. Example: Luis committed the
crime of sexual rape.
980. VIOLENCE: Civil and Criminal Law. Use of physical force against the subject to bend
his will and obtain from him a benefit that should not be otherwise granted. Example:
Luis uses violence against Ronald.
981. VOLUNTARY HEIRS. civil law. patrimony that is transmitted mortis causa (cause of
death) via succession, made up of the right assets and also their charges (assets and
liabilities), which form the university of the inheritance left to the heirs. Example: Carlos
leaves a testament to his son Jorge as his sole heir.
982. VOLUNTARY HEIRS: Civil Law. Patrimony that is transmitted mortis causa (cause of
death) via succession, made up of assets, rights and also their charges (assets and
liabilities), which form the universality of the inheritance left to the heirs. Example: Jorge
is a voluntary heir.
983. VOTE: Practical expression of the individual decision on social, commercial, judicial or
political matters; it serves to know the will of the majority, which will be the will of the
collective entity. - Administrative channel: Procedure followed in the administrative
jurisdiction. Example: Odría promulgated the law that granted women the right to vote on
September 7, 1955.
984. VOWEL: Public official who administers justice as part of a collegiate body / Generic
name for the judges of the Superior Courts or Supreme Court. For example: the vowel is
the person who administers justice.
985. WARRANTS. - Certificate of deposit of goods in a warehouse general, extended to
order. Example: Luis asked for a warrants certificate.
986. WARDEN: Penitentiary law: In Peru it is named that way in the directors or
administrative heads of the detention centers. Examples: The warden of the fat stone
987. WARNING: Family law. Judicial or administrative censorship carried out on a minor.
Example: Luis is 14 years old and he hit a 78-year-old man.
988. WARRANTY: Civil Law. Signature that a third party puts in a commercial document, for
which it is obliged to respond in case of default by the mainly obligated person. Example:
Luis is Pedro's guarantee on his loan.
989. WATERING HOLE: Municipal Law. Natural place or pylon due to the work of man, in
which the cattle drinks. Example: The local government donated a drinking fountain for
the ranchers.
990. WAY OF URGENCY: Phase of the judicial process aimed at fulfilling the obligation to
pay money recognized by the court, consisting of the seizure, valuation and sale of the
debtor's assets. Example: by the solution that the enforcement procedure is materially
991. WEAPONS: International Public Law. Instruments or means that states supply to their
armed forces. Example: The state gave weapons to the police.
992. WHEREAS: Procedural law. In the decree or sentence, each of the reasons or
arguments on which the resolution is based Example: the side of the procedural decree.
993. WINNING OF THE LAWSUIT: Synonym of winning the cause, by opposition or loss of
the process. For example, divorce pronounced in favor of one of the spouses and with
exclusive responsibilities of his spouse.
994. WITNESS: Procedural Law. Person who directly witnesses and can consciously testify
to the events that have occurred. People who guarantee or compromise their word are
also designated, ensuring the authenticity of a document or the condition of a person.
Example: Ricardo is the main witness of the case.
995. WORK ACCIDENT: Labor Law. Any bodily injury suffered by the worker or as a
consequence of working for others is an accident at work. Example: Mario did not wear a
safety helmet and injured his head.
996. WRITE US. - In its historical meaning, the court clerk. In some countries it is
synonymous with a notary. Example: the scribe spoke, for his part, confidently, without
997. XARA: Set of legal rules of Muslim law, taken from quotations in the Koran. Several
Islamic states base their legal action on the religious treatment of the Xara. Example:
When you are ready, process and confirm the image to return to Xara.
998. XENOPHOBIA: Hate against foreigners, based on aggressive nationalism, / Violence
exercised against people belonging to another ethnic group. Contemporary rejection of
immigrants from other ethnic groups, who demonstrate through publics or restrictive
legislation against the permanence of foreigners. In its most extreme cases it is
transformed into racism, which has degenerated into inhumane and criminal actions.
Example: Luis is xenophobic.
999. YACENTE. - Status of the inheritance which, due to having been deferred, is not Still
accepted. Example: Luis is a recumbent heir.
1000.ZOOPHILIA: (Criminology) Sexual aberration, consisting of being sexually
satisfied with animals. Example: The Penal Code will consider zoophilia a crimin.



ESCRITO : 01-2020
SUMILLA : Interponemos
demanda de
convencional y
divorcio ulterior.



73456770, con domicilio real en AV. Héroes del
pacifico N°343, del distrito de Juliaca y don
con domicilio real sito en el Jr. Heraldos negros Mz-
A2-Lt3, distrito de Juliaca, señalando ambos en
domicilio procesal sito en Jr. Ramo castilla N°232,
distrito de Juliaca-San Román, ante Ud., con el debido
respeto nos presentamos y decimos.


Que, en vía de proceso sumarísimo y en aplicación del inc.13) Art. 333° del código civil y
en concordancia con el Art. 573° del código procesal civil, interponemos demanda de
separación convencional y divorcio ulterior a fin de que su despacho se sirva a declarar
nuestra separación de cuerpos convencional, para ulteriormente solicitar el divorcio,
prorrogando la competencia territorial prescrita en el art. 26 del código procesal civil.
1.- Que con fecha 24 de junio del 2018 los recurrentes contrajimos matrimonio civil
por ante el concejo distrital de Juliaca, conforme lo acreditamos con la partida de
matrimonio debidamente autenticada.
2.- Que dentro de nuestro matrimonio procreamos a nuestro único hijo SAMUEL
MARIN LOPEZ, nacido el día 27 de marzo del 2019, conforme lo acreditamos con
la correspondiente partida de nacimiento expedida por la municipalidad distrital de
Juliaca, debidamente certificada.
3.- Los recurrentes fijamos como nuestro domicilio conyugal sito en la calle AV.
Héroes del pacifico N°343, del distrito de Juliaca, que actualmente ocupa la
cónyuge conjuntamente con nuestro menor hijo, que razón por la cual Ud., es el
competente para conocer la presente acción.
4.- Que desde la fecha de nuestro matrimonio este no pudo desenvolverse
normalmente por incompatibilidad de caracteres, de tal manera que no podemos
cumplir a cabalidad los fines supremos del matrimonio, sean estos la cohabitación,
la asistencia mutua en suma cuenta, hacer vida en común en el domicilio
conyugal. Motivos suficientes que determinamos también de mutuo acuerdo y de
hecho vivir separados, razón por la que ambos hoy vivimos separadamente.
5.- Dentro de nuestro matrimonio, no hemos adquirido bienes de ninguna clase
que puedan ser materia de separación. Dejamos de hacer vida común, de
conformidad con lo dispuesto en el art. 289 del C.C. y decidimos de COMUN
nuestro vínculo matrimonial, mediante el paso previo de la separación de cuerpos
convencional, a fin de formalizar nuestra separación de hecho que venimos
ejerciendo por más de 2 años.

1.- Fundamentamos nuestro legítimo interés económico y moral en el art. VI del Título
Preliminar del Código Civil, ya que solo los recurrentes tenemos legitimidad para
hacerlo, razón por la que solicitamos nuestra separación de manera convencional.
2.- Fundamentamos la separación de cuerpos en los artículos 332 inciso11) y 333 del
código civil respectivamente, a fin de que se suspenda los deberes relativos al
hecho y habitación de derecho, por lo mismo que hoy solicitamos en forma
convencional a su despacho.
3.- Amparamos nuestra petición en el inciso 2) del artículo 546 del código Procesal
Civil y el articulo 573 y ss., del mismo cuerpo legal, a fin de que se tramite por la

1.- Adjuntamos nuestra partida de matrimonio civil expedida por la municipalidad del
distrito de Juliaca con lo que acreditamos nuestro vínculo matrimonial.
2.- Acompañamos la partida de nacimiento de nuestro menor hijo SAMUEL MARIN
LOPEZ de 1 año de edad, expedida por la municipalidad distrital de Juliaca.
3.- Adjuntamos el convenio bilateral en el cual expresamos el régimen alimentario y de
visitas de nuestro menor hijo antes citado.
4.- Acompañamos el certificado domiciliario de nuestro último domicilio conyugal.

A Ud., Señor juez pido se sirva tramitarla de acuerdo a su naturaleza y declararla
FUNDADA en su debida oportunidad, por estar arreglada a la ley.

OTROSI DECIMOS: Que, siendo parte el ministerio público en el presente proceso, de

conformidad con lo estipulado en el art. 574 del Código Procesal Civil, la presente
demanda deberá entenderse con el representante del Ministerio Publico; solicitamos se
sirva notificar la demanda y sus recaudos en la sede de la corte superior de Justicia de
San Román – Puno.

Juliaca, 21 de junio de 2020

……………………………………… ………………………………………
Firma de los Demandantes Firma del Abogado



WRITTEN : 01-2020
SUMILLA : We file an
application for
separation and



73456770, with real address in AV. Heroes of the
Pacific N° 343, from the Juliaca district and Mr.
73432147 with real domicile located in Jr. Heraldos
negros Mz-A2-Lt3, Juliaca district, both indicating in
procedural domicile located in Jr. Ramon castilla No.
232, Juliaca-San Román district, before you, with due
respect we introduce ourselves and say.


That, in the process of summary proceedings and in application of subsection 13) Art. 333
of the civil code and in accordance with Article 573 of the civil procedural code, we file a
request for conventional separation and subsequent divorce in order for your office it is
used to declare our conventional separation of bodies, to subsequently request a divorce,
extending the territorial jurisdiction prescribed in art. 26 of the civil procedural code.


1.- That on June 24, 2018, the appellants contracted a civil marriage before the
Juliaca district, as we credit it with the duly authenticated marriage certificate.
2.- That within our marriage we procreate our only son SAMUEL MARIN LOPEZ, born
on March 27, 2019, as we credit him with the corresponding birth certificate issued
by the Juliaca district municipality, duly certified.
3.- The appellants set as our conjugal domicile located on AV street. Heroes of the
Pacific N ° 343, in the Juliaca district, which is currently occupied by the spouse
together with our youngest son, which is why you are competent to hear this
4.- That from the date of our marriage this could not work normally due to the
incompatibility of the characters, in such a way that we cannot fully fulfill the
supreme purposes of the marriage, be it coexistence, mutual assistance in short,
to make life together at the married address. Sufficient reasons that we also
determine by mutual agreement, so we both live separately.
5.- Within our marriage, we have not acquired assets of any kind that may be a matter
of separation. We stop living a common life, in accordance with the provisions of
art. 289 C.C. and we decided by COMMON AGREEMENT AND IN
bond, through the previous step of the conventional separation of bodies, to
formalize our separation, in fact, that we have been exercising for more than 2


1.- We base our legitimate economic and moral interest on art. VI of the Preliminary
Title of the Civil Code, since only the appellants have the legitimacy to do so,
which is why we request our separation in a conventional manner.
2.- We base the separation of bodies on articles 332 subsection 11) and 333 of the
civil code, respectively, so that the duties related to the fact and the abode of the
law are suspended, for the same reason that today we conventionally request
towards their office that is in charge.
3.- We cover our request in subsection 2) of article 546 of the Civil Procedure code
and article 573 et seq., Of the same legal body, so that it is processed by the


1.- We attach our civil marriage certificate issued by the municipality of the Juliaca
district with which we prove our marriage bond.
2.- We accompany the birth certificate of our youngest son SAMUEL MARIN LOPEZ,
1-year-old, issued by the Juliaca district municipality.
3.- We attach the bilateral agreement in which we express the diet and visits of our
youngest son mentioned above.
4.- We accompany the domiciliary certificate of our last conjugal domicile.

In accordance with the provisions of Art. 425 of the Civil Procedural Code, I attach the
following documents.
1-A Legible copies of our DNI.
1-B We attach our marriage certificate issued by the Juliaca District Municipality.
1-C We attach the birth certificate of our minor child mentioned.
1-D We attach the proposal of the agreement duly signed by the appellants.
1-E We attach the corresponding judicial fee for the value of S / .43

I ask you, Mr. Judge, to process it according to its nature and to declare it FOUNDED
in due time, as it is in accordance with the law.

OTHER IF: That, being part of the public ministry in the present process, in
accordance with the provisions of art. 574 of the Code of Civil Procedure, this
application must be understood with the representative of the Public Ministry; We
ask that you notify the lawsuit and its collections at the headquarters of the
Superior Court of Justice of San Román - Puno.

Juliaca, June 29, 2020

…………………………….. …………………………….....
Plaintiffs Signature ATTORNEY'S SIGNATURE.

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