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Nurse : good morning, ma’am

Patient : good morning, nurse

Nurse : are you Mrs. Amal? Can I see your number register?

Patient : yes nurse of course, here

Nurse : I am nurse karina. I will take care of you today

Patient : okay

Nurse : I’m going to give you the hydroxocobalamin injection which is 1 ml all right?

Patient : okay that’s fine

Nurse : I’ll be giving you the injection now

Patient : okay

Nurse : I’ll be asking you to take deep breaths before giving the injection and I’ll be cleaning your area
of injection with the alcohol swab is that all right?

Patient : okat that’s fine

Nurse : so I take the alcohol swab and I clean the injection site for seconds and allow it to dry for
another 30 second

patient : okay

nurse : so I’ll be stretching the skin with my non-dominant hand and I’d be holding the syringe like a
dart and I’ll be going in at 90 degrees, can you please take deep breaths?

patient : yes I do

nurse : I’ll make sure that I’ll leave a centimeter of the needle out and I’ll aspirate to check if there’s
any blood, I see that there’s no blood I’ll be injecting at the rate of 1 ml for 10 seconds so it’s 1 2

patient : okay
nurse : so after ensuring that I’ve put the needle for another 1o seconds I’ll be removing the needle
swiftly and I’ll keep there goes the injection site and I’ll make sure that it do not rub the injection

patient : Okay

nurse : so I just assess the site and the site is not losing or bleeding so I do not apply any plaster, okay I
mean we are done with the injection and I’m just covering your back

patient : okay thank you nurse

nurse : your welcome

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