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PHILIPPINES +63 rFonv Prepared by: ARENAS SERNA VALERA I. THREEBRANCHES II.NOTION OF OF THE POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS GOVERNMENT ~ Organizations in @ government that create, enforce and apply laus. w LAS eel areee - Often mediate conflict. MAKES THE Lal Recognized structure of rules and principles within which the above organizations operate ‘A. Congress a. Senate III. STRUCTURE OF POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS b. House of Representatives 2. Formal Mm EXECUTIVE = Power and authorities are fixed. CARRIES OUT THE Law Supreme powers distribute powers to lower level. = More hunan activities A, President 2. Informal, a. Vice President ~ Mostly found in rural areas. b. Cabinet ~ No fixed written rules. - Effectiveness of decision mosuorcraL EVALUATES THE Law. IV. CHARACTERISTICS OF OLITICAL IONS A. Supreme Courts jureaucracy - most of the important decisions are nade by state B. Other inferior courts : ee = officials Social order - the totality of structured human interrelationships. Political Party - 2 group of persons organized to exercise political power. Public poll - opinion Political power - the ability to control the behavior of people ‘through the inplenentation of laws and regulation. Welfare of the people (Salus popluli suprena lex esto) V. POLITICAL SYSTEM + System of politics and government. = It invelves the law, economy, culture, and other social concepts FUNCTIONS OF POLITICAL SYSTEM ACCORDING TO GABRIEL ABRAHAM ALMOND - To maintain the integration of society by determining norns. = To adapt and change elements af social, economic, and religious systems necessary for achieving collective (political) goals. = To protect the integrity of the political system from outside threats. ‘TYPES OF POLITICAL SYSTEM Democracy - system of all the eligible menbers of a state. Republic - which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives Monarchy - a foxn of government in which one person xeigns, typically a king or 3 queen. Communism - the government in which the state plans and controls the economy. Dictatorship - 2 gavernnent where one person makes the main rules anc decisions with absolute pover TYPES OF POLITICAL PARTIES = Single party systen (Ex. North Korea, Cuba and China) = Two party system (Ex. US and Nepal) = Democratic multi-party system (Fx. Pokistan, Indio, South Africa, France and Germany) VI. POLITICAL ORGANIZATION = A Political Organization is a entity involved in political process such as political parties INCLUDING: BALL of Rights - a human rights and individual Liberties in different social situation Constitution - a written documents which form a set of principles Roles - acts each person must play to create collectively. Such as ( sex, age, tradition caste, and race) and achieved (sport athlete, being 3 manager or ain a college) VII. FUNCTIONS OF POLITICAL SYSTEM ~ To regulate relationship = For the welfare (education, health, transportation and connunication) = Protects against internal/foreign aggression = Social controls (having laws and punish the violators) Provision of recreation = Decision of conflicts (courts, jail etc) = Collects revenue (tax) = Controls over resources VIII. ASPECTS OF POLITICS Power - ability to impose ones vill over others despite resistance Authority - legitimated power Type: + Traditional ~ according to tradition like Monarchy Charismatic - by captivation of followers through charisma Like John F. Kenneay Ratéonal-legal - by qualifying for an established position (a leader elected as 2 mayor) Legitimacy - right of political leadexs to govern, to hold, use and allocate powers based on values @ certain society holds. Gladiator Activities Spectator Activities Contributing time in a ~ Exposing oneself to political canpaign Transitional Activities political stinuli ~ Becoming an active contacting a public Initiating 2 political political party menber grricial or a political discussion > Attending a caucus or eager = Attempting to convince strategy meeting ~ Attending a political others = Soliciting political meeting or rally - Wearing @ button or funds - Making monentary putting @ sticker on a Being a candidate or contributions car holding office IX. POLITICAL PARTICIPATION Acts of individual/groups seeking to influence the political decision Example = Voting - official choice that people make in an election + Lobbying - acts of influencing the government officials to make decision for/against something + Campaign/Advocacy - series of activities designed to bring certain result

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