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Manchester United
Pre World Club Championship Japan 2008
Immunity Plan: Information for Partners and Chefs
During and after any long journey, the body’s immunity is at its most vulnerable.

By taking and putting in place this advise is to minimise chance of infections during travel
to Japan and while you are in the country.

Natural Immunity boosters

There are Specific foods that we know can improve immunity levels.
By including these foods into your regular diet or routine you can build up your body’s
immunity before travel.

75% cocoa chocolate

Green tea
Olive oil
Any berries (raspberries, blueberries etc)
Manuka honey

Examples of how to get these into your diet

• Add berries into natural yogurt with honey as part of breakfast

• Eat more homemade curries (made from scratch)
• Marinade fish in mashed up Ginger and Wasabi
• Replace soda drinks with green tea – even if it is flavoured
• Add 1 Tablespoon of olive oil to salads
• Increase stir fry vegetables which are easy to add chilli’s and ginger to
• Smash up some chocolate and add to natural yogurt and fruit as a dessert
• Toast some ciabatta bread and while still warm rub a clove of garlic over the top a
few times

Anti immunity foods and factors which reduce your immunity

• Constant changes in temperature

• Poor basic Hygiene
• Poor sleep
• Being around ill people
• Dehydration
• Alcohol (except good quality red wine in moderation)
• Sharing drinking glasses or bottles
• Cakes, biscuits pastries, Fast food (especially in recovery periods)

By making the smallest changes to your diet in the lead up to travel will result in reducing
likelihood of suffering colds and illness in Japan and when you get back for the 3 games over
Christmas and new year

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