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Digital Stories Final Examination, Fall 2019 Due: Dec 10, 2019 @11:59pm How to Hand Upload a PDF document to the Canvas Final Examination Slot Overall Instructions: Demonstrate a broad yet precise knowledge of the concepts, skills and trends covered in Digital Stories. Please work alone on this examination. Section One: Short Answer Questions: (10pts each) Choose 4 of the follawing questions. Answer in 3-4 sentences. Be careful to nat just answer fram “comman sense" utilize content from the readings. According to Thomas Friedman in Thank you for being Late, how does the story of Syria in the past few years typify the political drift of the world in “the age of accelerations"? Give an example from Prof. Ridz’s talk of a social justice issue that is affected by data collection. How does the data collection for that issue enhance or impede democracy? Briefly state one of the claims about feral cats made by supporters of Trap, Neuter, Release programs, as presented in the assigned article, and briefly summarize the opposing response to that claim What are twa benefits and two costs of Big Tech as discussed by Prof. Arogyaswami? Briefly state what Prof. Tooker means by a Western/modem sense of self as “interiorized,” and how she says does not“fit” with the social dynamics of the Akha people of Northern Thailand. What are the 3 “phases" of the digital revolution in Chapter 9 of Rise of the Machines in the myth of cybernetic technolagy? What periods were most associated with each phase? Why might Andrew Sullivan (‘| Used to be A Human Being’) have been particularly prone to “distraction sickness"? Why was meditation a good therapy for his condition? Section Two: Synthetic essay (60pts) You will be graded on the basis of efficient demonstration of your learning from the course. You con't want to answer this just from general or common knowledge. One part of such demonstration will be citations of course materials (readings, slide-lectures, course links)—be sure to include reference to page number/slide number/e-book location, etc (do not just state the book name as a reference). While the number of such citations will vary, a general guideline would be 5-7 references (Including to in-class materials). References to any course materials (including lecture notes and links) can take the simple form of a parenthetical references with page numbers or link information. A final tip: use concepts and key terms from the class. Choose 1 synthetic essay: 400-600 wards This essay gives you the chance to demonstrate comprehensive understanding of central concepts for Digital Stories. Your essay should explicitly show your own engagement with these concepts. 1. Trace one of the follawing lead concepts through the full semester of classes and readings in “Digital Stories": computation, network, communication. Be sure to reference at least 4 different classes in your answer and include both technical concepts and explorations of their ethical implications. 2. Using specific lectures and readings from this semester's Digital Stories, discuss 3 areas of life (from the following list) that have been and continue to be transformed by the digital revolution: work friendship, reading/literature, scientific research, media. 3. Choosing one class from the secand half of Digital Stories (including “Minimalism and ‘Ambient Music" and The Circle) as yaur foundation, please use that presentation as a way of synthesizing the major lessons of the course from at least five lectures and/or readings. The more concrete and specific you can be in your discussion, the better

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