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Answer the questions after reading the story

Name the main characters of the story, and their roles in the

Bently mallard

Luis Marado's husband, Bentley Marado, was reportedly the victim of

a "train disaster". After Madame Marado realizes he's happy he's dead,
she walks through the door and surprises everyone (especially his wife)
that he's still alive.

Mrs. Louise Mallard

Louise Mallard is physically ill, but her heart is not the only problem.
When I think that my husband isdead, I find myself very happy when I t
hink about my life without a husband.

Give a short explanation on the reaction of Louise Mallard, after

the news regarding her husband her husband death?

When I think my husband is dead, I realize how happy he is to think

of a life without a husband. He locked himself in
his room, quietly thinking that her
husband was dead and was very happy.
Make a comparison with the life trend we have today?

Comparing the story to real life,

men and women often quit their jobs, separation is a bad relationship,
and they seek the freedom to avoid spending time with
their husbands and wives. Single but oppressed.

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