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Describing an Accident

I had, a long time ago, a car accident (it happened around 2013, as
far as I remember). I was travelling by car with my brother (we were in the
back seat) and grandfather – who was driving at the time. Everything on
the road was pretty normal – my grandfather was paying attention to the
traffic, the weather was quiet sunny and the other drivers weren’t
disturbing his attention as well. However, all of suden the car that was
right in front of us stopped and we hit its back. The problem is that he
breaked too quickly and at the wrong time ! The crash in itself was not
that terrible, the problem is that every car which were behind my
grandfather’s started hitting each other. They were too close to each
other, all filled up. So, in short lines, it was a completely mess. Of course I
was a bit scared because I was a kid at the time, but in general everything
ended up ok. No one was hurt though, the only harm was that my
grandfather lately had to replace the headlights and fix the bumper that
was quiet damaged.

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