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Handout Answers

1. In 1990, Tony was travelling round the world.
2. In 1993, Lucy was training as a teacher.
3. In 1993, Tony was studying I.T.
4. In 1996, Lucy was teaching in Manchester and met Rob.
5. In 1992, Tony met Maria.
6. In 1998, Lucy was working with Rob in Brazil.
7. In 1996, Tony was working for IBM in New York.
8. In 1999, Tony was living in London and became a father.
9. In 1999, Lucy met Angelo.
10. In 200, Lucy married Angelo.

a) What was Paolo doing when the wall collapsed ?
b) What did happen to the wall when Paolo was standing on it?
a) What was Maggie doing when the thieves broke into the
b) Who did break into the office when Maggie was working in
there ?
a) What was Brad doing with Diego when it started to rain ?
b) What did happen to the weather when Brad was teaching
Diego ?
a) What were Carlos and Anna doing when the accident
happened ?
b) What did happen when Carlos and Anna were cycling ?
a) What was Kate doing when the thieve stole her bag ?
b) What did the thieve steal from Kate when she was walking
along the street ?
a) What was Tony’s wife doing while he was taking their dog for
a walk ?
b) What was Tony doing while his wife was cooking dinner ?
a) What was Jane doing when she hurt her knee ?
b) What did happen to Jane when she was training ?
a) What were they doing when the fire started ?
b) What did hapen while they were visiting their aunt ?
a) What did Lee do in Australia when he was waiting to go to
university ?
b) What was lee waiting to do when he worked in Australia ?
(More answers in the next page)
a) What did Tom do when while Hannah was talking ?
b) What was Hannah talking about when Tom fell asleep ?

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