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1. Example Form :
to fill
the form?


Registration form : used when we want to register ourselves into an

organization, institution, or a membership. We also have to fill in a
registration form if we want to create new account for social media of
online games.

Application form : used when we want to apply for something for

example scholarship. We also fill an application form to make our
extend our passport or visa, to donate our blood, or to be a volunteer
for an occasion or event.

Bank Form : used to do transactions in banks, such as opening or

closing bank account, creating debit, credit, or ATM cards, and saving,
withdrawing, or sending money via teller.

Health Form : used in hospitals, clinics, or other health centers or

institutions. We are sometimes asked to fill a form when we want to
get medical examination. Sometimes the form about our medical
condition or about the result of our medical examination is filled by the
doctors or other medical staff.

Order/Request Form : used to request or order something or some

service to a company or an institution.

3. what I understand from the form is how to fill in correctly

4. What is meant by filling out a form is that we can find out

everything about writing forms. Imagine if there is no form
and technology to help record forms, whether from a
cellphone or laptop, what will we do?
5. use something useful in filling out the form because it will
also benefit us too

6. The following are the benefits of forms:

1. As a medium that records the data required for certain
2. As a medium that determines responsibility (for business
transactions if the form is such as a bank slip, etc.)
3. As a medium that can reduce errors if messages containing
data are only conveyed verbally.
4. As a medium of communication between people and people,
sections or organizations with organizations etc.

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