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18/08/2017 URI ONLINE JUDGE 1848 ererpton Fusion anieg etus 1848 - Counting Crow - URI Online Judge (Reaver) [Fomr) (Acaoems) (conrests) (Peos.ews ] (as ) U1 onine Judge] 1848 Counting Crow By Elo wuerges, ures araxt ‘Timelimit:1 [As we know, there's a three-eyed crow. What it Isn't well known is that the three-eyed crow can Foresaw the results of Westeros lottery. Meanwhile every other crow is Fjing collecting entries or the lottery, the three-eyed «row already knows the results, and when Bran dreams with the three-eyed crow, the crow tells him the result Bran always remember these dreams very well, however, he can't understand them Fast enough to know the result, Your tasks write a program to calculate the result From Bran’s dream. During the dream, the crow blinks many times and screams exactly 3 times, Every scream corresponds toa result. Every blink ofthe crow communicates binary number. An open eye means 1 and a closed eye means 0. The Left ‘eye isthe most significative eye and the right eye isthe least significative eye, Every blink ths number is added and when the crow screams, the sum isa result Input ‘The input describes, in every line, n order, a scream or a blink ofthe row. ‘Ascreamis represented by the string caw caw. A blink is Formed by three characters * ou~, representing, respectively, an open eye ora closed eye, from left to fight. Remember thatthe crow has3 eyes ‘The winning numbers at lottery donot exceed 1000, ‘Output ‘The output are 3 lines, each one with one resuit ofthe lottery, Input Sample ‘Output Sample o Input Sample ‘Output Sample htps:hwnw.uroninejudge,com.brludgeleniproblemsiviow 1848, aw

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