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Behind the scenes of an Amazon warehouse

You click there and a box appears here. Ecommerce is a magic trick that repeats
millions of times a day for a peek at what happens in between. We visited its inventor
this is where an Amazon delivery begins a building that's 1/3 of a mile long ordinarily
it's off-limits but not today. Amazon opened closed doors steady flow and open my eyes.
I don't think it's well understood with a footprint equal to 59 football fields.
This Amazon Fulfillment Center is simply mammoth we have the packing the
picking the slamming the shipping the receiving its home to an army of employees. A
little bit over 101 6 ton pallet slinging robot. We affectionately call it Robo stow and a
squat of box shuffling cyborgs. We like to think of it as a symphony between robots and
our great associates we found a secret at our feet. the floor is covered in tiny QR codes.
It's sort of like a chess board eyes and the robots bellies read the codes and broadcast
their position choreography that keeps your shipment on time and avoids collisions.
They know exactly where to go. Clicking that yellow button sets these robots in motion
sometimes within second but your order is not handled by Android alone drive units.
The Amazon robots are actually bringing items from where they're stored to
associate so that associate can pick customer orders and get them ready to ship out a
real-life human being boxes. Every Amazon order as with every department there's
simply no guesswork in choosing the right box. How do I know which box to pick our
technology will tell you the computer tells you. The computer will tell us the perfect
sized box to fit that item from there. It's time to slam it slam. Fortunately slam isn't an
action slam is an Amazon acronym for adding your address and sending your order
home. Stand label apply manifest orders are constant.
We process thousands and thousands of packages. The exact number is
confidential but we do know that Amazon sales hit a record eighty eight billion dollars in
2014 driven by new same-day delivery and selection that no other retailer can touch you
can't fathom the amount than the four that we have billing. It looks like a lot and it is
Amazon says those shelves are home to 1 million different items 1 million. I think the
difficult estimate realized probably not we even spotted a toilet in.

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