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Living in a traditional family of three or four generations has both advantages and disadvantages.

What do you think of that matter? Write an essay of about 180-200 words to support your points.

Extended family has been argued for its upsides and downsides. In this essay, the writer
discusses both sides of a traditional family and prove that its benefits outweigh its

On one hand, extended families bring about benefits to their members. People in extended
families develop better communication skills and stress control. As each person in the
family gets to interact with other generations having different characteristics, they tend to
develop efficient ways of socializing. Diverse personalities may also lead to conflicts,
allowing its members to learn how to handle them better. These prepare individuals for
better integration into society and dealing with stress. Moreover, members from big
families receive helpful support from others, both emotionally and financially. This support
is favorable especially in important events such as weddings, funerals, etc., which ensures
better mental health for each individual. In addition, members can get advice from other
generations which provides an insightful look into the problem. Thus, they can manage the
issue more effectively.

On the other hand, traditional families are said to be somewhat disadvantageous. Conflicts
may arise more frequently in traditional families. This results from limitation of personal
privacy where more members occupy more physical space. The generation gap also
accounts for this in which each age group has different behaviors, values and ways of
thinking. In addition, some members may become dependent on others. This happens
when a member regularly receives help from others and eventually have a reliant mindset.
Later in life, they may not succeed in their own lives and careers.

In short, traditional family has its pros and cons. However, the positives are more
remarkable when compared to the negatives of it.

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