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Print Brief

Contest Type

Naming/Company Name

Contest Package

This contest is part of a bundle package for Name + Logo + Taglines

Title of the Project

Unique Name for Graphics/Marketing company

Type of Name


What is your Business/ Brand about?

We are a Graphics/Marketing company which helps people selling their brand/products online
on different platforms, like on Amazon etc.. We provide them with services as Product
Rendering - which is our specialty. As well as Product description, info graphics etc. As
mentioned, we specialize in Product Rendering and in Video ads. We offer all sorts of graphics,
packaging design, labels, leaflets etc. Branding: names, logo's etc.

Want a .com URL?

Yes, the .com URL should exactly match the name.

Acceptable Domain Extensions


Type of Business

1. Marketing & Advertising

Tell us about your customers

Private label business owners, trying to stand out with their products online as on amazon etc.

What Style or Character should the brand convey?

Professional and unique. Ahead of the curve. Modern and Up to date.

Primary country for the brand or business

United States

Names We Don't Like

ads, video

Try to incorporate these keywords or ideas in the name

rendering,sharp,professional,video ads,viral,stand out,attract,rank,Ignite,Boost

Maximum number of letters

I'm only looking for a short name (less than 10 characters)

Maximum number of words

Two Words

Preferred Style of Name

1. Powerful
2. Descriptive
3. Modern

Preferred Type of Name

1. Real Word (Apple, Amazon, Adobe)

2. Creative Spelling (Flickr, Digg,
3. Made Up (Meebo, Praxo, Zumba)
4. Blends (Sharpcast, Instagram, Wikipedia)
5. Phrases (Stumbleupon, SimplyHired, Park’n’Ride)

Premium Domains Allowed

Note: You are allowed to submit your premium domains from Squadhelp Marketplace to any
naming contests. Unless explicitly mentioned in the brief, you are not allowed to submit any
names listed on third party marketplaces or websites. Read our Entry Submission Policies

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