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BAB 8 Reference atau sering dikenal dengan sebutan ryjukan kata, merupakan jenis soal yang menanyakan tentang ‘objek(berupa benda ataupun orang). Pertanyaan seputar reference blasanya menggunakan kata gant (pronouns) sebagai intinya. Contoh pronoun antara lain: it he, she, they, «et, Sehingga dalam soal ni menginginkan jawaban berupa IEC ee Berikut ini merupakan strategl yang dapat kallan ‘gunakan ketika menemukan pertanyaan reference. kata benda (noun). 1. Mengenali jenis kata ganti (pronoun) yang ditanyakan, apakah merupakan kata ganti benda atau orang, kemudian kata gantijamak ataukah tunggal [canine ere 2. Lihat kalimat sebelumnya, Dengan melihat kalimat sebelumnya maka akan diketahui subjek atau objek 1. Thewore #2 fe Xrefers to. yang dibahas. Sehingga mempermudah kalian dalam D Whetcuesthemont™ tectortah ‘menentukan subjek/objek yang ditanyakan. 3. Thepronoun “they"in line Xrefers to... CONTOH SOAL DAN PEMBAHASAN The following text is for question number 1. 10 15 ‘Although photography was frat made publcin 1835, the theory behind the principles ofthe medium begins with Aristotle's description of how ight waves behave when projected through a small aperture. This is fundamentally the descriptionofhowalensorcamerasapertureopereteswhenitprojectsanimageontothefilmatthebackofacamera.Inthe Middleages AlhazenandFrancisBaconextendedtheprincipltoincludealargexarkenedroomwithasmallopeninginone wall. In the 15% to 18 centuries this camera obscura, as it came to be called, was reduced in size and made convenient for artist to use in tracing scenic design and architectural perspective The chemical principles basic to photo-graphy were also described well before photography was “invented: Johann Schulze, in 1727, demonstrated that silver salts tured dark when exposed. to light. Carl W. Scheele, in 1777, showed that ammonia retarded the effects of light, and he indicated a possible way of stablizing the photochemical process. By the end of the 18° century, the necessary equipments (the camera obscura) were available atleast to produce semipermanent photographic images. The artistic style and aesthetics of Renaissance and post - Reneisance Europe placed a high alueona naturalsticrender ing ofatureand thuslegitimatizedthe use of machineslike comeraobscuraby artist. By the mind 18°century,a publicdemand had madeitselffor realistic portrats, which was partially satisfied by experimentsin the automatcif permanent, recording of portrait sthouettes on photo sensitive paper. Wo im-peratives the need for perspectvely accu-ate landscape and architectural scenes and fr objectively truthful portraits created a climate for certain types and styles of pictues that, after 1839, would be achieved easily by photography. ‘The word'he'in A. Aristotle. B. Francis Bacon. Johann Schulze. Land he indicated a possible way of stabilizing..." line 9) refers to... D. CarlW, Scheele Jacques Charles. Pembahasan SMART: Dari kutipan ‘Car! W. Scheele, in 1777, showed that ammonia retarded the effects of ight and he indicated o posible way ‘of stabilizing the photochemical process. dapat diketahul bahwahe’dsini mengacu pada subyek kalimat yakni Cal W. Scheele Jawaban: D \O 183 ‘The following texts for question number 2. “The economic history ofthe United States; one scholar has writen, isthe history ofthe rise and development of the capitalistic system“ The colonistsofthe eighteenth century pushed forward what those oftheseventeenthcenturyhadbegun:the expansionand elaborationofaneconomyborninthegreatageofcapitaistexpansion Qurexcellentnaturalresourcespavedthewayforthedevelopment fof abundant capital to increase our growth. Capital includes the toolssuch as machines, vehicles, and bbulldings-that make the outputs of labor and resources more valuable. But it also includes the funds necessary to buy those tools. fa society had to consume everything it produced just to stay alive, nothing could be put aside to Increase future productions. Butifa farmer can grow morecornthan is amily needsto ea, he can usethe surplusasseed toincrease the next crop orto feed workers who build tractors. This process of capital accumulation was aided in the American economy by ‘our cultural heritage. Saving played an important role in the European tradition; t contributed to Americans’ motivation to put something aside today for the tools to buy tomorrow. 2. Theword“it"in line 21 refers to A. European tradition D. Capital B. Saving played American economy C. Gapital accumulation Pembahasan SMART: ‘Tips: Jawaban pertanyaan tipe reference didapat dengan melihat subjek yang dibicarakan pada kalimat sebelumnya. Kata utama it bisa ada di subjek atau objek di kalimat sebelumnya, Pada Konteks ini It yang dimaksudkan adalah Saving layed. Jawabar The following texts for question number 3. “The impacts of electronic commerce in @ developing country can be helpful rather than detrimental. Electronic ‘commerce has the potential to tie developing counties into the rest of the world so they are no longer considered ‘outsiders. For examples, electronic commerce can enable more people to access products and services that once were rot available. Another benefit is that electronic commerce stores are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As the 5 infrastructure for electronic commerce keeps growing, services that were not offered in the past become available. ‘Many of these benefits have not been proven yet, but the technology is now avallable, and developing countries are looking forward to these benefits. The high cost of technology may still be detrimental in many developing countries; however, the constant innovation of software and hardware will hopefully reduce these costs. ‘Consumer in developing countries can benefit from electronic commerce because they can buy product that 10 could only be found in major cosmopolitan cities. Electronic commerce is closing the gap between the countries that hhave wide availability of products and those with limited availability. The basic purpose of electronic commerce is to provide goods and services to consumers who do not live close to the physical location of the product or service and would otherwise have a hard time acquiring these products and services. Society andconsumersalike have only begunto enjoy the benefits of electronic commerce. Since new developments 15 aremade on a continuous bass, it will eventually affect every individual. Some of the benefits enjoyed by society and consumers, for example, are ease of transaction, comparability of products, quick delivery and the ability to make any ‘type of transaction at any given time of day. Electronic commerce facilitates delivery of public and social services, such s healthcare, education and distribution of government social services at a reduced cost, improving the quality of care and living in these communities. For 20 example, healthcare services can reach patients in rural reas. “Adapted from Lubbe, Sond IM. van Heerden, 2003, The Economic and Social Impacts a lctronic Commerce. London: Idea Group Publishing p23 3. The pronoun “they"in line 9 refers to ‘A. consumers in developing countries D. developing countries B. these costs E__ major cosmopolitan cities consumers Pembahasan SMART: ‘They pada kalimat ini sebagai kata ganti orang jamak. Dari pilihan jawaban yang tersedia kemungkinan jawaban ada antara ‘A dan C. Tetapi kalau melihat maksud pada kalimat yang sebelumnya kata/frasa yang paling tepat adalah consumers in developing countries (lebih detail. Kata kunci: Consumers, developing country = pelanggang, negara maju Jawaban: A

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