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TN CLOZE TEST (Paragraf Rumpang) Cloze test atau melengkapi paragraf rumpang dari sebuah bacaan merupakan salah satu jenis pertanyaan yang muncul dalam soal SBMPTN. Diperlukan kemampuan dalam memilih kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi paragraf rumpang tersebut. Ene ee) Berikut adalah strategi yang dapat kalian lakukan dalam menjawab paragraf rumpang. 1, Pethatikan bagian yang kosong.Bagian yang dikosong- kan dalam kalimat dapat terletak pada bagian subjek, predikat, taupun objek. ‘a. Posisi subjek, berupa pronoun (kata ganti) dan ‘noun (kata benda) '._Posisi predikat, berupa verb (kata kerja) dan to be. ‘c. Posisi objek, berupa noun (kata benda) 2. Pahami makna kalimat atau teks secara keseluruhan 3. Perbanyak perbendaharaan kata (vocabulary) CONTOH SOAL DAN PEMBAHASAN The following text is or question number 1 to 3. (Over this decade, employment in jobs requiring education beyond a high schoo! diploma will grow ‘more rapidly than employment in jobs in do not; of the 30 fastest growing occopations, more than half require post secondary education. With the average earings of college graduates at a level that is twice as high as that of workers with only a hing school diploma, higher education is now the clearest (1)... into the middle class. In higher education, the US. has been outpaced internationally. While the United States ranks ninth in the world in the proportion, of young adults enrolled in college, we have fallen to 16th in the world in our share of certificates and degrees awarded to adults ages 25-34 - lagging behind Korea, Canada, Japan, and other nations. While more than half of college students graduate within six years, the (2)... for low-income students is around 25 percent. ‘Acknowledging these factors early in his Administration, President Obama challenged every American to commit to at least one year of higher education or post-secondary training, (3)... that America ‘would once again have the highest proportion of college ‘graduates in the world by 2020. (wwvwwhitehousegov) ‘The option that best completes (1) Pathway Position Effort Advantage Beginning mone Pembahasan SMART: Pada kalimat ‘With the average earnings of college ‘graduates at a level that Is twice as high as that of workers with only a high school diploma, higher ‘education isnow the clearest... nto the middleclass dijelaskan bahwa pendapatan lulusan sarjana lebih tinggi dibandingkan mereka yang sekedar lulusan diploma, Maka dari itu pendidikan menjadi suatu Jalan’ paling jelas (the clearest pathway) menuju / masuk ke kelas menengah. Jawaban: A Te option tat best competes is. Completion rate ‘Academic capacity Logical understanding Leatning achievement Intellectual development mone> Pembahasan SMART: Pada kalimat ‘While more than half of college students ‘graduate within six years, the ..... for low-income Students is around 25 percent’ poin yang dibahas disini adalah tingkat kelulusan siswa (graduate), yakni angka kelulusan siswa universitas, maka dar itu kealimat selanjutnya tentu masih membahas masalah ‘tingkat kelulusan’ ini. Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah ‘completion rate’= angka kelulusan. Jawaban: A Te option that bet competes ‘Americans will deserve higher education for their future B, Middle class Americans are invited to provide financial aids. ‘American students are suggested to take entrepreneurial skills D._ The President has set up a new educational goal forthe country E._ The government recommends Americans for college educaton \O 81 Pembahasan SMART: Pada kalimat pertama paragraf ke-3, dijelaskan bahwa Presiden Obama mengajak setiap warga Amerika tuntuk berkomitmen dalam pendidikan tinggi. Maka dari itu, kalimat selanjutnya pasti masih berkaitan dengan’ subyeknya yakni Presiden Obama, yakni program pendidikan yang ditetapkan oleh Presiden ‘Obama untuk Amerika. Jawaban: D The following texts for question number 4108. People who use social networks Twitter and Facebook the most often are also the most narcissistic, according to @ new infographic that cities results from two studies. (wait comes to Facebook, 18-25-year-old users who frequently updated their statuses, posted pictures of themselves, and sed quotes or mottos to glorify themselves drew a higher narcissism score in a study that used the Narcissism...(2)...Inventory and Rosenberg Self- Esteem Seale. College undergraduates. who..(3)..most often on Twitter also scored higher in narcissism in a University of ‘Michigan study. Since Twitteris used, in part, to broadcast {user's view broaden his or her...(4)...citcl, this eadshim (or her to over evaluate the importance of their opinions, according to the findings. ‘The infographic begins by defining and providing, (5)..ofnarcissicm, then listnegative effects of social media, and highlights the studies on Facebook and Twitter users. 4 A. Before B. Unless. When D. Since After Pembahasan: it comes to Facebook, 18-25-yearold users who frequently updated their statuses, posted pictures of themselves. Kalimat tersebut memeriukan kata sambung yang sestial dengan maknakalimat :Ketika (When) bicara ‘temtang facebook, pengguna berusia 18-25 tahun yang seting memasang status mereka, posting gambar mereka. Jadi kata sambung yang tepat adalah ketika (when). Jawaban: ¢ a A Personal B. Personality Personally D. Personalized E. Personalizing 2 J Pembahasar Karena makna yang. diharapkan adalah metode ppengukuran tingkat Kenarsisan seseorang, sehingga phrasenya menjadi The Narcissism Personality Inventory Jawaban: B A Programmed 8. Followed Replaced D. Played E. Posted Pembahasar Collegeundergraduates who....mostoften on Twitter also scored higher in narcissism in a University of ‘Michigan study. Makna Yang diharapkan adalah Para lulusan universitas yang mengepost (posted) menulis, status di Twitter. Jawaban: E A Socialize B. Socially Social D. Sociable E. Society Pembahasar Since Twitter is used, in part, to broadcast a user's view broaden his oF hetan.citcle Lihat frase benda yang ditanyakan ‘his or her" Ingat! Ingat! Possesive pronoun + Adjective + Noun. His or her (Possesive Pronoun), social (Adjective), circle (noun). Sehingga menjadi his or her social circle. Jawaban: ‘A. Proponents 8. Arguments. Opponents D. Followers E. Signs Pembahasan: Kalimat soal memerlukan kata yang sesual dengan makna kalimat: Infography memulai dengan ‘menentukan menghadirkan tanda tanda kenarsisan (signs of narcissism) Jawaban: E

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