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1.A car travels 418 km in 6 hours.

One hour is in the city, where the

average speed is half of the speed on the turnpike. What was the car's
average city speed.

Let s = city speed , then 2s = turnpike speed

From the problem it's clear that car travels 6 hours

1hr in the city, and 5 hrs on the turnpike

We know that Distance = time * speed

Total distance travelled = 418 Km
Distance travelled in City + distance travelled in turnpike = 418 Km
1 hour * s + 5 hour * (2s) = 418 km
1xs + 10xs = 418

s +10s =418

11s = 418
s =  11
s = 38 mph in the city:
average speed in city = 38 kmph

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