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Sharma. (2021, February 4). The future of Indian

75384. The author, in this blog provides practical information and few alternatives on the benefit on
Indian agriculture by using Artificial Intelligence as a powerful tool. Considering from the past
scenarios, in India agriculture has been the major source of income among majority population.
According to Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) the total estimate of food grain
production is 291.95 million tonnes which is a good sight and forecast also says till 2030 the demand
for food grain may also increase to 345 million tonnes simultaneously. Defined by ICAR, India is
always being advantageous regarding all types of agricultural conditions and also familiar conditions
to harvest any type of crops, weather conditions, soil types etc. Unfortunately, in spite of all these
facts the productivity of crops in India is quite low, also agriculture contribution in the GDP is
decreased by 20%. There are many bad signs for this low productivity of the crops in India, as the
farmers aren’t getting respectable income regardless of the massive manpower used also the
population of India are turning into massive numbers and so the demand for food will also increase
in future.

To eradicate the negative impacts on Indian agriculture and to overcome the demand the author
suggests some benefits that would boom the production in agriculture. According to author, the
modern powerful technical tool which is used around the world and almost in all sectors of
production i.e. Artificial Intelligence should be collaborated with agricultural tools and bring positive
results. There are various benefits of AI in agriculture and the most beneficial is the work is cost-
effective technologies and environment friendly that conserves nature for future. The other benefit
would the soil-testing based decisions using AI that would be focused on further and give precise
idea on the inputs in agriculture simultaneously pre-planning can take place using the sensors and
drones that would study the climate condition and soils fertility before harvesting crops. The most
important benefit is to improve the food quality. Well AI has this feature too with, the help of Nano-
technology to enhance the food quality and safety issues also AI can implement measures to use
optimum utilization of resources so as to conserve nature. The use of Nano-material in agriculture is
also effective as it may reduce the wastage and also minimise the loss of nutrients and soil fertility.
Not only on field, but AI can also benefit for retailers as it would give back farmers good amount of
return on investment. As the retailer industry would be digitalised and so on there would be
connectivity among the government and private sectors. As a live example we can see many private
players have already promoted retailers directly to customers, eg. Amazon, Big Basket etc. in India.

Adding more ideas, the private sectors and government sectors should collaborate and develop the
agriculture sector. With the help of advanced technology use of GPS and drones the farmers can be
benefited agriculture with more profitable and easily environmental friendly activity. Also
connecting all the activities on the smart phones can make farming output with great results. All the
forecast will be available on the advanced digitalized smartphone and would help farmer to plan
pre-implementation and strategize well, with the help of satellites and internet all the information
can be stored for the farmers.

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