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EWA KOLODZIEJSKA ANNA SIKORZYNSKA eSTS Ut ENGLISt TESTY DO MATURY Paraphrasing PARAPHRASING Paraphrase the following sentences; the new sentence should be equivalent in meaning fo the one that is given. . Their garden is so beautiful. They have .. We won't be able to et home if tney don't give us a lift Unless There was nothing to eat when we ontived There wasn't My mother doesn’t son wall, and neither does my father Neither my mother .. . | can’t wait until they give their next performance. I'll go and see it immediately. As soon as . I didn’t know onyoody at the pany I knew ..... You're not allowed to eat icecream or drink cold drinks. aaa Jane sometimes hits her husband and he occasionally hits her too. Jane and her husband ..... . You must stay in bed until Friday. You . sannG@t up until Friday. We should paris up. We ought ... I think there is no sugar left. I don’t think . {bast saw him six years ago. V srsttntsestinistin SIX YOO. . I'm afraid we don’t have enough petrol. I'M affraid We NAVE TOO... . I'd like to am art but | don’t know if I'll pass the entrance exam Tl ces oe Would you like me to do the shopping for you? Shall aamaeo eee enough friends to talk to. | have too .. . Malgaroo is a capital city but it’s very dity AHROUQR asestnssnssetestecstses $i 21 22. 23. 24. 25, 26, 27. 3 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37, 38. PART 1 He can’t lift this suitcase, he’s too weak He isn’t . He and his wife don’t enioy classical music. Neither he .. si Let's go to the cinema! How AOU sense aout) Mary Is prettier than her sister. Mary's sister isn’t . Ist necessary for you to write the essay for tomorrow? Do you .. : 2 Nobody helped El Ellen to cook this delicious dinner. Ellen cooked . Would you like me to bring you something to atink? Shall Aunt Glorla came lost March and she is sti staying with us. Aunt Gloria has... When we arrived, the chief inspector wos auestion ing the clerk When we arrived, the clerk They ought fo stop the hooligans Hooligans ..... He didn’ tstudy law. That’s why he isn’t a rich man now if Why are they laughing so 9 loudly a (vice . UNIVERSAL has just released a new science fiction film. Anew science fiction film : My boytfiend can’t dance. It’s so annoying EWISH vastness \'m not a princess so | can’t marty a prince (erect: “Gan | borrow your ecr. John?” asked Brian Brian asked “ “I won't go to that stupid meeting’. said Frank Frank refused It seems that Janet sponds too much time in the pub. Janet... : I think you should go | to bed as soon as possible You'd ; . Pethaps he specie Enon He might Peter was an excellent cook when he wos at college. Peter used . : 9 PART 1 re 22. 23. 24, 25. 26, 27, on Pat 30. 3 32, 33, 34. 35. 36. 37, 38. He can’t lift this suitcase, he’s too weak He isn’t He and his wife don’t enjoy classical music Neither He sss Let's go to the cinema! How about .. Src ceo 2 Mary is prettier than her sister Mary's sister isn’t .. \s it necessary for you fo wile the essay for tomorrow? Do you Nobody helped Ellen to cook this delicious dinner. Ellen cooked . Would you like me to bring you something to drink? Shall ... Aunt Gloria came last March and she is still staying with us AUnt GIOTIG GS ossessessssrnsceeeerensen When we arrived, the chief inspector was questioning the clerk. When we arrived, the clerk They ought to stop the hooligans Hooligans ... He didn’t say law. That’ S wy he isn’t a rich man now Why are they laughing so o loudly m1 | wish UNIVERSAL has just released ‘a new science fiction film. Anew science fiction film. My boyfriend can’t dance. It’s so annoying I wish .. i'm nota princess so | can't marry a prince “Can | borrow eet car. John?”, asked Brian. Brian asked “| won't go to that suid meeting”. said Frank. Frank refused It seems that Janet pen too much time in the pub. JONet oo ccst . | think you should go to bed o8 soon as possible YOU'S ceesesescseere . Perhaps he speaks Fraleh He might Peter was on excellent cook when he was at college. Peter Used aii. Paraphrasing 39. 40. 4 42. 43. 44, 45, 46, 47. 48. 49 50. 51 52 53. 56, 57. 58. They'd preter to eat something hot. { guess They’ vvrsscsstnninssien The criminal escaped before the police arrived When the police artived ... ' i regret | didn't learn languages when! was younger. I wish .. “I didn’t eat the chocolate’. said Bebe. Bobby claimed .. They showed me the new exhibition ha I . {saw the show in London. It wil be cor The show ... What a pity | didn’t know you were corm If only .. = No one expected the last guest. The last guest sos “l will never meet Peter again”, said Joan JOAN was SUre ...... Everyone must listen to the Prime 2 Mirister The Prime Minister... You shouldn't get on his nerves. You'd .. ; May | turn down the radio? Do you mind .. “Where do you come from, John?" asked! \ Mary asked .. Se ent Peter my best suit Peter... “Is there another road 10 o sagan? asked *- The tourist asked . . 2 William the Conqueror became kipg of irs Battle of Hastings in 1066. William the Conqueror, who ... My father smokes too much. | think he shou's + | wish . stop smoki “There is going to be a storm”, said Joe. JO@ SAID ee John didn’t tell me when he was coming o22« $2 adn't meet him at the airpor, If John .. Charles Edward stuart landed in Scotland in 1745. His mother was Jan Sobieski’s daughter. PART 1 59. 63 62. 63, 64, 65. 66. 67. 68, 69, 70, 7 72, 73," 74 76. 70. 77. 78. Charles Edward Stuart, whose ... An expert will ae this fest, This test “Vale 400 rmuch for supper. Now my stomach is upset”, complained Lamy Lary complained that They were cleaning my room when | |arfived at the hotel When | arived at the hotel, my room The old man is a friend of mine. You are laughing at him. ‘The old man you ... . . The cenit ting her tooth, Her tooth .. “Don't leave me now. I'm scared”. begged Mary Mary - : it's ply Lsold my car. Iwish . : “Did the aan eee your “Were... somebody 's ioc up a ae A doctor... = Wrispering i is rude when you are in company. joe is in love with Agnes John is only thirteen, Jonn, who ... oat hooey ace susan. Susan .. : I'm sorry | can’t heb him. oie nee “Help me, please”, asked the a THE Glith socsecese “Has anyone seen my tennis racker" ) asked, l wanted to know a Kia a she is such a talkative person. wish .. . Nobody said ie Nothing .. We ough! fo do something about i Something .. ladvise you to stop ating 0 much, oe They ae ‘on him yesterday HO sessseecssene 7 Paraphrasing aa 80. 81 82. 83. 84. 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, a ea 92. Lee 94, ee 96. 97. 98. Aman answered the phone He sald that Tom was out. The man who .. Peggy lives next door. She is a friend of mine. PEGGY, WAO vassesssteve : “Don't treat these animals so badly", said Brigitte to the farmer. Brigitte fold the farmer... Wordsworth lived in the Lake District. Many people consider him a great poet Wordsworth, whom ..... she showed him in. ee Wellington defeated Napoleon o in 1815, Napoleon .. sol weer “Don’t buy me any more flowers! ’, Matty told ...scssssses After the managerh had signed the | Before... Stratford is in Warwickshire. Shakespeare « battle of Waterloo. It was fought posted them. Shakespeare .......c.e Which Things in shop-windows always tempt her she Speaking English with a good accent is d are don't we go on the roller-coaster?” i suggested... — Nobody spoke to her at the por She “shall | help you pack, asked Noel Noel offered. “Help! Help!", cried somebody, somebody When I was young it was my habit to bathe = V vacststiesistststotanstansonaiseses it’s a pity | won't see him aurng my stay inv I wish sel “It’s true, | stole that st gold ting’, John Brown John Brown admitted . | would like everyone to stop fighting P WISH ecsosssesestne I think you should take an aspirin You had . a PART I 99. 100. 101. 102. 103, 104. 108. 106. 107. aaa 109, 110. 1, oo 113, 14 115. 116. ao 118. be “May | use your Phone he asked me He asked .. People believe that prehistoric people lived in trees. Prehistoric PEOple ws enrnnee . Someone Is going to redecorate our riving room. Wee “1'm sure Joe Pit poksoned his wife", said the inspector. The inspector suspected He never uses diy language. Never. It's a shame we didn’t apologise to Mary for ail that mess. ee eee It isn’t necessary to pay at once. We .. They probably sore to do some shopping THEY MOY vosssoissnneneneine A mechanic has repaired thet wating machine THY oosesssstetsent It was nothing new to him to stand in queues. He was used senesarencasecensee I'm absolutely sure they didn’t forget to pay They COUIDA'E sjejrseecinstestesinistne The plane took off though the weather was awful In spite Help me with this suitcase, pleats Would you mind They made Jack cancel alll his appointments Jack .. | must find ee to ae this room: | must have Everybody says he is a successful businessman: He suisenieeenierne Her skit 100 long Her skirt NEES «soe They think he was a very cruel man HO vrcsestessestee Miriam told the gardener to 0 plant some beautiful roses in the garden, SHE NOM cassis sssesesent They will renew the contract with you You . You didn’t warn me, so | wasn’t more careful. If Paraphrasing 120. — 122. 123. a 128. — 130, 131 132. 133, 134, 135. 136. 137. 138. It was unnecessary to cut down all those trees. The trees .. | brought my umbrella, It was not necessary. (cee You ought to have your van serviced. YOUP VON oi ereseeeeesestenees een You lied to him, which was wrong You | haven't been to the theatre for ages. HWS seseeeee . There are no biscuits left. | am sure Tim ate them. TIM MUSt ..sseseeseeeees . | had heard that the caves were dangerous. | didn't want to go any further without a Meshiight and some ropes HAVING sssunssesnsseseee “You mustn't fish for salmon in the Thames’, the guide informed us The QUide fOld .ssensssssnststnentei | knew that the criminal was still at large. | was exemely reluctant to be alone at nigh’ Knowing It ls expected that he will lecture ‘on this subject month HO secsessensnne She washed her woollen jumper in hot water and * s-"a7k She SHOUIN'T sarsvssseee “Shall | ever understand women?”, he asked h' He asked himself oo... lt wasn't necessary for me to run as fast as | did | soe I don’t want to go for a walk I don’t feel This mansion was almost cota built before This mansion must oe It is possible that you left your scarf on the train. YOU MOY -sesssessesettessnseeenssene reas up a is much more difficult than going to bed late. they must have cancelled the e mesting, The meeting i Our mother usually gets up first and 1 goes to bed last Our mother is... : PART 1 139. As Jim gets older, he becomes more and more forgetful. The _ 7 140. He tried the other door but found that it was locked as well, He tried the other door ONLY sess Masz w domu komputer? Uczysz sie angielskiego? POSZUKAJ ZATEM TEJ KSIAZKI Pozycja dla kazdego, kto pragnie postuzy¢ sie komputerem w_ na- uce angielskiego. Zbiér utozo- nych tematycznie ¢wiczen o réz- nym stopniu trudnogci. Cwiczenia rozwijaja sprawnos¢ czytania, poszerzaja_ zasdb_ stownictwa, utrwalajqa_znajomosé gramatyki oraz dostarczaja praktyki w poro- zumiewaniu sie. Cwiczenia sq nagrane na_ dyskietce, ktora uzupetnia ksiazke, a jej wykorzys- tanie wymaga pracy z IBM PC. Verb forms Verb forms Put the verbs in brackeis into the correct form. NOORoOn~ 20. 2) 22. 23. 24, 25. 2%, 27 28. rath 30. 3 32, . Mr Brown (spend) alll his holidays . Look! It’s Francis! | (not see) him for age . | (fall) asleep when somebody (break) . Last month the president announced that hi [hope (find) some interesting reading in the new ookshop. What you (do) this evening, John? We (go) to the theatre tonight. He will see you as soon as Mr Brown (/eeve Jane (watch) TV for hours; that’s wny her ey Unless John (try) harder, he won't get this joc the ummer he probably = -ondon, (It’s April now) (go) to Brighton unless his boss (mak: Stop (make) that tertible noise Don't shout unless you (want) to be a at door. No one ever (speak) to me like that. We normally (live) with our parents but fo: =~ our aunt's flat. She (go) away on business. | wait) for them for an hour now. | can't wa~ Jim ought (learn) languages if he nice plates and cups. You ..... any alcohol, have you? She is ..... beautiful woman that men can’t stop \ tied two hats on. My husband liked the black o: er bought . Lalways do my shopping ..... Friday afternoon, . Jim can bring his gitlfriend along, .....2 . We usually watch TV...... the evening. I met ..... punks in Italy. | didn't see even one We've agreed to meet...... midnight. . The plane arrives ...., 8:30 tomorrow. ... @ lot of people in front of the building, The Pope will probably visit Poland ..... April Joe has been looking for a new job, .....? no one ‘é Browning wrote poet, So..... Tennyson, He ought ..... stop drinking. Ihave very ..... plants at home because | hate wor ring them every day. . [hoped to meet someone from my class but .... of them was there: . Mary doesn’t smoke and ..... does her husband, . Can you do it...... or shall | help you? | haven't read his books ..... | was at college ! haven't drunk French wine ..... at least two years. ... director of our schoo! will give ..... special prize fo ...., best student in English. PART 1 34, 35. 36. 41. 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 47 48, 49. 50. 5] 52. 53, 54, 55. 56. 57. 58. 59, él 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. The Joneses are very musical; they often sing fo ..... in the bath - they don't need any audience, Jim doesn’t play tennis; he doesn’t swim, We've got very ..... petrol. I'm afraid we won't even manage to get to the nearest town » “au the meals at your home?” “My mother usually.” | haven’t worn this dress. ..... last summer. Both of them are Polish but ..... of them wants to stay in this country. We didn’t ..... to speak English because everybody at the conference spoke Polish. The Earth will die soon ..... people limit pollution. Fox is a better boxer ..... Abduhl Dogs don't fly. ..... do pigs. My sister isn’t ..... pretty ..... me. I a. fevise for my exams tonight but | think (ll watch TV instead. He visited us very often ..... we were never nice to him. He hasn't got a car, so he came here ..... foot, ... go to school today! We could go to the cinema instead Mike is .... his father. They both hate milk, Hurry up! We haven't got..... time. | bortow your pen? I’ve got to sign this document we wash up, Mum? You look very tired, I don't enjoy...... TV all weekend, Janet couldn't decide ..... to do first We ..... studying foreign languages for many years. I don’t think we should buy a new video. We had ..... spend this money on a computer. .. telephone is ..... very useful device, You know Mr Jones and Mrs Jones? They ..... live in Our street, but they are not relatives. Don't ask anybody for help! Do it .....! likes me. | always have to play on my own, If you can’t find the way, ask...... n the street John is quite tall but ..... boys of his age are still pretty short. Everyone ...... goes to Venice never forgets it My son likes the dog ..... is running about in the yard, Please, lend me £10. ......? That is the man ..... painting | told you about. You used to love going out with Roy. ....? The person ..... ame must remain a secret will phone you in the evening. Everybody ..... meets that boy gets annoyed ....... him very quickly. They used ..... play football when they were young. Nu A Filling in the blanks 7 72. 73. 74. 78, 76. 77 78. 79. 80. 81 a 83. 84. 85. 86, 88, 89. 90. 7 _ 93. 94. 98. 96. 7 98. ees 100, 101, 102 103. 104, 105. 106. 107. 108 We must look into that problem seriously, .....? Have you ever met a person ..... is a kleptomaniac? Let's play bridge, .....? If | were... fish, | would swim in ..... ocean. Mr Curwood, ..... wife has disappeared. is very worried In Estonia, .... is .... Baltic state, you can see the micinight sun Jin loves Mary. Mary loves Jim. They love | don’t know the boy...... father has become senavor The building ..... has just collapsed belonged to | Lam saving money ..... to buy d flat in the summy She had to agree with him, .....2 .. bad weather the plane took off on time We have two sons, ..... we love very much saul Said that there will be an election in spring | hoped I..... See Mrs Jones again this summe I'm going to a school ..... nobody speaks Po! {couldn't understand .... she had left school “Where is Robert?”. “He ..... be studying fo It was John Milton ..... wrote "Paradise Lost I .... You wouldn't whistle alll the time. it distucs Jim seems ..... very hard. He Is always tired o-> anyone. This rose smells $0... it’s a pity It'll die ina tes. He can't dance ..... he’s decided to attenc The flight may ..... been cancelled. | wonder ..... John will remember about your You should cut down on sweets ..... you wa Contest" They've got plenty of vases. We ....... Bough" ange thing to do. 2 ore ina "Fat Guys acro-ner one. ... Is believed that eating too much salt c ood pressure. It’s stuffy in here. ..... lopen the window? We couldn't understand ..... they decide Vistula is .... longest river in Poland ana biggest river world I think Robert should ..... start studying or find < I wasn't ...... do the second exercise but | mane like everyone in my class ..... Johnny; he’s sO vu to do the first one en itis... that most Roman emperors were poisoned The mountains were covered ...,. snow. Robert and Mike are very smart but ..... of them speaks a foreign language. If Susann ..... a princess, she could matry a prince PART 1 109. 110. WW aoa 113. 114. 116. 116. 117. 118. ng. 120. 721 122, 123 124, 125, 126. 127, 128. 129. 130, aaa 132, 133. 134, 135. 136. 137, 138. 139. 140. He ..... to have revised more if he wanted to pass the exam. John was accused ..... beating his wife and children This valuable ring may ...... stolen during the wedding reception Gerald asked me ..... to dinner. He always...... me laugh; his jokes are so funny a. 8he emigrated, she had worked as a consultant for the Polish government | avoid ..... to strangers because I'm afraid they might be criminals, Dire Straits, ..... music is popular all over the world, have never been to Poland, My boss ..... me that | should work harder. Nobody knew .,.. about my arrival. I wrote the report ..... but my boss was sure ..... helped me. Do you mind ..... the door? Someone is knocking and my hands are dirty. You shouldn't feel responsible ..... this accident | wish my parents ..... more strict when | was a child If you had earned more money last year, you to build a house next year, That was something ....... made me nervous was dark but ..... were many stars in the sky They live by the sea-side, ..... is very pleasant in summer. lam very good at dancing, .....? King James I was the Duke of York, from ..... New York took its name. | think that the train leaves at 9.00, but you'd ..... make certain Tur the tadio off, ....? It took a long time but finally | got used fo ..... at night I think it’s about time you ..... to earn your own living No, thank you, I..... father walk home. My flat looked so grubby that last month | decided to ..... the walls painted white. In prison everyone ..... used to sleeping with the lignt on. I'd rather Peter ..... drink so much at parties You'd better stay in bed, .1..? You look ..... you have been attacked and beaten up. Would you mind if | ..... a cigar in here? My mother caught me...... In the mirror ..... stupid faces Mi jultiple choice Multiple choice Choose the correct answer and circle it. In each case there is only one correct answer. 1, Let's hope ..... some wise people in parliament. a) they are b)thatare c) there are d) are | must feed my ..... Cats today. @) friends mother's bb) friend's mothers’ c) frierc d) friend's mother’s Have you seen...... lm John is talking about? a)a bythe c)some d) any We have ..... coffee but it won't be enough for ou" 2 a) alittle b)little c)any d) few . | haven't bought ..... cigarettes. a) much b)some c)few d) many John is the ..... in the class, a) most tall 6) taller c) tallest d) more tall They'll bring whisky if they come, ..... ? a) don‘tthey b)dothey c)can'tthey d) Let’s go home! There's .... interesting here, a) somebody b)noone c) anybody d) John and ..... boys came first. a) the other b) another c)the others d)o” MPs in our parliament often shout at ..... a) themselves 6) one another c) their d) the~ . | looked for George and Mike but | found a)all b)none c)both d)neither . I’ve never met ..... nice people before. a)so b)such c)that d)a ... home when you saw that accident? a) Have you driven b) Did you drive c) You ~ d) Were you driving I didn’t understand why ..... 80 loudly a) was he speaking b) did he speak c) he w2: d) had he spoken . The weather wasn’t ..... t0. go sailing a)so good b)good enough c) bad enoug” Mr Brown and Mr Smith don‘t speak to ey Nad an argument yesterday. a) themselves b) the other c) another d) each omer 28 PART t gh) 21 22. 23. 24. aa Pas) 27 29, 30. 31 32, 33. 34, 35. 36. Neither Frank ..... Peter could answer my question, a)no b)not ¢)nor d) neither Unless she ..... some cakes, we will have to do without anything sweet a) brings b) doesn’t forget to bring c) forgets to bring d) will bring In our class people are very friendly: they often help ..... @) themselves b) other c) another d) one another “Where have you been?” strawberries.” a) pick b) have picked c) have been picking d) picked If you think the price is too high, you ..... buy the car. a) don‘tneed 6) mustn't c)needn’thave d)needn’t | haven't spoken to John ..... we came back from Paris, a) for b)before c)after d) since Look at Janet - she looks much ..... today, a) awfully 6) boring c) well d) better He will accept the job unless ‘Q) they don’t pay enough 6) they pay too little) they pay too much d) he fikes it | don’t know many people ...., John. a)as b)similar c)same — d) like . [shut the window? | can see you're cold a) shall 6) may c) could d) must You should study much more ..... fail the exam a) inorder to b)notto c)sothat d)to He isn’t allowed ..... at home: a) smoke b) smoking c) tosmoke d) to smoking You ..... repair the car, It’s already been repaired a) can‘t 6) mustn't c)needn’t d) shouldn't | haven’t seen a good film on TV for a) last year 6) months ¢) Christmas d) !e*t school | don't like ice cream, |..... have fruit salad a) had better b) ought c) would rather d) prefer They insisted on ...... the party at midnight a) beginning b)we begin c)tobegin d) begin I hate pop music. | wish there ..... less of it on TV, a) had been b)is c) willbe d) was his religion he drinks alcohol. a) although b) because c) inspite of | d) in order to He hardly ..... any work a) doesn’t dob) hasn't done cc) does d) has done The kids shouldn't watch the film tonight. They ..... fo bed before 9 p.m. a) must have gone b) are to go c) mustn'tgo d) needn't go 29 Multiple choice 37, 38. 39. AO, Al 42. 43. 44, 45, 46, 47 48. 49. 50, on 52. 53, 54, 56. 56. I's high time he ...., that he needs to study. @) understood b) understands) will understand d) must understand They said they ..... school the following year @) leave b)willleave c) wouldleave d) left asked him if he ..... a good day. a)hashad b)didhave ¢) had had d) has We must hurry. We ..... finish this work today, a)have b)areto c)ought d) may have My husband works too hard. | wish he ..... his job, a) hadloved b)loved c) would change d) changed The election is still a) being talked ) been talked about cc) talking about d) being talked about He esked her whether ..... London. @) she liked 6) she would like c) had she liked) she liked If John weren't rich, he ..... his last holidays in Vegas @) would spend b) wouldn't spend c) wouldn't hav< spent d) will spend I've met people ..... never eat meat. a) which) that c) what d) whose Young people talk very loudly, ...., makes their paren-s mad @) what b) that) it d) which They were travelling in a camper van so they... “a«= a tent a) didn’t need to _b) needn't have c) didn’t h: At the hotel there were no showers ..... bath tuos a)nor b) neither c) either d) or Would you mind ..... the window? | can’t bear a)toclose b)close c) closing d) if! clos Jack richer, he would have bought a Fe a) hadn'tbeen b)is c)wouldhave been a “aq been She looks so tired. She ..... go to bed at once: d) mustn't a) would better b) had better c) would ra =) nod rather The girl on the bench seemed ..... a detective a) reading b) toread c)she was reading a) eading I don't enjoy .. ) to be laughed at b) to laugh at ¢) being Call me at 10:00, | nothing then. Q) will dob) willnave done c) woulddo d) willbe doing ned at d) laughing at Mary ..... when | came to her office. | didn't even see her. a) had left b) was leaving c) left a) has ie# John said he ..... to work at home a) would prefer b) prefer c) will prefer d) has preferred 30 PART 1 57. 58. 59. 61 62, 63. 64, 65. 66, 67. 68, 69. 70, Turn this music off! If sounds ..... a) lovely 6) teribly c) awfully d) horrible of us think that our country should be a democracy. a)no b)any c)every a) most An average family has ..... children now than before the war. a)less b) fewer c)many 4d) little “Where is Tom?” “I’m not sure Out he ..... to the pub.” a) could go )may go c)needn'tgo d) may have gone if he ..... us a lift, we wouldn't have had fo take a taxi, a) did give b)had given c)gave d) would give We don't have to buy a new washing machine. We ..... by a mechanic. a) will repair the old one _b) will have the old one repaired ¢) will have repaired the old one) will be repairing the old one The manager made his secretary ..... until 6 p.m a) work b) working) to work d) worked She didn’t recognize me in the street. She drunk, a) must have been b) should have been c)mustbe d) had to be Didn‘t you play tennis? a)used to 6) det usedto c)useto d) to use He ... thoroughly by a mechanic before the Monte Carlo Rally. a) had been checking his carb) has checked his car ¢) had his car checked = d) had checked his car World War Il is known ..... fhe most cruel in history. a) tobe )tohave been c)having been d) being Don’t wash up! I’d rather you ..... your room. Q) cleaned 6) wauld clean ¢) clean d) had cleaned Let’s meet at 5:30, | ..... work by then: ) will finish b) am finishing Cc) will be finishing — d) will have finished I'd rather you..... English a) speak b) will speak Cc) mustspeak d) spoke a Set! Set 1 Reading Comprehension Geraldine is 19. She's from Stuttgart. She arrived in London only yesterday - essentially to study music (she plays the violin} and photography. She came to London because she is determined to start her independent adult life far from home. She wants to prove to herself that she can manage on her own. She is sitting in a small cafe now, a cup of hot tea in front of her. Geraldine lights a cigarette and spreads The Guardian over the table She's staying with a friend of hers, but the sooner she finds a room or a flat to rent - the better. She has some savings, but she knows she must be economical. Otherwise £1000 she's got won't last long. So, first she’s got to find a place to stay at and then some job to keep her going Let's see what we've got here: — : eFlashare, F, non- [semi-detached house, | @30 | smoker, 251 Piceadlly |modemized, beautiful | Caribbean § Wis Tim 7540212eve8 conservatory, 3Bp, 2 Ba | 10 hm Jrpl, pine catcin ‘kitchen sandy by whutensils, hig, SOR garden, | 20° mins lomsz6si4 Puerta Plat 1 Aisport ‘@Central London, Im in 2 br fat, M, must like cals, PO. 7731 feriyde Park, 3rd fir /@Short term, — modem usury flat, i, porter, studio, quict, call betweon 2dbi/Tsel bed. ba, |9.00 am and 5.00 pm, te £200 wk, call al tel, | 123124 wee! MF, to sh. 3BR London SWS, japt, nr bus & metro, £300 outstanding Vietorian | mo, tel.576-8900 Answer the Questions: 1, Do you know the meanings of the following ac 1m, br. ba, dbl, sql, fir, aft, eves, wk, pw, mo, coed, hse, w/, ww/, to sh., P.O., htg ? What are they? What languages does Geraldine speak? Which ads may she find worth checking? Wny? Which ads will she disregard immediately? Why? Which advertisernent(s) can make her dream? Why? if you were in Geraldine’s place, what would you try fo find first: a room or job? Why? veviations: F/M, Hm, Off, i'd, frpl, mins, int'l, Ig, oAnwN BA

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