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7 Exercises That Will Transform

Your Whole Body in Just 4
Bright Side found a set of exercises that will completely transform your body in just 4 weeks. You won’t have
to spend money on a gym and special equipment — all you need is willpower and 10 minutes a day.


How to do it: Plank is an isometric (static) exercise where the rule is to hold your body correctly. Follow the example
above: keep your back and legs straight without sagging or arching.
Results: If done correctly, the exercise works the abs, back, buttocks, legs, and arms. It also improves posture and
general muscle tone.

How to do it: The initial position is a plank with straight arms. From there, lower yourself as far as you can. Make
sure your back, pelvis, and legs form a straight line. Then slowly return to the initial position.
Results: Affects the chest, arms, and abdominal muscles.

Thigh and buttock muscles workout

How to do it: Stand on all fours, and stretch your left leg and right arm in a straight line. Then slowly bend them, and
touch your right elbow to your left knee. Straighten up again, then change the arm and leg.
Results: Good for the torso and hip-bending muscles. It also strengthens most of the back muscles, the buttocks,
and the waist.

How to do it: Place your feet shoulder-width apart, standing on your whole foot. Make as if to sit on an imaginary
chair, with your knees and feet on the same line and your back kept straight. You can keep your balance by raising
your arms in front of you. Then rise back up as slowly as you can.
Results: Strengthens muscles of the buttocks, thighs, and ankles.
Exercise for abs

How to do it: Lie on your back with your arms stretched above your head and your knees bent. Slowly raise your
upper body with your arms straight, and touch your toes. Then slowly return to the initial position.
Results: Strengthens the core muscles and burns fat due to dynamics.

Abs + buttocks
How to do it: Prop yourself on your hands and feet to feel tension in your back. Raise one leg as high as you can,
then start lowering your upper body without lifting the second heel off the floor.
Results: Strengthens the muscles of the waist, abs, and buttocks.


How to do it: Lie facedown on the floor with your arms bent at the elbow and placed beneath your head. Lift your
upper body as far as you can. Stay in this position for a second, and slowly return to the initial position.
Results: Tones and strengthens the spinal muscles.

Do the following sets for 6 days:

Photographer Roman Zakharchenko, 

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