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control key

Key Microsoft Unix (command line and Emacs (if different from

combination Windows/KDE/GNOME programs using readline) Unix command line)

Ctrl + A Select all Beginning of line

Ctrl + B Bold Backward one character
Generate SIGINT (terminate
Ctrl + C Copy Compound command
Font window (word Forward delete, or if line is
Ctrl + D processing); Add to empty, end of input (traditional Forward delete
bookmarks (Browsers) Unix)
Center alignment (word
Ctrl + E End of line
Find (usually a small piece
Ctrl + F of text in a larger Forward one character
Quit - aborts current
Ctrl + G Go to (line number) Bell
Ctrl + H Replace; History Delete previous character Help key
Ctrl + I Italic; Incremental search Command-line completion Same as Tab key
LFD (to
Ctrl + J Justify Line feed (LFD)
evaluate Lisp expressions)
Insert hyperlink (word
Ctrl + K Cut ("Kill") text between cursor and end of line
Redraw window/terminal,
Create list; Left align
Ctrl + L Clear screen and recenter view around
(word processing)
current line
Increase margin by
Ctrl + M Same as Enter key
1/2 inch (word processing)
New (window, document,
Ctrl + N Next line (in history) Next line
Ctrl + O Open Flush output Insert ("open") new line
Ctrl + P Print Previous line (in history) Previous line
Ctrl + Q Quit application Resume transmission Literal insert
Refresh page; Right align
Ctrl + R Search backwards in history Search backwards
(word processing)
Ctrl + S Save Pause transmission Search forward
Ctrl + T Open new tab Transpose characters
Cut text between beginning of Prefix numerical argument to
Ctrl + U Underline
line and cursor next command
Ctrl + V Paste Literal insert Page down
Ctrl + W Close window or tab Cut previous word Cut
Ctrl + X Cut Compound command
Ctrl + Y Redo Paste
Ctrl + Z Undo Suspend program Iconify window
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Z Redo Same as  Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + [ Decrease font size Same as  Esc Same as  Alt
Ctrl + ] Increase font size Same as  Esc Same as  Alt
Ctrl + = Toggle font subscript Same as  Esc Same as  Alt
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + = Toggle font superscript Same as  Esc Same as  Alt
Bottom (end of document
Ctrl + End undefined or rarely used Bottom (end of text buffer)
or window)
Top (start of document
Ctrl + Home undefined or rarely used Top (start of text buffer)
or window)
Ctrl + Insert Copy undefined or rarely used Copy
Ctrl + PgDn Next tab undefined or rarely used Scroll window to the right
Ctrl + PgUp Previous tab undefined or rarely used Scroll window to the left
Ctrl + Tab ↹ Next window or tab undefined or rarely used
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Tab
Previous window or tab undefined or rarely used

Ctrl + + Grow Screen undefined or rarely used

Ctrl + - Shrink Screen undefined or rarely used
Ctrl + ← Previous word undefined or rarely used Previous word
Ctrl + → Next word undefined or rarely used Next word
Ctrl + Delete Delete next word undefined or rarely used Delete next word
Ctrl + ←
Delete previous word undefined or rarely used Delete previous word

undefined or rarely used

Ctrl + Alt + ← on Windows;
undefined or rarely used
Backspace restart X11 on Unix-like de
Rotate screen right-side
Ctrl + Alt + ↑ undefined or rarely used
Rotate screen upside
Ctrl + Alt + ↓ undefined or rarely used
Ctrl + Alt + ← Rotate screen left undefined or rarely used
Ctrl + Alt + → Rotate screen right undefined or rarely used
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Esc Open task manager unknown unknown
Reboot; Open task
Ctrl + Alt + Del manager or session undefined or rarely used

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