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A. What´s Alan problem?

A/ The problem is, he has a friend who’s not so good with other kids, and Alan doesn’t like it,
but he’s the only friend he has and he’s afraid to tell his parents because the parents like the
parents of his friend.

B. What question does Susannah suggest that Alan ask himself? Now, talk about what is
discussed in each paragraph.

A/ Susannah asks to Alan, if he thinks he could be your friend if this behavior was better.


-1. Alan is telling his current Problem and story to Susannah.

2. He asks Susannah for help because he doesn't know what to do, and he tells her about
another problem he has with his parents.

3. Talks about how difficult it can be to make new friends, but encourages you to try.

4. Asks him a question that perhaps he has not asked himself and tells him that knowing the
answer will make it much easier to get more friends.

5. Tells you not to be afraid to tell your parents as they will understand perfectly.
2- Complete the missing words from Susannah's reply.
A /This is the first question you ought to ask yourself.

B/ If the is no, then maybe you´d better end the friendship now.

C/ You should talk to him about the name-calling.

D/ And explain that he had better stop saying those things.

E/ Finally, it´s good idea to talk to your parents.

3. 3- Read Susannah’s reply again. In which paragraph does she

A. Offer advice to make the friendship work?

B. Outline Alan’s problem?

C. Tell him to speak to others about his problem?

D. Ask Alan to think more carefully about the situation?

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