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G. Letters of Invitation 88 1 Read the following questions, then listen to the cassette and answer them. You may take notes while listening. a) What is the purpose of the letter? bb) -Howidoes the letter begin and end? ©) Tsit formal or informal? ‘eLetters of invitation can be formal or informal depending on the stution and no we ate wrting to. They usually contain some addtional information, for example: latest news, description of the event (party, wedding, etc.) place (hotel, nouse, eto) andor direction tothe pace Useful Language for Letters of Invitation (Opening Remarks: (Forma!) We would be honoured if you / | cordially invite you to / Your presence would be appreciated at / You are invited to attend, etc. {iofoxmal) I'm writing to invite you to. Pd love itt you could come to / We're organising a... and would love it if you could come, ete. Closing Remarks: (Formal) We would be grateful you could / Please indicate Whether you willbe able to attend, et. (injoinal) hope you'll be able to make it / Hope you can come / Looking forward to seeing you then / Please let me know as soon as possible, ete. © Directions can be introduced by using some of the following expressions: In Conclusion case you don’t know the way, Il give you some directions /| have included some directions / Here are a few directions so you don‘ get lst /In case you do Final Paragraph rnotknow the exact location ofthe... etc. closing remarks (tal) name 2 Read the letter below and answer the following questions. Who is going to read this letter? Is it formal or informal? What is the topic of each paragraph? Read the letter again and underline the opening and closing remarks, then replace them with other appropriate expressions. Dear Ann and Davi, finite you to our house- warming paty on May 26th ron swan Soi Oace town ose wth te eboans ard smal back garden. The kitchen s hue, ands ite wih wooden cupboards that make you feo as ifyou ao in a county kitchen, Al tree bedrooms are rather small but very cosy. The living room is quit big and fas lovely Fench windows which open oto & trace "Yu shouldn't have too much trouble dig ths house, but here area few directions so you dont gat ost. Take the A2T road for Lewes and turn right at he roundabout where there is @ signpost fr Hawstead. Dive through the town unl you gett the post off, then tur et into Poter’s Lan, Gur house is number 23, onthe righi-hand site. ‘ie hope youl be able to make it to our party. Looking forward to seeing you then, be Love, ill and Laura Unit 8 Letters of Invitation ‘Accepting on Invitation Leters accepting/efusing an invitation can be formal or informal. in letters accepting an invitation, we begin by expressing thanks for the Invitation, Further comments can be included such as asking the person Whether there is anything we can do, of asking for more information Concerning the invitation. In letters rofusing an invitation, we begin by expressing thanks for the invitation, and we go on to give reasons why we are unable to accept it Useful Language for Letters Accepting an Invitation Opening Remarks: (Formal) | am writing to thank you for the kind invitation’ ‘Thank you for the kind invitation which | would be honoured to aecept, etc. (informal) Thanks for the invitation to ..,.. sounds lovely . etc. Closing Remarks: (Formal look forward to seeing you / We await the event with great anticipation, etc. (Informal) See you then) We're really looking forward to it, ete Useful Language for Letters Refusing an Invitation (Opening Remarks: (Fora) We thank you for your recent invitation to. but lc, (niormal) Thanks for the invitation, but/ Thanks for inviting me to... But I'm affaid I can't came, etc. Closing Remarks: (Forrnal) lam sorry to miss the opportunity off Thank you again for the invitation / I hope we will have the opportunity to meet, ete. \invorna) | hope we can get together some other time /'m really sorry well have to miss it, etc. 3 Read the letters below and answer the following questions. a) What kind of letters are they? b) What style is used in each? c) What is the topic of each paragraph in these letters? Read the letters again and underline the opening and closing remarks, then replace them casing remarks with other appropriate expressions. (al) vane a agen MEE | 20 2rd ond ay, an rs or the invitation to your crisis party Theor a ‘and | were realy pleased to receive it and | er 8th sind oe 7 inated us to on wed lave to come. ts icky for us that you chose ) | ie i hortiMatey, we worlt be abje to make it as | thea acy asthe ny day tht eek || ig ona on that pie ft os 1t5 bedn sich a long time since we've seen each }| SMES Stahty years old ahd st gs erate, She's other so it will be great to get together and catch 1S Such A pity bec ‘ong as ever cause We havertt seen each ve ite us a call 0 we can throw @ party on Ney (Te.

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