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Task 2 - Writing taks forum

Number of group collaborative: 90021_95

Ingles II (90021A_762)

Cristhian David Mora Forero

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD)
ECBTI- ciencias básicas tecnológicas e ingeniería
Ingeniería de sistemas
Chipaque, Cundinamarca


 If I study, I will have a good job
 If I don’t listen to music, I will pamper myself doing the job
 If I do work, my grades will be good
 If I play well, we will win the match
 If I make lunch, I will be full
 If we leave home, the quarantine will be longer
 If I submit the work on time, they will rate me well
 If I exercise, I will be in good health
 If I fight with my brother, my mother will scold us
 If I get money, I will pay my semester


7. My last vacation was a disaster, first we prepared lunch to eat out,

however the car broke down, we fixed it and we went on a trip, my
father turned on the radio so that the trip did not get bored, after a
couple, after stop we found out new landscapes, Then we picked up
my cousins, I grew up with them and we had a very good childhood,
my father turn down the volume on the radio to listen to what we were
talking about.

Participation in the forum

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