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Passing Observations 47

12th July 2021

This is a long standing series of small items which have caught my eye or mind and
which seem relevant, startling, amusing or all three. Occasionally, items which appear
here may return as a longer piece. Mostly they will not.
1. We watched ‘Casablanca’ for the umpteenth time the other evening. At one point Paul
Heidrich, as Victor Laslo, says: “If we stop fighting our enemies, the world will die.” It was
never as true as it is now.
2. Anyone who opposes the cabal, the global warming fraud and Agenda 21 is dismissed as
being on the Far Right. If Jesus Christ or St Francis of Assissi were to question what is
happening they would be dismissed as Far Right extremists.
3. When Tony Blair was in power I argued that his enthusiasm for the Iraq War was a ploy to
ingratiate himself with the American banks – and thereby enrich himself. Does anyone want
to disagree with that view?
4. An article in Country Life magazine suggests that Bezos, Musk and Gates have inherited the
mantle of Stevenson, Hargreaves and Brunel. Some people just don’t understand, do they?
The writer of that `thought’ surely deserves a prize for having his or her head planted firmly
in the sand.
5. I wonder how many million people have developed OCD as a result of the distancing, mask
wearing and excessive hand sanitising.
6. It is not widely understood but communism and fascism are virtually interchangeable. The
political spectrum is a circle not a straight line and one end of extremism (communism)
collides with the other (fascism).
7. Ten years ago the unreasonably rich members of the Royal Family received hand-outs from
taxpayers totalling £7.9 million. Today, the greedy royals receive £85.9 million plus £200
million spent on security. The total we pay them to ponce around whingeing is rising far faster
than inflation or wages. How much longer are we going to put up this? Time, maybe, for
someone to start building a guillotine. Meanwhile, why don’t they pay their own security
8. Whatever the UK Government advises it is clear that around 25% of mask wearers will want
to carry on wearing their face nappies indefinitely. It will be interesting to see if the mask
wearers continue with their inexplicable fetish if it becomes apparent that they are in a
9. Royal Mail appears to be having trouble with people selling re-constituted postage stamps
(which have had the ink removed and more glue put onto the back). However, rather than
concentrating all their efforts on finding and stopping those responsible, Royal Mail appears
to me to be taking the easy way out. When stamps are identified as fake or `revived’ the
company simply slams a `money to pay’ notice on the letter, packet or parcel and forces the
recipient to pay the demanded fee if they want to receive whatever it is that they have been
sent. It seems bizarre that Royal Mail should be allowed to punish the innocent, and turn them
into victims, instead of doing more to stop those selling illegal facsimiles.
10. One perk of not paying the BBC licence fee is that you get free membership of the ‘Threat a
Month Club’ and receive a letter from the BBC’s collection agency. I find these make useful
firelighters on colder nights.
11. There are fears that extending the length of the school day will be too much for children and
teachers. The young King George IV spent eight hours a day learning languages and the
classics. He was also taught singing, fencing, drawing and elocution. And in his spare time he
learned to pay the cello. Still, Nintendo hadn’t been invented when he was a boy.
12. An Irish Microsoft subsidiary (a Bill Gates cash cow) has no employees but made a profit of
£222 billion last year. The company paid no corporation tax because it is resident in Bermuda.
Mr Gates is, of course, considered by many to be a philanthropist.
13. Beating the evil cabal isn’t enough. We have to destroy them. Otherwise they will come back.
14. The Kennel Club is calling for businesses, workplaces and shops to welcome people with
dogs. Shops and other places catering to the public should recognise that not everyone feels
comfortable around strange dogs (and their sometimes stranger owners). I’ve been bitten
twice by dogs. On both occasions the owners assured me that their animal had never bitten
anyone before. Shopkeepers should be aware that if I am bitten while in a shop I will sue the
shop owner.
15. All company bosses who claim furlough payments from taxpayers and then give themselves
huge bonuses should surely be arrested for fraud.

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