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Agni College of Technology

Thalambur, Chennai 600 130

Office of Examcell
Question Bank For UNIT I
Sub Name: Design of Mechatronics system Department: Mechatronics
Sub Code : MT6603 Year &Sec : III
1. What is mechatronics? Give example.

2. What are the key elements of mechatronics system?

3. What is meant by sequential control & illustrate with an example.

4. Compare & contrast the traditional design with that of a mechatronics designed

5. List the advantages of mechatronics system.

6. What is a system. Give Example.

A system in mechatronics refers to a group of physical component connected or
related in such a manner as to form as entire unit for performing a specific task.
7. What are the lifecycle factors of design?

8. What is hardware in the loop simulation?

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell
9. What is real time interfacing?
Real time interfacing is a general term used to describe the aspect of connecting a
computer with a real world process and communicating data between the two.

10. What are the 6 functions of hardware in the loop simulation?

 Control :The control algorithm in executable software form
 Computer:The embedded computer used in the product
 Sensors
 Actuators
 Process:Product hardware excluding sensor,actuators and Embedded computer
 Protocol
11. What are the types of design?
1.Conceptual design
2.System design
3.Detail design
12. What is meant by modeling and simulation?

13. What is meant by Optimization?

14. What is meant by design Parameter?

Design parameter determine cost,design and risk trade off in the items
development.Aspect of a component that are needed to make something.

15. What is meant by conceptual and detail design?

It is the very first stage of the product design process where drawing and other models
are used.
Detailed design is the phase where the design is refined and plans, specifications and
estimates are created.
16. What are the three basic blocks of block diagram language? Give Example.

17. What is sensors and actuators?

Sensors detect the state of the system parameters input and outputs.
Actuators produce motion or cause some action.
18. List out the Disadvantages of mechatronics system.

19. What are the various control modes used in mechatronics control system.

20. Define Ergonomics and safety?

Ergonomics is the process of designing or arranging workplaces,Products and
systems so that they fit the people who use them.
Safety is the condition of being protected from harm.

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell
1. Explain the Mechatronics design process in detail. [13]

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell

2. (i) Explain the advanced approach in Mechatronics system. [8]


Explain the types of design.

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell
3. (i) Explain the traditional and Mechatronics design structure in detail. [13]

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell

4. (i) Explain the Industrial design and ergonomics and safety measures to be [13]
followed in detail.

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell

Integrate safety engineering into mechatronic design

Mechatronics is a nontraditional field of engineering that combines a

variety of cross-disciplinary design principles. The end result is to
optimize functionality by creating a simpler, less expensive, more
reliable, and safer machine. Most approaches to mechatronics include
mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, telecommunication
engineering, control engineering, and computer engineering. What
about adding a less obvious discipline: safety engineering. This
addition to mechatronics design theory could arguably have the
largest economic impact on manufacturers around the world.
Traditionally there have been two opposing views toward machine
safety design: build safety into the design up front or add safety to the
machine afterward. Since these arguments were usually financially
driven, most machine builders and

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell
5. (i) What are the key elements of mechatronics system. [13]

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell
6. (i) Explain the main areas of operators risk. [7]
Many activities and work operations can cause minor aches and pains that we all experience
at one time or another. For those who spend large amounts of time working with computer [8]
workstations, however, three factors have been identified as contributing to ergonomically
related problems.

Although any one alone can create problems, the combination of all three produces the most
significant risk of injury. While reviewing these factors, keep in mind that they apply to all
activities, and not just computer use at work. Also, recognize that you have control over how
you work, and that your approach to the work can have a significant impact in preventing
future problems.

Risk 1: Forgoing Ear Protection

Ear protection in the workplace is not typically a requirement. Yet hearing loss or impairment
is extremely prevalent, even in work environments with relatively low (but constant) decibels.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, occupational hearing loss is the most commonly
recorded occupational illness in manufacturing, accounting for 1 in 9 recordable illnesses in
the U.S. More than 72 percent of these cases occur among workers in the manufacturing
sector. To prevent this, The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
recommends removing hazardous noise from the workplace wherever possible and using
hearing protectors in areas where dangerous noise exposures cannot be controlled or
eliminated. Implementing standards for noise control will not only reduce occupational
hearing loss, but create a better work environment where it’s easier to concentrate. For more
information on hearing loss prevention programs,

Risk 2: Reaching Inside or Climbing Inside a Machine

Despite the potential risks, there are a number of scenarios that may require a machinist to
reach or climb inside a CNC machine. A common example is a machinist who needs to swap
out a three-jaw chuck. Rather than climbing inside, it’s best to use a crane or lift system to
assist the machinist in lifting and installing the chuck. Another example can be seen when
using a manual-style back counterbore tool, which requires a machinist to attach the blade by
hand. This practices poses significant risk – operators may forget to take the cutter off after a
cut (which can be harmful to both the machine and operator), and cutting fluids create
slippery surfaces that lead to accidents. To prevent this, solutions like the Autofacer® are
extremely effective, as they eliminate the need for operator intervention.

Risk 3: Overriding Door Safety Interlock

Related to Risk 2, a CNC machine’s door safety interlock feature is designed to prevent
machinists from climbing inside the machine when it’s running. However, despite the known
dangers, there are a number of reasons that prompt operators to override this feature. For
one, machine windows may have very poor visibility: they get cracked, worn, or sprayed by
fluids, leading operators to open the door during a cycle to keep an eye on things and ensure
programs are running smoothly. In doing so, parts can come loose and fly out; or the machine

itself can break. Operators may also override a door lock for something as standard as topping
off coolant while a machine is running. Ideally, no scenario would be important enough to
warrant overriding the door safety interlock. At the very least, be sure you are aware of the
risks involved, and you’re doing what you can to implement safer policies and workarounds
for these common yet risky practices. Safety features and procedures exist for good reason,
and should be enforced whenever possible. The more comfortable employees become in
overlooking them, the more they are exposed to harmful workplace risks.

Keep in mind, safety is and always has been a top priority for our team at Steiner
Technologies – and we design our tools and solutions with the most discerning standards in
mind. If you are interested in learning more about Steiner’s custom solutions, and how they
contribute to a safer (and more profitable) environment.

(ii) Explain ergonomics in mechatronics system

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell
7. (i) Explain about the Electrical system in mechatronics. [13]

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell
8. (i) Explain Optimization with the Example [8]

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell

(ii) Explain the fundamentals laws of mechanical system [7]

Subject Incharge HOD



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