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Step By Step Guide To Implement Proof Of Concept (POC) In Automation Testing

Last Updated:June 28, 2021

How to Implement Proof of Concept (POC) in Automation Testing?

Every organization has different testing processes and procedures. Manual Testing
is important and irreplaceable- however, automation is picking speed.

Introducing automation testing to an organization is a challenge and following

points will determine if it is required at all:

Automation testing proof of concept poc

#1. Duration of the project: Short-term or long-term – long-term projects are good
candidates for automation

#2. How much regression is done in each testing cycle? – projects that have
repetitive and lengthy regression tests as automation reduces the overall testing
time and ensures complete coverage.

#3. Stability of the application: Application that is not susceptible to frequent

changes should be considered for automation. The product which is not stable, where
GUI/Functionality keeps changing, elements or its XPath on page keep changing
should not be automated until stable.

#4. Is the project data secure and does testing it requires some complicated
procedures? – In this case, it is best to go for manual testing.

#5. Does the organization have a budget for automation? – Automation will add to
additional expenditure for the organization like automation tool cost, resource
cost, a time required for framework development and writing/maintaining automation
test scripts.

With automation, missing tests or taking some test results for granted will never
happen. It ensures 100% coverage of given module each and every time the same is
tested. Automation will also help perform the same test multiple times on multiple
browsers and platforms.

The following figure will help understand the process of automation testing

Automation Testing Process

From the technical testing point of view, the QA team needs to understand the
following aspects about their automation tool:

Platform and OS testing matrix

Data-driven capability
Reporting capability and report portability
Easy debugging and logging
Version control supported
Extensible & Customizable (able to integrate with other tools like Ant, TestNG)
Continuous Integration.
Email Notifications (Custom email message received if tests are passed
successfully/ failed/or any network failure)
If cross-browser testing and multiple platforms testing are required then
distributed testing environment is supported or not.

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