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MEET THE AUTHOR Jennifer Blizin Gillis Jennifer Blizin Gillis wrote her first story in the third grade. It was * a mystery story that | was four pages long! ™ ! She has now written lots of books. She has written about | pets, people, and even ballroom Informational text dancing. Besides writing, she likes to gives facts about a i topic. As you read, read, work in her garden, and cook. look for: She also takes care of some pets of \ >» photos her own. She has two dogs and a cat. » facts and details about a topic » headings that begin a section GENRE | 74 pages, by Jennifer Blizin Gill: OYE QUESTION What do pets need to be healthy and happy? What Kind of Pet Is This? Pets are animals that live with us. Some pets are small and have feathers. My pet is big and hairy. Can you guess what kind of pet this is? What Are Dogs? Dogs are mammals. Mammals make milk for their babies. Dogs are cousins of wolves and coyotes. Most dogs live with people as pets. Where Did My Dog Come From? A mother dog had a litter of puppies. At first, the puppies could not see. The puppies stayed with their mother for eight weeks. Then | took a puppy home. At first, my dog was as small as a cat. It weighed as much as a big bag of sugar. Now my puppy is a dog. It weighs as much as a bicycle. ANALYZE THE TEXT Compare and Contrast How are the puppy and the adult dog the same? How are they different? Use the words and photos to help you Where Does My Dog Live? My dog lives in the house with us. It sleeps on a special dog bed. Sometimes my dog sleeps in my room. It may even sleep on my bed. What Does My Dog Eat? My dog eats canned dog food. Sometimes my dog eats dry dog food. My dog chews special bones, too. Chewing the bones helps keep its teeth strong and clean. What Else Does My Dog Need? My dog needs a collar and a nametag. These can help me find it if it gets lost. My dog needs a leash, too. The leash is lipped to the collar so my dog can go for a walk. ANALYZE THE TEXT Author's Purpose What question | does the author want to answer on this page? | play with my dog every day. Playing is good exercise for dogs. | brush my dog with a special brush. This keeps its coat clean and smooth. What Can My Dog Do? My dog can play fetch. When | throw a ball, it brings it back. My dog can help at home. It can bring in the newspaper. GENRE many people, dogs are INFORMATIONAL Most people think of dogs as pets. For Informational Text family ele oe gives facts about a dogs help people who topic. have disabilities. They give care to people who need it. TEXT FOCUS Captions tell more information about photos. 94 aamsne0 Se Hearing ear dogs help people who are deaf or who cannot hear well. These dogs listen for important sounds at home. An alarm clock and a doorbell are important sounds. When the dogs hear these sounds, they touch their owners with their noses. This gets their owners’ attention. When hearing ear dogs are outside with their owners, " they listen for sounds that could mean danger. They help keep their owners safe. _ Hearing ear dogs listen for the ring of a telephone or the sound of a smoke detector. Se They listen for important sounds inside and outside. They let their owners know if there is danger. Nn ss Guide Dogs Guide Dogs Are Helpers @ Guide dogs help their owners walk safely. Guide dogs help people who are blind or cannot see well. A guide dog learns sights, sounds, and smells of busy places. Guide dogs can go anywhere their owners need to go. They follow directions from their owners. @ They follow directions to help their owners. Make sure not to pet a guide dog when it is working. & 2 Write a Paragraph How would page 81 of Dogs be written if the selection were about Mudge? With a partner, rewrite the paragraph to be about Mudge. Share Experiences Think about the dogs in Helping Paws. How do the pets that live with you or near you help people? Share your ideas with a partner. Share Ideas What else can pets do to help their owners? Write a few sentences to tell your ideas. Tin22,w2a,s124

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