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Task 2 - Writing production

Questions Write your own answers

- Employer: a person or firm that
1. Look for the meaning of the employs workers.
following words: - Job openings: the principal
- Employer activity in your life that you doto
- Job openings eran money /// is a job avalible.
- Join - Join: the shape or manner in
- Resume which things come together and a
- Behavior connection is made.
- Self-motivated
- Team-oriented - Resume: short descriptive
- Hire: (Hiring) summary.
- Behavior: manner of acting or
controlling yourself.
- Self-motivated : your
consciousness of your own identity
// is the able and willing to work
without being told what to do.
- Team-oriented: is who strives to
do whatever they can to bring
about the success of the team and
its mission.
- Hire: (Hiring): means to employ
someone or pay someone to do a
particular job.

Write 8 complete sentences using

the words studied in point 1. 1. Employer: My employer need
documents to joint the EPS.
2. Job openings: My hiring was
3. Join: I join to work al 19:00.
4. Resume: I resumed my work
yesterday at 19:00.
5. Behavior: My behavior at work is
6. Self-motivated : The Company
self-motivated me with training.
7. Team-oriented : My work is
team-oriented every day.
8. Hire: (Hiring): I will sing hire
After Reading activity

Questions Write your own answers

1. Write 2 sentences you agree - It is important to give a good
with. impression on organizations respect
to our competencies and skills.
- It is important to be a proficient
person in our work.
2. Write the sentences you did not understand or want to clarify.
3. What do you think are the most As an industrial engineer. I consider
important qualities and skills in that the most important qualities
your profession? and skills are: adapt quickly, self-
motivated, flexible, leadership and
ability to work under pressure.
4. Write at least 3 qualities and 3 - Adapt quickly
skills you have. - Leadership
- Self-motivated
Building Vocabulary
Write the meaning of 5 words from the text that you did not know
Word in English Meaning of the Word in the text
word in Spanish
Hard worker Es una persona quien Hard workers
siempre pone todo de
su parte en su trabajo.
Dynamic Es aquella persona que Dynamic
es entusiasta y tiene un
montón de ideas para
aplicar en su campo
laboral o personal.
Job opening Se refiere a una oferta Job openings
laboral disponible para
Hire Significa emplear a hiring
Confident Es aquella persona a la confident
cual se le da la
confianza sobre algún
secreto o algo que no
debe de ser revelado.

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