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Gerard Gertoux

The understanding of God's name

YHWH is so controversial that it is
eventually the controversy of
controversies, or the ultimate

3rd century BCE according Adonay Adonay My Lord Arabic

Baal Babylonian biblical Christian consonants Crampon dated divine

name Egyptian Elohim etymology example Exodus explained God's

name YHWH Greek Hebrew Bible Hebrew Greek Hebrew language

Hebrew name Hebrew substitute Hebrew text Iaho Iaoue

Ieôa IEUE Ieüô ineffable inscriptions Ioua Israel J.P. Migne Jehovah

Jerusalem Jews Josephus Karaite ketib king knew

Hebrew Latin letter H Maimonides Masoretic text meaning Moses name

Jehovah name of Jesus name Yah paleo-Hebrew Paris Philo of Byblos

Phoenician priest pronounce the name pronunciation of God's proper names

Psalms quoted Rabbi replaced Sanchuniathon scroll Sefer

Sefer Yetzirah Septuagint Shasu shewa substitute Yahû synagogue

Talmud Temple Testament Tetragrammaton theologian

theophoric names Torah tradition transcribed transcription

translation vocalization Vulgate word worship writing written

wrote Yahû YHW Yehô Yehud YeHWâH

YHWDH ‫הוהי‬

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