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Tend a Senn + Andd pages BRT. MOVIE THEATER- NIGHT Todd walks up to Sem who's béen waiting cutside the theater- sa —p ‘The seven thirty iv sold out. I knew wo should have gotten here earlier. Cro : It’s sold ouf already? sax Yeah, who Imev people vere gonna want te see the last staz Ware movie, Go wnat do you wanna do? There’s a ten o’alock, but it's ona omller scxesn — (ee) What's that Shirt? Todd's pointing at Sam's shirt. A STRIPE RUTUON Dom. SAN Waet? Thin? Te'e a shit soking at movia ¢: the next big eeawen Gane eT addnighte~ ‘rap ) Since when dB you wear shirts 1ike that? GAM Like what? . It's just a shirt, Jans bought it for ma. Cron Ohhhh. T sas, wow st makes sense, sam What: do you mean? Whats wrong with it? "roo Nothing. ithe just, you know, it’s a shirt a girlfriend buys you. SAM That’a absurd. You're only because r just told you she me. I totally could ba shixt of my own. ying that ought dt for hought this 2 Really? Bedause outside of work, 1 don't think’ I've aver seen you in anything other than teshires, ant Gear, that's so sweet you pay such close attention to my wardrobe. I there something you want to tell ne7 ropD) No, I think it's Gute you'xe wearing your Jane shirt. ‘Next time maybe you'll have your Jane haircut tos. sam Shut up. (back up at the tines) So do you want to wait for the midnight show. “Or is that too late? (wtild annoyed) and Jane likes ny hair the way it ic. But then he remembers ... FLASHRACK: with 6am on the couch, She's re. Have you.

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