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Bight or Wrong? Exemolstcinalintcia@ H Dealing with distractors Reading piven to chek you ona saci time, in case you have chosen a distractor instead of A. Read the Exam Reminder. What do the right answer. common distractors use? Don't forget that common distractors use one or two of the same words you find in the text. Remember that distractors use absolute words, and B_ Now complete the Exam Task. use verbs without modals. - Read very earful to make pac of the details Restorative match before selecting your final answers. ____ youth justice - the way forward for youth offenders? Preventing youth offenders from re-offending is one of the ‘most difficult issues facing those involved in handing out Punishments to 10-17 year olds. Prisons and rehabilitation centres have long been recognised as finishing schools for young inmates. Many youths enter these institutions as the perpetrators of petty crimes such as burglary, yet often they leave having acquired good fighting skils and knowledge of illegal activites such as drug dealing, Iisno great secret that forthe maortyofienie fenders rehabilitation centes nd youth pisos oe eect a inadequate Herding offenders together ony ges ten the chance tern rom eachother those whohave been ut aay forhaving commited minor offences arveryokenfldinthe same prisons a those who have commited selou fener 1 sucnesmucerandbeenfeuniguly ya) Ghentharte Sung te cenfeenceanacton an east only other people their age that they can interact with are other sett rae ually Involves several stages and various offenders, inmates are obviously exposed to ‘bad influences! In activites. For example, the offender is asked to apologise : titherin person erin wring to those det afectonoy inks einsmunseten beeing geindfothe ith pesonarnwnting thor drafted ever-increasing adult population of criminals. victim or for society in general to make up for the harm they Ile wonder that mary governments ar seking amore have cased This often eras pyment of compensation effective option punching and rehabltaing young They are aso put onan offender behoviou prosemne norte onion caledtheYouth__winehineos tht Wey whoa era Ce rt lusice Agency wasset pin 200th theamcreduchgthe_preentn fom ahora eee ‘umber of children in prisons. They introduceda method clled_ne24_ supervised by a social worker to help keep the rehabilitation restorative youth justice in the belief that this could be the key rocess on track and, ifthere isa history of alcohol or drug to true rehabilitation. addiction or mental health problems, they are given suitable At the very heart of restorative youth justice isa basic principle: {eatment In certain cass offenders may also have to do ‘offenders must make amends for thelr crimes and if possible, epbeld work or up to 240 hours. Finally, restrictions may be, face their victims. This groundbreaking programme focuses not Placed on young offenders including where they areal owe only on punishing the perpetrators of crime, but also on helping pel are allowed to do.and whose company they their victims. Each offender has to attend a structured youth ‘cep. conference along with family and community members aswell The Northern eland experiment giveshope forthe ute. asa police officer. During this conference thevictim ofthe rime In 2006, under 38% of young offecdon ie neve aati has the opportunity to tell the offender how he or she suffered through this system went on to offend once again. This due to the crime and how this has affected his or life. Although Yastimprovement if we consider that inthe same year thistakes tremendous couage on the victim's part itusualyhas 52% ofeffenders who were sly ver carey seit impressive results withthe offender being more likely to show and over 70% of offenders who were given a prison sete remorse and regret for his or her actions ve-offencted, 4% Escaneado con CamScanner You are going to read an article about young offenders. For questions 1 ~ 6, choose the answer (a, b, €or d) which you think fts best according to the text, 1. In prisons and rehabilitation centres, young 4 The main aim of restorative youth justice is to offenders can 2 help offenders make up for their crimes. a buy and sell drugs freely. 'b severely punish young offenders. b pick up bad habits. ¢ help victims of youth crimes. finish their education. create a better relationship between victims and offenders. learn invaluable skills us 5 Structured youth conferences 2. The writer says that giving young offenders a end with offenders receiving one specific punishment. prison sentence bb allow victims to help create an action plan for offenders. a helps to rehabilitate them. © require offenders to show a lot of courage. bb should only happen for very serious crimes. d_ result in a programme for dealing with the offender being ¢ doesn't have the desired affect for most drawn up. offenders. dd. sesuts inal offenders turning to alife of © The Norther Ireland example proves that vine uben seleosed. 2 community sevice i ttaly infective in reebiltating offenders. 3 What does ‘They’ in paragraph 3, line 24 restorative youth justice is an improvement over other ways refer to? of dealing with offenders. children in prisons governments young offenders the Youth Justice Agency prison sentences among youths are on the increase. restorative youth justice is a complete success. aoce ao Vocabulary |A Match the first parts of the sentences 1 - 6 to the second parts a-f. | a statement later today. held next month, 1. Ladvised my client to plead Clark always claimed that he had been falsely 3. The hijacker’ lawyer will make Abiearing will be x a fine for polluting the river. guilty of assault. accused of stealing. a verdict after 48 hours. 000000 4 5. The jury finally reached 6 The company has to pay B The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write each word next to the correct sentence. 1. twas the first time the judge had tried such a 5. Sharon was taken to goods and tried for shoplifting. difficult court. oo 2 Everyone knew they were hardened clothes and kept 6 Smoking in public places isa criminal service in many away from them, countries, 3 He was arrested for handling stolen criminals. 7 Tod was given 200 hours of community duty for arson, 4. The plain case police officer went undetected in the 8 I wish | hadn't been chosen to do jury act. gang, € Choose the correct answers. 1 Whois the main. for the crime? 4 She claimed that she acted in___ when she shot the man. @ suspect terrorist ¢ ‘kidnapper a self-defence b prison © sight 2 Ifyou yourself up, youll receive a reduced 5 The burglar stayed hidden ___ sight until the family went sentence, out. @ hold b ghe € get a in b of © from 3 Alter four years in prison, Gary is being 6 Most western countries there'are a lot of policemen in —__ free next week. clothes. a let b released ¢ set a. uniform b normal Right or Wr: Escaneado con CamScanner

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