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2D air pipe

9.双线风管- 2D and 3D duct

9.1 二维双线风管-2D Air pipe

9.2 三维双线风管-3D Air pipe


9.3 其它绘制-another design

9.3.1 插入竖管-vertical pipe

9.3.2 三点弧双线风管-three not,two line,arc airpipe


9.5 风管编辑-edit the air pipe

9.6 风管伸缩-stretch the air pipe

9.7 平面对齐-align two air pipe.

9.9 断开风管- break the air pipe

9.10 风管交叉遮挡- for impact of two different height air pipe

9.11 绘制端线-drawing the end line

9.12 变径连接- connect two different air pipe

9.13 弯头连接- connect of elbow

9.14 风管侧连接-connect the air pipe from the side

9.15 矩形三通连接- connect three air pipe

9.16 矩形四通连接- connect four air pipe

9.17 来回弯- two eblow of air pipe

9.22 类型修改- change the type of air pipe.

9.25 风管阀件-the valve of air pipe

9.29 水力计算-the calculate of air pipe

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