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A crown is basically a cap for a damaged tooth.

It can be made from a variety of materials, including

metal or porcelain.

You might have a crown over a molar that rarely shows, except when you yawn widely, or you might
have crowns on your front teeth that were specifically designed to match your other teeth.

Several factors are important to consider when choosing a crown, including:




A natural appearance that doesn’t detract from your smile may also be a priority for you. A dentist can
discuss the various options and help you to figure out what best meets your needs.

Types of dental crowns

Different kinds of materials can be used in crowns, including:





composite resin

a combination of materials

For example, you could have a porcelain crown that’s fused to metal, as opposed to an all-porcelain
When selecting the material for your crown, your dentist will consider factors such as:

your tooth’s location

how much of the tooth will show when you smile

position of your gum tissue

function of the tooth that needs the crown

how much natural tooth is remaining

color of the surrounding teeth

You can also talk with your dentist about your personal preference. If you don’t already have a dentist,
the Healthline FindCare tool can help you find one in your area.

Temporary crown

A temporary crown is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a crown that’ll only remain in your mouth for a
short period of time.

Your dentist will place it over your tooth with an adhesive that’s easily removed, so it won’t be as strong
as a permanent crown.

This is done while you’re waiting for a permanent crown to be made. The permanent crown will be
placed on your tooth at a second appointment.

One-day crown

You can get a crown in a single appointment.

Some dental offices offer same-day crown installation using one of several methods involving computer-
aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM).
Your new crown is designed and milled from a block of ceramic right there in the office.

Onlay or 3/4 crown

Some crowns only cover a portion of the tooth. If you don’t need a full crown, your dentist might
suggest an onlay or 3/4 crown instead.

Who needs a crown?

If you have a large cavity that’s too big for a filling, it may be time for a crown.

You may also need a crown if your tooth is:

severely worn down



Crowns are also recommended following a root canal on a tooth, because the tooth is more fragile and
needs protection.

You may be a candidate for a crown if you’re missing a tooth, and the dentist needs to put in a dental
bridge or a tooth implant.

Dental crown costs

According to the Cleveland Clinic, crowns can range in price from $800 to $1,500 — or even more —
depending on the material used in the crown and the size of the tooth.

A gold crown could set you back quite a bit more, perhaps as much as $2,500, according to CostHelper
All-metal crowns, which are made of a metal alloy, are sometimes cheaper than gold or porcelain

Costs may also rise if the dentist has to perform more extensive prep work before putting in the crown.
For example, you may need a root canal or a dental implant, both of which can drive the price up.

Dental insurance may cover all or part of the cost of your crown. However, your plan may only cover
certain kinds of crowns. Check with your insurance company to get coverage details.

Talk with your dentist about the types of crowns that are available and appropriate for your dental
needs to help determine your dental costs.

Dental crown procedure

The process will depend on whether your dentist opts for a multi-day or same-day procedure.

Multi-day procedure with a temporary crown

With a traditional crown, you will need to visit your dentist’s office twice.

The dentist examines and prepares the tooth that needs the crown. This might involve taking X-rays of
the tooth. They also may take a mold of your tooth or mouth beforehand.

Your dentist will file down and remove part of the outer layer of the tooth.

An impression will be made of your trimmed tooth and the surrounding teeth.

The dentist will put a temporary crown over your tooth to protect it.

They send the impression to a lab that makes the crown. This step may take several weeks.

When the crown comes in, you’ll return for the second visit, so your dentist can cement the crown to
your tooth.

Same-day procedure
With a same-day procedure, you can skip the temporary crown step.

The dentist takes digital pictures of your mouth.

Using the digital scan from the photos, the dentist creates the crown right there in the office. You may
have to wait about 1 to 2 hours until the crown is made.

Once the crown is ready, your dentist cements it into place. The entire process takes about 2 to 4 hours.

You might even be able to head back to work while you’re waiting, depending on your specific situation.

Not all dentists have the technology to make same-day crowns. Ask your dentist if this option is available
and the estimated cost, especially if you don’t have dental insurance.

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