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Paper M‚chÈ Completed!

by PurplePluto and siahna |

5531 subscribers | 157052 views | Updated Feb 15, 2013Feb 15, 2013 | Created Jun
22, 2012Jun 22, 2012

Tags exo exok kai jongin kyungsoo kaisoo kaido | Report Content | A A A A

Paper M‚chÈ - main story image


Trapped in a cardboard box, Kyungsoo always feels at home.


Paper M‚chÈ

Kyungsoo moves a lot.

Like clockwork, as soon as he felt settled in at school and in his new home, his
mother would wake up one morning and deemed their current residence no longer
acceptable. So, along with his father and him, they would pack up their belongings
and move to another location.

It doesn't take much to get that he hated it. Kyungsoo worked so hard to make new
friends and to adjust to the new settings every time. Then, all his efforts would go to
waste as soon as his motherís fickleness kicked in. Besides the constant whirlwind
of relocation, nothing was ever the same in Kyungsooís life. The houses always had
different layouts. The towns and cities always had different people along with
different sceneries.

By some stroke of luck, Kyungsoo had come across a comfort that helped him cope
with his situation. It was a comfort that was easily accessible and never changing; no
matter how many times he was forced to move.

He wasnít sure when the fixation started, but he knew he felt safe inside a cardboard
box. Every time his family would settle down in a new place, Kyungsoo would take
out his tool kit consisting of scissors and tape and get a little creative. He would hack
away at a cardboard box and tape it together until he created something he
considered to be his real home.

His most pleasurable times were to sit inside his box creation and stare through a
small cardboard window he always cut out at the top of his boxes. Everything would
be the same in that moment. Be it the sky, the tan colour, the texture, or the smell, it
was always the same.

However, when one by the name of Kim Jongin appears and asks if thereís room for
one more in Kyungsoo's cardboard sanctuary, he isnít quite sure what to do.

(Revised foreword 29/08/12)

Author's blurb:

Ahaha, so here's another OTP for everyone. KAISOO <3! So, I thought this would be a
neat, though also admittedly strange, idea. A cautionary note to everyone: I have
only moved twice in my life, once when I was two and once around two years ago
(and we just moved to a different neighbourhood in the same city :P). So, I hope that
I depict everything okay in this story's future.
This fic is probably going to be light-hearted and probably hints of angst in there(at
least, that's what I'm aiming for). Definitely not as fluffy as my fluffy-as-hell
Baekyeol fic. Ohhh well.

Much love everyone.

PurplePluto signing off~~

Photo credits to: Tumblr, google and flickr. I claim no rights to them in any way.

Poster credits to: the marvelous timemachine! She is so amazing! I love it and thank
you so much! ><

1 Foundation

It was kind of like show and tell, except you were the object being showcased.
Kyungsoo had grown used to it at that point; the whole situation of standing in front
of new faces and having them analyze every inch of you. He knew during those few
crucial seconds, they would assume how good looking he was, how smart he was,
which group he would fit into and etc. It was just the usual matters that came with
every first impression.
ìAll right, students! As you may have heard, we have a new student joining us today.
Even though it is outside of the regular time bracket for new students, I hope you
will welcome him with open arms. Now, would you like to introduce yourself to the

Kyungsoo nodded to the teacher with a practiced smile before facing the class of
onlookers, ìHello, my nameís Do Kyungsoo. I hope we can all get along well,î and he
bowed his head to a small nod. The usual pitter-patter of an applause was
awkwardly given.

ìGreat, thank you Mr. Do. You can take a seat by that window over there,î the teacher
motioned with his hand to an empty seat near the back of the classroom. Kyungsoo
nodded in affirmation and made his way over to his assigned seat. He could feel the
eyes following him as he moved but he didn't bother paying them any heed. He
plopped down onto the seat and met eyes with the girl sitting in front of him. He
gave her a small smile and she smiled back before she turned to the front.

ìNow with that out of the way, it's time to start what I know is everyoneís favourite
subject, History! Out with your books, everyone!ì The teacher clapped his hands
together and turned to the chalkboard that stood behind him. Kyungsoo felt a
weight lift off his chest as his classmates focused their attention onto the teacher
instead of him.

The hardest part was over, he thought.

He breezed past the next two periods pretty effortlessly. He spoke when spoken to
and smiled accordingly. Things were easier that way. Be friendly but never make

ìMan, did you do that dare last night?î

ìOf course I did! But good god, I swear the roof of that old storage room is haunted.î
Those words perked Kyungsooís attention. He set his sights on the girl sitting in
front of him and tapped her on the shoulder. He could see her quickly stuffing her
mouth with rice before turning to Kyungsoo quite abruptly.

ìSorry toÖ interrupt," he cracked a cute smile and tilted his head, "but I heard
something about an old storage room?î The girl stared at him for a bit before quickly
chewing and swallowing her food.

ìYeah, what about it?î the girl asked, raising an eyebrow. Kyungsoo tried to keep his
polite facade in check.

ìIs it true itís haunted?î

ìIf you believe in that sort of thing, yeah. Most people just avoid it because itís not in-
use and itís kind of out of the way. For the most part, everything recreational is on
the west side of the school while the storage room is on the east.î

Kyungsoo almost felt the strain on his lips relax as a true smile came through, ìOh,
cool. Iíve never been to school with a haunted place. I guess I know where to avoid
now, thanks.î Kyungsoo nodded and then got up from his seat before the girl could
try to strike up further conversation.

It was almost too perfect. He just needed to scope the place out and heíd be set.

He ventured outside the classroom and into the school's yard, trying to figure
exactly which side of the school was west and which was east. Eventually he found
the school's soccer field and thought that walking in the opposite direction would be
a good start. So, he kept walking for a bit until he hit a patch of trees far off from the
school. Frowning, he looked around until he found a small beaten path leading into
the tiny forest. He followed the path while watching his step and eventually came
across a building that had definitely seen better days.

He made his way over to the visible twin doors but saw that it was chained and
locked shut. So, he headed around the building and saw a built-in metal ladder
attached to the building's side. He looked around and wiped his sweaty hands on his
black school pants before he gripped onto the rustic bars of the ladder. After he
climbed and was fully on top of the roof, he was very pleased to see that it appeared
like no one did spend any time there. There were no cigarette buds or graffiti
scattered on the roof. That was always a good sign. However, there was one more

Kyungsoo tilted his head up and smiled. Perfect, he could see the sky clearly. The
trees surrounding the old storage building were far enough back not to obscure the
view of the sky, yet they blocked the school from viewing the building. Kyungsoo
couldn't believe he found such a perfect location so effortlessly

Kyungsoo climbed down the ladder and practically skipped his way back to class.
When he got to second floor where his classroom was located, he expected curious
stares to hit him but strangely enough he didnít feel them. He paused for a moment
when he felt something across his back. It wasnít something literal but rather a light
brush of air. Kyungsoo peered over his shoulder and saw a male student a few
meters behind him. Said student walked in a way that flowed and he had a certain
grace that not many people could pull off. His uniform was put together a little
messier than others, though it wasn't the messiest Kyungsoo had seen. There was
one thing that caught his attention the most and it was the boyís eyes. Goodness, did
they ever look blank. They were the epitome of unreadable. Kyungsoo forced
himself to get over the dead stare only to have his sights locked onto the tattered
book within the studentís grasp. A large book with many worn pages were clutched
within blackened and smudged hands. Kyungsoo made a guess that maybe the
student was an artist.

ìOhh, I wonder where Kai went off to today,î a girl said from next to Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo glanced over to the girl before seeing the boy or "Kai" vanish into the
classroom next to his.
ìWho knows? I think if you knew, heíd have to kill you. He would lose his mysterious
appeal otherwise,î her friend snickered in reply. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at the
common gossip and entered his classroom. It wouldnít be the first time a school had
a loner bad boy like Kai. It was actually quite typical to Kyungsoo; the school, the
classmates and Kai. Heís seen it all before, it was just different places and faces.

When Kyungsoo got home after school, he prepared his supplies. He grabbed the
largest box he could find from the recent move and flattened it. Once that was done,
he left it by the front door along with his school bag. Inside the bag, past all his
school notebooks, were his usual tools of tape, scissors, an X-Acto knife and glue.
Later that night, he ate a quiet dinner with his bubbly parents before retiring to bed.
He eagerly set his alarm an hour early and found himself falling asleep in no time.

One alarm beep was enough to wake Kyungsoo. He hurriedly got ready for school
and whipped up a quick breakfast for himself. He grabbed his school bag and the
large flattened box before he set off.

It was early enough not to have any normal students around the school but late
enough to have the schoolís gates open. Kyungsoo was aware how strange it would
be to see a student carrying around a large flattened cardboard box. So, the early
morning preparation was a necessary security precaution. After all, he didnít want
anyone to get curious and follow him. That would complicate matters. It wasn't like
anyone could or would understand the reason behind his actions.

Soon, Kyungsoo made his way across the schoolís grounds and followed the tiny
beaten path heíd traveled on the day before. He easily found the old storage building
and walked around back. He painstakingly climbed the ladder using the sole arm
that was accessible. When he made it to the top, he checked his watch. He had an
hour and an hour was more than plenty.

He picked up the flattened box and he folded it into what he usually called the frame.
He bend all the flaps quickly and taped it in the right places. He flipped it upside
down and cut off the opening flaps (those werenít really needed). He then cut out
three sides of a rectangle on the top of box and pushed down. That was what he
called the sun roof.
Kyungsoo could barely contain his excitement when he grabbed the box and lifted it
over his head. He let go and cardboard walls surrounded him. A familiar wave of
calmness washed through his mind. After riding out his bliss, he cut a small hole in
one of the top corners of the box. A peephole, just in case someone did decide to pay
a visit to the old storage room's roof. In said event, all he had to do was to remain
inside the box and observe them through the hole until they left. Sure, a box may
seem out of the ordinary because it was the only object on the entire roof, but, that
was it. It was just a regular box. Who really cared about a box? (Kyungsoo was, of
course, not included within this statement) However, during that dayís lunch break,
poor Kyungsoo had to rethink that very conclusion.

When it was time for lunch, Kyungsoo quickly leapt out of his desk and politely
smiled goodbye to his classmates. With his lunchbox and a good book in hand, he
headed to his little hideout. He climbed up the ladder and made his way over to his
box. He lifted it over his head and soon Kyungsoo was encased in darkness.
Kyungsoo popped the flap of the sunroof down and basked in the sunlight that hit
his face. He sighed contently and began eating his lunch in peace.

His ears suddenly picked up on an unusual noise. Kyungsoo immediately stopped

eating and locked up his lunchbox. He quickly pushed the sunroof back up and
directed his sights to the peephole. A hand appeared from the edge of the building,
then a head, along with a neck and eventually a full body. It was the loner bad boy,
Kai. Kyungsoo cursed his luck. Of course a guy like him would hang out at a place
like the roof.

Kai caught sight of the box expectantly and eyed it with curiosity. He slowly made
his way over and Kyungsoo felt the sweat building along his forehead. Kai observed
the box for a quick second and gave it a light kick. Kyungsoo mentally cursed the boy
to kingdom come if he had so much as scratched his brand new baby. Luckily, Kai
shrugged his shoulders before he walked a distance away and sat down. He pulled
out the tattered large book that Kyungsoo saw from the day before and flipped
through a few pages. He pulled out what looked to be a charcoal pencil and started
sketching or some activity similar to it.

So, Kyungsoo was officially a sitting duck until Kai decided that the scenery was too
uninspiring for his artistic selfÖ or until the school bell rang. Which it promptly did.
Kyungsoo bit his bottom lip as he eyed Kai lazily getting up and making his way to
the ladder. Kyungsoo knew he had to give enough time between the two of them
before he could get going. Sadly, at the rate Kai was going, Kyungsoo knew he would
have to run in order to make it to class on time. And you can bet that he did indeed

Kyungsoo's fingernails took some abuse from his teeth once he was nervously
sitting in class. It was a one time thing, he told himself. An artistís interest is fleeting.
Kai would not come back to his haven.

Too bad Kyungsoo never did have a good track record with his wishful thinking.

(Chapter Revised 29/08/12)

Yikes! Sorry guys if you got a notification! I accidently hit the wrong button. Derp.
My bad! I clicked update chapter before I finished proof reading. GAHH. Okay that
done. Onward we gooo!

So, wordy chapter I know. It's intro. It's gotta get done! So the chapters after this
will be more and more focused on Kaisoo interaction so hold out a little longer folks!
Also, this story is NOT going to be completely fluffy, I'm aiming for a more "Slice of
Life" kind of feel. Hopefully that's all right with you guys. Also this will definitely
going to be longer than my Baekyeol fic. At least, that's how my timeline is playing
out. And my feels, ohmegosh, I'm so excited to type it all out.

And can I just say WOW? That many subscribers with just the foreword? You guys
nuts or what? It's okay, I like nuts. I hope I meet all of your expectations! *bows

Ohh kay. I realized with my past stories replying to comments in the comment box
was a little difficult so I thought I could try writing them in here instead. Hopefully
that's all right with everyone! If not, do tell me and I will change it accordingly.
(There's also wall post replies, but yeah. I favor this method over that).

@Ancient_Moon - Thankies! I hope I meet your expectation with this fic ^^ Thanks
for following me with my other fics as well, so nice of you :')

@Kaisoon - Thank you :D I hope you'll continue to like it ^^

@lovefaith - Omo, thank you! I'm all better now :) LOL, Kyungsoo+glitter
comparison = the shiz. I approve ;)

@woobabylove0904 - Thank youuu, I'm looking forward to writing it myself ;) I

hope you'll continue to like it!

@PurpleSwils - Nice, formed a character/reader bond already. Author goal already

accomplished! Lol, I hope you like the first chapter

@wookiekyuie - Kyungsoo is sooo adorable, he's moody in the update but he'll
lighten up :)

@MissEe502 - I can't wait to really get this fic going either! Imma excited ^^ I hope I
displayed Kyungsoo moving turmoil well enough in the future for you :) Lol, take as
much space as you like! Thanks for the support, much love :P

@Lullycream - Bonjour! We meet encore! Lol, sorry for the frananglais. I didn't
know about the "a" either until MS word was telling me I was spelling it wrong.
Behold, I went to google and got papier m‚chÈ . I decided to just stick to the english
word for paper instead. :P I hope you like this fic even if it's not as fluffy as my
Baekyeol fic :P


Lol, I hope you like this one as much as the Baekyeol one. :P

@shadowdragon357 - D: Such high expectations! Yikes, I hope I can fulfill them!

Thanks for the confidence though ^^

@MrsKkamJong - LOL, thank youuu. I hope it fills the void well enough <3

@DBSKforever5 - Yayy, I hoped you like the first chapter, though there wasn't much
Kaisoo interaction yet. >> Oh well, expect more later...definitely >:)

Thanks to all the commenters! You rock my world!

And now, I shall leave you all. Buh bye!!

2 Window Frames

Rumors are not true. Kyungsoo knew this fact very well. Being the new kid, you
overhear your fair share of rumors about yourself. The past is especially a hot topic
among the loose-mouthed teens. Where did he come from? Why did he move? What
was he like at his old school? Despite anyone's curiosity, no one ever bothered to
direct those questions to Kyungsoo. But, Kyungsoo knew it was mostly because they
enjoyed making up their own conclusions and he felt no need to correct and ruin
their fun. Why would he anyways? It didnít matter to him. Itís not like they mattered
to him. It was the same thing over and over again. Just different places and different

Of course, not all rumors around school were about Kyungsoo. He did hear a decent
amount about Mr. Loner Artist Kai as well. Rumors about where Kai ventured off to
during lunch and what he does during those 60 minutes were the most frequent of
them. So far, the mumbled tales were all completely and utterly wrong. Gang fights?
What, Kai heads off into battle with just a pencil and notebook? How about Kai
simply heading out for a nice nap? Well, Kyungsoo wished that one was true. And
what about performing demon rituals? Now, thatís what Kyungsoo called an
overactive imagination.

So, where does Kai go for his lunch breaks and what does he do during them? He
goes to the damn roof of the old storage room and sketches all lunch break long. And
heís done so every frigginí day. All the while with Kyungsoo sitting inside a dark box
a few meters away and watching him through a tiny peephole. So much for
Kyungsooís private sanctuary.
Kyungsoo thought that maybe he could find a new place and move. But after
searching for two days, Kyungsoo came to the sad realization that there were no
better places. So, Kyungsoo adapted and adopted a book light into his arsenal of
things to bring with him every lunch break. Although he missed the sunlight, he told
himself that he could deal. He needed the box more than the sunlight anyways.

Things were starting to look up. Kyungsoo would always arrive minutes before Kai
did (Kyungsoo thought that it might be because Kai always walked as if he had all
the time in the world). Those few minutes gave Kyungsoo just enough time to get
under his box and eat his lunch. Sometimes he finished munching down by the time
Kai arrived and sometimes he did not. Either way, Kai arrives and always steals one
glance at the box before sitting down and sketching. Then, Kyungsoo turns on his
book light and reads an interesting book until the bell rings. When it sounds, Kai
leaves accordingly and Kyungsoo runs to class not long after. It was a little more
tiresome than Kyungsooís usual routine, but it worked. Kai didnít bother the box
and thatís all Kyungsoo wanted.

Well, apparently what Kyungsoo wanted wasnít what the world had in store for him.
One lunch break, something changed. Kyungsoo was right in saying an artistís
interest is fleeting. Why? Because instead of sketching on his usual notepad, Kai
decided to display his talents on something elseÖ something else being the box.
Kyungsooís box. He defaced Kyungsooís box with drawings.

Kyungsoo was horrified.

The scratching on the cardboard due to the tip of a lead pencil was almost painful.
The sound of Kaiís breathing echoed in the box along with Kyungsooís rapidly
beating heart. Kyungsoo went on high alert and tried to be extra careful whenever
Kai pushed or turned the box a little. It was damn difficult being so damn tense and
Kyungsoo was getting mad. Real mad. Who did this guy think he was? JustÖ drawing
on a random box! What nerve.
When the lunch bell finally rung, Kai got up and admired his work for a moment
before naturally strutting away and climbing down from the roof. Kyungsoo
practically threw the box off of him and assessed the damage.

Kyungsoo was surprised. Kai drew the box as if it were a house. He drew a small
door on one of the sides and a few windows around it. Kai didn't appear to be
finished though because some bricks he had drawn (which were done very evenly
and accurate looking) were incomplete. It also looked like he was in the middle of
adding some shrubbery around the bottom of the box. And, that was the moment
Kyungsoo remembered he had class. He hastily placed the box down and sprinted

The rest of the week consisted of similar troubles. Kai continued drawing on the box
and Kyungsoo continued on being the ball of nerves inside of it. Kyungsoo did decide
that letting Kai draw on the box wasnít so bad. The drawings were admittedly nice
and Kaiís interest would leave the box eventually, right? Thatís how it was and it
could definitely happen again.

Kyungsoo was, indeed, right again. Except he was so so wrong at the same time.
There were some things he could let Kai get away with but, that one lunch break, Kai
pushed it too far.

Kai spoke for the first time since Kyungsoo had been with him on the roof. The first
words Kyungsoo heard from his mouth?

ìI wonder what this would look like on fire...î And Kyungsoo watched from the
peephole as a lighter was pulled out of Kaiís back pocket. A few flicks of Kaiís thumb
and it ignited. His hand inched closer and closer to the box until-

ìNo!î Kyungsoo cried and tossed the box off of him, facing Kai for the first time. ìYou!
î He pointed to the lighter, ìKeep that away from my box!î
Kyungsoo watched Kaiís eyes widened for a moment before a smirk stretched
across his lips. ìSo, youíve finally come out.î

Kyungsoo's bug eyes blinked twice and his mouth bobbed up and down in shock.
ìÖ Pardon me?î

ìI was wondering when Iíd see your face. What? You didnít think I noticed you?î Kai
leaned back and put the lighter away (thank the lord) while chuckling to himself.

Kyungsoo choked a little before reply, ìW-Whatever! That doesnít matter! How
could you just, just burn down your artwork?î Kyungsoo pointed at the box

Kai's eyes traveled to the box standing idling a few feet away before returning his
gaze to Kyungsoo, ìI wasnít going to actually burn it. It was a ploy to get you out.î

ìA-a ploy?î Kyungsoo choked out again and firmly pressed his palms into his eye
sockets, disbelief washing over him. He removed his hands and narrowed his eyes,
ìCongratulations, your little ploy worked. Here I am. Now, leave me and my box
alone and Iíll keep your lunch escapades a secret.î Kyungsoo then turned around
and grabbed the box. He placed it over his head and popped open the sunroof for the
first time since he first made it.

ìDoesnít sound fair, but I guess itís a deal. Does Mr. Box Man have a name?î
Kyungsoo heard Kaiís voice muffle through the cardboard walls.

ìNo,î Kyungsoo replied sourly.

ìHow about this, Iím Kim Jongin from class 3-1. And you are?î
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and glared at the wall Kai was situated behind, ìDo
Kyungsoo, class 3-2.î When Kyungsoo thought he finally got rid of Kai (or Jongin,
since that seems to be his actual name), a knock vibrated against one of the
cardboard walls. Kyungsoo ignored it. Another knock. He ignored it again. Repeated
knocks and Kyungsoo's fuse blew. ìWhat!î He yelled. A side of the box lifted and
hand popped into it.

ìNice to meet you,î Kyungsoo stared at the hand with distaste, ìyouíre supposed to
shake it,î Kai whispered.

Kyungsoo kicked the hand out from under the box and scooted away.

All he heard for the rest of the lunch period was random periods of Kaiís chuckles.
Kyungsoo, on the other hand, was less than amused.

When Kyungsoo was walking home after school, he rethought about the events that
took place that special lunch break. Truth be told, they made him nervous. No one
had figured him out before. No one knew about Kyungsoo and his box. Never. Ever.
In all the times he had transferred and moved, not one person had found out. Was it
going to be a problem? Kai did seem like a rascal, but Kyungsoo reassured himself
that they could come to an agreement. Kyungsoo liked the privacy that the roof gave
him and Kai probably felt the same. They could come to terms. Kyungsoo just had to
be positive. The problem? Kyungsoo never was a really good optimist either.

So, Kyungsoo arrived home with a heavy heart and a famished stomach.

What? With all that excitement, he didn't get to finish his lunch.
(Revised chapter 09/02)

You guys are precious <3 I love you.

I couldn't help but update again. I realllllllly wanted to get Kyungsoo and Kai face to
face. Like really badly. So here. I hope you guys found it okay. Pstt, were there too
many brackets? Me's not sure.

Thank you to all of the commenters and subscribers! I am really surprised by the
amount I have already, I thank you /le cries a million tears. And I can see a lot of
Candy Heart fans have migrated over here. Oh haii, glad you could come join me in
this here story. I hope you like it as much as Candy Hearts <3

Also, NOTE: THERE WILL BE A SMUT CHAPTER. It's been decided... sometime long
down the plotline. So you guys have to wait. I know, I know. I'll make it work. I
swear. Just...lemme try okay? It'll be one chapter and I'll also make it so people who
don't want to read it can skip over it no problem, okay? Hope that's all right with

Without further ado, I shall reply to the lovely comments I received.


@siahna - Trust me when I say I love Kaisoo too :P And I'm excited to be typing it
out! I hope I can continue to keep you excited, thankies for the comment :)

@IshidaMichaelis - Lol, I didn't? I swore I did. Bad author. Yayy, thanks for
subscribing! Lol, I'm not one for really perverted/kinky smuts. I mean, sometimes it
works, but it's not what I have in mind for this fic. I promise I'll work it out to be as
natural and as...flowy? as I can write it. I just want to try it out. In conclusion, I hope
you like this update ~~ (lol)

@Drawingfishies - :D! OMG, you make me happy <3 I'm glad you like it already and I
hope you'll continue to like it ^^

@aimee2304 - Ah, I'm glad I captured that feeling and that you can relate a little. I
hope you like the new update eventhough it's less bittersweet <3? (Is it still
bittersweet? I'm never good at analyzing my own writing...)
@DBSKforever5 - Lol, it's the start. I wanted to kind of get Kyungsoo's state of mind
out there. I hope you liked how they interacted in this update ahaha. I'm sorry to say
that this fic will not be as fluffy as Candy Hearts, I'm testing out my writing horizons
I guess XP Thanks for the comment and support though!!!!! Love to you ~~<3

@MrsKkamJong - *fist pump of success* Yes, already cause heart problems. I MEAN,
thanks for the comment! Lol, we shall see what I have in store for Kyungsoo, Kai and
the cupboard box. <3 Lol, Kyungsoo couldn't exactly see what Kai was doing, he's
just being a dumbie/my writing skills just being dumb. LMFAO, YESH YESH the
world will be a better place when Kai writes HunHan fluff.

@missEe502 - Lol, IKR. I was like, too perfect. Yes, yes. Thank you for
understanding! An intro is an intro. :P I'm glad you seem content with everything so
far though <3 Lol, I hope you liked their interaction this chapter and loves you loads
readernim. <3

@lovefaith - Ohh, you troll you. JK, love you all the same. Thanks for taking the time
to comment! Lol, there will be a smut scene for this story and probably will write a
seperate spinoff smut oneshot for Baekyeol for Candy Hearts. It's completely
optional, people don't have to read it if they don't want to. I know it's really cute, but
but but my feeeellllsss. I wanna write them out *wiggles fingers* Lol, not sure what
classifies as hardcore smut, but it doesn't sound at all what I have in mind for this
fic. Either way, I hope you'll like what I have in store with this fic! Thanks for the
support! <3

@PurpleSwils - LMFAO, high school would have been so much nicer with a
handsome loner artist like Kai/ le sighs. Gahh, let me hug you <3 Thanks for being
attached to Candy Hearts like that, it makes makes me ...oh dear *cries a
little*. Oh my god, I loved the way you described the school. I think it goes well with
how I wanted the school to feel. (ie: dull and nothing special). Awesome! And I hope
you liked what I threw at you this chapters and the ones in the future!

@shieshiesae - :D Me gusta. Everything you wrote in your comment...Me gusta <3

Love youuuuuu tens times a millions and trillions. Lol, uncomfortable? NEVER!

@woobabylove0904 - Yesh, I'm glad this fic can do that for you. I'm writing to
relieve my own Kaisoo feels so, yeah, glad I can do that for you too! Lol, I hope you
like the Kaisoo interaction this update! XP Was it cute enough?

@iLLiad - :D Aweeesome, I didn't want to give them outlandish characteristics. I

thought I gave them roles that suited them well enough, well, at least I hope you feel
the same with the new update now that you've seen them interact. You know what
else? I hope you continue to like this fic, thank you for commmmenting <3 it rules.
Thanks again to all the commenters! You are like, so, unbelievebly, incredibly,
awesome. But like, times that by a billion. kay cool.

And sleep time now<3 PurplePluto signing off~~ *flies away*

3 Flower Beds

ìWhatÖ is that?î Kyungsoo asked dryly.

ìI call it an open roof concept,î Kai leaned back and admired his work.

ìItís ugly.î
ìYouíre just close minded. Iím not done with it yet.î

ìYou ruined it.î

ìYouíre close minded,î Kai smiled, still enraptured by his creation, ìJust wait, youíll
be jealous.î

Kyungsoo bets all his cardboard at home that Kaiís prediction would never come

And good thing Kyungsoo didnít voice that bet out loud, because he would have lost.

After a collection of lunch periods, Kai added various accesories to his cardboard
creation and it was starting to actually look nice. Kyungsoo never minded how his
box looked on the outside before because, well, it was the only box around. Who
would have cared beside himself?

So, when Kai's fancy looking box is standing just a few feet away with nice drawings
and skillfully craved cardboard attachments, Kyungsoo starts to get jealous in a my-
neighbourís-Christmas-decorations-are-nicer-than-mine kind of way. He hates it. He
was the one with the box complex. Kai had no right to just beat Kyungsoo at his own

ìPass that,î Kyungsoo pointed to a marker resting next to Kai, who was busy cutting
out flowers to stick along the bottom of his box. Kai looked up and blinked to

ìThe marker?î He asked, tilting his head. Kyungsoo bit his bottom lip hard and
crawled over to snatch the marker away. He scurried back over to his box once he
finished his mission. After crossing his legs, Kyungsoo started drawing over top of
Kaiís previous designs.

To say that Kyungsoo was a good artist would be a lie. He sucks. Bad. Kyungsoo
realizes this when he compares his drawn windows to Kaiís. ìHow does he do that?î
he murmured under his breath, envy filling his every fiber.


Kyungsoo froze and remained silent. Unfortunately, that wasnít enough to keep Kai

The sun beaming on Kyungsooís back was blocked by Kaiís shadow as Kai stood
over him. ìAre those windows?î Kai asked, his tone not really meant to be
condescending but Kyungsoo still felt pathetic.

ìYes,î he mumbled and slumped his shoulders, ìI justÖ my hands arenít steady

Kai smiles softly at Kyungsoo and sits down next to him, ìDo you want me to help

Kyungsoo takes in a deep breath and his pride tells him that he better decline the
offer. Kyungsoo, in reality, doesnít move. He just stares at Kai with uncertainty. Kaiís
smile continued to shine through as he faced the box. Kai turned Kyungsooís box
around to a new side, ìItís okay. You can do it and Iíll direct you.î

Kyungsoo looks to the box and hesitantly brings his shaky hand up. Having Kai
analyze him was making him nervous. It was like an apprentice being scrutinized by
the master; you want to impress them but you know you donít have enough skills to
do so.

When the marker touched down on the cardboard, Kai directs him to stop. The hand
that held onto the marker was overlapped by another. His hand is then forced into a
different position that is admittedly more comfortable. ìFor more control,î Kai
whispers and then he forces Kyungsoo's hand to move. Kyungsoo, still feeling in
control of what he was drawing, finds himself drawing a clean and even line with
Kai's aid.

ìTry again,î Kai says as he removes his hand from Kyungsooís. Kyungsoo obeys.
Another clean and even line. He makes a few more and he finds an image of a simple
window in front of him. It wasnít anything special but it looked nice and, most
importantly, like a window.

ìNot bad for a beginner,î Kai nods appreciatively and ruffles Kyungsooís hair.
Kyungsoo in return pulls his head away and tries to fix the mess. He stares at Kai

ìThanks,î He says, not really liking the feeling that he owed Kai something.

ìYouíre welcome,î Kai modestly replies, ìThanks for making my box.î

Kyungsoo doesnít think he needed to be thanked, considering it was quite a few

days ago and making a box doesnít really require much effort. Still, Kyungsoo can't
help but feel a little happy despite all that and replies, ìyouíre welcome.î

ìDo you maybeÖ want to help make some flowers? You can use the cardboard I
brought and make some of your own.î
Kyungsoo is completely taken aback from the proposition. Warning sirens ring in his
head. This was too friendly. This was too much. Abort mission, abort mission.
However, one look at Kaiís box creation fueled another spark of envy. That spark
was enough to convince Kyungsoo to agree.


(Chapter revised 09/05)

Updatee *does a dance*

I actually had a little trouble with this one and I'm not completely satisfied. Oh well, I
think it might be because their bond is forming and with Kyungsoo anti-sociable
character, it's a little difficult to write something I deemed believeable enough. I
hope this is okay. Also, describing the whole folding flaps thing was difficult. I hope
everyone got what I was saying with that.

Also, should I get a beta/proofreader? I'm honestly one of the worst persons when it
comes to grammar and formating. I'm a reader that skims really badly with regular
fiction, so me proof reading usually isn't the greatest. If anyone is interested in
helping me out (/getting to read the chapter before everyone else in return for
editing it), message me?

That done, thank you too all my subscribers and commenters! Like, I get a scare
everytime I see the amount I have. It's almost too good to be true, am I dreaming?
*pinches self* I hope I can keep you all as this progresses. <3

Onto COMMENT REPLIES (I'll try to keep it short so I can post this chapter quicker):

@MrsKkamJong - 50 chapters of silence D: The tortureee. :D Bahah, I didn't realize

the shaking comment was that funny. YAYY <3 Thanks for commenting mah dear <3
@wooyochie - :D Thank you! I'm so happy ^^ I hope this chapter makes you feel a
little warm as well. Lol, smut scene. That time will a while. like, a while
while while.

@Drawingfishies - *slapping my knees laughing* Your fumble was cute <3 I get
chuu. Oh OH! Good luck on your exams!!

@PurpleSwils - D: Really? Neat! I don't remember ever reading that short story in
my English class, so I can honestly say I'm not planning on copying it. Lol, Kyungsoo?
Alone? PFT, not if Kai can help it teehee. And thank you soo much <3

@taesteful - Yayy, glad you liked it :)

@missEe502 - Ellllo Zheee dongsang! Lol, naww. I hope this chapter better explains
why Kyungsoo isn't really one to make introductions first (unless he wants/needs
something). Thankies for swinging byyy <3

@DBSKforever5 - Lol, I feel like no matter what I do with OTP pairings, I write bits
of fluff. I think my feels desire it. Yayy, thanks for loving it :D!

@lovefaith - Lol, really? Thanks! It's nice to know someone believes in me :D I swear
I can make it work *determination*. Yup, oneshot for candy hearts. I got it allllll
mapped out in my head. It's still on the cute side, but alot of smexiness in there as
well. Lol, and I made Kyungsoo's character kind of an angsty teen. Maybe that's why.
Either way, let's continue to love Kaisoo together :)


youuu <3

@aimee2304 - Thanks! ^^

@lover88 - :D Welcome, welcome! Thanks for subbing! And I'm happy you like it so
farr <3 Thankyou x 84574507354850940985 *throws hearts*

@tami-- - I hope you like this chapter even though it might not be as cute :)

@doitlikethis123 - Lol, didn't realize that part was liked that much. Thank youu~~

@stepiee - Thanks! I hope you like this chapter even though it isn't as least I
don't think it is. My cute-dar screws with me sometimes.

@monshie09_aff - Oh hi there amazing person. Thank you sooo much, I'm glad you
like the way I write. I'm so hypercritical of it. Annnd I do not have twitter, sworry.
I'm thinking about it though, I'm slowly getting convinced to join the dark side that
is twitter (and possibly tumblr). Much lovvveee <3
@woobabylove0904 - Lol, THANK YOU <3 I'm glad you liked those scene. I was like
is it too much? A little too exaggerated? Yayyy, thank you. LOL, Kaisoo feels are hard
to calm down. My fix is writing, I'm not sure what non-writers do. KEEP STRONG!

@kyunghochae - Yayy, I'm glad :)

@SHINeeluv1 - :D Really? Scoree~~ I'm glad you like it so far :)

@isiss1994 - D: REALLY? I'm honoured. I hope I can continue to convert you (I

swear us Kaisoo shippers are friendly). And thank you, it's nice you have so much
confidence in me and my writing. LOL, ego boooost.

@myloveisinfinitex3 - No.Way. You are one cool person *props* I think I might have
done the same with my laundry basket, I don't know my memory is terrible and
your comment reminded me. BUT that does not matter. I'm glad you like it so far,
thank yooouuu <3

@IshidaMichaelis - :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D YESHH, I'm happy *throws confhetti*

Especially when you say the flow is natural. That's really important for me :)
Sometimes, I feel like I'm rushing, other times, not going fast enough. Thankkk you.
LOL, thank you for trusting me, I will try my hardest not to let you down !! Hmm, I
hope this chapter better reflects Kyungsoo's character in terms of how he deals with
people. Lol, it's true to say Kyungsoo's being a little childish eh? Thanks forrr zee
support <3

@Serene - D: PRESSURE. I hope I meet your expectations *bows down*

@Neesanessa - :D Thank you! I'm glad you like them ^^

@Lullycream - D: So many exams! Lullycream hwaiting! YESH, I'm glad you like
Kyungsoo ^^ He's a little bit on the depressing side, but yeah. More and more
characterization will develop and I hope you continue to like him. LOL, I haven't
develope Kai's character well enough yet, so I won't much about him :P And, I'm not
sure. I got onto the thought of moving and then it just kind of happened....Awesome,
our reader/author relationship shall continue on forever and ever. At least, I hope
so, I like it very much <# Really? I'm glad you're open to smut. LOL, I totally wrote
that last chapter to prepare everyone. People were saying it's too cute and I was like

Oh my god. So manny comments. Thank you. If I get more than this, I don't know
what I'm going to do. Thank you for all your support! I really appreciate it! Imma
gonna leave you now. Here's a gif I'm going to leave you that I found especially
funny before I go.
4 Plaster

In high school, there are two types of people that fall under the term ëpopularí.

Kai happens to fall under the first type where everyone knows who he is despite
him attempting to close himself off from them. He does absolutely nothing, yet his
name is spoken in several conversations across several times of the day. Kyungsoo
admits that if he squints a little, he understands why Kai falls under the type-one
category. For one, Kai is mysterious and for two (and most importantly), Kai is
ridiculously handsome. Yup, thatís all it really takes. 1+1 and instant popularity.
Girls gossip and fawn while boys grumble and glare.

The second type of ëpopularí would be the stereotypical definition that goes with
your high school teen movies. Itís similar to some sort of private club, where only
the good looking and trendy can join. Please note: being a pleasant person is not a
requirement to be in said club. Overall, itís a crowd you love to hate and hate to love.
Unlike type-one, anyone under the type-two category works hard to maintain their
ëpopularí image. They must always remain on top of the fashion and social trends or
else risk expulsion from the group.

The two types either interact swimmingly or they clash heads like no other.
However, when they clash heads, itís mostly one-sided and is initiated from type-
twoís side. A fine example of this would be the group of male classmates sitting and
chatting behind Kyungsooís desk. The leader of the group was currently wasting his
time by hissing Kaiís name, bad mouthing and spreading lies about him. The leaderís
followers hopelessly go along with his words and eagerly egg him on. Kyungsoo just
thinks the leader needs to grow up and get over his insecurities.

ìHey Kyungsoo!î A voice boomed from behind him. Kyungsoo winces and looks up
from his homework that was due the next day. He turns around despite his inner
will not to and looks to the voice that called upon him.

It was the leader of the type-two crowd and he was smirking at Kyungsoo from
across the room, ìyou seem like a nice guy, join us after school at the arcades,î the
leader more demanded than asked.

Even with Kyungsooís second rule aside, Kyungsoo very much would rather lick the
bottom of his own shoes than think of spending his free time with the stuck up
morons behind him.

Kyungsoo feels his lips form into a familiar and fake apologetic smile, ìSorry man,
Iíve got to get home right after school. ëRents want me to run some errands for

The smirk on the leaderís face faltered due to the unusual rejection, ìthen swing by
when youíre done,î the leader concluded before a teacher marched in, signaling the
end of homeroom. Kyungsoo turns around in his seat and faces the teacher just in
time to conceal his impulsive eye rolling. What an arrogant prick, he thought.

The period went by as it always did. Although one exciting event was when
Kyungsoo met eyes with a passing Kai (who was maybe on his way to the
washroom) and was given a barely noticeable nod of acknowledgement. Kyungsoo
immediately turns away and prays no one else noticed.

ìWhere you going, Kyungsoo?î the pack leaderís voice shouted just before Kyungsoo
left the classroom with his lunchbox and book in hand.
ìJust finding a quiet place to read and eat,î Kyungsoo lifts his book to add to his
statement before he zooms out, ignoring his name being called after him.

Kyungsoo climbed onto the roof of the old storage building and got under his newly
decorated box. Although not as pretty as Kaiís, it was definitely an improvement
from his usual plain box. With the sunroof open, he reads through his book while
nibbling on his sandwich. A knock is heard from outside the box. Kyungsoo pops the
boxís side window open and allows his lunch to be visible.

ìI have pineapple today,î Kyungsoo says and points to the container that held said
pineapple pieces.

ìAnd I have a question.î

Kyungsoo slowly puts his lunch down and finds himself staring into Kaiís hesitant
gaze. It made him nervous. This was new.

Kai licks his lips and looks away, ìI want to buy some more supplies for my box after
school. I thought that maybe you could come too, but only if you want to.î

Kyungsoo froze. He knows heís staring Kai down and itís probably making him
uncomfortable, but Kyungsoo canít help it. Heís surprised. He didnít expect an invite
from Kai. He thought he didnít have to worry about those types of issues with Kai.
Kai was supposed to be Mr. Loner Artist and loners arenít supposed to ask others to
join them in buying supplies after school. They just donít.

ìYou donít have to answer right now,î Kaiís voice cut through Kyungsooís reeling
thoughts, ìtell me before lunch ends, okay?î Kyungsoo silently watches as Kai turns
away from him and goes to his own box. Kai is out of sight within a few seconds.
The usual excuses run through Kyungsoo's mind. He has errands to run. His parents
need him at home. He has a lot of homework to do. His motherís sick. Heís sick. All
Kyungsoo had to do was open his mouth and it's an almost sure thing that one of the
excuses will pour out. However, something was preventing him from doing so.

Small fact: Kyungsooís favourite novels are mysteries. He likes how everything
connects in the end.

Kai is starting to become a little of a mystery to Kyungsoo and a part of him wants to
solve it like so many detectives do in his favourite books.

To begin his investigation, Kai isnít the typical loner that Kyungsooís used to
observing in previous schools. The main evidence behind this statement being that
Kai is seemingly trying to befriend Kyungsoo. Which also brings to mind, why the
heck was Kai interested in Kyungsoo of all people? Sure, Kyungsoo may be a little
different with his box complex but there was more to it than that...right?

Sadly, Kyungsooís thoughts run out of fuel when he canít think of any other reasons
for why Mr. Type-One-Popularity is paying him any heed. Itís not like Kyungsoo had
exactly been the most friendly or approachable. Kyungsoo is stumped. It reminds
him a lot of when investigator's leads go dry.

Kyungsoo does recollect that when investigators are stuck, they usually just
investigate somewhere else. In this real life investigation, Kyungsoo has nowhere
else to go besides getting closer to Kai.

The bell rings, telling the boys that lunch has ended and that it was time to go back
to class. Kyungsoo quickly races out of his box before Kai is able to.
ìMeet me at the gates,î Kyungsoo says loud and clearly to Kaiís box before he rushes
to the ladder and climbs down it.

Kai does meet Kyungsoo at the schoolís gates after school ends. Kyungsoo is mindful
of the watching eyes and remains a few steps behind Kai as they walk down the
sidewalk together. Kai has large headphones over his ears and doesnít speak to
Kyungsoo. They remain like that until they catch a bus. Kyungsoo sits down next to
Kai, vaguely taking notice of their thighs lightly brushing against each other.

The ride is quiet and Kai is very much fascinated by whatís beyond the window next
to him while Kyungsoo is fascinated by the advertisements pasted on the panels
above his head. He doesnít really get out much, so itís interesting for him.

Kai pulls down the wire to signal the bus to stop and nudges Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo
gets up and they exit the bus when it stops. They walked through a busy shopping
district before arriving to a decent sized arts shop.

Kai removes his headphones and acknowledges Kyungsoo for the first time since
they left school, ìRed or blue?î Kai asks as they stand in front of a shelf carrying
different types of paint tubes. Kyungsoo looks through the selection after shooting
Kai a curious stare.


ìGood choice,î Kai smiles and picks up a royal blue tube, ìnow, pick another.î

ìWhy?î Kyungsoo finds the will to ask as he blinks to Kai with a look of confusion.

ìLess questions, more choosing.î

Kyungsoo sighs and points to a forest green tube. Kai nods and picks it up before he
walks away. Kyungsoo trudges after him and finds himself stopped behind Kai as he
observes a series of different sketch books.

ìWhich one?î Kai asks, lifting three different covers. Kyungsoo glances over the
selection before he looks to the shelf and picks up a sketch book with a white cover.

ìThis one,î he says, feeling proud of his small defiance. Kai pinches his eyebrows
together while tilting his head.

ìWhy white?î

ìSomething else to draw on,î Kyungsoo retorts smartly.

Kaiís smile only widens exponentially. He immediately puts his three options away
and takes the white sketch book from Kyungsooís hands, ìIím surprised, it seems
you know me better than myself.î

Kyungsoo chooses to say nothing back.

Kai and Kyungsoo donít pick up anything else. However, Kyungsoo does remain in a
section that houses a dozen different types of small pinwheels for a time longer than
necessary. He found one particular colourful pinwheel that he thinks would look
nice attached to his box. Too bad Kyungsoo didnít have that much money to spend
on trivial items. Kai watches as Kyungsoo blows into the pinwheel one last time
before they go to the check out.
They walk through the shopping district and Kyungsoo is surprised when Kai takes
an unexpected turn into a fast food restaurant. As they enter, the scents hit
Kyungsooís senses and his stomach thanks Kai for bringing his body there.

After a few more minutes and a little less spending money, Kyungsoo and Kai are
sitting down at a booth for two. Kyungsoo munches on some overly salty fries while
eyeing Kai who is nearly drowning his own fries in ketchup.


Kai stops dunking a fry and blinks up to Kyungsoo, ìWhy what?î

ìWhyÖ why did you ask me to come with you today?î

ìI needed a second opinion,î Kai smoothly replies and eats the fry whole.

ìWhy not one of your friends?î

ìI donít have any.î

Ah, at least Kyungsoo could rule out the thought of Kai having friends outside of

ìWhy me?î Kyungsoo asks finally and is surprised to feel as if a weight had lifted off
his shoulders. The question had been burning inside him the entire outing and he
was pleased to have it out in the open.
Kai pauses before he tosses the fry he held onto his tray and wiped his mouth clean
with a napkin, ìI donít know.î Kai says, not looking at Kyungsoo, ìyouíre just


ìWell, you spend your lunch breaks in a box,î Kai cracks a smile.

Kyungsoo only frowns back, ìbut thereís more to it than that, isnít there?î

ìSure but, itís not something I can easily put into words,î Kai leans back and stares
out the window next to them, ìyouíre different. I feel like I could get along with you
and itís been a long time since Iíve felt that way toward anyone.î

Kyungsoo sighs before he returns a reply, ìI still don't get it. I may like boxes more
than the average person, but Iím really not that much different from others.î

ìThatís bull,î Kai snorts and plays with some fries sprawled across their shared tray,
ìyou can think what you want from it, but I think we could be friends.î

ìIím not sure about that,î Kyungsoo somewhat mumbles under his breath, half
intending for it to be heard.

This time, Kai is the one frowning, ìand why not?î

ìItíll just be easier on both of us if you leave me alone after this,î Kyungsoo explains
with another sigh and starts making a square shape out of some fries.
ìWhyís that?î Kai asks and adds two fries to make a triangle on top Kyungsooís fry
box and it almost appears as if it were a house with a roof.

ìIím not going to be around all that long,î Kyungsoo takes a stray fry and makes it
walk out of the fry house.

ìThen we better make the most of our time together,î Kai reaches over to take the
walking fry from Kyungsooís hand and chomps down on it.

They enter a staring contest of sorts. Kyungsoo tries to read Kaiís eyes. Theyíre
serious. And theyíre relentless. Thus, Kyungsoo loses the contest and his first
ëfriendshipí in many years magically formed.

Kai and Kyungsoo take a bus back home together and chat about some less
meaningful things. Kyungsoo finds out Kai only lives three blocks away from him
after he half-seriously asks if Kai was following him home.

Heís reminded of what friendship felt like on that night. He hated to admit it, but he
did miss it. The telling of light jokes and having decent conversations with someone
not related by blood was refreshing. Kyungsoo knew it would eventually go
downhill, but he convinced himself that he wouldnít end up hurt in the end. Heíd be
prepared and Kai would be prepared as well. Itíll be easy to cut their ties. Itíll be

The next day, Kai arrives to Kyungsooís class during homeroom. He steals the
attention of the room as he strolls into it and waltzes right up to Kyungsooís desk.
He places the very colourful pinwheel Kyungsoo was playing with the day previous
right on top of Kyungsooís notebook.
ìI went back and got it for you,î Kai smiles gently, ìsee you at lunch.î And he leaves.
Kyungsoo stares down at the pinwheel with wonder.

A tingle pierces into the back of Kyungsooís head. When he sees the reason behind
the pressure was due to the eyes of the ëpopularí leader in his class, Kyungsoo is
reminded of his second rule and why he probably shouldnít have broken it with Kai.

(Revised chapter 9/07)

Ello! You guys are trrrrrrooooooppppers. Thanks for waiting <3 I've been busy with
work lately (excuses?). I also have another fic that I'm finishing up, so once that's
done I'll be able to pay more attention to this one. Anyways, moving on.

GAHHHHH, I passed a 100 subs on three measley chapters. You guys are incredible.
Thank you so much :')

Story discussing: Kai and Kyungsoo have began becoming friends. I hope I wrote
that progression out okay. I'm trying not to rush things too quickly. :)

Also, I'm Canadian. It's Canada day now. Soo Happy Canada day to me and any other
Canadian readers <3 Um, if there are other holidays today, I wish that you celebrate
it appropriately (too lazy to google and find out).

Off I go to reply to comments nooooww:

@Dibidis - Score, readerxcharacter connection goal = succeeded. :D Ah, yes. I don't

really have those types of friends on AFF. So, I'm relying on my trusty readers and
see if anyone is interested. I'm so thankful a few have answered the call and is
willing to be a grammar nazi for me <3 And thanks for your comment, it really tells
me I'm making the right decision in trying to get a beta XP

@woobabylove0904 - Lol, yeahhh. I'm making Kyungsoo a little depressing. I know

the story's concept is cute, but I wanted to dampen it with Kyungsoo's attitude and
situation. "Slice of life" feelish is my ideal right now? We'll see how he changes with
and/or without Kai's help. LOL, maybe his mom will and maybe she won't. I ain't
saying anything. :P

@siahna - :D Yayy, glad you think so. I KNOW. Gif was genius.

@Drawingfishies - D: Omg, thank you for taking such measures to read the last
chapter. <3 And thank youuu for you comment, so nice, too nice :') I feel so
undeserving of such praises *bows*. Ohhh, I wish I could dream of Kaisoo too. That
would be some real sweet dreams lol.

@PurpleSwils - Lol, I might I might not try and read it if it's short.But I'm really bad
at remembering stuff like that. LOL, I didn't think you meant it that way, I was just
joking around XP LOL, I'm glad you liked that Kai made his own box :D I couldn't
help it :)

@taesteful - Lol, I'm glad you think so ^^

@iLLiad - *fist pumps of success* Yeshh, I'm glad :D. And I do have to agree with
you, a good author can make like anything work. Glad you liked the last update and I
hope you like this one too ;)

@MrsKkamJong - LOL, I wonder how you'll react to this update then. And I want you
to fall in love with them, that's like the best thing you could tell me :'). THankkkk
you. LOL, "NOW KISS" macro/meme comes to mind. BAHAHA, I shall keep my lips
sealed on any future events in this fic. Teehee, I'll let your imagination run wilddd

@Lullycream - Are you done your exams now? If you are, congrats! If not, keep
fighting on!! Lol, I made Kyungsoo a little sulky, like a child with his favourite
blanket teehee. LOL, secret passion for bickering. Maybe, maybe. Hopefully, the
progression this update is all right for youuu. Much love readernim bisoux xoxox

@IshidaMichaelis -Lol, I would be so unworthy of such an award, I thank you. YOUR

COMMENT IS ENOUGH AND MOREE <3 Mhm, if you liked that 'warmth' I hope you
liked this update :) LOL, I got an idea for the smut, but you know I got write
everything out and sometimes things change. Ohh well, I'll write it the best I can and
I hope you will like it when it's outt

@missEe502 - Lolll, I know this update still leaves some things up in the air but, I
hope /som/ things are answered. Omo, sleeeeepppp. Unworthy? Never! I will accept
even a dot (Chen reference FTW?) happily. <3 Thanks a bunch Zheeeee <3333

@summerdrag - And thank you for taking the time to comment. I'm glad you like
how I'm protraying them and their growing relationship :) I wanted to venture away
from the typical "I'm a sexy playboy" Kai and "shy nerdboy" Kyungsoo. Although, I
still have characterization left for both of them in order for that last statement to be
more true. lol. Anyways, hope this chapter wasn't too fast for progression for you.

@lovefaith - :D Glad someone liked the flowers :) LOL, gifs of Kai being all "Imma
wreck your innocence D.O" are the best and funniest. Psssst, love youu moree xoxox

@myloveisinfinitex3 - Lol, I admire your specialness. I definitely approve *thumbs

up*. And no problem! I personally like to reply and like it when authors reply so
yeah :)

@DBSKforever5 - Ahaha, that's I guess the idea of the boxes? Makeshift mini homes?
Kai's a weirdo though with his weird rooff. Glad you liked the last chapter and I
hope you like this one^^

@Serene - Ahaha, niccce. Yeah, the folding flaps was hard to describe. I searched
foreva for that picture at the beginning of the chapter, hoping it would help visually
(me+describing things=sucky).

@ExoticVIP - If I actually urge someone to do an arts and crafts project because of

this, I will seriously feel accomplished. LOL. Thankies for your support <3

AND that's it! Thank you to all commenters, subscribers, readers and what have
you. You are alllll amazing. So yeah. I'm off to bed now Loooovvve you all <3

5 Ventilation

Kyungsoo was sitting down on an infirmary bed, cursing his luck. Ache resonated
throughout his cheekbone when Kyungsoo lightly brushed his fingers across the
swollen area. How could he let him get by like that? God, I must have gotten rusty,
Kyungsoo thought. Kyungsoo sighed discontently and let his body fall back onto the

Kyungsoo has two rules:

Rule #1: Be nice. No matter what.

Rule #2: Never socialize with classmates outside of school. Ever.

Kyungsoo hadnít broken the second rule since he established it years ago (putting
recent events aside). However, Kyungsoo did experiment and bend the first rule in
the recent past. A year or so back, faking nice was taking a toll on Kyungsoo. He was
growing real tired of it actually. Being an incredibly curious person, Kyungsoo
imagined what his life would be like if he decided to set the first rule aside. His
fatigued mentality at the time was pleased enough with his made-up scenarios and
so, Kyungsoo decided to give it a shot.

The school he experimented with was legendary for housing delinquents. You could
probably guess that the new, short and bug-eyed kid would become something like a
walking target in an instant. When Kyungsoo thinks back, he figured that he would
have taken whatever came his way with a broken and pained smile. However, in
reality, he did indeed exchange his fake grin for sharp glares. With rule #1 out of the
way, Kyungsoo let himself fight back. Well, 'fight back' may not be the accurate
teminology when he started out; it was quite difficult and painful, but Kyungsoo was
a quick learner. How to throw a proper punch and how to get out of a choke hold
were a few of the many lessons he taught himself.

Time passed and he was content with the results of his experiment. After all, regular
people left him alone more than ever. Some even avoided trying to be in the same
room as him. However, Kyungsoo was apparently too good at defending himself and
his meat-head classmates considered his skills a challenge to be conquered. Much to
his dismay, word got around about ìSpitfire D.O.î (no, the nickname was not of his
making) and other gangsters from different schools came to pay him not-so-kind
It went downhill from there. Sure, faking a pleasant attitude was exhausting on his
mind, but getting forced into so many trivial fights was mentally and physically
exhausting. All Kyungsoo wanted was for people to leave him alone. Instead, he had
to always be on high alert because more and more people would provoke and/or
attack him. When it was finally time for Kyungsoo move away, he concluded it was
better to fake some smiles than to nurse some bruises.

Kyungsoo should have learned not to mess with his rules after that. But here he was,
experimenting with his second rule and the results he got werenít to his liking. At

ìI-is something wrong?î Kyungsoo asked, as the girl in front of him turned and
stared him down between first and second period. He smiled hesitantly, fiddling
with the pinwheel in his desk.

The girl ran her curious gaze across his features, ìYou know Kai?î

ìUh, kind of," Kyungsoo silently thought about how it was impossible to not know
Kai while attending that school.

ìHow?î she immediately shot back, ìare you friends?î

Kyungsoo felt his temper flare at her obnoxiously prying tone and fought the urge to
tell the girl to mind her own business. Grin in place, Kyungsoo, remember to keep
that grin in place and play nice.

ìSaying weíre friends is a bit much. We just see each other at lunch sometimes.î

ìBut whatís with the pinwheel he gave you?î

Well, damn it. She had to go test him like that.

ìWhy does it matter to you?î Kyungsoo snapped, unable to hide his annoyance any
longer. The girl reeled back with surprise but he didnít care. The girl should know
when to shut her trap.

ìHey Kyungsoo, didnít see you yesterday,î a familiar arrogant voice came from
beside him. Kyungsoo looked up from his desk and met with the dark eyes of the
type-two leader.

ìSorry, I was really busy,î Kyungsoo mumbled out, directing his attention back to his
notebook. A hand smacked down onto his desk with a loud bang. Surprised
classmates turned towards the source of the noise and stared at the two of them.

The leader smiled down at Kyungsoo with a vicious look to his eyes, ìthatís too bad,
how about chilling with us at lunch to make up for it?î the leader spoke with an
underlining hiss. Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes, obviously not pleased with the

ìIíve already got plans,î he replied, making sure his gaze was as sharp, if not sharper,
than the boy's towering over him.

ìOh really?î the leader smirked, ìwould those plans happen to be with your new
friend, Kai?î

Kyungsoo smirked right on back, ìwho knows?î

The leader did not appear fond of the mockery. Before the leader could mouth off
his anger, the second period teacher entered the classroom. With one last exchange
of glares, the leader marched back to his seat.

The lunch bell rang eventually and Kyungsoo had more than the usual amount of
stares watching him as he exited the classroom. He took a longer route, fearing
someone might try following him. Heck, he didnít know what lengths people would
go to in order to cure their curiosity.

After his detour, he climbed up onto the roof and found Kai painting on his box. Kai
noticed him right away and smiled, ìyouíre later than usual.î

ìTook a small detour,î Kyungsoo grumbled and crouched down next to his box. He
analyzed the sides before taking a roll of tape out of his pocket. With the pinwheel in
hand, he taped it to one of the corners. Once upright, the pinwheel caught wind
easily and started to spin. Kyungsoo couldnít help but smile at the sight.

ìYou like it that much?î Kai breathed across Kyungsooís ear. Kyungsoo flinched
away at the alarming proximity and Kai apologized through his chuckles.

ìG-got a problem with that?î Kyungsoo stuttered out, trying to hide his
embarrassment while rubbing the ear Kai spoke into.

ìNo, of course not. It makes me glad I went back and got it,î Kai bent down next to
him and tried to sneak a peek at Kyungsoo's face. Kyungsoo completely turned away
as a result. Kai sighed and directed his attention back to Kyungsooís box, ìIt suits the
box well,î he whispered before flicking the pinwheelís stationary blades.

Kyungsoo looked up and watched as it spun around. ìYeah,î he whispered back, ìI

think so too.î Kai and Kyungsoo sat there for a few moments before Kai reached out
and ruffled Kyungsooís hair. Kyungsoo slapped his hand away lightly and glared up
at the grinning Kai.
Kai silently stood up and walked over to his own box. He took a palette he had left
on the ground and started painting again. Kyungsoo brought his knees up and
tightly wrapped his arms around them. He rested his head down and simply
observed Kai.

Kai was completely at ease. The original blankness that Kyungsoo had felt when he
first saw Kai in the schoolís hallway had completely vanished. With steady brush
strokes and a concentrated expression, Kai transformed from a closed-off mystery
to a passionate artist. Kai had ambition while Kyungsoo had nothing but a box.

Not liking the conclusions he was drawing up, Kyungsoo got under his box in a
matter of seconds. A familiar wave overcame and calmed him. It was just the box
and him. The smell of the cardboard, the sun beaming on his scalp from the sunroof
and the smoothness of walls grazing his knees. Kyungsoo was at peace. Kyungsoo
was at home.

When the bell rang, Kyungsoo reluctantly left his box. Once he got out, he was
greeted with the sight of the most handsomely painted flower heíd ever seen. It was
simple but original at best. With its harsh edges and bizarre blue and green
colouring, it held character.

ìLike it?î

Kyungsoo's eyes found Kai, who sprung up from the other side of the box.
ìItísÖ nice,î Kyungsoo replied.

ìNice? I spent all lunch hour on it!î Kai put a hand over his heart in mock hurt, ìI used
the colours you specifically picked out too!î
Kyungsoo pulled his lips back, a little unsure of what to say, ìItísÖ really nice, Kai.
You have talent.î

ìCall me Jongin,î Kai softly told him after a few seconds, ìMy name is Jongin. Not Kai.î

The tone and the added flicker beneath Kaiís stare took Kyungsoo by surprise, ìBut,
isnít that whaó "

ìItís my artist penname. I made it up in an art class a while back and it stuck...but, I
thought between friends, you could, you know.î Kai shifts his gaze away and
aggressively scratches the back of his head, ìsorry, forget it. You can call me
whatever you want.î

Kai turned around and climbed down from the roof. Kyungsoo watched him as he
went, feeling tinges of guilt course through him. His eyes found their way back to
Kaiís flower and continued to admire it. Why couldnít he come up with a better
compliment? Before Kyungsoo could mull over the what-could-have-been-saids, he
remembered he had class. And he was going to be very late if he didnít run for it. So,
he ran.

Kyungsoo and Kai met at the gates after school (actually, it was more like Kai was
waiting for Kyungsoo by the gates). Without a word being said, they walked
together. They reached Kyungsooís house before long but when Kai turned to leave,
Kyungsoo called out to him.

ìSee you tomorrow Jongin.î And he bolted into his house, unfortunately missing the
ridiculously goofy smile that planted itself across Kai's lips.

The next day, Kyungsoo woke up with a soreness sloshing around his gut.
Something was wrong. He wasnít sure what exactly, but something was off. He tried
his best to ignore the ache as he got ready as he usually did and left for school.
He entered homeroom casually and sat down in his seat. He past some time by
reviewing some homework he finished the night before. The bell soon rang,
signaling the end of homeroom. A door at the front of the classroom opened quickly
and the type-two leader dashed in.

ìMan, where've you been?î A follower asked from the back as the two greeted each
other with a bizarre handshake of sorts.

ìJust had to renovate something,î the leader replied, and leaned back lazily in his
seat. Kyungsoo's and his eyes connected then. The most ugly of smirks spread onto
the leader's face, as if he was mocking Kyungsoo. Putting his confusion aside,
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and faced the class when the teacher started to lecture.

Lunch couldnít have arrived faster. The leader was shooting Kyungsoo strange looks
since the morning began and he had no idea why.

ìDude, is that paint on your sleeve?î A follower called out to the leader.

ìDamn it!î the leader cursed out. Kyungsoo's curiosity got the best of him and he saw
the leader vigorously rubbing at what appeared to be a black paint stain. Kyungsoo
figured karma was making its due and he shrugged his shoulders as he walked on.

Kyungsoo made his way down the usual beaten path. He paused in step when he
realized the air around him was different. Kyungsoo smelt something unfamiliar,
something like heavy paint. Maybe Kai had gotten there before him and was in the
middle of yet another art project for his box.

Kyungsoo climbed up the ladder and froze as soon as he got a peek of the roof. He
slowly eased his way up the ladder, eyes locked on the boxes. He stood up straight
and just stared.
Complete and utter sabotage.

Black spray paint was sprayed across both of the boxes, mixtures of immature
drawings and words marring both of the surfaces. The added attachments were
ripped off and cut to pieces. Kyungsooís pinwheel had been torn off and snapped in
half along with its blades cut, doomed to never catch wind again. Kai's flower was
completely destroyed.


Kyungsoo whipped around and watched as Kaiís expression turned from confusion
to shock. He stepped closer to the wreckage and turned back around to a Kyungsoo
biting his bottom lip especially hard.

ìKyungsoo, areÖ you okay?î

ìIím fine,î Kyungsoo managed to choke out the mangled reply. His legs zoomed their
way over to his box. He lifted it up and examined the inside. ìThe insideís fine. Thatís
what matters. Iím fine,î Kyungsoo looked to Kai, who was not an ounce convinced,
ìreally, Iím fine. Itís fine. The box is fine. I donít usually bother with the outside
anyways,î Kyungsoo mumbled quickly and firmly, almost as if he was convincing
himself, ìAreÖ you okay?î

Kyungsoo watched as Kai stood stiff with his fists clenching, ìNo. Iím not okay. Iím
angry. Why would someone do this?î

ìÖ Iím not sure,î Kyungsoo whispered out, unsure of how to deal with the new Kai.
The angered boy's stiffened form stormed over to Kyungsoo and gripped
Kyungsoo's upper arms tightly.
ìIím not sure how or why this happened, Kyungsoo, but Iíll fix it. Okay?î

Kyungsoo didnít quite know what to say at that point. How did Kai think he was
going to fix it? ìItís okay, Kai. Thereís nothing to fix. Iíll be okay. I think you should
worry more about yourself,î Kyungsoo lightly removed Kaiís hands from him and
walked over to his box. He lifted it up and let the four walls surround him. It was
okay, all Kyungsoo had to do was ignore the overbearing smell of paint and itíll be
okay. It was still the same.

School ended. Kyungsoo was feeling more like crap than ever before. When
Kyungsoo came back from lunch, the looks from the type-two leader became worse
and even more mocking.

Before Kyungsoo decided to leave for home, he stopped for a washroom break. He
flushed the toilet and was about to exit the stall when he heard a familiar voice enter
the washroom.

ìYeah, baby doll. Iíll see you soon.î

ìYou know Iím sorry about last night, baby. I had to teach someone a lesson.î

ìJust putting a kid in his place. Get this, him and his gay friend play in these boxes
during lunch, right?î

ìI know, they draw or whatever on their stupid cardboard boxes. So, I justó î

Kyungsoo kicked the stall door open in his blind fury. With a blank look in his eyes,
he marched over to the type-two leader and snatched his phone out of his hand.

ìHey, listen. Your boyfriend's going to have to call you back,î Kyungsoo then threw
the phone to the ground and thrust his heel harshly down onto the electronic.
ìWhat the fuó î

Kyungsoo gripped onto the front of the leaderís school shirt and shoved him against
the ceramic wall of the bathroom.

ìYou wanna run by me what you did to that kid?î Kyungsoo hissed.

ìDude, dude! Let me go! Iím sorry!î the leader pushed both his arms up in surrender.
It was a pathetic sight.

Kyungsoo scoffed and let him go, ìDonít mess with me again.î

The leader slumped his shoulders down. He straightened out his clothing before he
suddenly landed a punch square in Kyungsooís upper cheek.

ìDonít mess with me!î the leader spat. Kyungsoo lightly touched his cheek, anger
increasing exponentially. Kyungsoo was stupid to fall for such a trick.

Before the leader could blink, Kyungsoo had him against the wall again, ìI gave you a
chance. Now, let me show you how much you'll regret letting that go.î

The leader fought against Kyungsoo but it was useless. Kyungsoo had him in the
perfect hold and due to his little stunt, Kyungsoo felt no need to go easy on him.
This was for the boxes, Kyungsoo thought as he kneed the pathetic excuse of a
human in the gut.

This was for Jongin.

So, after dozens of minutes flying by, Kyungsoo decided he'd taught the leader
enough lessons for one day and brought him to the infirmary. The nurse looked as if
she was about to leave when they entered the room. She rushed over to the leader
who limply hung over Kyungsooís shoulder. Kyungsoo fed her a story about finding
him in that state. She eyed him suspiciously when she noticed the bruise forming on
Kyungsoo's cheek. She pointed to a free bed and told him to wait so she could attend
to him after she dealt with the leader.

So, there he was. Staring at the ceiling tiles, all 14 of them, as he waited for his turn
with the nurse to apply some bruise cream. Honestly, couldn't he just go home?

The sound of shoes slapping against tiled floor echoed louder from outside the room
and the door of the infirmary slid opened not long after. There stood a breathless
Kai. His eyes frantically scanned the room until they found Kyungsoo. He rushed
over to the bed and visibly relaxed.

ìThe other guy looks worse, right?î Kai asked.

ìMuch worse,î Kyungsoo replied and nodded to the whining boy across the room.

Kai reached out and lightly touched the bruise under Kyungsooís eye. Kyungsoo
flinched and smacked the hand away.

Kai promptly laughed and ruffled Kyungsoo hair, ìGood.î

(Revised chapter 09/08)

Ahahahahahaha, I made Kyungsoo a bad ass. Who expected that? I know alot of you
were all "Noooo, Kyungsoo's gonna get bullied." Bahhhh, nooo. Not the Kyungsoo in
here. After being a new kid for a while, you think he would learn to defend himself.
Anways. Moving on.

Popular kids= Not EXO members or any other celebrity. Just random faceless OCS.
They aren't that important, just some poop disturbers. Besides Kai and D.O, EXO
members probably won't show up in this fic. Maybe a random cameo, but besides
that, don't expect 'em.

Also, some of you might have noticed, but there's another name under the author
area: siahna!!! She's my wonderful beta. She's awesome. This is a first time thing for
both of us, sooo yeah (not sure where I was going with that >>). Anyways, much
thanks to her! BTW, I totally wrote this to Verbal Jint's song You Deserve Better. Go
check it out, it's amazing. Do ittt.

Now, I'm tired. So, let's do these comment replies! (Like a boss, you)

@MrsKkamJong - LOL, you make me want write a slumber party drabble or

something. Sexy pillow fight, anyone? Ahahah, dosey fool. And nope, no bullying for
Kyungsoo...well kind of. Errr. He fights back :D?

@myloveisinfinitex3 - Glad you like their friendship so far :D LOL, I know right! I
couldn't resist. And yes, Chanyeol's a giver like that XP

@aime2304 - Thank you <3 This chapter may not seem as sweet, but I hope you like
it all the same

@eletricblinger - Ahaha, you're kind of right. But Kyungsoo kicks some butt? And
we'll see what Kyungsoo and Kai have in store for them ;)

@chippawabrike - yesh, I'm glad someone does. I'm fond of windmills :D

@darkrose123 - Thank you, glad you liked it :) And Kyungsoo didn't exactly get
bullied, ahaha. Hope that wasn't too much of a surprise for people. Ohhh, yay! Hello
fellow canadian!

@Drawingfishies - Trouble happeneddd. Teehee. AHAHA, I know right. I had the

perfect image of Kai strutting his stuff in a classroom. I couldn't help it. Ahhh, it's
okay! I like replying :D It may take up some time, but I know I get happy when
authors reply to me soooo yeah :)

@taesteful - Ahaha, they kind of do, but Kyungsoo shows em who's boss :)

@PurpleSwils - OCs! Sorry, I didn't want to bother giving them names, cause...yeah.
They're not really important characters, just there to stir some trouble up. True
enough! July is usually a nice month, isn't it! Anyways, I'm glad you're liking the
progression :)

@DBSKforever5 - Ohh, thank you. I'm glad you found it creative ^^ Lol, I was
thinking of sending them off a cliff to their deaths actually (But not actually cause
I'm pulling your leg here). Hope you like this chapter as well <33

@SHINeeLuv1 - Naww, glad it made you giggle. I know this chapter is a little
more...serious? Sad? Anger inducing? Lol. Thanks for liking the story ^^'

@IshidaMichaelis - D: YOU DID? Omo, thank youuu. That means a lot. :D jfdhofhsdoi,
thank youuu. Lol, I can't wait til I get to it. I'm exciteddd. <3

@shieshiesae - Ahaha, we'll see what Kaisoo has in store for them <3 I'm glad your
liking the progression though :)

@sunshining - Naww, such a nice comment. Ahaha, I thought the windmill was a
nice touch. Thank youu <3

@lovefaith - Kaisoo rules. Thats the end of the story. You just look at the way they
interact and you just...melt. Like all gooey and stuff. Shipping like crazyyy. lol
psssssstttt, time need not matter. Loves to you *throws hearts*

@Lynn_Star - Ahaha, sorry if this was a long wait! Hope you liked it.

@stubbornyouth - :D Yayy, thank you. Hope you spent it well, And thanks! Glad you
like the story so far ^^

@doitlikethis123 - I'm glad someone noticed that part. I thought it was a stroke of
genius that many people won't notice, so I thank you (for me becoming even more
egotistical sigh>>)
@supergirl94ily - OMG, comment spam! lemme lovee youuu <3 Chainsaw? No need,
Kyungsoo can kick some butt! Now...put that away *hesitantly backs away* Yayy, I'm
glad you like this story :D Ahaha, I wanted to write something a little different for
the same reasons. Like those storys can be amazing, know :) Lol, I liked
your essay it was great. Feel free to write me more, I welcome them with open arms
*arms hugging laptop*. Thanksss again <3

@wookiekyuie - Yayy, hopefully you find this update interesting as well :)

@stepiee - Thank you, I'm happy you like it :) Annnd, nope, just some faceless OCS
whose only purpose is to cause some trouble.

@SHINEELUVA - LOL, thankkk you. Kaisoo feels are so lovely, I getchu.

@tami-- - Sobs, thank you. Such a compliment. I hope you like this update *cries
tears of joy*

@panjang45 - Sorry for the wait! Hope you like the new update, duhduhduh story
takes a different turn!

@you_life_ruiner - Naww, thank you <3 I hope you like the newupdate :D

@woobabylove0904 - Lol, I liked that question mark. I made their 'friendship'

weird, hence the quotations, oh well. Hope you liked the new update.

@missEe502 - Lol, I decided I'll end a chapter with a different Kaisoo pic/gif. You
know, leave you guys with a little eye candy before you leave <3 And we shall see
what the future holds in store for them. And yes, maybe some angst in the future.
But apparently, my mind doesn't compute angst very well, it makes it fluffy. WHY
BRAIN? Anyways. Lol, okie dokie. I'll love the comments either way <3 Loves to you

@Lullycream - D: Oh goodness, thanks for going so far to comment. Lol, it could have
waited. Gahh, you're almost done. I shall continue to wish you luck *throw fairy dust
or something like that* Lol, I live off tiny details like that. I just I dunno, I feel like I'm
terrible at describing things, soooo I add stuff like that to set the setting better? I
guess? Ohh well. DON'T APOLOGIZE. I liked it all the same. <3 Loveeeee xoxoxo

@Exolove - ...ouch. Should I apologize? Sounds like you went through something
painful. I hope you survive you exo/kaisoo feels enough to make it to this update lol.
But all that aside, your comment made me lol. *thumbs up* I approve. :)

Donnne, now. I shall leave you guys with this. Nigggghhhtt. Now.
6 Balcony

The next day, the call to the principalís office never came and the type-two leader
refused to even glance in Kyungsooís direction. Kyungsoo expected that though. He
figured the leader would make up some exciting little story for his bruises and cuts
that would be up to par with his popular image. After all, itís easier to lie. It also
doesn't hurt when lies can be so much more interesting than the truth. The painful
truth, in this case, being that the new kid managed to beat up a popular all-star

Kyungsoo could feel eyes lingering on his healing cheekbone when he entered the
classroom the next day. However, no one bothered asking what had happened or
how he was. Kyungsoo in return was relieved. He lied so often that he would take
any chance that avoided the making of tall tales. It was so easy to make up stories,
too easy.

The first half of the school day went by without hitch, though there was a small
amount of awkwardness due to the leaderís obvious discomfort towards Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo left the classroom with his lunch and typical book in hand, attempting to
ignore any attention drawn to him.
The state of the boxes remained the same, no matter how much Kyungsoo wished
that they would magically revert back to their original forms. Kyungsoo took one
deep breath in and got under his box. The smell of aerosol paint had sunken into the
cardboard and it was relentless as it abused his senses.He tried to reassure himself
it was just a tiny flaw in his haven. He could ignore the smell. After all, he still had
the familiar four walls soothing and embracing him.

Kyungsoo ate his lunch with one hand and read his book in the other. He became so
enraptured with the building plot line that when a knocking hit the side of his box,
he jumped. Unfortunately, the small scare caused Kyungsoo to drop his book.
Frowning due to the fact that he lost his page, Kyungsoo pushed the side window
open and gave the bright-eyed Kai a sharp and irritated gaze.

ìWhat is it?î

ìCome out,î Kai smiled, looking eager.


ìYouíll see if you come out.î

Kyungsoo searched Kaiís eyes for a moment, hoping to see a better answer. When
his search came up dry, Kyungsoo bit his lip and looked down to the closed book in
his lap. Since he already lost his page, Kyungsoo supposed it wouldnít hurt to see
what had gotten Kai all excited. So, placing his book and lunchbox aside, Kyungsoo
lifted up the box and got out from under it.

Kai was sitting next to his box with a large bucket to the left of him and a stack of
newspapers on the right. ìI said Iíd fix it.î Kai beamed, ìI donít know why I didnít
think of it earlier. I mean, we could have painted over the boxes completely, but this
is a far better, cheaper and fun idea.î
Kyungsoo glanced between the bucket, Kai, and the newspaper and attempted to
add them together and find the relation. ìI donít get it,î he said after a few moments.

Kaiís smile turned into a smirk. He ripped off a piece of a newspaper page and
dipped it into the bucket. He pulled it out after it was thoroughly soaked with white
liquid and then slapped it onto his box. The piece of newspaper easily hid everything
beneath where it was pasted, spray paint graffiti included.

ìGet it now? Itís called paper m‚chÈ ,î Kai said as he demonstrated by sticking
another piece of newspaper onto his box, ìoh, and also-î Kai fiddled around with his
back pocket and pulled out a pair of scissors. He ripped a portion of the newspaper
and started to cut. He quickly chopped out a star, dunked it into the bucket and
smacked it onto his box, ì-you can do that. Neat, right?î

Kyungsoo felt his breathing hitch. His eyes alternated between his box and Kaiís. He
wasnít quite sure how to react. ìDoes it cover up the smell?î he asked.

ìNot completely, itíll probably smell more like glue for a while.î Kai replied,
continuing to cover his box in different newspaper cut-outs, ìso, are you going to
join me? I only have one bucket.î

Kyungsoo gulped as he processed the invite. After releasing a long sigh, Kyungsoo
dragged his box over and sat on the other side of the bucket.

As soon as he got one piece of the newspaper on and marveled at how well it
covered the graffiti, Kyungsoo felt himself picking up his pace. He didnít bother
cutting out nice designs like Kai; all he knew was that he wanted his box covered
from top to bottom. With the smell of the putrid paint diminishing and having been
replaced by the light scent of glue, Kyungsoo felt his spirits lift one newspaper piece
at a time.
Kyungsoo absentmindedly dunked a piece of newspaper in the bucket at the same
time as Kai and their hands touched. Both were surprised by the contact and
dropped each of their pieces of paper into the liquid mixture. ìSorry,î Kyungsoo
muttered and took one of the pieces out. He was about to stick it on his box when he
realized that he had Kaiís heart-shaped paper in hand. ìOh, um sorry. Here,î
Kyungsoo offered Kai the dampened heart back.

Kai smiled and shook his head, ìitís okay, you can use it.î Kyungsoo pulled back his
offered hand and gazed down to the heart. He examined the wall he was close to
completing and tried to figure out where to put it. With lack of creativity, he simply
smacked it right in the center of the wall. Kai laughed through his nose and
mumbled, ìcute,î before turning to Kyungsoo with an excited expression, ìHey, I have
an idea! How about you design one of my walls and I design one of yours?î

Kyungsoo stared at Kai for a few seconds before comparing their boxes. So far Kai
had completed two walls and they were mostly covered with pretty cut-out shapes.
However, Kyungsooís two completed walls were solely made up of ripped pieces of
newspaper. ìAre you sure? I mean, itís not going to look as pretty as the rest of your
box,î Kyungsoo replied hesitantly.

ìThatís fine. It'll give it more character. So, come on, letís swap,î Kai picked up his
box and motioned for Kyungsoo to move his. Kyungsoo sighed before shoving his
box over to Kai and watching Kai place his box down in front of Kyungsoo. With the
swap done, they both began cutting and ripping away.

Kyungsoo did as he had with his own box, tearing random pieces of paper and
sticking them on. However, as he drew closer to completion, he snuck a glimpse at
Kai's progress and was left in awe. Kai was almost done creating some sort of paper
m‚chÈ masterpiece. His wall held an image of a very detailed and well-made cat (was
it--oh gosh, it was even texturized for heaven sakes!).

ìA cat?î Kyungsoo blurted out before he could stop himself. He quickly glanced away
and focused on hastily sticking more pieces of newspaper on the box in front of him.
ìIt's because you remind me of a stray cat,î Kai chirped out after a few seconds.

Kyungsoo froze before he sent a questioning gaze to Kai, ìI do?î

ìMhm,î Kai nodded and continued on with finishing the cat, ìyou both have this kind
of independence about you and you both know how to look out for yourselves.
However, you have a hard time trusting anyone beside yourself.î

Kyungsoo, on any other day and with any other person, may have felt offended. But,
realistically, he knew Kai was right. Kyungsoo looked back to his nearly finished
wall and was displeased to find it so lacklustre in comparison to Kai's. He knew he
couldnít compete with Kai in terms of artistic talent, but he'd at least rather go down
fighting. So, he started thinking of what Kai reminded him of. Images of Kai ran
through his mind but there were no sparks for an idea. Then, an image of Kai smiling
popped into his head and it just stuck right on. Kyungsoo leaned back and took in
the view of the sky. He relaxed when he felt warmth beam down from the sun and
onto his face.

Thatís when it hit him. He knew what Kai reminded him of. So, Kyungsoo grabbed a
large piece of paper and started carefully ripping a large circle. With that done, he
dipped the large circle into the bucket and waited until it was completely coated
with the watery glue. After that, he pasted it on the box. With the leftovers of the
circle, Kyungsoo made small triangles and placed them around the circumference of
the circle. When Kyungsoo finished, he felt a small swell of pride in his heart.

ìIs that a sun?î Kai asked, curiously taking in Kyungsooís creation, ìwhy a sun?î

Kyungsoo immediately flushed. Like hell was he going to admit that Kai reminded
him of the sun. ìJ-just cause. The sunís nice,î Kyungsoo stuttered out and started
fidgeting with the small clippings of newspaper within his hands. Kyungsoo felt
Kaiís stare nearly penetrate through him for a few moments before Kyungsoo got
the nerve to turned his head and meet Kaiís eyes, ìwhat is it?î
ìDo you like stars?î Kai asked with a straight face.

Kyungsoo knitted his eyebrows together in confusion, ìUm, I guess so. Yeah, theyíre
nice. Why?î

Kaiís lips broke out into a grin, ìGood, meet me here at 9 tonight.î

ìWhat? Why?î Kyungsoo quickly shot out, warning signs flashing in the back of his

ìDonít worry, youíll love it. So, you better show up or Iím going to come find and
drag you here.î

Before Kyungsoo could ask further questions or decline Kaiís invitation, the lunch
bell rang. Kai smiled one last time towards Kyungsoo before sitting up and grabbing
the handle of the bucket, ìI have to run and put this back in the janitorís closet. So,
Iíll see you later tonight.î And Kai got down from the roof, leaving Kyungsoo to
attempt to organize his feelings and thoughts.

When he got home from after school, his mind was a mess. His second rule was
screaming at him, telling him not to even dare take a foot outside the house. On the
other hand, another part of him was saying: well, the outing was inside the school's
premises. So, he wasnít technically breaking his second rule. Oh, who was he kidding
with that one?

Being friends with Kai was nice, but he didnít want their relationship to evolve any
deeper. They got along great and they talked fine. However, Kyungsoo was getting
worried. He didnít want to start getting attached to Kai. In fact, that was the main
thing he was trying so hard to avoid all these years. He didnít want to get attached to
anyone because, when the time came to move again, heíd have to leave them. Having
hurt himself in the past by leaving what he thought were good friends behind,
Kyungsoo didnít have any desire to re-experience that pain. And as time went by, he
found himself wishing that Kai wouldn't have to experience it either.

A ray of hope peeked through Kyungsoo's turmoil. Kyungsoo did know what to
expect and was confident he could protect himself against it. He also thought that
Kai could understood this as well. After all, Kyungsoo did warn Kai that he wouldnít
be around for long.

So, Kyungsoo came to the conclusion. Yes, he would meet Kai for whatever surprise
he had planned that evening. And while Kyungsoo was at it, he would make sure to
tell Kai that they needed to take a step back and slow down. That way, they wouldnít
start having certain expectations with their relationship.

After having dinner with the family and finishing his homework, it was time for
Kyungsoo to head out. So, dressed in jeans and a light sweater, he walked out of his
house and headed toward the school. What he didnít expect, or more so forgot, was
seeing the schoolís gates closed. Kyungsoo trekked around the school until he found
a low enough fence area and climbed over it. He made his way over to the old
storage building and onto the roof.

There, leaning against his own box, was Kai looking through a hand-held telescope.
Hearing Kyungsoo approach, Kai collapsed the telescope and smirked Kyungsoo's

ìYou made it.î

ìWouldnít want my parents to worry about my kidnapping,î Kyungsoo dryly replied

back. Kai snickered lightly and leaned his head back against his box, staring up to
the stars.
ìSurprise,î he whispered and held up the telescope, ìI thought having a companion to
stargaze with would be fun.î

Kyungsoo scoffed and walked over to where Kai was. He sat down a few feet next to
Kai and grabbed onto his box that was lying within armís reach. The box completely
blinded Kyungsoo until he popped the sunroof and side window open.

When he opened the window, he saw traces of a frown marring Kaiís face. ìWhatís
wrong?î Kyungsoo asked, ìAre you cold?î

Kai laughed aridly, averting his eyes, ìno, itís fine.î He slid the telescope open and
handed it to Kyungsoo through the side window. Kyungsoo took it and thanked him.
Kai gave a smile that dropped quickly. Kai then got under his own box and pushed
his side window open. Kyungsoo eyed him, still not understanding his change in
attitude. Thatís when he remembered that he shouldnít bother with something like
that and that he should be trying to distance himself. So, to distract himself from the
guilt building inside, Kyungsoo finally peeked through the eye of the telescope.

It was a beautiful view. Although the telescope was small and it didnít have
impressive magnification power, it still took Kyungsooís breath away. ìWow,î he
whispered and felt a small smile break through his lips.

ìDo you see the big dipper?î Kai asked. Kyungsoo moved the telescope around, but
he sadly couldnít see the constellation.

ìNo,î Kyungsoo mumbled and pouted minimally as he continued to look for it. He
gave up after a few more fruitless seconds. He looked to Kai helplessly and found Kai
trying to hold back his laughter.

ìDonít be so upset about it, itís just a constellation.î

ìBut, I still wanted to see it,î Kyungsoo retorts weakly.

ìYou can see it better without a telescope anyways. Only the seasoned professionals
know how to find constellations with telescopes.î

Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow at that statement, ìOh? And are you one of these
seasoned professionals?î

ìYou could say that,î Kai smirked right on back. Kyungsoo snorted and handed the
telescope to Kai through the window.

ìOkay, prove it. And donít try to pull a fast one; Iíll know when youíre lying.î

Kaiís smirk widened as he took the telescope, ìGladly.î And he peered through the
telescope's eye and directed it to the sky. ìAh, found Cassiopeia. It was named after
the wife of Cepheus, who was a king long agoó î Kai continued finding different
constellations and informing Kyungsoo fun little facts about each of them. Kyungsoo
listened intently as he took in the night sky. After a few more minutes, Kyungsoo
started to feel the cold seep in through his clothing. He wasnít exactly dressed for a
cold night and he wasnít expecting to be outside for so long. He hugged his knees
closer to himself and kept an ear on what Kai was explaining. Another minute went
by and Kyungsoo tried hard not to make his shivers and chattering teeth obvious.

ìó usually you can find the Leo by looking for a backward question mar- Hey, are you
okay?î Kai pulled the telescope away from his eye and squinted at Kyungsoo
through the dark.

Kyungsoo rubbed his arms and smiled lightly, ìYeah, just cold.î
ìOh. Do you maybeÖ want to come in here? I have a blanket and my box is big
enough for the two of us.î

Kyungsooís eyes nearly fell out of his sockets. His face started to feel a little warmer
with the blood rushing to it. On impulse, Kyungsoo found himself quickly declining
Kaiís offer. Kai only nodded in return, a blank expression appearing before he
quickly started looking through the telescope again. Some more minutes went by
and Kyungsoo was only getting colder. Sneaking a few glimpses at the occupied Kai
through his window, his bodily needs overcame his mental insecurities. He got out
from underneath his box and knocked on Kaiís. ìCan I come in?î he asked weakly
and attempted to gulp down some nerves.

Kaiís face immediately brightened and a genuine grin appeared, ìOf course you can.î
And he lifted the box up. Kyungsoo crawled in and was squashed right against Kai
and a cardboard wall. Although uncomfortable to others, Kyungsoo loved the
warmth radiating off of Kai on one side of him and the feeling of cardboard on the
other. Kai shuffled a little, trying to find a comfortable spot and rearranged the
blanket so it rested across the back of both their shoulders.

ìSo,î Kai whispered out, ìHow do you like the stars?î

Kyungsoo couldnít help but grin as he looked up through Kaiís bizarre ìopen roof
conceptî. ìTheyíre great. Itís sad I never stopped to admire them before,î he
whispered back.

ìNot even once?î

ìMaybe when I was younger, but not anymore,î Kyungsoo sighed.

ìWhy not?î
ìI donít really get out much now.î

Kai rested his head against his knees as he gazed at Kyungsoo, ìWhat do your
parents do?î

Kyungsoo blinked a few times at Kaiís question. It was a little unexpected, ìTheyíre
both fiction writers. So, moving around doesnít really affect their work as long as
they have an internet connection where they are.î

Kai nodded and peered to the sky again. He handed Kyungsoo the telescope and
Kyungsoo took it gingerly. He placed it to his eye and took in the stars.

Kyungsoo's senses were filled to the brim. His eyes were indulged by the sight of
beautiful stars, his nose tingled with the smell of cool air and Kaiís scent, his body
kept comfortable by the cardboard and Kaiís warmth, his ears soothed by the sound
of crickets and Kaiís steady breathing, his taste buds delighted by the humidity in
the air and Kaiís lips on his own.

Kyungsoo's eyes popped open in shock. With the telescope tightly gripped in hand,
Kyungsoo turned and bent his head down in order to stare at an apprehensive
looking Kai. ìWhatÖ was that?î Kyungsoo forced out.

ìI donít know,î Kai replied back through rasps, ìdid you like it?î

ìDid Ió I, I donít know,î Kyungsoo stuttered out, his face becoming more boiling hot
by the second. Kai leaned toward Kyungsoo and their lips met again. Kai took
Kyungsooís upper lip between his own two lips and pressed lightly for a few
seconds before pulling away.
ìHow about now?î he asked, this time much closer to Kyungsoo.

ìI-I donít know, Jongin.î

ìDo you dislike it then?î

Kyungsoo licked his lips, ìIím not sure.î

Kyungsoo was lying. Kyungsoo was straight up lying. Whoever said it was easier to
lie was right. Because Kyungsoo didnít dislike it. He didnít dislike it at all.

(Revised chapter 09/09)

throws confhettiii. Yayy first two kisses, nawww. Some of you may find that quick
but um, yeah. I can do what I like okay! >> Lol, I was kind of surprised when I looked
at my timeline and realized it was time. Oh well. Hopefully everyone liked it. :)

Um....What else to say. OH! I know! Shameless promotion! Do you like BAEKYEOL
and do you like SMUT? Well guess what! I wrote a oneshot smutty spin off for my
fluff baekyeol fic. If you haven't read it, don't worry, you can read the oneshot
without being confused :) Click here guys!

Another thing: Wanna see where I'm at with my writing? Wanna know why I might
be taking so god damn long? Check me out on twitter: PurpleandPluto and I also
have a tumblr, but I haven't really set it up yet >>

Also, sorry for the long wait on this one guys. I've been working everyday since last
tuesday and my next day off is this Thursday. So, hopefully expect another update
Okay, comment replies nowww:

@aimee2304 - :D Glad you like he's a fighter ^^

@myna92 - :O Thank you, I'm so happy you like it /letears

@Drawingfishies - HII there, lol. Yeshhhh, I'm glad badass Kyungsoo is getting a
good response. I was worried people wouldn't like him :'( LOL, no babies at the end
of this update, but I hope you still like it.

@PurpleSwils - Ouch, your feels sound painful. YES, thank you for liking Spitfire D.O
(lolling at my own invented nickname for him) Lol, your interpretion of Kai and
Kyungsoo in this fic makes me sooo happy. I'm super glad you see them this way
(although it might be a little tortorous). Let's continue riding the Kaisoo ship
together ~~

@darkrose123 - Yayy, thank you :) I'm glad you like it so far, I hope I can continue to
please you...and maybe shock you some more? Who knows. Lol, badass Kyungsoo
developed when I realized that people aren't always nice to new people, so I thought
some more and created Spitfire D.O. ><'

@taesteful - Heh heh, he's a wimp :P

@ExoticVIP - Lol, I don't think you realize how much my Dr.Evil side came out when
I read a bunch of comments worrying for Kyungsoo. I wanted to cackle at my laptop.
Like, evil villian "I have a plan" style. Anyways, I'm glad you like Spitfire D.O ^^'

@sunshining - Teehee, yayy thank you. And yes, anyone who messes with Soosoo
will feel our won't be pretty.

@kate64100 - /cries, thank you for such a nice comment. I'm glad you seem to like
everything so far. I hope you'll continue to like it :')

@b2sttimetofly - The fact that you took the time to comment makes me giddy.

@SHINeeLuv1 - Surprise! Ahaha, hopefully you're okay with Spitfire D.O :) AND I
TOUCH YOUR LOVER. *coughcough* Done. LOL, Taemin/Kai slip there? It's okay. I
forgive you. Yayy, I'm glad you find their personalities match them. For me, I don't
think I can write them too OOC you know? I kind of saw Kyungsoo having the
potential of being a perfect fighter because,boy, can he glare...not that he does it
often cause he's such a sweetiepie <3 Okay, confession, I orgasm everytime I listen
to My Lady (okay, slight exaggeration but very close to the truth) Thankkkkss for
liking this much love, okay? xoxox

@MrsKkamJong - "Chill bro, I got it" Totally had the perfect strutting image of D.O
cause of that LOL. And good luck with your allergies :) Ahaha, thanks for pointing
that moment out. It's one of my random fluff moments I came up with in the middle
of writing. And trust me, if I could get them married, I WOULD. Lmfao, OH NO

@lovefaith - I COULD have had Kai come to the rescue..but yeah, it's cutie butt
kicking Kyungsoo so much more interesting to read? Lol, self complimenting
*smacks self* LOL, superhero Kyungsoo. Special Weapon: KILLING YOU WITH

@wookiekyuie - Yeshh, thanks for liking him. I realized after creating him how much
I'm going against the weak and vulnerable stereotype that is D.O XP

@tami-- - Thank youuu, lol.

@vanndee13 - YAY, good. I'm glad :D

@DBSKforever5 - Ahaha, it's sort of true. I mean, he's getting all angry about
boxes....and for Kai's sake teehee. Anyways, yes leader is immature cause he's a
dumbo. He's probably not going to make much of an appearance anymore. That
section is donnnne. Onto other conflicts teehee.

@yangie - /sniffs. Rweally? You rweally think so? Thank you for saying that :') My
feels for your comment.../huggles

@IshidaMichaelis - We're all just so thankful for each other *hugs* LOL, surpised
you, did I? GOOD XP Bahaha, getting a little too ahead of yourself, but...I understand.
I can't wait til I get to it either. Anyways, hope the last part was a nice but
veryveryveryvery small preview for you.

@myloveisinfinitex3 - I liked that you used mind blowing in your comment, you get
brownie points ;) And I'm glad you like Spitfire D.O so....*throws more brownie
points* You rule ;)

@supergirl94ily - know, after Kaisoo came along, I started wondering the
same thing XP Lol, that's true but nope. Didn't work out that way cauuuse yeah :)
Lol, Kyungsoo is still a little snarky, though not by much. AND I tots gave you some
Kaisoo love by the end of this update. So, HA. And essays are always welcomed in my
comment section *arms wide open* I am ready to receive!

@woobabylove0904 - Yayy, glad you like him...and the gif ;)

@MissEe502 - Surprise surprise teehee ^^ Yayy, hopefully you like their progress in
this chapter as well ;)

@blaaah - Ahaha, now you make me wish I added a frying pan within the beating
with your umme reference LOL. <3

@JuliaYes - HII there, glad you found this and thanks for subscribing! ;) yeah, I
surprised a few people who D.O but, people seem to be taking it all right. /fliptables
/love/ replying to them! It's completely fine. Thanks so much btw, ~~<3

@14blackbirds - Sniffling, thank you. I'm glad you support my badass Kyungsoo. I
know he breaks the mold a little, but thank youuu <3 I hope you'll continue to like
this fic :)

@krazi_Muzique - Score, now you shall think of Kaisoo everytime you see a box!
*POOF* LOL, I'm glad you like those parts <3 They're some of my favs too. OMG
motha fluffa, can I steal that off you? I love that! Thanks so much for the awesome
comment, much love coming your way ~~<3

@shellfish - :O PSSST, I love you and your comments. Omg, this might work out to be
a beautiful friendship :P

@chippawabrike - Can I admit that I liked that you called me comrade? Like
seriously. Lol, Thank youuuuuu <3

Comments replies = done! One important thing before I go: COMMENTS MAY TAKE
THE SIZE, I LOVE ALL COMMENTS. Except those who bash Kaisoo, you guys can all
just leave...or face the wrath of Spitfire D.O. XP

Kay, done! I'mma leave you guys eyes with something :

7 Picket Fences

Needless to say, Kyungsoo has never been in a romantic relationship before.

Admittedly, he has had the occasional crush on a nice classmate in the past but
when he would realize his developing feelings, he would immediately distance
himself until the danger faded or until he would move again.

With little experience in the romance department, Kyungsooís not quite sure what
to think of Kai. Whatever the connection between Kai and himself is, Kyungsoo canít
put a name to it. He thinks theyíre friends but, as days pass, the affectionate touches
and the hesitant kisses get more frequent and Kyungsoo never once feels like
resisting them. Thereís no declaration of what they are or where either of their
feelings stand. So, Kyungsoo decided they were together. They werenít lovers and
they werenít friends. They were just together. Itís a broad and an up-for-
interpretation kind of term but he thinks that fits their relationship just fine.

And heís okay with that. He likes Kai. Yes, there is no doubt that the whole idea
behind liking someone would scare the daylights out of Kyungsoo. However, when
Kai pulls him under his paper m‚chÈ box and kisses him with feelings, feelings
Kyungsoo never thought he would ever receive, he canít help but drown himself in
the euphoria.

Itís the times when Kyungsoo is about to fall asleep that he gets that disgusting and
nerve-wracking feeling in his gut. His family had been stationary for a while now;
two months approximately. Time goes by and Kyungsoo started noticing the
dreaded signs. His mother was less cheerful and his father anxious. At dinner time,
the complaints were beginning to add up. First, the produce from the local grocer
was rotting too quickly; second, the anti-social neighbours didnít even bother to
introduce themselves; third, the irritatingly squeaky floorboards in the house. The
list only kept building after that.

When his mother begins searching through the house listings in the newspaper and
circles blocks of words with a red pen, Kyungsoo really gets thinking. He needs to
prepare himself and, more importantly, he needs to prepare Kai. So, when the next
day arrives, Kyungsoo promises himself that he will talk to Kai and not get
distracted by those beckoning lips or tender touches.

ìJongin.î Kyungsoo gasps as Kai breaks off a kiss. It was the morning, right before
homeroom, and Kyungsoo finds himself being pulled into an unoccupied room. Kai
greets him good morning with a smile and cups Kyungsooís cheeks with both hands.
He leans forward and their lips meet.

ìJongin, I need to talk to you.î Kyungsoo grips the bottom of Kaiís shirt lightly and
tilts his head down in order to avoid any further distractions induced by Kai's gaze
or mouth.

Kai luckily notices Kyungsooís tone and drops his hands to Kyungsooís neck,
rubbing his thumb against his jaw in a comforting manner. ìWhatís wrong?î Kai

ìI think Iím moving soon.î

Kaiís hands remove themselves from Kyungsoo as if his skin is hot like fire.
ìYouÖ you think?î Kaiís stare is penetrating and his posture tense.

ìThe signsÖ theyíre appearing,î Kyungsoo replies, averting his gaze to the chalkboard
next to him.

ìWhat signs?î

ìThere are signs, Jongin.î Kyungsoo finally looks to Kai and attempts a weak smile.
ìIíve done this a lot, you know.î
Kai regards him silently. Itís during those few intense moments that the homeroom
bell rings. Kyungsoo bites his lip and his nerves draw his attention to his feet. As he
turns around to exit, a hand latches onto his arm and stills him.

ìMeet me by the gates after school.î

And Kyungsoo does.

Itís different from the previous time they went out together. Kai takes out his large
earphones and places them over Kyungsoo's ears. A simple instrumental creeps its
way through Kyungsoo as Kaiís hand slips into his. Kai refuses to let go of his hand
as they board a transit bus; almost as if heís scared that they will separate.
Kyungsoo tightens his grip to show Kai that heís not going anywhere.

Kai lets Kyungsoo slide into the two-seater first and follows after him. Their knees
knock together and their hands still adjoined. They get off at the same stop as the
time before and walked through the same streets. They enter the same art store and
Kai leads him down familiar aisles to a familiar section holding sketchbooks.

ìPick one.î

Kyungsoo does so without hesitation. Kai takes it off the shelf and walks away,
pulling Kyungsoo along with him. Kai finds and buys up a black and white pinwheel
along with the sketchbook before theyíre off. They shortly end up at the same fast
food joint from their previous outing. Kai orders the same food for them and they
seat themselves in the same booth. Kyungsoo doesnít understand whatís going on
but if itís what Kai wants, heíll go along with it. But the more he goes with the flow,
the more uncomfortable he gets. Kyungsoo never realized how loud chewing can be
until he realized that they haven't spoken a word since they sat down. Their entire
meal continues without any exchange. When the last fry is finally finished, Kai goes
and orders two milkshakes to go.
They walk back to the bus stop and finish their milkshakes while bussing back to
their neighbourhood. Kai walks Kyungsoo home and they stand outside Kyungsooís
front gate.

Kai leans down, a hand behind Kyungsooís neck and kisses him. With feelings. The
world around Kyungsoo starts to disappear as it usually does and all he can think of
and sense is Jongin. The kiss isnít urgent, needy, or passionate. The kiss is slow,
comfortable, and warm.

Kai pulls back and Kyungsoo is left starry-eyed.

ìThings donít always remain the same,î Kai whispers to him. Kyungsoo slips out of
his dormant state and processes what Kai had said. With a hint of hope in Kaiís eyes,
Kyungsooís heart clenches. ìLittle things can make a difference. They may run along
the same path, but the outcome isnít always the same, okay?î

Kyungsoo thinks he gets what Kai is trying to do and say despite how indirect he
was. Kyungsoo sighs and looks to his feet. He grips the hand placed gently on the
side of his neck and squeezes. ìI thought the same way for a long while...but after
being proven wrong so many times, Iíve come to just accept it as is.î

ìYou canít be sure that this time will be the same. We have to try. You have to try.î
Kai takes Kyungsooís other hand and squeezes it back. Kyungsoo gets that familiar
and sickening gut sensation. He pulls his hands out of Kai's and stares at him with
what he hoped looked like an apathetic stare.

ìItíll be the same. Iíll have to pack, move away, and leave you behind. Nothingís
going to change, Jongin. Like today, youíll always have to leave me and go home at
the end of the day.î Kyungsoo removes his gaze, unable to handle the heat of Kaiís
stare. ìGood night, Jongin,î he whispers and turns away.
He just gotten his front gate open when he feels the fence shake. Looking over for
the source, he sees that Kai had plopped himself down and was leaning against the

ìÖ What are you doing?î

ìProving you wrong,î Kai replies while staring across the street. He raises a hand
with the art storeís plastic bag hanging off of it. ìThis is for you by the way.î

Kyungsoo takes the bag slowly as his eyes analyze Kai's stern expression. ìYou canít
be serious,î Kyungsoo drones out. ìYou canít just sit there all night.î

ìI can and I will.î

ìNo, you wonít.î

ìYes, I will.î Kai finally turns to Kyungsoo with a challenging gaze. That was enough
to trigger Kyungsooís temper.

ìFine, stay there for all I care. Donít blame me if you get cold or, or, or get eaten alive
by the bugs or the raccoons or something!î Kyungsoo then whips around and
marches into his house. As much as he would have liked, he canít slam the front
door shut and add to his dramatic departure. The last thing he wanted was to draw
his parentsí attention to a classmate who was making camp outside their house.

Kyungsoo greets his parents who were both working furiously on their manuscripts
in their shared writing room. They wave a hand in recognition and get back to their
work. Kyungsoo heads up the stairs and enters his room. He throws the plastic bag
onto his bed and lets his body fall next to it. He stares to his ceiling and his thumbs
naturally began twiddling. After a few anxious seconds, Kyungsoo leans up and
looks out his window that had the perfect view of the front yard. He could see that
Kai had put his earphones on and his legs were pulled up against his chest.
Kyungsoo observed as Kaiís clouded breaths slowly disappeared into the air.

After fighting a battle with his conscience, Kyungsoo is able to force himself to look
and step away from his window. He changes into his flannel pajama pants and loose
t-shirt before grabbing a book off his bookshelf. Cozy underneath his warm
comforter, Kyungsoo contently reads.

That was a lie. Kyungsoo wasn't content at all. Not even Kyungsooís favourite book
could keep his mind off of a certain boy sitting outside his house. That is, if that
particular boy was still there. It had been a while since Kyungsoo had last checked. It
was almost 1 in the morning anyways, Kai should have given up by now and gone
back to his own warm bed.

Kyungsoo hesitates before flying out of bed and rushing to his window. His eyes
bulge when he realizes Kaiís body was lying on its side. Fearing the worst, Kyungsoo
thumps down the house's staircase and runs outside. Fiddling with the lock on the
gate with his jittery fingers, he finally opens it and crouches down next to Kai.

Kai had his eyes closed with his body trembling with shivers. Kyungsoo prays he is
only sleeping, so he tries to wake him up by reaching over and shaking him
violently. Thankfully, Kaiís eyes open rather quickly and they take in their
surroundings. Realization runs across Kai's face before he sits straight up.

ìGo home, Jongin.î Kyungsoo pleads.

ìNo, Iím not leaving you,î Kaiís voice rasped out.

ìI get your point already. Just go home, okay?î

ìNo, you donít get it, and it defeats the purpose if I leave now. So, no, Iím not
leaving.î Kai gives Kyungsoo the once over. ìYou should go inside now. Itís not good
to be out here without any shoes or a sweater.î

Kyungsoo regarded Kai with complete disbelief. ìYouíre worried aboutó î Kyungsoo
rubs a hand over his face while sighing, ìYou should go home.î Kai doesnít offer a
reply. ìJongió ì

ìWhat do I have to do to make you believe that Iím not leaving?î Kai cuts him off,
seemingly annoyed.

Kyungsoo bites his bottom lip and just stares at Kai who was trying very hard to
keep his body tremors unnoticeable. The cold was starting to bite into Kyungsoo's
flesh and his bare feet were stinging on the cold pavement. All this being said when
he was only outside for a few moments; he could barely conceive of what Kai was

ìWill you at least come inside then?î

Kai's furrowed eyebrows shoot up and he blinks hard at Kyungsoo in disbelief.

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes in response and offers a hand. Kyungsoo could read Kai
questioning his motives in his stare. ìHurry up, Iím about to freeze my toes off.î
Kyungsoo whispered and shook his hand around for added emphasis. When he feels
how cold Kaiís hands are, guilt punches him in the heart. He grips the hand tightly
and urgently drags Kai inside the house.

Kai kicks off his shoes and Kyungsoo beckons him to be quiet as they go upstairs to
Kyungsooís room. Once in his room, he feels arms slip around his waist and a cold
body press against his back. ìYouíre so warm,î Kai whispers against Kyungsooís
neck. Kyungsoo tenses for a moment before freeing himself from the grasp. He grabs
Kai by his shoulders and directs him to the bed. He forces Kai to lie down and piles
every blanket he could find on top of him. He takes a sleeping bag from his closet
and rolls it out onto the floor.

ìYouíre not joining me?î Kai whispers from somewhere between the mountain of
fabric packed on top of him. Kyungsoo shoots him a look as he sinks into the
sleeping bag.

ìGo to sleep, Jongin.î And Kyungsoo rolls onto his side so his back faces the bed.
Closing his eyes, heís surprised to realize just how tired he was when he falls quickly
and deeply to sleep.

The next morning, Kyungsoo wakes up with fingers running through his hair. Slowly
opening his eyes and glancing up, he sees Kai serenely gazing down at him. ìGood
morning,î Kai whispers and gently smiles. He leans down but Kyungsooís hand
shoots up and prevent their lips from touching. Kai tilts his head in confusion when
Kyungsoo removes his hand. ìWhat is it?î Kai asks.

Kyungsoo blushes when he thinks of the reason. It was really stupid now that he
thought about it. Kai examines Kyungsooís flushed expression and then smirks.
ìWhat? Worried about morning breath?î he snickered out. A little embarrassed by
Kaiís accurate guess, Kyungsoo tries to hide his face with the only thing available;
Kaiís chest.

Thatís when it hits him. He pulls back from Kai and takes in the bedís comforter he
definitely did not fall asleep under. Turning around, he sees an empty sleeping bag
on the floor in front of his bed. He rolls back around and comes face to face with a
mischievous looking Kai. ìYou looked cold.î Was the excuse that came out of Kaiís
mouth. Kyungsoo only glared and haughtily got out of the bed.

Kai follows after him and drapes his arms around Kyungsooís neck from behind
before he could leave the room. ìDo you get it now?î Kai whispers into his ear and
squeezes him lightly. ìThis time, things can be different.î
Kyungsoo slowly turns around in the embrace. ìNo, things arenít going to change,

ìYouíre right,î Kai knocks their foreheads together, ìThey arenít if you donít try.î

ìAnd how do you suppose I try?î Kyungsoo whispers, concentrating on their bare
feet rather than their proximity.

ìHave you talked to your parents?î

ìThat wonít work,î Kyungsoo immediately replied, shaking his head.

ìHave you even tried?î

ìIt wonít work,î Kyungsoo repeats. Lifting his head and finally peering into Kaiís
eyes, he pleads with Kai to drop the subject.

ìTry, Kyungsoo.î

ìIt wonít work.î And Kyungsoo escapes from Kai and exits the room.

Kyungsoo whips up some Saturday morning breakfast for Kai and himself. He was
thankful that his parentsí deadlines were near because that meant that they rarely
left their writing room, no matter what happened outside of it.
Kai eats and leaves without a goodbye kiss, a touch, or a word.

Kaiís mad at him. And Kyungsooís mad at himself.

(Chapter revised 09/15)

Okay, hii guys <3 How is everyone doing? Good I hope. I had a little trouble with this
chapter D: I hope everyone likes it nonetheless ^^ Special thanks to
ForeverFlippingA and siahna for giving me their valuable opinions J

So, story talk: OMG, the moving conflict has finally arrived! Like you werenít
expecting that lol. Stay subbed to find out what happens D: D: D: D: D: D:!!

Speaking of subs, HOLY MOTHA FLUFFER (lol, creds to a special commenter. You
ANDDDD dies. Thank you everyone :í( Youíre all so nice. I.just.canít. /diesagain.

Okay, now serious chat:

In regards to the smut chapter: I want to make this fic as pleasant as possible for
everyone. I understand some people are not comfortable with smut. Heck, when I
first started getting into the whole boyxboy thing in mangas, I just couldnít bear
reading the yaoi ones. Yup, only cute shounen-ai for me. Then, I obvi eased myself
into it that it got to the point where I enjoy hardcore graphic yaoi (image wise at
least. Wanna read a really good one? I recommend Wild Rock, SOOO good).
Anyways, getting sidetrackedÖ The smut chapter CAN BE SKIPPED OVER. I will post
two chapters at once, one with an m-rating and the other being a ësafeí chapter
following the smut. So, if youíre not down for smut, you can skip over the m-rated
chapter and read the next one no problem. I hope everyone will be okay with this
arrangement will continue to enjoy this story.

Okay, glad I did that. Onto comment replies. Annnd there are a lot. Bear with me?

@aimee2304 ñ lol, thankies :) Hope you like this update~~

@DBSKforever5 ñ Bahaaa, yeah. I surprised myself lol. I didnít realize how romantic
it was until people started commenting, I was likeÖ .derr, I made a clichÈ kiss scene
lol. OH WELL, Iím glad you liked it anyways!

@Exolove ñ Gosh, your feels sound so painful. May you survive your fangirling years
*blesses*. Ahaha, there are a lot of good Kaisooís angst coming out right now. I get
chu, Iím glad the last update could balance out your heart <3 Lol! Hope you liked
the Baekyeol smut if you read it >> ;)

@panjang45 ñ Naww, thank you. Iím glad you like it ^^ Things are about to get
serious though! Uh oh!

@MrsKkamJong - *cleans out ears* Wow, you got some lungs on you! Lol, sorry Iím
lame. OMG, adoption Sehun, oh my gosh. That would be perfect. Gosh, you should
have a list of fic prompts. LMFAO, itís true. Kai is totally on the prowl for a hot piece
of D.Onuts. XP Ö I feel like you wonít let this slumber party thing down. Oh goodness,
I brought this upon myself, didnít I?

@Tika_Pyro - *waves magic fingers* Question=answered. :)

@taesteful ñ LOL, yupppp

@shieshiesae ñ Ahaha, so much angst. I gotta balance it out (itís not like I already
planned this out before they got this angst out pftt no, I serve my readers >>
coughcough) Iím happy to have bended your broken Kaisoo heart <3

@Drawingfishies ñ Lol, sorry, I wish I could better explain paper mache to you, even
if youíre telling my itís okay. Iím really not good with describing things sometimes
><í Naw, glad you liked the kiss. Kind of happened out of nowhere, but yeah. The
funny gif a day, keeps the smile on mah face. :P

@SHINeeLuv1 - *gathers Kaisoo feels in arms and hands them over* There you go,
enjoy. AND I WANT OU TO LIVE OMG *grabs electric heart booster thing that Iím too
lazy to google the name for* LIVEE! You alive yet? Anyways, I tots followed you on
tumblr a few minutes ago. My tumblr isnít really ëactiveí yet. Not sure what Iím
waiting for, maybe when I work less? ANYWAYS, I wish I could have the time to do
what you do /falls over in tears. Sounds so lovely. LOL, I didnít realize the whole
starry night thing would be so popular. Right on *thumbs up* :)

@yingyangbutterfly ñ Naww, donít feel bad. Comment when you feel like it. :) Lol,
yeah I totally sneaked that kiss in there. Was wondering if it was too sneaky. Ohhh
well. And yeahh, I posted the chapter before letting my beta check over it because it
had been a while since I last updated. I was tres excited >

@chippawabrike ñ Really? I made you imagine that? WONDEFUL! *throws confetti*

Russian accent=accepted. XP Thank you comrade for commenting! Umm, hopefully
Kyungsoo had enough angst for you OOí Not sure, Iím not really experienced with
angst (even when I gosh darn try it ends up fluffy in the end, waeee?
#authorsnotimportantproblems) Lol, glad you liked my impromptu metaphor.

I like how you see this story. You make me feel like it's so pretty and romancey. Lol,
you boost my confidence! *facepalms* Yeah, that kiss sentence. I debated with
myself over it for like several minutes. I was wondering if it was too sneaky...hence
why I italicized it cause I thought people might miss it or something. So, I'm glad you
liked how I wrote it :') Naww, you are too kind *ugly crying face* You make such
lovely comments, you really are like amazing~~ with multiple swiggly lines, okay?
Let's chat on twitter sometime okay XP!

@myloveisinfinitex3 - Lol, I guess. I don't knooooooowww *smirky giant smile thing

here* OMG, DONGHAE. COME HERE *drops confetti previously caught and runs to
catch Donghae instead*

@darkrose123 - Wahh, real life drama D: No wayyy. That's too much *modesty
modesty modesty*. Ohh, no worries :) Being a not-so-frequent commenter myself, I
definitely like it when author's reply. I wanted to do the same for my readers. I know
some people aren't fans and just want to be silent readers and don't like this big
block of unrelated text...but yeah. I like replying so yeah...yeah. AND YOU ARE
SPECIAL! You have a place in my hearttt <3 <- my heart.

@shellfish - OMG, no! COME BACK TO LIFE. This friendship barely started!

@sunshining - :') Thank you so much. Lol, glad you liked the kiss. And I see nothing
wrong with squealing and fangirling. Actually, I shall join you. /finds photo of Kaisoo

@Xandra - You don't say? Well, I love you too. <3 XP

@jellified - Sparkles. Accepted. Me gusta.

@summerdrag - You bring up a good point about the size of the box. I'm not sure, I
just let my imagination do it's thing. But I can tell you it's probably a huge friggin
box LOL.

@JuliaYes - Omg, anime adaption of this? You flatterer, you! Naw, thanks. I was like
eepp, too soon? Aahaha anywoot, I fulfilled your request with more kisses, hoped
you liked it ;) And I'm still fangirling over your fanart. Like ferrealz. You are one cool

@lovefaith - lmfaooo, it's so true. Kyungsoo is a dumbie :P Naw, glad you liked the
kiss scenes :) Uh oh, D: ...what's your UN? I'm so bad at guessing. I will properly
greet you! And and and send you lots of love tweets...or something ~<3?
@taembb__ - Bahahaa, Kyungsoo needs some sense knocked into him. Kai might be
the one to do it :O? OMG, you followed me? YESH, your UN? I'll tweet you my love
and moree.

@tami-- - *swipes off sweat* Thank goodness, I'm glad you like the kiss! I was legit
staring at the way I did it for several minutes before I was like EFF IT, it's gonna stay
that way!

@stepiee - Gahh, I'm happy :') You make me happy :) SMILES everywhere. I'm glad
you like all the chapters ><' I hope you like this one too fgfhdiodfhgd

@blaaah - Teehee, he's nice isn't he? He's kind of nicer than I originally planned. But
um, yeah. I and other seems to like him enough :)

@supergirl94ily - LOL, corruption is EVERYWHERE! Lol, no worries. It's awesome

that you commented but me being a worrisome mothering type, I'm going to be all
"You should may attention in school!" And stuff. But, my thank you, you are an
awesome rebelling person whose like amazing, is overpowering my mothering side.

@wooyochie - Teehee, I'm happy you loved it and the kiss (which I had a terrible
internal debate over). Hope you likey this update :)

@woobabylove0904 - Bahaha, yup. Kai can be all not sauve at times. :P

@you_life_ruiner - Your UN makes me think I'm ruining your life. lol. I hope you like
this updateee <3

@SmilingAngel16 - ohmegosh, thank you for comment :') I'm happy. Like real happy
you did <3 I hope you continue to like it ^^!!

@krazi_Muzique - I love your comments. You really make me think you read my
story word for word! It's so nice to know someone does that! /tearseverywhere. I'm
happy like the story and my replies :")

@Slowly - BAM, surprise right? Ahaha, I was debating with myself the way I wrote it
for a while before I was like "just italicized that shiz and gogogog" Gahh, sneaky kiss
scene is sneaaakky. Lol, not going to lie, the whole forgetting to sub has happened to
me before

@ayade_e - Hear that? That's my jaw dropping because of your amazing comment., oh too late. They're everywhere now. The way you
see the fic makes my heart flutter wildly, thank you so much! I wish I could give an
awesome reply back, I don't think I can compare. So, all I can wholeheartedly say is
THANK YOU and lemme hug you a little? Please? My feels :')
@SimpleMinded - Lol, I'm imagining Lay making a random appearance now due to
your unicorn reference. And chanyeol with your creepy reference. AHAHAHA,
anyways. Thank you so much!

@Abbeykwon - Ohh, hello new reader *waves* Lol, I tried hard to avoid making it
too fluffy...but then, boom. FLUFF. There's like angst Kaisoo evvvverywhere. I feel
alone a little. lol, but I'll be okay. lol, glad this fic could save your heart <3

@Alice-ana - Goodness, that's one hell of an ego-boosting statement. You're too

much *waves hand and blushes profusely*

@Myakyuki07 - Late? NEVER. A comment is better than none, I accept them at all
times of the day...or rather AFF does but besides the point. Omg, does the fic actually
make you feel that way? Yeshh. And I totally know what you mean with the
engineer/art thing. I was going to go into engineering but changed routes to
something into the arts (cognitive science). Anyways, off topic. You ish cool and I luv
you loads.

@RedLadyJewel - You...have blown my mind. REALLY? Score! Cardboard box trivia

FTW. Since you've been in a similar situation as Kyungsoo, I hope this fic is depicting
things accurately. I don't have much personal experience myself, so I guess I'm a
little glad you understand Kyungsoo's rules and think they have a good base to
them. Much love to you okay? <3

@doublemagnaes - HI there. *waving* Lol, it's okayy. Subbing and commenting. One
and both make me happy :) and is this fic really :O I'm happy :') And I'm trying to
make things space out correctly. I hope when it comes out you find the progression
suitable. :)

@ilovekoreanboysmost - Oh hey, I love korean boys most too. Okay, moving on.
REALLLYYY? Thank you! Ohmygosh, comparing this to a movie, so nice of you :')
And, um...I haven't written any BAP stories...and On a Boat was written by the
wonder uchouten. *confused?* Wait, this is on rec-lists? D:! dfodshjfoisd, that's
wonderful. Anyways, ahaha. There are soooo many angsty Kaisoo's out there. My
feels and writing apparently don't write angst well. This ended up way fluffier than
intended but MEH, it's s'okay. D: Iphone, goodness thanks for the effort you put into
ccommenting! Cause those touchscreen keyboard can be difficult to work with
(silently admiring authors who can write chapters on their mobiles) So, um, you're
cool. And thanks for being awesome. Yeah. Bye <3

@Lullycream - I MISSED YOU OKAY?! Gosh, your writing is poetic in itself. You make
me feel all special and gooey inside <3 Thank you for being so nice and amazing <3

@MissEe502 - Nawww, glad you're liking everything so far <3 And don't worry
about it! Any comment is better than no comment really! Thannkk you. kisses flying
to you, kay?
@YoungWoo17 - Ahaha, naw thank you. Glad you like it, but sorry you're hurting
OO' Totally not my intention. <3

@pearl092091 - You snuck a comment while I was replying to them! Anyways, LOL.
Calling your parents, lolllling. I'm glad you like, hope your feels are okay ^^

HOLY SHIZ, kay guys. I have some news to break to you. I know I said I love replying
to comments. But um...with the amount I'm getting... There's a bit of an overflow and
it takes me between an hour and two in order to reply to them all. So, starting next
chapter, if I have a lot of comments, I will bundle the smaller, more generic
comments together and give you my love. I'm so sorry everyone. I want to get these
chapters to you as fast as I can and I want to comment to all your comments. Please
don't stop commenting because of this, okay? I honestly read every comment and
my heart simply soars. You guys are so amazing <3

So, before I run off:

8 Air Conditioning

Kyungsoo doesnít leave his room the entire weekend. He tells his parents heís sick
and they in return leave his meals outside his door. He likes to think he isnít exactly
lying to them. The pools of regret that swim around Kyungsooís stomach makes him
nauseous. His body feels tired and his brain is aching from thinking too much.
The images of Kaiís blank expression and departing back were permanently stitched
to the insides of his eyelids. Every time he blinked, the pictures would haunt him
over and over again. Kyungsoo then tried very hard not to blink entirely.

The weekend ended and Kyungsoo went to school. The day felt different, like it was
cooler and dimmer than usual. He didnít see one speck of Kai during homeroom.
When class started, he found himself having a very hard time focusing on anything
besides the classroom's clock for the first two periods. When the lunch bell rang, he
grabbed his usual arsenal of items and bolted to the roof. Kai wasnít in sight. So, he
waited. He sat outside his box and waited for Kai. He nibbled on different portions of
his lunch while his eyes remained glued to the ladder.

A head of hair eventually emerged and Kyungsoo nearly dropped his apple. His body
went numb as he watched Kai climb up the ladder and get up onto the roof.
Kyungsoo was so relieved he actually came, perhaps Kai wasn't so mad at him after
all. However, when Kai casually walked over to his own box and gave Kyungsoo the
blank stare he hated so much before entering it, Kyungsoo knew he was painfully

Kaiís mad at him. And Kyungsooís mad at himself. He understood why Kai was mad
but he didnít understand why he himself was mad. In retrospect, what Kai was
asking of Kyungsoo was hard. He thought Kai understood his situation. He thought
theyíd somehow reached an understanding. Then again, why was he getting all
upset about Kai? Wasnít it better to get all this drama done and over with? Yes, he
liked Kai but the leaving factor was never forgotten. Wouldnít it be better to just get
over the heartbreak sooner than later?

It sounded nice. But put in action, it sucked. He didnít want to leave like this. He
didnít want to leave the only friend (or whatever Kai was to him) he had made in
years with a small misunderstanding that would forever be unresolved between
them. He wanted to be able to say goodbye and leave on a decent note. He felt he
owed Kai that much.

ìTry, Kyungsoo.î
Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around his legs and pulled them close, staring off into
the distance. Could it actually work? Kyungsoo really didnít think so. Kai didnít
know his parents like he did. Like Kyungsoo and his boxes, his parents usually got
off on some sort of high when it came to moving around. His mother was usually the
driving force behind it, but his father never hesitated against his motherís wishes.
And Kyungsoo never did either. He would see his motherís excitement and shut his
mouth. He really didnít think he could try and talk to them.

ìTry, Kyungsoo.î

Like a melodic and raspy mantra, those words repeated in Kyungsooís head. The
lunch bell's ringing woke Kyungsoo out of his stupor just long enough to see Kai
getting out from underneath his box and leaving the rooftop without once looking at
Kyungsoo. It hurt. It hurt a lot. He didnít want this. He didnít want to leave without
speaking with Kai one last time, he didnít want to leave without smiling with Kai one
last time, he didnít want to leave without feeling, touching, and kissing Kai one last

He had to try. He had to at least try for Jongin.

So, when the daily family dinner came around a few hours later, Kyungsoo tried. His
mother brought up how the apples were browning and Kyungsoo retaliated that the
other grocery store near their house had better apples and cheaper prices. His
father bitterly wondered if the neighbours ever saw the light of day and Kyungsoo
told him it wasnít like he ever saw it much either. They both complained about the
squeaky floorboards in the entry way and Kyungsoo shot back that they barely even
heard the squeaking aside from when someone left or entered the house.

Every complaint was met with a rebuttal from Kyungsoo. However, it didnít seem to
leave any positive effects. Actually, it seemed to have the opposite. Every time
Kyungsoo would argue a point, his parents would subconsciously take what
Kyungsoo said as a challenge and battle back with new complaints. They had even
gone so far as to say the weather was too nice. And who the heck complains about
After cleaning his dishes and finishing his homework, Kyungsoo went to bed with a
heavy heart and head. He tried. He really did. He just failed. He failed himself and he
failed Kai.

He went to school the next day feeling worse than the day before. The words spoken
by the teacher sounded like gibberish to him. His clouded mind was not cooperating
with anything that didnít relate to his Kai and moving problem. So, he decided to
skip second period. It wasn't like his current mental state was going to absorb any
school information. School was just too irrelevant right then.

He grabbed his lunch and headed to the roof of the old storage building on the
period break. He was in desperate need of something. Something familiar and
neverchanging. The new feelings Kyungsoo were dealing with were different, much
too different for Kyungsoo to handle at that moment. He just needed that something
he could always rely on.

Like a balloon, small amounts of the pressure released from inside Kyungsoo as
cardboard walls surrounded him. He quickly pushed the sunroof open and basked in
the sunrays. His mind was clear for the first time in 3 days and his anxiety finally
subdued. Kyungsoo busied himself by focusing on slowly counting the lines of the
boxís interior. He drew images on the walls using his pointer finger and took small
bites of his sandwich. The lunch bell rang and an ounce of uneasiness ran through

He glanced over to where his peephole was located and stared for a bit before he
fumbled to close his sunroof and peeked through the small hole. He waited, his eyes
locked outside, until he saw Kai arrive. Kai effortlessly straightened and stood
himself up as soon as he got up on the roof. He froze, however, when his gaze landed
on Kyungsooís box. The original blank stare he had sported before vanished
instantly. He looked to the left, the right, and then behind him before setting his
sight back on Kyungsooís box. Biting his lip, Kai slowly made his way over to it.

Kyungsooís eyes widened and he backed away from the peephole, clasping a hand
over his mouth so he could make himself as quiet as possible. Kai knocked on the
box after a few seconds of purely examining it. Kyungsooís bug eyes dropped to his
side window. Would Kai try to open it? Should Kyungsoo even open it? Did Kai want

Kyungsooís thoughts paused when he heard Kai letting out a loud sigh and then the
sound of his feet shuffling away. Kyungsoo quickly but quietly inched closer to his
peephole and saw that Kai was leaning against his box just as Kyungsoo had done
the day before. Kai pulled out the white sketchbook Kyungsoo had picked out for
him and began sketching.

Kyungsoo stayed in the same position inside his box for the entire lunch period.
When the bell rang and signaled the end of lunch, Kyungsoo's heart skipped
painfully. He saw Kai starting to get up and Kyungsoo knew he had enough of his
stupid cowardice.

ìW-wait!î Kyungsoo yelled from inside his box. Kai stopped immediately and looked
to the box, surprised. Kyungsoo slowly lifted his box and moved it next to him. He
stood up and let his fist clench and unclench by his sides.

Kai stood there, dead eyes trained on Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo couldnít bring himself to
look at them. ìYouíve were under there this entire time?î Kai dryly stated with an
angered tone near the end. Kyungsooís mouth bobbed up and down, eyes glued to
the roof. He wasnít sure how to respond or how to start beginning to say what he
wanted to say. ìYou know,î Kai faced him completely, ìI thought you were different.î

It felt like an arrow pierced through his heart. The disappointment rang clear in
Kaiís words. Kyungsoo took in a deep breath and tried to calm himself. Anxiety was

ìI thought you were a person who wasnít afraid to think and do things for
When Kai turned around, Kyungsoo felt his body leap into action. He took a few long
strides and latched onto the bottom of Kaiís shirt, successfully stopping him. His
hands quivered but kept a strong grip on the fabric. He didnít want this. Not from

ìYouíre wrong,î Kyungsoo croaked out, his core tightening, ìYou, you have to let me
explain. You canít leave me.î

ìHow do you expect me to stay when youíre not willing to try?î Kai whispered and
tried to remove Kyungsooís hand.

ìI did!î Kyungsoo yelled, now using both hands to clutch onto Kaiís shirt. ìB-But it
didnít work. And you said that we should make the most of our time together. But,
youíre justÖ Youíre walking away and thatís not what we agreed on!î Kyungsoo
lightly shook Kai, still not able to make eye contact with him.

Warm hands enveloped his, forcing Kyungsoo to stop moving his hands. Kyungsoo
slowly looked up and relief washed over them when he saw the Jongin he knew. Not
the Kai who walked around the school with no sign of life to him; no, it was the real
Jongin who was looking down at him, the one with feelings. ìWhat happened?î he
whispered to Kyungsoo.

ìI tried talking to them.î Kyungsooís straightened his back and his hands loosened
their grips. ìMy parents. They didnít listen to me. I kept trying to make them see that
I didnít want to leave and that there was more to this place but they didnít getó î

Warmth blanketed around Kyungsoo as Kai embraced him. Kaiís face found its way
to Kyungsooís neck, the hot air from his mouth sending shivers through Kyungsooís
spine. Kyungsoo let his hands roam across Kaiís sides before he hugged him back.
The feeling of Kaiís arms around him was wonderful, soothing, calming, warming,
and just plain nice.
Kai pecked Kyungsooís neck before pulling back. He then tenderly kissed both of
Kyungsooís cheeks and his forehead. ìThank you,î he said, ìfor trying.î Kyungsoo
slowly nodded, overwhelmed by how relieved he was to have Kai back. To have Kai
talking, touching, and smiling at him one more time.

ìIím sorry,î Kyungsoo whispered. ìIím sorry it didnít work.î

ìSo am I,î Kai sighed, running his hand through Kyungsooís hair. ìBut, you're right, I
did say we would make the most of our time together.î

Kyungsoo nodded along when a thought struck him. He cursed, ìWe are so late for
third!î Kyungsoo hissed and was about to go to the ladder if Kai hadnít held him

ìHey, didnít I just say that we were going to make the most of our time together?î
Kai smirked and brought Kyungsoo closer to him.

ìBut, I already skipped second,î Kyungsoo protested while frowning.

Kai tilted his head. ìWhy did you skip second?î

Kyungsooís head went blank for a moment and then he quickly tried to formulate a
lie. ìUm, I wasÖ tired. So, I napped. You know, in the box.î

One look to Kaiís face and Kyungsoo knew very well that his lie was not taken
seriously, ìWell, might as well continue on your roll then.î Kai smirked and leaned
his face closer to Kyungsooís
ìButó "

A kiss to the lips was enough to both silence Kyungsoo and change his mind about
ever leaving Kai.

You know what's terrible? When you hit the wrong two keys on your keyboard and
your page goes the middle of writing your comment replies. Sigh. MOVING

Oh MY GOOODNESS, guys. How can I- This isn't real. From the last update to now,
there has been so much support and love. I want to thank you all. All being
subscribers, commenter, readers who are have an AFF and those who don't, you're
all so kind. Thank you >< I mean, I somehow got onto the first page of the Kaisoo tag.
That's more than I could ever ask for-OKAY, I'm getting too sappy here. I'll move
on :')

Story time: Kyungsoo tried a little for Kai. (Maybe not as hard as some of you may
have liked, but calm your titties, just wait a few more chapters), I hope people liked
this update and understand Kyungsoo a little better. <3

Okay, comment replies:

Thank you to vanndee13, sunshining, dororo, aimee2304, woobabylove0904,

Tika_Pyro, SmilingAngel16, Xandra, Frayjadour, angex99, stepiee, JuliaYes, Slowly,
shellfish, myloveisinfinitex3, dramakween000, PurpleSwils, emo_bear, wookiekyuie,
SkeeOnMars, ChanYeong and be_radical. I read all of your comments and each one
brought a smile to my face, like legit. I kid you not. I'd check them on my phone and
people kept asking me what I was so happy about. THANK YOU!!! I didn't want to
bore you guys with my small and repetitive replies. I don't think words can describe
how thankful I am.

@chippawabrike - Gahh, glad you liked Kai's part. I was worried I was way too corny
or something D: Well, Kyungsoo talked to his parents a little, sure maybe he failed
but maybe-*zip lips* Nope! Not going to give any spoilers! *Saluting* Hope you like
this update as well Comrade :)

@Kyumin198Eunhae - Welcome new reader! I'm glad you like the story so far and I
hope you continue to like it ~~
@supergirl94lily - GAHH, chainsaw DOWN! I need his parents for later! *runs away*.
Lol, Kaisoo OTP is in desperate need of fluffiness and I am willing to serve. A little
cheesy what I wrote, but W/E XP LOL, my mothering worked? I feel like I
accomplised something. Okay, hope my smut chapter won't let you down! So, I will
welcome you whenever you comment... and maybe your chainsaw if you keep it
under control ;)

@SHINeeLuv1 - Not my intention :( Please revive or

something, cause I love your comments <3 Anyways, lol, I love how you picked that
out in the entire chapter. I dunno, for me, a friend told me they immediately brushe
their teeth and makes sure their boyfriend does too before they cuddle and whatnot
in the morning. Ever since then, the fact morning breath exist just stuck. Anyways, I
hope you like this update now that Kaisoo made up ;)

@citylightsskylines - GAHHH, Kyungsoo's box ;A;! Spare the box, it had nothing to
do with it! *whimpers* lol, whoa, virtual dolphins? Penguins? A PRETTY BOX? That's
just too much to accept, I can't...where's my tissue box already? LOL, thank you so
much, your somewhat gibberish comment warms my heart. YOU STAY COOL. And
may virtual animals flock to you foreva. ;)

@doublemagnaes - LOL, twist bitter ending just thrown at you. Thanks for
understanding though ;) I hope the smut chapter meets your expectation! Keep
staying awesome for me!

@Myakyuji07 - Omo, hellllllo there! Ahaha, I'm not sure about S&D but I think they
read your comment nonetheless. Praying for your safety ^^' Ahaha, I'm making Kai a
bit of a lovesick sap ain't I? Oh well, people seem to like him anyways /leshrugs. So,
I'm glad you liked the last update and and and and I hope you like this one too!
mwah mwah kisses to you ~~<3

@MrsKkamJong - Your comments always make me giggle, you know that? LMFAO! If
only Kais were for sale! The world would be a brighter place for sure! Omg, dying.
I'm sorry there was no pillow fight. Maybe next time *cue the Kris smile >:D*. OMG,
do it, write them prompts. I'd totally check them out! Save them fairies!

@Drawingfishies - Lol, I feel you. I was in the middle of writing comments when I
hit some wrong keys and...gone. Yup, Kyungsoo went without a fight. But you're
right, who can resist Kai? XP Anyways, thank you :') Your comments are so lovely!
And and and you're so nice. I like chatting w/you on twitter too. :) Sending loves
and cuddles your way ~~<3

@shieshiesae - lol, I think if Kyungsoo knew that earlier he would have jumped into
action sooner! Anyways, I'm glad the last update was your happy pill :') I hope this
one makes you feel happy too since Kaisoo made up XP Muchhh love!! xoxo
Hwaiting! I hope you're less stressed now!
@Lullycream - Gahh, what a wonderful relationship this is (: Yeahh, this story isn't
going to be hugely long, I got a few more things up my sleeve and then yeah. Omo,
your interpretion makes me giddy :) It's so wonderful. I'm glad you feel the way you
do! I feel accomplished as an author >< Anyways, thanks so much! You're so
wonderful! Ma amie, je t'aime<3

@lovefaith - LOL, glad you like cheesy Kai ;) And omg, I lolled at "that look", It's so
true. Any one, parents included, would fall for it easily! Kyungsoo, use what you got!
...And could you video tape that dance? I WOULLD REALLY LIKE TO SEE IT. And then
I would join in with dragon wings attached to my back and a blacktop hat, and those
weird ninja sandal shoes that Kai wears. :)

@monshie09_aff - Don't apologize silly! You don't need to comment on every one, do
whatchu like!! Lol, I'm glad you liked the last chapter and the way things
progressed. Wahh, I love how you can see things from Kyungsoo's parents
perspective! They've been getting a lot of hate when in my head they aren't, like,
completely terrible people persay. So, to conclude, hope this update was to your
liking ;) Keep staying cool, though I know that won't be hard for you XP

@IshidaMichaelis - lol, but but, I gave you that cheesy morning scene in the bed and
stuff? Oh well, Kaisoo made up in this chapter XP Omg, you are too much! How can
you compliment me like that? i feel so undeserving! All I can say is thankyou ;A;.
HERE ARE TISSUES! Don't use them all up, cause I need to wipe away some tears
you caused with your too nice comment.

@messedupmissy - HI! Welcome! I hope school gets better for you. I'm glad you like
this fic so far and I hope I can help fulfill your Kaisoo dose quota ;)

@pearl092091 - Naww, thanks for getting Kyungsoo a little. And LOL, if only his
parents would do that! I'm sure homo-erotic novels based off Kaisoo would sell like

@ayade_e - Lol, I think Kaisoo stans are raising. Sure they're no Baekyeol or Taoris,
BUT THEIR CONNECTION IS UNDENIABLE! We shippers must unite and then they'll
be more fanservice ...gahhh, I can't wait for what the future holds. Thanks for
understanding Kyungsoo's side a little! A lot of people are raging at Kyungsoo, which
I'm okay with, I mean the boy should at least try (and he did XP). OMG, you read
Wild Rock! High five! *raises hand* Yesyesyes, I love her works she's such an
amazing mangaka ;') Okayy, much love and stuff coming your way. You ready? Here
it comes...BOOM ~~~~<33333!!!

@missEe502 - Anneyong!! Thanks for commenting :) I see you're liking Kai ;) Not
that I blame you, he's one sexy motha fluffer. Ahaha, I hope I can meet 90% of the
readers expectations then when it comes out /leblushes. LOVE YOU LONG TIME <33
@krazi_Muzique - Lol, I'm sneaky like that. Make you think they're going to sleep
apart and then BAM. Muahaha. Enjoy the feels. And thank you for liking the signs
and such. I thought it would be a little weird to just aburtly do the whole "Hey son,
we're moving lol". It just wouldn't work for what I have planned. Lol, I can't help but
reply to yours. So long and full of wonderfulness. But thanks for understanding!!

@daiikon - Ohh, new reader! I wanted to say welcome and thanks for reading :) I'm
happy you seem to like it so far :)

@blake_maclaren - Newww reader=my feels increased. I really need to find a way to

thank people on tumblr. People are too nice :') Thanks for reading and I hope you
like the update :P

@PrincessLuLu - OO' Omg, how. WOW, that's a HUGE compliment! THANK YOU. I'm,
my feels, I'm so thankful. I'm glad you like it :')

@eexiee - Lol, it's true. The box concept is kind of weird. I like to think I worked it
out somehow. I dunno, anyways, I'm glad you seem to like it so far :)

*panting* Okay, those are done. Now, usually before I go, I add a little Kaisoo gif.
Well, I have a treat for you guys today! Actually, it might be a treat for myself
because my feels overflow when I saw these.

A special reader, JuliaYes, has made fanart for Paper M‚chÈ and I can't help but show
them off. They're so wonderful and I'm so grateful and unworthy! She's so talented!
I highly recommend you guys check out her tumblr and deviantart. Without further
ado, here are the two wonderful pieces!
9 Photo Albums

Reading people is something that Kyungsoo likes to take pride in. After moving here
and there, he began to realize patterns in the people around him and started to
categorize them. Upon meeting someone, he would usually figure out a category for
them and predict their words and actions accordingly. A recent example of this
would be the type-two ëpopularí leader and his response after Kyungsoo greeted
him with his fistÖ multiple times.

Kyungsoo would like to believe that he had Kai all figured out. He had more than
enough time and interaction with Kai in order to create an accurate reading.
However, after lying down on his bed at night and thinking really hard, Kyungsoo
realizes he actually knows nothing about Kai. They never really talked much about
themselves or their past. However, Kyungsoo is pretty sure that Kai somehow
knows more about him than he knows about Kai. And Kyungsoo hasnít figured out if
thatís a good or bad thing yet.

Kyungsoo's desire to figure Kai out was starting to consume him, despite the fact
that his usual anti-social routines made the very idea so scary. He then came to the
conclusion that he couldn't read Kai because he had never met someone like Kai
before. Kai was a mystery, and Kyungsoo loved mysteries.

One evening, Kai invited Kyungsoo out. Kyungsoo was not told that they were going
to a swanky art exhibit. So, he was left standing next to Kai, who was wearing black
slacks and button down shirt (a few of the top buttons left open, giving Kyungsoo a
good eyeful of Kaiís caramel skin), with just a regular jacket and jeans. Kai reassured
him that he looked fine. Kyungsoo just glared back. He also ignored Kai telling him
his pouting face was cute. Kyungsoo was not cute. He wasÖ He just wasnít cute.

They sat down at a cushioned bench which was situated in front of a landscape
painting. It depicted a beautiful countryside view with clear skies, luscious green
fields, and assortments of country flowers. They both sat there and stared at the
painting. Though when a server came by with hors d'ú uvres, they always snatched a
handful (ignoring any type of glare given by the servers when they emptied the
trays). They were quiet. The taste of a salty cream mixture lingered on Kyungsooís
tongue after he swallowed some sort of cracker delicacy.
Kyungsoo felt his heart race a little. It was the perfect time. Move lips, form words,
make sounds, enunciate.

ìYou know, my father disapproves of the arts.î

Kyungsoo turned to Kai, processing the words left hanging in the air between them.
ìWhy?î he found himself asking.

Kai shrugged his shoulders and leaned back, eyes glued to the painting in front of
them. ìHe thinks itís a waste of time and that it wonít amount to anything.î

Kyungsoo stares at Kai and attempts to read him but Kai is wearing his guarded
expression. Heís guarding well, Kyungsoo admits, but itís too guarded to be
considered natural. ìDoes he know you draw?î

Kai lazily glances over Kyungsooís way before he returns his sights on the artwork.
ìNo,î He sighs. ìHe thinks I want to go into something respectable, like business or

ìArtís respectable,î Kyungsoo mumbled, looking down to his lap. He thinks back to
Kai sketching, Kai painting, Kai using his hands to make something wonderful. How
could that not be considered respectable? What Kai did with his imagination
everyday was way better than someone receiving good marks through simple

A hand laced through Kyungsooís and squeezed. ìThanks,î Kai whispers and
Kyungsoo can feel his sincere gratefulness through the statement. It makes him a
little happy. He tries to fight back a smile and somehow succeeds with minimum
facial spasms. He fondly looks to the countryside in front of them and a spark of an
idea hits Kyungsoo.

ìWhy donít youó î He starts but soon stops. Maybe it wouldn't be the best to bring up
the idea. He wasn't fond of potentially ruining the calmness that had just settled
back into the air.

ìWhat is it?î Kai nudges Kyungsoo, turning his way a little, ìContinue what you were
saying.î Kyungsoo especially wanted to keep his mouth shut after witnessing Kaiís
small grin. He had no desire to be the one to take that smile away. ìStop looking at
me like that. Itís okay, just tell me.î Kai says and rubs his thumb over the top of
Kyungsooís hand.

ìItís justÖ î Kyungsoo paused, collecting his wording, ìI thought, maybe, you could
show him what youíve done and maybe he would rethink what his thoughts are on
the arts. I mean, your workÖ itís great, Jongin.î

The smile doesnít go away; however, itís replaced by something a little more
strained and bitter. ìI could, but Iím, I guess I might be a little scared. My father and I
donít have a great relationship to begin with. Iím afraid our relationship would
suffer even more if I did show him my passion for art.î

Kaiís faÁ ade was starting to break a little. His smile faltered and his eyes shone
slight distress. Kyungsoo was a little shocked by the turn of events. He'd thought he
wouldnít dislike anything more than Kaiís blank stare, but Kyungsoo quickly found
out that he much preferred blank Kai to upset Kai. He needed to do something,
anything to get Kai back to his regular self.

ìYou know, I didnít care much for art before I met you.î Kyungsoo murmured,
looking down at their interlocked hands, ìWhen you first drew on my box, I was
upset. It didnít feel like my box anymore. But ...after that, I realized that it didnít feel
the same because it felt better than before. It felt more like a home. They may be
simple drawings to anyone else but to me, my box was given a bit of life.î Kyungsoo
sighed, ìWhat Iím trying to say is your art, it can do things. Whether it's being able to
turn a box into a house or to form a connection between two people like us, I think it
can do some incredible things.î

There was a tense silence in the air. The mumbles of the people around them faded
as Kyungsoo got lost in Kaiís eyes. Kyungsoo manages to find himself again and
glances away, ìSorry, that was cheesy. I just wanted to make you feel betó ì

Kai kissed Kyungsoo right there, in the middle of the exhibit, with people all around.
The kiss wasnít the typical soft and warm one that the two usually exchanged. It was
deep, urgent, and it nearly had Kyungsoo choking on his surprise. He smacked his
free hand against Kaiís chest and pushed him away. Kai had his teeth latched onto
Kyungsoo's bottom lip and it pulled lightly as he leaned back. The bottom lip popped
back when it was released.

Before Kyungsoo could speak, Kaiís dragged Kyungsoo outside the exhibit.
Kyungsoo wasnít sure what to think until his back was pushed against the wall of a
dimly lit alleyway. Kaiís hands pressed themselves against Kyungsooís shoulders
and he swooped down. Their lips connected again, with the same depth and urgency
as moments before. Kai demanded entrance within the first few seconds and
Kyungsoo obliged. His mind was misting over in a familiar fashion. However,
something was a little different. He was taken to a different place than all the times
before. This place was hot and it made his skin crawl. Kissing Kai usually brought a
sort of calmness to Kyungsoo. This certain kiss had Kyungsooís body and mind
reeling like never before. He couldnít handle it. His breaths were running short and
his heart beating too fast.

ìJ-Jongin!î he gasped when he was finally able to separate their lips. Kai, however,
didnít plan on stopping. He pecked across Kyungsooís jaw before tracing his way
down Kyungsooís neck. Kyungsoo gasped and gripped onto Kaiís shirt as Kai sucked
on an area Kyungsoo didn't realize was so sensitive. Kyungsoo could feel the smirk
forming on his neck before Kai began sucking harder. Kyungsoo nearly squeaked at
the slight pain. Although they werenít kissing anymore and Kyungsoo was
technically free to breathe in as much air as he needed, he still found it very difficult
to do so. He tried to think of ways to calm his heart. The first thing that popped in
his mind was the countryside painting... and the conversation that came along with
ìJongin.î Kyungsoo gripped Kaiís shoulders and lightly pushed him back. Cool air
rushed in between their bodies and Kyungsooís neck was throbbing. Kaiís plump
lips looked red and abused and his eyes hazy. Kai tried to take Kyungsooís lips again
but Kyungsoo turned his head away.

ìWhat is it?î Kai whispers, ìIs this too much?î

Kyungsoo wondered if his flushed face could grow any hotter. ìN-no. Not really.î Kai
smiled and quickly latched their lips together. Kyungsoo pushed him back once
more. ìShow your dad your art!î Kyungsoo blurted out, maybe a little more loudly
and quickly than he would have wanted.

Kaiís all-telling eyes gradually became blocked off again. His grip on Kyungsoo
weakened and the leg that had moved its way between Kyungsooís thighs was
removed. Kai wasnít touching Kyungsoo anymore and he felt cold despite being
equipped with suitable clothing.

Kai sighed deeply, ìWhat time is it?î Kyungsoo stares at him for a few moments
before checking his watch and telling him. Kai nodded and reached forward to grab
Kyungsooís hand. ìIíll take you home.î

Kyungsoo didnít fight as Kai led him out of the alleyway and down the sidewalk. The
walk was quiet with no words ever being exchanged. The only thing Kyungsoo could
really focus on was how tight Kai was gripping his hand and the stale air that
surrounded both of them.

They arrived at Kyungsooís front gate in a matter of time. Kai went to let go of
Kyungsooís hand but Kyungsoo held on.

ìYou told me to try.î Kyungsoo found himself saying, staring straight into Kaiís eyes.
ìNow Iím telling you to try. Try for your happiness. If anything, try for your art.î
A sad smile bent itself on Kaiís lips. He leaned close to Kyungsoo and kissed his
forehead. ìGood night.î He says before he walks off.

Usually Kaiís smile created a warmth that could rival the sunís. On this night,
Kyungsoo only felt the cold.

(Chapter revised 9/16)

Hey guys! Another short chapter but hey! Thatís just the way it ended up. Trust me
when I say I wish I could write them longer. However, the flow works itself out and
sometimes the chapters are longer and sometimes their shorter. Itís just when a
good ending spot shows up, I go with it.

Anyways, story discussing: We learn a little more about Kai. Bout time, isnít it? By
the way, I have a small but vague spoiler for you: Something big is going to happen!
(And no, itís not the smut). Speaking of smut, hopefully this chapterís main kiss
wasnít too intense for anyone. Anyways. Moving on.

I nearly died yesterday. So much awesome stuff happened. Happy Camp OT12 and
the LíOfficial Homme photos. Gah, do yourselves a favour and check them out.

That done, onto comment replies! Oh my god, you guys write paragraphs everytime!
YOU ARE AWESOME! I am unworthy *bows down*

Thank you to my-flaming-charisma(thank you!), Tika_Pyro(lol stripping!),

myloveisinfinitex3(*high fives*), be_radical(thanks for understanding ;A;),
pearl092091(jfkjdhs love you!), doublemagnaes(thank you :í) Sorry for short reply),
Slowly(itís terrible D:!), lovefaith (canít wait for that video!), eexiee(teehee thank
you!), summerdrag(lol Kai canít resist D.O!), DBSKforever5(No spoilers for you!),
SHINeeLuv1 (you funny!), Chanmyeon(Hey! Itís my twitter bud! Thanks! *waves*),
2pandavoice (*gives tissues* sorry), ilovekoreanboysmost(Donít even worry about
it! Thanks!), woobabylove0904 (Gah *runs away* Machine gun down pls!),
ExoticVIP (Wow! Four times! Thanks! OO!), cocoalakin (Thank you! I hope your feels
come back ^^), lori_senpai (thank you!!), ayade_e (No spoilers for you! And wahh,
long comment, thank you!) and toshiba19 (Teehee, I ain't agreeing or disagreeing
with what you said :) Thanks for comment!).
@chippawabrike ñ Yayy, another comment from your comrade! Lmfao, maybe they
will, maybe they wonít. I ainít giving out anything! Muwaha. And thatís almost too
much German for me to understand. I applaud your language skills!

@missEe502 ñ Nope, no smut. Ahaha, itís coming though. I did give a little spice to
this chapter though. Angst might be coming, who knows (I know). I donít want to
give out teasers! Itís so fun to see what people predict! Anyways, luvvvs you Zhee <3

@darkrose123 ñ Funny, your comments bring a smile to my face :) Woow, to say

that this should be made into a motion/book/manga and to say that about my
characters ;A; Thatís so nice! Omg, thank you. Iím just really happy you seem to be
liking this that much. I hope you like this update <3

@shieshiesae ñ You caught me. I cyberized Chanyeolís crack and sprinkled it into
chapter. Looks like you fell into my trap mwahahaha. Some terrible side effects
youíre having though. I hope this update brought some amount of happiness to you,
not that much angst :) Ahahaha, lemme huggle you back sae~~!

@PrincessLulu ñ Naww, glad you like the replies. I also want to say thanks for
commenting on my other stories! Youíre so nice! <3

@Myakyuji07 ñ Myaaaaa! Lol, Iím sure Kyungsoo doesnít hold any hard feelings for
you :) Is Kyungsoo legit moving? Would you believe me if I said yes? What about if I
said no? What if I said I donít know? Okay, enough with trolling you lol. Iím not
tellllling you anything teeehee <3 And, odhfidsoh, I was so in love with your first
sketch, I canít wait for the next one. My heart can barely contain itself! MUCH LOVE,
kisses, hugs, hair ruffling and other affectionate actions.

@Lullycream ñ lol, sorry for the disappointment. I want to give you more reason
behind it, but I donít want to ruin anything. :$ As for smut placing, all I can tell you is
itís coming. Thatís all! What happens before it and after is a secret (until the
chapters are out at least). Lol, how could I resist replying to your comments. Theyíre
so well thought out and itís a treasure I donít want to live without *hugs laptop*
Gah, Iím so cheesy sometimes. But goodness, your second comment. Are you trying
to get me to cry? Iím about to cry. Tears are coming. Youíre welcome, but please
allow me to say thank you to you too. Youíve been a continuous support and youíve
really helped motivate me to continue writing! Thank you!! This relationship has
been and is still being so great! Thanks for sticking around and being such an
amazing person! Mwahhh ma amie! <3 ps: Tomorrow will be our anniversary. Iíll
imagine opening a cyberized champagne bottle with you and toasting to it!

@Drawingfishies ñ HI! Iím actually chatting on twitter with you as I write this!
Ahaha. Elite page? LOL. Iíll take that compliment <3 Thank you. Short comment, long
comment, no comment, I heart you all the same. No pressure, okay? Much love <3
Oh, and *catches your gift* I will use them well!

@Gaenari ñ My feels=everywhere. THANK YOU, ahhh to say this is your favourite is

a HUGE compliment! Iíll let you love me if you let me love you back!!

@PurpleSwils ñ I felt bad last update. I wanted to reply your comment and and, gah.
T.T So, Iím replying this time around. Itís such a privilege to have a
reader/subscribers/commenter like you! Thanks for your continuous compliments
to the story and support! *HUGS*

@JuliaYes ñ Have you seen the comments? PEOPLE LIKE IT! And with a damn good
reason too. Your fanarts are wonderful! Thank you so much! Your compliments get
me all flustered. Keep staying awesome! >

@Frayjadour ñ oihfdoifhsoifhjidso!!!!! DID YOU ACTUALLY!? Omg, thatís amazing! I

wish I could have seen it! Omg, Iím so happy and giddy and and other inexplicable
feels. Thank you! Iím happy reading this fic does that for you! Much love <3 I hope
your days donít become so crappy anymore!

@emo_bear ñ The power of tumblr! I should thank JuliaYes more! And trust me
when I say I feel the love. I can barely contain myself. I love them back ten folds!

@IshidaMichaelis ñ I suppose you are right, sigh. XP Lol, saving the tears for later. Or
am I? Donít want to ruin anything ^^í Your comments are always nice, I mean, you
give me EXO MEMBERS! Best gift ever! Whoís your bias? Iíll throw him back!
*prepares catapult*

@MrsKkamJong ñ Somehow D.O became a potential psycho with a machine gun in

your mind (and youíve influenced other readers too XP). Hmm, another prompt
maybe XP Bahaha, glad to see you think Kai is lovelyÖ cause he is. Heís
adorkableÖ .you know putting all that sexiness aside. Ahaha, Iím sorry. I was just
joking around with Krisí line. XP I couldnít resist! And you made me giggle once
more! I love your long comments *huggles*

@krazi_Muzique - :D:D:D:D Your comment=love. Me to you=love. I love you chapter

breakdowns :) Thanks for getting D.O and his parents. Omg, youíre so amazing. Like
motha fluffa amazing. TEEHEE! Lmfao, Iím glad you noticed that in the authorís
note. Was certainly hoping you would! Kissez hugz and other lovely things coming
your way!

@paradoxicy ñ lol! IKR! D.Oís parents are crazy! Ahaha! Baekyeol sweet shop, omg
that would be perfect! And it seems youíve read Candy HeartsÖ me gusta >>:D And
that sounds like the best scavenger hunt game ever. The prizes are so amazing. XP
@deadrev - Hello new subscriber :D Yay, glad you like it! YESH. Thanks for liking the
concept, I know it's a little weird and out of the box (hohoho, okay, enough laughing
at my own lame jokes). I really like how you understand that side of Kyungsoo. A lot
of people are saying "try harder!" (more so to cheer him on than anything else), but I
think you really hit the nail on the head for understanding Kyungsoo! Thank you !
And you understand Kai! Gosh, I'm happy you seem so intune with the characters I
made. :D! As for the sketchbook, pinwheel and stuff...well only the future chapters
will tell! NOT ME! muahahah. Thank you for such a refreshing comment. Your point
of view on the story really make me pleased and happy :)

Replies done! Whooot. Now, I don't want to hold you guys up anymore than I have!
Here's a Kaisoo gif (which I'm sure a lot of you have already seen.) But meh! STILL

10 Rain Gutters

The box was coming with him. Thatís what Kyungsoo decided. In the past, Kyungsoo
had a 'no-strings-attached' policy and wouldn't think twice about leaving his boxes
behind. After all, boxes were easily accessible and it required little effort in order to
adjust them to Kyungsoo's preference. But, within the past few months, something
had changed. This time, what the box represented was different. It was no longer
just a box that Kyungsoo would seek comfort with No, it was more than that. There
were precious memories attached to the newspaper covered box. When the time
would come for Kyungsoo to move again, he knew those memories could not be
replicated. Most importantly, no other box would ever connect Kyungsoo to Kai like
the paper m‚chÈ box did. It was final. Kyungsoo would take the box and, in his mind,
a little piece of Kai as well.

As their time together grew shorter, Kyungsoo found himself spending more time
outside of his box rather than inside of it. He continued sharing parts of his lunch
with Kai and sometimes they would have a nice exchange of words. None of these
exchanges involved discussing Kaiís father however. Kyungsoo did really want to
push and prod at the topic, but he also felt that it wasnít his place to step in. It wasn't
like he could pretend that he fully understood the dynamics of Kai and Kai's fatherís
relationship. Also, in the course of his prodding, Kyungsoo was scared that he may
upset Kai. Upsetting Kai might force Kyungsoo to lose him again and there was no
way he was losing Kai sooner than necessary.

ìI have something for you,î Kai told him one lunch hour. Kyungsoo glanced at him
over the top of his novel. He diligently dog-eared the page he was on and placed the
book down. Kai beckoned him over by lightly patting the area next to him. Kyungsoo
obediently crawled over and plopped himself down. Kai shot him a small grin before
he went digging through his school bag. After rummaging for a few seconds, he
pulled out the white sketchbook that Kyungsoo had picked out for Kai at the art
shop. ìHere. Itís yours now. You know, to take with you when you go.î

They usually didnít bring up Kyungsooís inevitable departure in their conversations.

They both knew it was eventually going to happen, so they didn't bother dampening
their time together by mentioning it. But, when Kyungsoo saw the sketchbook, he
knew Kai must have had a good reason for bringing it up.

Kyungso reached over and gently took the sketchbook from Kai's hands. On the
white cover was a sketch of their two boxes in great detail. Kyungsoo ran his fingers
over the cover before he turned it to the first page. On said page was a large drawing
of a beautiful flower. He kept turning the pages of the sketchbook and was greeted
with a new drawing on each page. He stopped about halfway and gazed over to Kai
with a curious stare.

ìItís to decorate in the future. All you have to do is cut it out and stick it on,î Kai
replied after catching his stare. Kyungsoo nodded with understanding and
continued looking through the sketchbook. As he got closer to the end, he noticed
that something was placed between the last page and the back cover. He flipped it to
the back cover and saw that there was an envelope placed there.

ìWhatís this for?î Kyungsoo took the envelope and examined it. Kaiís cheeks
reddened a little and snatched the envelope straight out of Kyungsooís hands. He
stuffed it back into the sketchbook and slapped the book shut.

ìYouíre supposed to open it when you leave,î Kai told him, his hand still firmly ontop
of the sketchbook. Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow in response and looked to the book
in his hands.

ìSo, you're telling me you want me to wait... until I leave?î He asked Kai in an
incredulous manner. Kai nodded back eagerly, the redness finally starting to fade
from his cheeks. Kyungsoo wasnít used to seeing Kai ever looking that flustered.
Which, in turn, made Kyungsoo way too curious to give in to Kaiís pleads. So,
equipped with a smirk, Kyungsoo pulled the sketchbook from under Kaiís hand and
quickly scurried away from him. He was in the middle of fetching the envelope from
the sketchbook when Kai scrambled after and tackled him.

Kyungsoo was flat on his back, Kaiís chest pressed to his, as they struggled for the
envelope. Kyungsoo had the hand with the envelope above his head and struggled to
get out from underneath Kai. Sadly, thanks to Kaiís height and longer arms, he easily
stole the envelope away from Kyungsoo. Kai's triumphant smile faded quickly when
Kyungsoo wrapped his legs around Kaiís torso and flipped them over (this being
another handy trick he owed to his Spitfire D.O days). The tables had turned. Firmly
stationing his weight to Kaiís lower abdomen, Kyungsoo made Kai immobile and

ìHow cute, youíre still struggling,î Kyungsoo cooed as he reached over and easily
snatched the envelope back from Kai who was wiggling under him. He, of course,
received a glare after his comment accordingly. He managed to flip the flap of the
envelope open when Kaiís hands tried to interfere once more. Kyungsoo rolled his
eyes at Kai before he placed the envelope in between his lips. He grabbed both of
Kaiís wrists and held them above Kaiís head with one hand (which was a feat
considering Kaiís hands were a little bit larger than his own). With one hand free
and with the withdrawal of Kaiís interfering fingers, he took a piece of folded up
paper out of the envelope. At that point, Kai had finally stopped squirming and
silently admitted defeat. Kyungsoo unfolded the paper and his eyes were greeted
with a mirror image of the same boy below him.

ìA self-portrait? Really? This is what youíre getting all shy about?î Kyungsoo turned
the paper around and showed the sketch to Kai. Kai frowned in return and was
starting to look more embarrassed than ever. Kyungsoo snorted at his
embarrassment, "I donít get it.î

Kai wiggled his wrists and Kyungsoo got the message to let them go. Kai
immediately sat up with newfound strength, and forced Kyungsoo to slid down from
Kaiís torso to his lap as a result. Kai then leaned forward and gave Kyungsoo a deep
kiss. Kaiís hands slid down Kyungsooís sides before he tangled his fingers in
Kyungsooís front belt loops and tugging him forward. When the kiss ended,
Kyungsoo was still confused. Kai luckily caught on and sighed, ìItís so you donít
forget me.î

Kyungsoo blinked a few times before he gazed down to the paper in between both
their chests. He analyzed the angles, the lines and curves of Kaiís etched image
before looking up to the real thing. ìDonít be an idiot.î He mumbled, ìHow could I
forget you? If anything, youíll be the one forgetting me.î Kyungsoo bit his lip and
looked down to the sketch once more.

Kai tipped Kyungsooís chin upward and gave him a short peck. ìDonít you be an
idiot either. I wouldnít dream of ever forgetting you. Besides, Iíve got myself
covered withó Shoot, I meanÖ nothing. Just nothing.î Kai averted his gaze
suspiciously. Kyungsoo squinted his eyes and tried to figure out what Kai was hiding
from him. Then, suddenly, it clicked. Another smirk stretched onto Kyungsooís lips
before he scrambled out of Kaiís lap and crawled to Kaiís school bag. Kai tried to
hold him back by catching his pant leg but Kyungsoo easily kicked him off.

ìWhere is it?î he sung as he opened the bag and ventured through it. He peeked over
to Kai and saw that Kai had folded his arms and was pouting minimally.
ìI donít know what youíre talking about,î Kai replied haughtily.

ìFunny, I think you know exactly what Iím talking about.î Kyungsoo smiled and
wiggled his bottom in a teasing manner. Kaiís eyes caught onto the movement and
stared until he realized how obvious he was and looked over to side while flushing a
familiar red. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes before looking deeper into Kaiís bag. He found
a sketchbook and looked through it. Nothing. He emptied Kaiís bag, ignoring Kaiís
whines to not be so messy. When his search ran dry, his shoulders slumped down in

However, when he glanced over to Kai and saw an arrogant smile gleaming back at
him, he felt his determination come back. He thought of other places to check and
nearly smacked himself when it hit him. How could he forget such an obvious place?
He quickly crawled over to Kaiís box and heard Kaiís rustling from behind him.
Quickening his pace, he reached the box and lifted one of the corners up. He leaned
down and popped his head inside.

Across the walls of the cardboard box were numerous sketches. And quite a few of
them were of Kyungsoo. He couldn't help but freeze when he realized just how many
there were. They all depicted different instances that Kai had witnessed Kyungsoo.
One was when they were in the fast food joint, another with Kyungsoo in his
pajamas in front of his house, and there was also one from the night they'd star-
gazed together.

Kyungsoo wasnít given enough time to fully process all the images when the box
was lifted off his head. He snapped his head around and saw that Kai was towering
over him with the box in hand. ìIdiot,î he mumbled, still not meeting Kyungsooís
gaze. ìI said I wouldnít forget you. You should have just left it at that.î

Kyungsoo couldnít help but laugh. Before long, Kai started laughing as well. Kai
crouched down onto the ground again, leaving the box behind him. He made his way
over to Kyungsoo and pulled Kyungsoo onto his lap. ìYou know, you deserve a little
bit of a punishment for not listening to me.î Kai glared at him, though his smile gave
away his real intentions.
ìDo your worst,î Kyungsoo challenged. And so, Kai pressed their lips together in a
harsh fashion. As minutes went by, Kyungsoo wondered when a punishment ever
felt so nice.

The lunch bell rang and they parted from each other. After school they casually
walked home together as they usually did. Kai dropped Kyungsoo off with stealing a
small kiss before he walked off. Kyungsoo hurried inside his home afterward and
ran up to his bedroom. He spent the rest of the night carefully examining the pages
of his new white sketchbook and paying special attention to the portrait placed in
between the last page and back cover.

Kyungsoo woke up the next morning with the sound of violent and erratic tapping
on his window. He groggily got up from his bed and strolled over to the window
facing the front yard. He pushed the window's curtains back and his heart throbbed
painfully at the sight. It was a storm. Heavy wind, pouring rain, lightning flashing
and thunder booming. He turned away from the heart wrenching sight and bolted
down the stairs. He ran into the kitchen and saw his family calmly sitting at the
kitchen table. His father was reading the newspaper from the day before and his
mother was casually drinking her usual Saturday morning tea.

ìMorning dear. Finally, something different from all the nice weather we've been
having," his mother commented while smiling his way. He tried to fake a smile back,
but his eyes couldnít look away from the wreckage shown beyond the kitchen

ìWas there no warning of this?î he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

ìThe storm wasnít originally supposed to go through this town, but I suppose the
weather gods had a change of heart,î his father drawled and turned a page of his

ìHow long has it been going on?î Kyungsoo quickly asked, îHow long is it supposed
to last?î
ìHmm, I'd say all night and probably a few more hours,î his father replied, ìWhy? Do
you have somewhere to be?î

A few hours? That was too long for Kyungsoo to wait. He didnít bother to reply to
his father's questions and ran out of the kitchen. He dug into the closet for a pair of
rain boots, a rain coat, and a large blue tarp. He quickly dressed himself and headed
out the door with his parents loudly inquiring after him.

It felt like tiny needles were puncturing his face as he ran against the strong and cool
mixture of wind and rain. He ran all the way to school and he frantically searched for
the lower part of the wall that he had climbed from when he watched the stars with
Kai. When he found it, he climbed up it and jumped down. His feet slipped on the
wet grass and he fell down hard. He cursed when pain shot through him and mud
soaked through his pajama pants. He carefully got up and tried to ignore the
soreness in his back and the weight of the mucky dirt.

He made it to the rooftop eventually, slipping and falling multiple times along the
way. When he straightened up and stood up firm on the top of the roof, his mind
went blank. The sting of his cheeks, the chill of the wind and the numbness in his
hands had all vanished. All Kyungsoo could process was the mess in front of him

They werenít even boxes anymore. Their edges sagged and their tops were caved in.
Pieces of newspaper were peeling off and flying into the vicious wind. Kyungsoo
snapped out of his stunned stupor and hastily unfolded the tarp in his hands. He was
about to run over and cover what was left of the boxes when a hand latched itself
onto his arm and pulled him back.

ìAre you crazy!î

Kyungsoo didnít even flinch. He couldn't bring himself to look away from the boxes
and tried to retrieve his arm again. The hand denied his struggles and gripped him
only tighter as he resisted.

ìKyungsoo, you need to get down now!î Kai told him while continuing to pull him
away. The hand was too tight and too urgent on his arm. With every dragged step
back, his determination fizzled. Kyungsoo found himself not resisting any longer as
he followed Kai's instructions and climbed back from the roof. Kai, with his hand
still attached to Kyungsoo's arm, pulled him toward an awning from one of the
schoolís side entrances.

Once they were safely protected from the rain, Kai threw Kyungsoo's arm down
harshly. ìI can't believe you could be so stupid! Thank god I came by to check or else
you would have been fried like a lightning rod!î Kai shouted at him, anger clear in
his expression. ìDid you want to die? Was that it? Do you have a death wish?î

ìThe boxesó "

ìDamn it Kyungsoo, I donít care about the boxes! Your life is way more important
than that!î Kai raged again, dramatically waving one of his arms in the direction of
the storage room.

Kyungsoo was taken aback by Kai's statement. ìYou donít understand,î he mumbled,
searching Kai's eyes. He felt his temper kick in right then. ìHow come you donít
understand!î he repeated, shouting louder than he ever imagined he could. ìThose
boxes are my life! My stability! They aren't just any kind of boxes!î Kyungsoo felt a
trail of moisture stream down his face. He wanted to tell himself it was the rain but
the sting in his eyes told him otherwise. ìTheyíre the boxes we made together! Does
that mean nothing to you? Do you really not care about that?î he cried out. ìI-I
usually check the weather every day but it's been so nice. And I didn't check and if I
did check, this wouldnít have happened and I would have been prepared to save
them!î Kyungsoo then crouched down and pressed the palms of his hands into the
sockets of his eyes. His nose was clogging up and his eyes were wet. His throat sore
and the wind was cold.
ìCome here,î Kai whispered into his ear. Kyungsoo let out something that was in
between a gurgle, grunt, and whine as a response and scooted away from Kai.
Kyungsoo wasn't used to having people witnessing him in his most vulnerable state.
The entire situation was becoming a little embarrassing. After all, there he was,
crying over some boxes. ìStop being stubborn and come here.î Kai yanked hard on
Kyungsooís coat. Kyungsoo toppled over from the force and face planted right into
Kaiís neck with his legs tangling up with Kaiís.

ìNow, thatís better,î Kai whispered softly and held him, wiggling around a little in
order to get a more comfortable position for them. ìIím sorry I yelled at you. I do
know how important those boxes are to you and I do care about them. I was just
really worried about you, okay?î

Kyungsoo grumbled incoherently into Kaiís neck. It took a few more minutes to pass
before Kyungsoo pulled and sat away from Kai. He wiped his eyes and sniffled
deeply, desperately trying to clear his nose. ìSorry,î he croaked. ìI didnít mean to yell
either. Itís justÖ î

ìI know, Kyungsoo. I know.î

Kai and Kyungsoo leaned their backs against the schoolís side entrance door,
gripping each otherís hand tightly as they waited for the storm to pass. When the
rain stopped, Kai carried the bright blue tarp under his arm as he walked Kyungsoo

Iíll fix it. Thatís what Kai told him. He promised Kyungsoo he would fix it. Although
he wasn't sure how Kai was going to do it, he couldn't help but put his entire trust in
Kai and to allow himself to believe the promise.

(Chapter revised 11/01)\

8/06 - HEY GUYS! So, I caved and decided to repost. I took a while because I thought
I could wait until AFF gave me my lost chapter back but nope. All I had was a rough
rough draft of this chapter in word. So, my beta and I had to go over and revise it
again>>. Also, I was away on the trip starting the 3rd and just got back today.
Anyways, with the AFF thingy, I lost a bunch of subbies and comments ;A; My
heart=broken. Even some of the comments I replied to below aren't even there
anymore. Sobs. Anyways, I will try to get another new chapter to you guys soon, like
within a day. Cool. Onto the saved A/N. (Of all things I had saved...)

Hii guys. Sorry for the long wait. I really wanted to get my full length OC fic done
before I updated this here fic. Twas a three chapter update. Oh well, Iím all giddy
because it was my first fic on AFF and itís over 100k words. I never thought I could
write something that long, but I did. Anyways. Enough about irrelevant things

So, from last update to now, I got a load of new subbies and it gets me all fidgety and
flustered and I just wanna glomp you all and possibly overdose you with my cotton

Anyways story chat: I gave you guys some fluff in the beginning AND THEN
DESTROYED IT muahahaha. Iím evil-ish. Sorry guys. Actually, I was originally going
to make the end of it a lot more dramatic but I toned it down. People lately have
been begging for Kaisoo fluff. And I understand because goodness, there are
definitely more angsty kaisoos than fluff. Anyways. Moving on.

With AFF being attacked by stupid DDOS attacks (man, I wanna fry their circuit
boards or something right now), my update time did procrastinate a little. Oh well.
Iím going to stop rambling and get to the replies!

Thanks to: mrluffy (I want to say yes, but then I might ruin something),
Misscherrytomato (lol, sorry for the kiss was a little spicy ^^!), you_life_ruiner (Naw,
thank you!), Gaenari (D: Thank you! Such a big compliment of a comment O///O),
PrincessLuLu (*blushes* Gah, thank you! You have a way with words! >///eexiee
(Thank you!!), Tika_Pyro (Teehee, youíll have to wait and see what happens ;)),
Neesanessa (Iím glad you like the title images :D Thank you!), pearl092091 (LOL, is
my writing that predictable?D: XP Naww love you and thank you), DBSKforever5
(Lol, noo. Sorry, just teasing you and saying Iím not revealing any spoilers to you XP
Thanks for the comment!), Slowly (RLAB! Iím worried for Kai now :P), blaaah
(Kyungsoo is clearly delusional. That is all XD), PurpleSwils (Naww, thank you. And
gimme more cheese! Iím lactose intolerant, itís the only way I can have it ;A;),
ilovekoreanboysmost (Naw, Iím glad you liked D.Oís speel. Thank you so much!),
b2sttimetofly (LOL, fearing for the worst already!), paradoxicy (As long as you donít
kill me, weíre good :) and weíll have an hors díoeuvres party one day! I love them
too.), be_radical (D: zomg, what a huge thing to assume, but who knows ;D),
xLadySakurax (yayy, glad you liked the kissing scene!), ayade_e (lol! & Iím glad you
like their connection and progress together. Ahaha, will Kyungsoo move? I donít
know [yes I do]), koliqizm192 (you are <3), lovefaith (zomg D.O = owl! How perfect!
And weíll see what happens with their parents ;D), SkeeOnMars (Naww, thank you.
Hope you like this update ^^), MajesticSnow (ohh, pretty UN. Gahh, such a big
praise! Thank you!), citylightsskylines (Iíma cheeseball. Like legit. Iím glad you like
it nonetheless XD), MikanZastune (The words you gave me are more than plenty!
Thanks!), NeonCaterpillars (*ducks just in case of explosion*), angex99 (Naw, here.
A towel. You probably needed it a little this update too>> My bad), Gpulac96
(Thanks! And um, tissues?), VIPExotic (:D Yayy, thanks! Smut is coming up soonish!),
jaeehmseu (Hii, welcome! And would you like a bucket OO!), butterflybabe13 (Oh,
wow. THANK YOU! What a huge compliment >Sharfish15 (well, thank you for giving
this a shot! Iím glad you like the concept! Thank you!), misshealerzz (Naww, Iím
glad you like it that much ;A; thank you!), Miimmsss (Welcome! And thank you ^^!)

@Drawingfishies ñ And you are off to bed as I write this reply. LOL, looks like youíre
looking forward to the smut chapter, eckk hope I meet your expectations D: And I
donít really find myself an angsty writer. I like, try and then fail. Or try and it ends
up cute anyways. Iím able to pass some angsty moments but besides that>> yeah.
And your English seems perfectly sufficient D: I applaud you! No need to study or
anything, I love your comments all the same <3 Love you long time, see you on
twitter (D.O).

@MrsKkamJong ñ LOL, your welcome for that gif ;) But oh my goodness, my OC

characters D: Donít kill them off yet, ahhhh! Zomg, you crack me up everytime! Your
way with words gots me all giggly. Oh.MY.GOD, I am in hysterics ìWE ARE GAY AND
CREATIVEî Ohmygoodness, rolling like a buffalo over and over again. And And and,
they could pay rainbow pillows do and be all ìMake love not warî and have a pillow
fight! Such a marvelous idea, letís continue hugging (and maybe squeezing the life
out of) eachother. :)

@JuliaYes ñ Gahh, how cute! Iíve seen your other fanart while creeping on tumblr
(sorry I havenít reblogged them yet >

@DemonPox ñ Gahh, when I first read your comment, I couldnít wait to reply to it.
Itís comments like yours that really catch my attention. Your story really struck me,
Iím really happy to have a reader like you and thanks for sharing your experience.
Iím just really glad that someone can connect to this story on the level you do. Thank
you so much for your compliments! I hope youíll continue to like the future chapters
I have planned :) Gahh, can I thank you one more time? Please? (Thank you)

@SHINeeLuv1 ñ Whaa, love you chapter break downs :) Ohh no, youíve read
Absolute ChanyeolÖ .oh goodness. Donít leakkk *throw tissues at laptop* ! And, donít
worry about commenting! Do it when you have time or when you want to. The fic
will be here whenever ;)

@IshidaMichaelis ñ Lol, Iím like the chessiest author ever. I write fluff for a reason.
LOL, and yeah. Kyungsoo needs a little cheese in him too. Everyone needs to be
cheesy! *throws cheese* (But actually, Iím lactose intolerant >>) Naww, I gave you
some fluffs action at the beginning of this update and the angst isnít toooo bad in
this update either. There, there. Naw, Chanyeolsí my bias. But Iíll give both of them
to you *launches catapults* I have Kaisoo at least. We could be like their parents and
set up play dates for them. Naww how cute. ;)

@deadrev ñ And youíre getting another one. Lol, such a nice comment you gifted me
*pets laptop*. As for your kiss questionÖ Iím going to leave that up to you
imagination. Iíll tell you that you were right with one of your guesses, but besides
that, ZIP. Cause, you know, I can. Youíll find out more about the dad laterz. Lol, Kai
has a mic that wasnít working I believe. Just a little closer and someone could have
pushed D.O and thenÖ fangirl bliss ;)

@Lullycream ñ fhdiofh HI. How are you? You like art exhibits too? I love em. I
couldnít help it. It was just so perfect :) It sounds like you have a lot of art museums
where youíre from, lucky~~ Wahh, your interpretation of Kaisoo leaves me a little
teary eyed. For real. Iím super happy you like their relationship. Sometimes, I realize
how out of the norm Iím writing them, but Iím still happy with it and Iím glad
someone else is too :D Ahaha, Kaisoo is definitely a more sexy couple or passionate
like you say, definitely the better word. GAH, you relate to Kai. Ahh, my feels. Iím
happy. Reader character connection always make me skip with joy. Lol, your
welcome and thank you for such a wonderful and in depth comment. I donít know
how you do it sometimes, you leave me speechless <3 Mwuaah.

@eight88 ñ Ohh new reader, HI! Ahh, Iíve popped your Kaisoo cherry I see. How do
you like the dark side winkwink. GAHH, tumblr recommendation! Reaallly? Yesh.
Oh, and am I allowed to say Iím a little glad you can connect to Kyungsoo, even if itís
under not favourable circumstances? Thanks for the little personal tidbit, I like
connecting with my readers. I really do :) Anyways, thanks for giving this fic a shot!

@ryeouknim ñ GAHH, kdfhsf. Iím thankful for those recommendations too. Gosh,
such a hugh compliments ;A; I am undeserving. Iím so happy you like this fic that
much and be able to say those things. Let me offer you a cake of your choice. Or you
know, a chocolate bar. Or whatever you like(Ice cream?). And I would agree to your
deal if you change ice cream to sorbet because Iím lactose intolerant :(

@missEe502 ñ D: I know this is belated, but I hope you did well of your test! LOL,
f(x) reference me gusta! And it ended up not being as hugggge as I would have liked
but meh. No no darling, I . you. But tens time. Yeah. XP Much love Zhee!!
@Dinolex915 ñ Naww, Iím glad you like the box concept. Itís kind of weird and yes,
cute. Oh well XP And sorry, I killed someone off this chapter. And Iím lying if you
read this update. MUAHAH-okay, bad joke. Anyways, a little sad but I fluffed up the
majority of it ;)

@krazi_Muzique ñ ahaha, I like the rules of inference you used there. Very clever.
Lol, and yes, that detail was VERY important. It had to be done, it is law. Iím glad you
like their relationship even though itís not a heavy dialogue relationship, which I
know can be hard for some people to grasp. Annnd now I have an image of Kai
ravishing Kyungsoo in an alleywayÖ me gusta. *blushes* Well, I was asking cause I-I
know some people are, like fdsjfd HI. Lol, Kyungsoo ainít all that easy. He had a
mission. Oh well, wait for the future darlinnng~~ Much loves and kisses xoxoxo<33

@WowF4ntasticBaby - Oh, hello there :D! Welcommme. Oh dear, I hope you ate
afterward, stay healthy! *pummels with food*. Thank you for commenting:)
SquishÖ my face? Um, I suppose I could :D I ainít no baozi but meh. ;) Huggles all
aroundÖ and some dumplings. That reminds me, I need to eat after this is done.

@monshie09_aff ñ Hereís your update lovely D<3 Btw, been meaning to ask, how
did I get Lady attached to N lol, I donít mind at all though. Tis funny <3333. And
donít apologize! Thanks for bothering to comment in the first place :) Naww, I love
how you relate to the character ;A; Lemme hold you and snuggle cuddle. (Iím SUCH
a cheeseball).

@LMAOoutloud ñ Lol, I feel you. No worries. I do the same *pats shoulder* But
thanks for joining in now at least :) Iím always happy to have you! Iím glad this fic
made you content ;) As well as the kisses, lol the first one popped out of nowhere
didnít it? Boooom. I hope youíll stick around and I can stir more OTP feels for you in
the future :P

@Myakyuji07 ñ Itís okay! You got it in before I updated! But seriously, donít feel
pressured to comment all the time :) LOL, is it bad to say Iím glad your heart broke a
little teehee *bats eyelashes*. AHAH, Iím glad you like Kyungsooís reaction. :P And
take all the time you need, Iím forever grateful! Gahhh!! I wish the best for your
mother! Sending love your way ~~<3 Love you long and ps: Sorry for not replying
on twitter. I have to get this out ;A;

Okay comment replies=done. THANK YOU TO YOU ALL! Gahh, so many and so long.

Now, I shall leave you with a gif like I usually do XP

11 Front Door

Kyungsooís parents loved and cared for him a lot (putting aside their narrow-
mindedness when they moved or their negligence when a deadline came near). His
parents patched up his childhood scraped knees, scolded his preteen wrongdoings
and praised his overachieving math scores. They always remembered to celebrate
his birthday, pick out items in his favourite colour and cook his favourite food
expertly. Whether it was because of the biological attachment or not, Kyungsoo
loved and cared for his parents as well.

A soaked, dirtied, and sniffling Kyungsoo arrived home and apologized to his
worried parents. They gently accepted the apology and thankfully didnít ask further
questions. Kyungsoo did know they kept their silence not out of disinterest but
because they didnít want to invade Kyungsooís privacy. Later that night, Kyungsoo
overheard his mother whispering to his father that whatever had happened must
have been important if it got Kyungsoo to bolt out of the house like he did.

Neatly folded pajamas awaited Kyungsoo outside his bathroom door when he
finished showering like his mother demanded. Feeling both mentally and physically
exhausted, he had no problem resting in bed as his parentsí good intentions

When he woke up the next morning, he was greeted with a pounding headache and
shivers from the chills. His parents quickly gave him some medicine and made him
soup for his meals. On Monday, his parents forced him to stay in bed and told him
that one more day of rest would be enough to keep all of the illness away. Although
he was feeling better, Kyungsoo agreed once more to his parents' wishes.

He didnít want to go to school anyway. He didnít want to go back and see the
storage room rooftop. He didnít want to see what was left of his and Kai's boxes. He
didnít even want to see Kai. He knew once his eyes would find Kai, all the memories
would rush back and get the best of him again.

However, one day of rest meant one day of rest and he promptly got ready for
school the Tuesday morning. He ate his breakfast with his parents, walked to school
and sat down in his assigned desk. He focused on the teacherís words and jotted
down information neatly.

School work distracted Kyungsoo well enough. For the first time in a long while,
Kyungsoo was dreading the sound of the lunch bell. When it finally rang, Kyungsoo
didnít move from his seat. He stared down at his open notebook, rereading the
chemical formulas he had just learned. The letters started to mold and blur together
and then, all he could see was paper.

He slapped his notebook shut and stood up quickly, his chair screeching across the
floor. He grabbed his lunch and the mystery novel he had borrowed out of the
school's library and exited the classroom. His pace was a quick walk as he left
through one of the side entrance's and scurried across the school's grounds. His feet
slowed the closer he got to the storage room.

Kyungsoo found himself standing in front of the rusting ladder that would usually
bring him to his sanctuary. He stared at the corroding metal while his teeth nearly
tore through the skin of his bottom lip. Letting out one large sigh, he placed his
novel between his lips and slipped his hand through his lunch bag handle. Tings and
tangs echoed as he progressed his way up the metal ladder until he reached the top.

His book flew downward and hit the ground below when Kyungsooís jaw slackened.
He didnít move. His grip tightened on the ladder and he just looked.
There was a giant box. Big enough to probably fit a large fridge and more. Across the
walls of the box were mismatches of cardboard creations like hearts, birds, stars and
flowers. A series of pinwheels were taped along the top edge of the box, spinning
along with gusts of wind. Before he could realize it, Kyungsoo had fully gotten
himself onto the roof and inched closer to the box.

Soon, he was near enough to see that the roof of the box had a large mural. Swirls of
orange and yellow mixed together and formed a blistering majestic sun which
contrasted against the almost playful looking black and grey cat laying beneath it.

Kyungsoo gulped down the overwhelming feelings that were clogging up in his
throat. He slowly got onto his knees and slid his lunch bag off of his wrist. His fingers
reached for the bottom of the box, twitching along its way, and finally lifted up a
side. He crawled inside and was met with darkness.

ìKai?î Kyungsoo croaked out, looking around blindly. He didnít get a reply but he
could hear the sounds of steady breathing which weren't his own. He patted his
hands around and found something that felt like a leg. The breathing hitched.
Kyungsooís fingers crept up the calves and up to the thighs. Kyungsoo slipped his
body in between the legs as his hands roamed toward the other bodyís torso. The
breathing quickened and Kyungsoo could feel the bodyís pulse race. He slid his
hands around the body's waist and squeezed, letting his face meet with the personís

ìThank you,î he muffled into the nape of the person. ìThank you so much.î

Arms wrapped themselves around Kyungsoo and pulled him further up. Kyungsoo
readjusted himself and placed his arms around the personís shoulders. Kyungsoo
repeated his thanks again and again between sniffles and gasps for air.
Kyungsoo was crying. Again. But Kyungsoo felt no shame as the tears flowed out. He
had never felt so relieved, so cared for, so grateful and so happy. It looked like the
box would have taken hours to complete and with the minor details like the
pinwheels and the roof mural; it just hit Kyungsoo hard. Kai gave him such a great
present, maybe one of the greatest heís ever received.

They stayed tangled together the entire lunch period. Kai would occasionally hum
some unknown tune while running his fingers through Kyungsooís hair. When the
lunch bell rang, Kyungsoo's grip on Kai tightened. He didnít want to let go just yet.

Kyungsoo's hand traced its way up to Kaiís face and lightly caressed over the curves
of the bone structure. His fingers met with Kaiís lips and felt their plushness.
Kyungsoo, in the heat of the moment, stretched his neck up and replaced fingers
with lips.

In his opinion, he didnít understand why he didnít take the initiative sooner. Kai was
always the one who did the swooping and stealing of breaths. It was about time that
Kyungsoo was on the giving end instead of receiving. And with the way Kaiís grip on
him tightened, with the way he gasped, with the way he groaned, Kyungsoo wanted
to separate and be the one to start their kisses over and over again.

Alas, there was something called school and it nagged and nagged in Kyungsooís
mind until he pulled his lips away. He slowly slid his way off of Kai, finding Kaiís
hand in the process and tugging on it. He lifted the box and dragged Kai along with

The sun hit Kai and revealed him to look so exhausted with prominent dark under-
eye circles. His clothing was covered in a mixture of glue, paint, and bits and pieces
of paper and cardboard. His clothing choice was also not of the school's uniform.

Kai sighed and gave Kyungsoo a small smile. ìThanks for the wake up call.î
ìHow long?î Kyungsoo asked. ìHow long have you been working on this? How did
you evenÖ find this?î

Kai lazily scratched the back of his head while examining the box carefully.
ìProbably since early Sunday afternoon. Had to get my supplies prepared in the
morning and I stopped by my fatherís furniture store to grab the box.î

ìYou didnít go home?î Kyungsoo asked, but was mostly afraid of the answer. Kai
didnít need to reply with his smile casually giving away his response. Kyungsoo
lightly punched Kai in the shoulder and bit back a smile. ìIdiot. You didnít have to do

ìBut you like it, right? If you do, then donít worry about it. It'd be worth it.î

Kyungsoo squeezed Kaiís hand once more before he gently slipped his hand away.
He told Kai he had to get to class and that Kai had better walk him home after
school. After a small chuckle, Kai agreed.

Kyungsoo was sitting at his desk, spacing out in the middle of third period, when a
want overcame him. Kai had done so much for Kyungsoo and asked for nothing in
return. He had gently coaxed Kyungsoo out of his protective barrier and shown him
what happiness felt like again. Whenever Kyungsoo was beaten down, Kai held true
on his promises to make him better and he always went beyond expectations when
doing so.

What had Kyungsoo done for Kai?


If anything, he was doing something worse. He was leaving Kai.

Kyungsoo didnít want to leave without properly repaying his debt. He owed Kai so
much. The only problem was how to pay that debt back. Kai had never shown him
much of his wants and seemed perfectly content with his life. He never voiced out
any desiresÖ except for one thing Kyungsoo realized.

Kaiís father. That was the problem Kyungsoo had to tackle. That was it. It was
finalized in Kyungsoo's mind.

Kyungsoo went to work on devising a plan with the entire content of the fourth
periodís teachings becoming a blur in the background. He ran through multiple
ways to confront Kaiís father and somehow get the message across that his son is
brilliantly talented. By the end of fourth period, Kyungsoo had it figured out. It was
risky, but it was worth a shot. Kaiís happiness was definitely worth a shot.

The first part of the plan was set into motion when Kai was walking Kyungsoo home.

ìI want to see your home.î

Kai looked baffled but agreed to Kyungsooís demand. They walked a few streets
down from where Kyungsoo lived and soon they were stopped in front of a regular
sized home that looked very similar to Kyungsoo's. Kai pulled him inside through
their connected hands.

ìIs anyone home?î

Kai shook his head.

Second part of the plan was close to complete. Kai led Kyungsoo up the stairs, but
Kyungsoo was paying close attention to the backpack hanging from Kaiís shoulders.
Once inside Kaiís bedroom, Kai slumped the backpack to the ground next to his bed
and plopped down onto the mattress. Kai looked up at him expectantly, probably
hoping for an explanation.

ìCould I have some water?î

Kai nodded, looking a tad bit nervous. Kyungsoo bet that the nerves whirling around
in his stomach were ten times worse. Kai stood up from the bed and let his fingers
brush against Kyungsooís as he exited the room. Once out of sight, Kyungsoo began
the third phase of his scheme. He quickly brought his knees down in front of Kaiís
backpack and fiddled to unzip the largest pocket.

His hands rummaged as fast as they could until they found a black sketchbook.
Kyungsoo pulled it out immediately and searched through the pages. The pages
were covered in numerous sketches and small paintings of random objects and
people. Perfect. Kyungsoo shoved the sketchbook into his own backpack and zipped
up Kaiís bag. He turned around just in time for the door of Kaiís room to open and
reveal Kai holding a glass of water.


Kyungsoo stood up and took the offered glass. He swallowed down half of the water
in one gulp, hoping his nervousness would go down with it. Kai raised an eyebrow
and mentioned that Kyungsoo must have been very thirsty. He was, just not for the
usual reasons.

ìWhere is the washroom?î

Kai sighed and told him the directions. Phase four started when Kyungsoo exited
Kaiís bedroom. He tiptoed in the opposite direction of what Kai told him and headed
down the stairs. He was thankful the stairs did not creak like his own. He quietly but
swiftly made his way across the first floor, locking his sight on the office he saw
when he entered the home.

He slipped past the office doorís opening and walked around the desk near the back
of the room. He pulled out the borrowed sketchbook from his bag and placed it right
in the middle of the deskís surface. He found a scrap piece of paper and scribbled a
short message.

Your son has an amazing talent.

Please donít let it go to waste.

He stuck the note between the front cover and first page of the sketchbook. He took
some paper scattered about and placed them on top of the sketchbook and hide it
from obvious sight. Phase four complete. Kyungsoo bolted out of the office and
tiptoed up the stairs. He entered Kaiís bedroom to find Kai lying down on his bed
and wrestling with his thumbs.

ìWhen do your parents come home?î

Late, Kai replied. Kyungsoo nodded back and sat down next to Kai. Kai leaned
upward and let his hands slide Kyungsooís backpack off of Kyungsoo's shoulders.
The bag fell to the floor and their lips connected.

Kyungsoo left Kaiís house later that evening, cheeks still red and heart still racing on
his walk home. Now, now...what transpired between the two of them is a story for a
later time.

(Chapter revised 14/11)

I can't do replies right now. I'm going away [again] and won't be back until the 12th.
I just wanted to get this out ASAP. Do understand I read them all and will reply to
them as soon as I can. Before I go, I want to show you guys something amazing. I am
so blessed to have such fantastic readers.

12 Grandfather Clock

Ambitions. Kyungsoo wondered what having those felt like. It seemed obvious to
him that Kai had ambitions. The kind of ambitions that mapped out his entire
future. He knew what art school he wanted to study in, he knew where to promote
his art, and he also knew influential people who could in turn connect him with
other influential people.

In comparison to that, what did Kyungsoo have planned? Nothing. Kyungsoo didnít
even like to think of the future in the general. It just never appealed to him due to
the fact it always brought his mood down. Avoidance was something Kyungsoo
easily learned to excel at. But, after meeting Kai, Kyungsoo finally admitted that
avoiding troubles doesn't actually them go away. And was he ever in trouble.
Kyungsoo didnít have any idea what to do with his life. He had a one way ticket to
nowhere if he didnít think of a direction quickly.

Kyungsoo had just half a year before he would graduate high school and needless to
say, the time waits for no one. Time crunched and Kyungsoo crunched out possible
interests to pursue. Maybe he could further his studies in a subject he was good at?
He did have the highest math scores in his class, perhaps a mathematician was a

No way. Definitely not. How did that even cross his mind? Where was the
amusement in that? Kyungsoo didn't find any joy in solving math problems and he
wanted to amount to something. If he was going to do something with his life, he
wanted it to have more meaning, more impact.

His thoughts ventured to his parents' profession. Good novels always a hidden
meaning or message behind their plots. Writing could very well run in the family,

Wrong. Kyungsoo was doing poorly in his creative writing course. His teacher's
string of words stated his plots were flat, repetitive and lacked creativity. Like he
needed a teacher to tell him that he wasn't creative enough. Kyungsoo adored the
arts, but he sure as heck wasn't good at any of them. Which speaked another matter
for Kyungsoo. He wanted to do something he would enjoy. A dependent nine to five
job wasn't an option for him if he was numbly slaving away in a cubicle. Then again...
what did Kyungsoo even enjoy doing in his free time? Relaxing in a cardboard box
most likely didn't have any related professions. Other than that, Kyungsoo mostly
read his mystery novels. But, he already ruled out writing. No, Kyungsoo wasn't
giving up yet. This was his future he was thinking about. There just has to be
something just right for him. It was just a mystery for him to solve, and he knew
could do it if he just put his thinking cap on. A spark, a stroke of genius, just

ìYou know, I think youíd be a good investigator,î Kai said after taking a bite of
Kyungsooís sandwich held idly in the air as Kyungsoo pondered. ìLike all those guys
in your books.î

Well, damn, Kyungsoo thought. There it was. Kai just had to open up his lips and out
pours the answer Kyungsoo was busting brain cells over. It was a considerably good
answer at that. It definitely sounded appealing to Kyungsoo. Being an investigator
made Kyungsoo think of a never-ending mystery novel with him as the main
character. Of course, Kyungsoo wasn't the most positive of people, he seriously
questioned his ability to become a decent investigator. After all, he couldnít even
figure out what the next major step in his life just a few moments before.

ìI mean, you like figuring out things, right? And I believe if you like what you do,
youíll be happy. That's why I applied to the top art school in the country. I donít
think Iíll get accepted, but if I do, Iíll see it as a sign to run away and follow my
dreams,î Kai sighed, staring up to the sky mindlessly. ìBecause being happy is more
important than fame and riches.î

Kyungsoo slid his hand across the ground and gripped one of Kaiís hands that lay by
his side. ìThanks, Jongin. I think so too.î Yes, above all he wanted Kai to be happy.
Kai deserved it. And Kyungsoo was determined to help him in any way he could.

So, the day after he planted the sketchbook in Kaiís fatherís office, he was feeling
good but awkwardly anxious. There was always the chance that the negative would
happen. That Kaiís father would throw a fit and Kai would be angry at him for
intervening. Kyungsoo prayed it wouldnít end that way. His plan had to work. He
needed his plan to work.

It was the beginning of first period and Kyungsoo had just opened his textbook
when Kai slammed the classroom door opened. Kyungsooís eyes widened as he
caught the yellow and green forming around one of Kaiís eyes. A black eye.
Kyungsooís heart plummeted into his stomach.

Kyungsoo wasnít given much time to recover from his heart sickness because Kai
wasted no time making his way to Kyungsooís desk and grabbing onto Kyungsooís
arm hard. Kyungsoo was forcibly dragged out of the classroom with the shocked
eyes of his classmates and the shouts of his teacher following after him.

His plan didnít work. Kai was really angry. Kai was going to rip him a new one. He
was going to tear his heart from his chest and step all over it. Prepare yourself,
Kyungsoo. Prepare yourself.
Kyungsoo wrestled with Kaiís grip and begged him to stop. He asked Kai to slow
down, to look at him or to speak with him. Slowly, Kyungsoo was getting scared.
How angry was Kai? Was KaiÖ going to hurt him? No. No. Kai wouldnít do that.

Kai continued to haul Kyungsoo through the school and out of its doors. They went
through the school grounds and Kyungsoo recognized exactly where they were
going. Kai was taking him to the rooftop and Kyungsoo simply concluded he was
dead meat. He wanted to believe that Kai was too nice of a person to raise a hand
against anything. He really really wanted too, but with the secluded location of the
rooftop, anything could happen and there would be no one to hear his cries.

Kai made Kyungsoo go up the ladder first, or more so hinted at Kyungsoo to go up

first. Either way, Kyungsoo was glad to have the jaws of life off his forearm and
climbed the ladder with Kai following closely behind.

They both were on the roof. Air breathed through their hair for a tense moment.
Kyungsoo analyzed Kaiís expression and was becoming a nervous wreck when he
found it indistinguishable. Kyungsoo didnít know what to do at that point. So, he
said the first thing that came to mind.

ìIím sorró "

Kai grabbed the back of his neck harshly and slammed their lips together.
Kyungsooís surprised yelp was successfully muffled as Kaiís mouth ate up all his
noise. Need. Thatís what rang clear in Kyungsooís mind. He understood what it
meant, but didnít understand how it applied to the situation. Kai should not be
kissing him like that if he was angry. UnlessÖ he wasnít angry?

Kai pulled back and pecked Kyungsoo multiple times, ìYou are an idiot.î

So, Kai was angry then?

ìAn idiot I am so lucky to have.î

Wait, does that mean heís not mad?

ìI canít believe you would even do that with my father, after everything that you

Kyungsoo didnít know what to think, if his thought processing was even functioning.
Never mind the yellow and green staring at him accusingly. God, he hoped that
wasnít there for the reason he thought of.

ìBut you know what he said, Kyungsoo? You know what he told me?î

No, he didnít know, and quite frankly, he wasnít sure he wanted to know.

Kai smiled brightly and Kyungsoo's heart instantly loosened. ìHe was fine with it. H-
he accepted it. He even gave me the letter from that art school I told you about. I was
accepted into that too, the best damn art school in the country. Iím going and my
fatherís fine with it. HeÖ even told me he liked my stuff. Kyungsoo, godÖ I canít,î
Kaiís eyes were searching his, tears staining the corners of them. ìIím so happy.
Thank you, Kyungsoo. Thank you for taking the chance I never took.î

Kai kissed him once more and Kyungsoo promptly melted. A small thought
interrupted his bliss and he pulled back, ìWait, your eyeó what happened?î Kyungsoo
managed to say in between pecks.
Kai blinked at him before realization dawned on him, ìOh, I ran into a pillar in my
home while I was rereading my acceptance letter. I had a hard time taking my eyes
off it.î

Kyungsoo smiled, ìIím happy for you.î

ìHappy I have a black eye?î

ìNo, idiot, that your father accepted you.î Kyungsoo snickered and poked at Kaiís
bruise. Kai frowned before his lips formed back into his brightening smile.

ìAbuse me all you want, because I donít think Iím coming down from this high
anytime soon.î Kai beamed and continued pecking Kyungsoo, hands persuading him
to move forward.

ìGood, Iíve been itching for a reason to punch your handsome face.î

Kai only smirked as he wrapped his arms around Kyungsooís waist and took him
closer to their box. He deepened their kiss and forced Kyungsoo to bend down. They
both got under the box and Kai straddled Kyungsooís thighs.

ìHavenít you heard that a kiss with a fist is better than none?î Kai said as they
separated their lips momentarily.

ìNope but it sounds like a painful love.î Kyungsoo said, staring at Kaiís own lips.

ìThen we can love without fists.î Kai rubbed his thumbs against Kyungsooís jaw
Kyungsoo smiled back, ìSounds like a good plan.î

13 Bed Frame

It was in one mandatory P.E. class in middle school that Kyungsoo realized he was
more attracted to men than women. He watched as a male classmate sunk a basket
during a friendly basketball match, his lean muscles tightening as he jumped up and
threw his arms forward. His sweat glistened just right as the gymnasium bright
lights shone down on the classmate. It was also after that class that Kyungsoo
masturbated for the first time.


Kyungsoo was a regular boy with regular needs. Sometimes, the need to touch
himself would occur and Kyungsooís hands had no problem rising to the occasion. It
was awkward at first, not to mention shameful considering being gay wasnít exactly
the accepted norm in society. He tried it once though. He tried being a part of the
norm and engage in regular porn viewing. But, every time left him feeling gritty and
slightly disturbed. He quickly exchanged the pornographic images with pictures of
shirtless men and he easily found his libido increasing as a hand slipped into his
pants. Soon faceless muscular men were traded for an imaginary Kai that was
created in Kyungsooís fantasies.

It wasnít until Kai really touched him that he realized just how much he was missing
and how much his needs werenít actually being met.

Kai had lightly pushed Kyungsoo down onto his bed and it clicked for Kyungsoo.
They were alone in Kaiís house, in his bedroom, on his bed and Kai had no idea what
Kyungsooís real motive was behind visiting his house. Kyungsoo guessed the reason
Kai came up and it scared him a little.

The way Kai kissed him was how Kyungsoo was able to calm his nerves and put his
concerns to rest. Kai slowly took Kyungsooís lips with his own, moving them with
the utmost care and precision. Kai pulled his lips back with the skin of their lips
gently detaching along the way. Kyungsoo felt a small quiver through Kaiís lips as
their breaths mingled together for a few short moments. Kai tilted his head a little
more to the side and connected their lips with a force greater than before. Through
his actions, Kyungsoo was relieved that Kai was nervous as well. Kai was certainly
trying hard not to show it though and Kyungsoo felt motivated to match his
eagerness to please.

Kyungsoo lightly ran his hands up Kaiís chest, lightly grazing his fingernails across
the base of his neck, before losing them in Kaiís hair. His ministrations were
rewarded with a groan vibrating against him. The sound helped ease his nerves
exponentially. He could do this. He could make Kai feel good.

Kaiís chest was pressed against his with his knees bent on either side of Kyungsooís
thighs. One of Kaiís hands tickled down Kyungsooís side, making Kyungsoo gasp and
his stomach clench. Kai smirked into their kiss before taking the opportunity to
place his tongue inside of Kyungsooís mouth, brushing Kyungsooís tongue teasingly
with his own. Kai sucked in air harshly, and Kyungsoo moaned as his bottom lip and
tongue felt the tug.
Kaiís hand continued down Kyungsooís side and slipped between the bedding and
the small of Kyungsooís back. Kyungsoo arched upward and goosebumps raced up
his back as Kaiís fingertips touched his bare skin. Kai traced circles along his lower
back, nails purposely scraping along the way.

Kyungsoo felt something shake next to his head. Peeking to the side, he realized that
Kai was forcing all of his upper body weight onto the one arm firmly planted next to
his head. Without much thought, Kyungsoo pushed forward, forcing Kai to pull back.
Kai ended up sitting on Kyungsooís thighs, their kiss never disconnecting.

Kai shifted a little in order to get more comfortable but in the middle of moving, two
body parts grazed each other. They both froze. Kyungsoo could feel it. He could feel
it pressing against his own. His nerves shot up again. He remembered this wasnít
about kissing anymore. This was about something more.

Kai broke away from their kiss and leaned back, staring at Kyungsoo and analyzing
him. Kyungsoo couldnít help but do the same. Kaiís lips were plump from the abuse
and had a slight glisten to them. His hair was slightly ruffled and his expression a
little hesitant. Kaiís tongue darted out and nervously moistened his lips.

Kaiís hands moved. His fingers touched the top button of Kyungsooís white shirt.
They remained there, frozen with his eyes locked on. With a flick of his fingers, the
button came undone. Kai bit his lip as a sliver of Kyungsooís pale skin became
exposed. He shifted down to the next button and froze again, almost as if he was
waiting for Kyungsoo to push him off. Kyungsoo didn't have any intentions to do so.
It took a few more buttons, stopping just short of his navel, before Kai spoke.

ìTell me to stop now,î Kai whispered lowly, still not looking at Kyungsoo. ìYou have
to tell me now.î Kyungsoo thinks Kai is afraid of rejection and thatís why he canít
make eye contact. Kyungsoo was so worried about being enough for Kai that he
didnít even concern himself with Kai's own inner conflictions.

Kyungsoo didnít reply with words but with actions. Kyungsoo snaked his hands up
and took Kaiís hands in his own. He moved them downward to the next button and
helped Kai undo it. Kyungsoo moved Kaiís hands to the next button and to the one
after that until the rest of the fastens were undone. Feeling a little bold, Kyungsoo
directed Kaiís hands across his fully exposed abdomen. He tried hard not to flinch at
the contact.

ìDo you want to stop?î Kyungsoo found himself asking. Finally, Kaiís eyes bore into
his own. The look was enough to make Kyungsoo push himself forward and gently
kiss Kai.

Their progress was still full of hesitant hands and experimental touches. Their shirts
both came off, and their pants came afterward. The palming of their erections
through their boxer briefs soon escalated to them rubbing themselves against the
other. Kyungsoo shamelessly mewled at the wonderful friction. His insides tingled
and pooled in his abdomen, tension building with every thrust.

ìCan I?î

Kyungsoo nodded without understanding of what was being asked. He found out
shortly when a hand that wasnít his own slid into his underwear and gripped onto
him. Kyungsoo gasped with a mixture of shock and pleasure and clung onto Kaiís
shoulder, nails forming crescents in the skin. A few experimental pumps and
Kyungsoo came. Kai was surprised. Kyungsoo was mortified. His ??m clung inside
his underwear and probably on Kaiís hand. Kyungsoo started to quiver. He felt so
ashamed. When was he so sensitive? Did he have no control?

ìItís okay.î Kai pecked the shell of his ear. Mortification was replaced by surprise
when Kaiís hand continued to pump Kyungsoo, milking what was left of his semen.
His hand kept going and soon Kyungsoo felt himself growing hard again.

ìKyungsoo. Me too, please,î Kai breathed into his ear, almost pleading. Kyungsoo's
warning alarms rang. Kai wanted him to touch him. Down there. Like he had
touched him. ìPlease,î Kai begged and bucked his hips insistently. Kyungsoo gulped
as Kaiís hand tightened around him.
Kyungsooís hand plunged down into Kaiís underwear, his fingers running across
Kaiís length as he did. It was so hot. It was also a little sticky with the pre-come that
Kyungsoo spread when his hand entered. The size of Kai was a little larger than
himself in both length and width. But Kyungsoo was glad to feel that there wasnít a
great difference between the two of them.

He lightly ran his fingers across Kaiís penis, feeling the veins pulsate beneath his
touch. He lightly wrapped his fingers around the erection and moved his hand the
same way as if he were pleasuring himself. Kai moaned out and stopped moving his
hand on Kyungsoo all together. Feeling a little more determined, Kyungsoo
tightened his hold and went faster with adding twists of his wrist accordingly. Kai's
laboured breathing was warm against Kyungsooís neck, but Kaiís tongue was much
hotter when he licked circles and explored beneath Kyungsooís jaw.

ìJongin,î Kyungsoo whimpered when Kai sucked harshly on a particular spot. Kai
froze and Kyungsoo felt him twitch in his hand. Realizing what was about to
happened, he pointedly called Jonginís name out loud and clear over again while
pumping faster. It didnít take long for Kai to shout out and come.

Kyungsoo slid his dirtied hand out of Kaiís boxers and observed the substance
stringing between his digits. He carelessly wiped the semen on his stomach and
looked up when Kai cursed. Kai was staring down at the area where Kyungsoo had
cleaned his hand. Before long, Kaiís predatory eyes locked on his and Kyungsoo's
lips were attacked with great vigor and passion. Kai wasnít being gentle anymore as
he tugged on Kyungsoo beneath his boxer briefs. Kyungsoo couldn't help but cried
out every time Kaiís hand hit the hilt of his penis. He called out Jonginís name one
last time before the pressure inside him released for a second time.

Kai slipped his hand out of Kyungsooís underwear and firmly placed it flat against
Kyungsooís stomach. Their kisses grew loving and slowed down to long pecks. Their
lips separated and their foreheads lightly knocked against each otherís. Kyungsoo
felt his face flush and heat up as he took in the mess on Kaiís hand and his own
stomach. The sticky feeling in his underwear was a nice but slightly uncomfortable
reminder of what just happened.
Kai pecked Kyungsooís eyelids before whispering, ìLetís go get cleaned up and Iíll
give you something clean to change into.î Kyungsoo bit down on his tongue and
could only nod as a response. They both got up and washed their hands off in Kaiís
personal bathroom down the hall. Kai left him alone to clean himself and to change
back into his school clothes with clean underwear provided by Kai. He waited until
Kai finished changing into his pajamas to say goodbye.

When Kyungsoo got home, he mumbled his greetings to his parents and hurried up
the stairs. He flopped onto his bed and rolled all around, screaming into his pillow.
He couldnít contain his feelings. He didnít think any emotion could perfectly
describe what he was going through, all he knew was it was goodÖ really good.

Kyungsoo took it upon himself to further research some things. He knew how sex
worked between two men. One sticks their penis in the otherís backside and sex
happens. That's all dandy, but he figured there was probably more to it than just
that. And boy, was he right. One, it would be wise for the person on the receiving
end to ìprepareî themselves. With the help of lubricant and finger ìpreppingî, the
beginning of the intercourse would be much less painful. Another thing Kyungsoo
dug up was the male g-spot, otherwise known as the prostate. If the partner hit
inside at the right place, the prostate would work its magic and glorious things
would happen. Kyungsoo was skeptical, but he brushed it off as he closed the how-to
web page and turned off his laptop.

Kyungsoo didnít think his new found knowledge would come in handy the very next
day. Kai scared the living daylights out of him with a bruised eye and silent
treatment as he dragged Kyungsoo out of class and up onto the roof. Soon Kai was
expressing his gratitude by showering kisses all over Kyungsooís startled face. Kaiís
father accepted him. Kaiís father actually accepted Kaiís dreams to become an artist.
Kai said it wouldnít have happened without Kyungsooís help. Kyungsoo begged to
differ because he wasnít the one with the artistic talent.

Kai took Kyungsooís face in his hands and smiled a brilliant smile that shone a
million times brighter than the sun above them. He swooped down and Kyungsoo
felt little bits of himself explode and crumble to pieces. Kai was so desperate to
portray his feelings to Kyungsoo and boy, did Kyungsoo feel them crystal clear.
Kai directed him with demanding hands across the roof and into their shared
cardboard box. It was dark until Kai hastily pushed three sun roofs open above
them,and allowed light to shine down on them. Kyungsoo was lying on his back and
all that filled his vision was something completely beautiful. Kai was hovering over
him with lights surrounding his head and body as if he was some sort of heaven
descent creature. Kyungsoo wasn't given much time to marvel before Kai went back
to work claiming Kyungsooís lips over and over again.

Kaiís mouth thoroughly sucked and bit as their tongues and teeth clashed in a
confused mess. After what happened in Kaiís home, both of them seemed to have
regained some sort of confidence in regards to the physicality in their relationship.
There were no more shaky hands or unsure movements, there were only firm
grasps and persuasive touches.

Moving from his lips to his jaw and then his neck, Kyungsoo savoured the feeling of
the wet pecks across his skin. Peeking through his lashes, he saw the sky through
one of the cardboard sunroofs. All sort of feelings were rushing through him; a sense
of calmness and heat were combining and building. Kyungsoo wondered if it was
possible to combust right there. He was proven wrong when Kai bit into a sweet and
tender area on his neck. His feelings only grew greater in size and sensitivity and
showed no signs of stopping. He tried to cope with curling his toes, clawing at Kaiís
back, and groaning and hissing his frustrations out. It was almost blissfully too much
for him.

Kyungsooís body itched to do something besides squirming beneath Kai, so he got

busy on removing Kaiís uniform button-up. He guessed Kaiís skin would have
looked much better under the sunlight and when the shirt was finally stripped off,
Kyungsoo glorified in being right. He began palming Kaiís chest when Kai pulled
back and just stared at him. Kai had already undone all the buttons of Kyungsooís
during his ìletís explode all of Kyungsoo sensitive areas on his neck" escapades.

Kai moved his head to the side and sun beamed past to illuminate Kyungsoo. Kai
licked his lips, eyes roaming across the expanse of Kyungsooís front. ìJustÖ let me
look for a bit,î Kai whispered out. His hand lightly touched the end of Kyungsoo's
collar bone and traced the bone. His finger dipped down Kyungsooís middle, passing
his belly button and moved back up just hairs away from the edge of his pants.
Kyungsoo felt his eyes taking a view of its own. Kai was straddling his hips, lightly
panting with the sun bright behind him. His hair hovered away from his brow with
his hunched forward posture and lean muscles curving in ways that were only
pleasing to the eyes. His eyes connected with a growing problem swelling beneath
Kaiís pant zipper. Here was Kai, on top of him and at his full mercy. He wondered
just how far he could push his buttons.

The first button was pushed when Kyungsoo reached up and dragged his finger
around Kaiís navel. Underneath, the muscle flinched at the unexpected contact. His
finger devilishly traveled lower and lower and traced the lining of Kai's pants zipper.
Kai hissed, his hand fisting on top of Kyungsooís chest as he let Kyungsoo continue.

Kyungsooís whole hand palmed and his hips bucked at the same time. Kaiís back
bent even more and he gurgled out some sort of noise. His hair moved and blocked
Kyungsooís view to Kaiís eyes. Kyungsoo stopped rolling his hips and ran his
fingers through Kaiís bangs. They made eye contact and Kyungsoo was startled by
how much Kaiís eyes shot through him. The emotion behind them wasnít something
that could be described in one sole word.

Kyungsoo was affected by it deeper than expected. His mouth opened as he tried to
say something and his eyes somehow got dewy. Kyungsoo was the one trying to find
Kaiís breaking point. It wasn't fair that all Kai had to do was look at him like that and
he was a goner. ìI want this,î Kyungsoo said, voice cracking. ìI want this so bad.î
Tears escaped. Hands raced up to cover. A sob echoed, ìI donít want to go, Jongin. I
want this to last.î

ìItís yours.î Kai removed Kyungsooís hands, ìNo matter where you are, itíll always
be yours.î

Kisses took Kyungsooís quivering lips and it silenced his worries with a blankness
that quickly filled with desire. Make it last, make it memorable, make it good. Donít
forget, remember, tattoo the feeling in your mind.
Kyungsoo begged his memory to remember the images in full detail. The sight of
both of them stripped down to nothing, the feeling of each otherís hot and smooth
skin across one another's, the sounds of Kyungsoo murmuring as he directed Kai
and how Kai easily obeyed him, the taste of Kaiís fingers in his mouth, the moment
the first finger went it, the discomfort of getting used to it, the pain when the second
one entered.

Kyungsoo dug his nails into Kaiís shoulder when Kai took his free hand and started
stroking Kyungsooís erection as an attempt to ease the pain. It worked a little,
though the pain did not fully subside. Kaiís fingers pried open in a continuous
scissoring motioning, attempting to loosen the ring of muscle. Relax, Kai said and
Kyungsoo tried to with his eyes squeezed firmly shut. He repeated to himself to
unwind and to stop tensing.

The resistance between Kaiís fingers and Kyungsooís entrance was becoming
increasingly painful. Kai was looking very frustrated, realizing that there wasnít
enough lubrication in order to make things easier on Kyungsoo. Kai sat up straight
and bit his lower lip with thoughts zooming past his glazed eyes. His eyes widened
and he removed his fingers from Kyungsoo, earning a groan. Kai reached behind him
to where he discarded his school bag earlier. He fiddled with zippers while
Kyungsoo waited and ached for Kai to return to him. When he did return, he had a
tube in his hand. He hurriedly popped the cap open and poured a gel-like substance
into his hand.

After tossing the tube aside, Kai rubbed his hands together and began coating
Kyungsooís entrance with the slippery substance while pumping him
simultaneously. Kyungsoo felt his muscles clench immediately, almost as if his body
was becoming defensive. Kai cooed for him to relax and that he was doing great. At
the first sign of his muscles relaxing, Kai slipped two fingers in at once. Kyungsooís
choked out and whined wordlessly as a shot of pain ran through him. Kai apologized
accordingly and left endearing kisses across his collarbone.

Kyungsoo soon grew tired of the waiting and preparing game. It felt like hours of
upon frustrating hours had gone by and they still weren't where Kyungsoo thought
they should be. He bucked his hips into Kaiís fingers, ignoring the sting that came
with it. Kai froze shortly after and looked to Kyungsoo. He nodded back. The fingers
were removed and the sting turned into soreness. Kyungsoo wasnít really looking
forward to what was to come. Itíd be painful. But he figured maybe he deserved it
for what he was doing to both of them. For continuing on the way they did when it
could have easily been stopped. It was too late now. They had gained too much
speed and it was impossible to slow their feelings down.

It burned and Kyungsoo cried out in pain, tears gathering in the corner of his eyes.
Kai panicked and went to pull out but Kyungsoo was quicker and wrapped his
shaking legs around Kaiís hips. They had gotten this far, they werenít going to stop

ìIím hurting you.î Kai whispered, ìWe can st-ì


Kai didnít move. So, Kyungsoo took the job upon himself. Tightening his legs around
Kai, he forced himself down inch by inch, taking Kai at his own pace. Kaiís hands
gripped his hips hard and sweat gathered on his forehead. Kyungsoo could see he
was controlling himself with all he had. Kyungsoo was biting down on his bottom lip
hard when he hit the hilt of Kaiís erection. The world stilled. There werenít any
fireworks going on in Kyungsooís head because it goddamn hurt. But inside, past
that pain, was the knowing that Kai and Kyungsoo were fully connected. They were
the closest they could possibly be.

Movement slowly began and the pain stung but Kyungsoo tried time and time again
to remember to relax. Slowly, it got better. He was getting used to the friction
minute by minute. Kyungsooís hand had found its way around his own erection and
started stoking it while staring at Kai through drooped lids. The expression on his
face was satisfying. Kyungsoo was the reason behind Kaiís pleasure. He was the
reason for causing Kaiís mumbled curses and moans, the reason behind the sweat
trailing down the side of his face and back.

Oh god. Kai hit it. He found it. Kyungsooís vision flashed and pleasure coiled tightly
in him. Kai had changed his angle and he hit Kyungsooís prostate. Kyungsoo cried
out in surprise and his hands braced on the sides of the box. Kai immediately
stopped, startled by Kyungsoo reaction. Again. Again. Kyungsoo begged. There,

Kai was more than happy to oblige. He hit it once more and Kyungsoo screamed out.
Kai went faster and hit the spot harder, eyes never venturing off of Kyungsooís face.
Finally, Kyungsoo was feeling something good. Finally, he could make Kyungsoo feel

Kyungsoo didnít last very long. A few more hits and strokes, and he came. Kai,
hearing Kyungsooís drawn out and cracked cry, moved vigorously inside of him. Kai
then pulled out, stroked himself hard and came onto Kyungsooís leg.

Kyungsoo didnít care. He, with the last pieces of strength he had, grabbed onto Kai
and gave him an open-mouth kiss.

Kai said he loved him.

Kyungsoo cried. Through his broken whimpers, he managed to say he loved Kai
back. His heart was so full. He clung onto Kai, refusing the let Kai stray away from
him. As his eyes roam over the cardboard surrounding them, he realized it didnít
bring comfort anymore. It was now a painful reminder.

Kyungsoo tangled his legs up with Kaiís, his face planting itself against Kaiís neck
and Kyungsoo lied to himself. He wasnít going to go anywhere. He was going to stay
right there with Kai in his arms.

(Chapter revised 22/11)

....O/////O BLUSHING. I hope that was okay. It was only my second boyxboy smut
I've ever wrote. Yeah, it's a little...okay wayyyyy too romantic for a first time
between people, but MEH. This is a romance. I'll write it the way I want.
whinewhinewhine. Anyways. I hope you pervs enjoyed it ;)
Um, kay. Leaving now. Btw, special thanks to the Weeknd's "The Zone". It's a sexy
song that got me in the mood to write this. Okay buh bye. But before I go~~

I saved this gif for this chapter. Cause it's damn sexy. BYE

ps: My mission was to use the word penis. I feel accomplished. BYYYE

(09/01 Note - I went back and changed a small bit of this chapter. A kind AFF-er,
DinoMadness, commented and told me that saliva cannot be used for lubrication! It
dries too quickly and thus resulting in the intercourse being painful for both people
involved. So, for multiple reasons like: making this scene somewhat accurate so it
doesn't bug anyone (it bugged me!), so Kaisoo could still get it on and have fun and
so people don't believe that spit is good lube and use it in their own fics. It was
funny because I'm pretty sure I read two other smuts recently that only used spit for
lube OO' Anyways, just FYI and I'm leaving before I get too carried away here.
Buhbye <3.)

14 Mailbox

Dull buzzing and light breathing echoed through Kyungsooís blank mind as his head
rested against Kaiís shoulder. Little circles were traced onto Kyungsooís bare
forearm as they both stared up through the sunroofs and into the sky. It was a
serene moment with mists of dread mixing beneath the surface.

They connected. Kyungsoo could almost physically feel a part of him being ripped
away while a new foreign piece came rushing in and made him whole again.
Knowing that exchange had happened between them made Kyungsoo flash through
feelings of warmth, contentment, and ache. A mild throb pulsed harsher and
harsher, because with that exchange came a penalty.

Kyungsoo curled into Kaiís side and sighed. He wanted to tell himself that he didnít
regret it but he was second guessing his decision. Through their broken
exclamations of love, Kyungsoo felt his heart break somewhere in between. He loved
Kai and Kai loved him. Then again, what would happen when the unavoidable took
place and they wouldnít be able to see each other anymore, when they wouldnít be
able to smell, touch, or be together anymore? Kyungsoo wondered, would his
departure be even more excruciating?


Kyungsoo's thoughts halted immediately at the sound of the interruption. He tilted

his head upward and met with Kaiís gaze.

ìWhat youíre thinking, stop it.î

Kyungsoo sighed heavily and turned so his lips met with Kaiís collarbone. ìIím
justÖ Iím sorry.î His mumbles lightly vibrated across the skin. Kai ran his fingers
through Kyungsooís hair for a few moments before speaking.

ìIím not.î
Kaiís challenging stare gave Kyungsoo enough discomfort that he forced himself to
turn and look to the sky. ìBut this is going to hurt us both,î Kyungsoo rasped out.

ìYouíre right. But listen,î Kai nudged his shoulder up, making Kyungsoo tilt his face
toward Kai again, ìI figured that out a while ago. Itís a price Iím willing to pay.î

Kyungsoo wanted to protest that. He wanted to tell Kai that he wasnít worth it and
that he didnít ever want to be the reason behind Kaiís pain.

ìKyungsoo,î Kaiís tone changed, ìAre youó Do you regret us?î

Time stopped for a few short moments and when it clicked back into place, there
was a feeling of eureka. It was like Kaiís inquiry was the missing piece to Kyungsoo's
internal riddle. Could Kyungsoo regret all of it? The way Kai peered into his eyes; the
feeling of his body against his and how Kai spoke his name...No, Kyungsoo couldn't
possibly wish that away.

Kyungsoo gripped the hand on his forearm tightly and shook his head. The ability to
say reassuring and calming words ceased to exist. His tongue became a mangled
mess and words clogged in his throat. All he could do was vigorously and
continuously shake his head until Kai pulled his chin up and softly kissed him.
Kyungsoo melted with sighs escaping him. He couldnít regret this. He couldnít
regret something so good.

The rest of the school day consisted of Kyungsoo and Kai resting in their box with
only the bottom halves of their wrinkled uniforms put on. They played little games
with their hands, feet, and sometimes lips. Together, they laughed at the cloud
formations and guessed the drawings they traced onto each otherís skin. Kai had
this effortless skill that made Kyungsoo be content in the now and not worry about
anything else.
A bell rang, signaling the end of another school day. Reluctantly, Kyungsoo and Kai
sloppily buttoned up their uniform shirts and left their box. Finger by finger, they
laced their hands together as they walked away from the school. At Kyungsooís
front gate, the typical quick peck and cheeky grin was given along with the new
addition of a loving squeeze through their connected hands. For some reason,
Kyungsoo felt oddly shyer that day. He pushed Kaiís shoulder lightly while
murmuring about how the neighbours or, more importantly, his parents might catch
sight of them. Kaiís grin turned devilish before he took Kyungsooís lips in an
aggressive fashion, along with his tongue intruding through Kyungsooís protests.
Kai left Kyungsoo while laughing and avoiding Kyungsooís attempts to kick his

Kyungsoo entered his home and greeted his parents. He showered, ate dinner, and
finished his homework as his routine usually dictated. His bed comforter was warm
and the white sketchbook that was retrieved from beneath his bed was calming. He
leisurely appreciated every page before he fell asleep.

The rest of the school week went by. Maybe time flew away with hints of happiness,
or maybe it was sadness. Perhaps it was strange that Kyungsoo didnít really know.
He did know that it felt different than what he was used to. However, Kai, the master
of distractions, made Kyungsoo forget his woes in just the right ways.

Kyungsoo arrived home one Friday evening after Kai had taken him to a new art
shop that was famous for its paper m‚chÈ sculptures. He leaned against his front
door and smiled down at an origami cat Kai had surprised him with before he
strolled off . Kyungsoo absentmindedly kicked off his shoes and scurried into his
house when a familiar scent caught his attention. His heart immediately dropped.

His school bag fell to the ground with a thud. He headed toward the kitchen with
stiff and heavy feet. Once inside, his parents happily greeted him. Dinner was done
lavishly with fancy garnishes and multiple side dishes. Instead of wandering over to
his seat at the table and sitting quietly, Kyungsoo was frozen in the kitchenís
doorway with his eyes never leaving the large casserole dish at the center of the
ìKyungsoo,î His mother brightened upon his arrival, ìWeíve been waiting for you! I
made your favourite, why donít you take a seat?î

It was almost funny how his favourite meal would be the final sign. While enjoying
the taste of the meal he liked the most, his parents would excitedly tell him of
another foreign location that they were to move to. He entertained the thought that
maybe his taste budsí joy would overcome the feeling of his plummeting gut.

But out of all the times, it was the first time that the aromatic scent of his favourite
dinner had made him feel so nauseous. He was disgusted in fact. And soon, his
disgust turned to anger.

ìNo,î he murmured softly as his eyes twitched and became irritated. He rubbed at
them harshly and gritted his teeth, ìWeíre not having this conversation.î He could
feel the surprised stares penetrate through his skin.

ìKyungsooÖ î His father bellowed out cautiously, ìIs something the matter?î

Kyungsoo sharply turned his head to his father and shot him a heated gaze with a
smile quivering to stay in place. ìWhere is it this time?î

ìKyungó "

ìLet me guess, some beach town? If not, itís probably a big city. You two can only
handle the suburban life for so long.î He dryly laughed while drawing his eyes to the
floor. He clenched tightly onto his school pants, ìWouldÖ would it really hurt you
both to just stay put for once?î
ìSweetie,î His mother got up from her chair and walked over to him, ìWhatís wrong?
î And she lightly put a hand on his shoulder. He found himself flinching at the touch
and backing away.

His eyes began to hurt from his attempts to hold back any speck of frustrated tears.
ìYou want to know whatís wrong?î his voice cracked through his mockery. ìI donít
want to move. Thatís whatís wrong. Thatís whatís always been wrong. ì

Kyungsoo had to hold back a laugh at the shock showcasing on his parentsí faces.
ìWhat? Did you think it was easy for me to adapt to all the new schools? Did you
think it was fun to make new friends, only just to lose them? Did you really think I
enjoyed moving?î He spoke out in a taunting tone, speaking through a grin that hurt
too much to be legitimate.

The silence was haunting as the information sunk in. Kyungsoo was somewhere
stuck on the decision of either bolting away or throwing a loud fit that involved
yelling and plate smashing.

His father cleared his throat, ìKyungsoo, have a seat and we canó î

ìI'd much rather stand,î he quickly replied with dead eyes and tone. He watched his
mother out of the corner of his eyes as she slumped back into her chair.

ìWhen you were younger, when we first told you that we were moving, do you
remember what you told us?î His mother smiled but it didn't get rid of her tired
eyes. ìNo, I donít think youíd remember. It was a long time ago.î She sighed, ìYou
were excited. You told us of all the new people you would meet and of all the new
places you would explore. You said it would be an adventure.î

Her smile turned more sad and bitter as she turned her gaze down to her empty
plate, ìI suppose that idea stuck with me throughout the years. But...why didnít you
say anything before?î
ìHow could I?î Kyungsoo weakly retorted, ìYou were so happy being wrapped up in
your own world, I didnít think I mattered.î

ìOf course you matter!î his mother protested loudly, making Kyungsoo jump in
surprise. ìKyungsoo, weíve been getting calls from your school. They told us about
how youíve been skipping class. We thought that maybe it was a sign that you didnít
like it here.î

ìAnd you just went ahead and assumed that was the truth? You couldnít confront me
about it?î he bit back.

ìDonít talk to your mother that way,î his father cut in. ìWhat else were we supposed
to assume? Youíve been different since weíve been here. Your behavior has been so
erraticó ì

ìDifferent? Erratic? I didnít realize that being happy was so out of the ordinary,î he
felt a short and sarcastic laugh escape him, ìNot that it ever lasted long. A little voice
always reminded me that this would happen. That I would have to start my life over
again and leave everything behind.î A tear escaped as he opened one of his hands
and saw the crumpled remains of the black paper cat. ìI had grown used to it before
but Iíve changed now. Someone here changed me and made me realize that I justÖ
canít play along anymore.î

There was a heaviness that dampened the air above their heads. His parents
exchanged a set of looks before they turned to Kyungsoo again. ìWhat would you
like us to do?î his mother whispered.

He stared past his mother as he tried to think up a reasonable response. The child
inside requested to stay indefinitely, but he knew that would be too big of a step for
his parents to handle. He thought of alternatives until he came across one. It was an
easy one, in his opinion. He wanted more time. He just wanted a bit more time. ìJust
until graduation. JustÖ two more months and then we can leave.î

The expression on his parentsí faces sunk his hope in a split second. ìWeíre sorry
Kyungsoo, butÖ that would be a little difficult for us,î his father spoke. ìWeíve
already laid down the first month payment for the new condo; we would lose a lot of
money and even the condo if we were to cancel it now.î

He should have known. He nodded numbly and didnít say a word as he turned and
walked out of the kitchen. He sluggishly went up the stairs and entered his bedroom.
He slipped into his pajamas and flattened himself down on his bed. His stomach
grumbled in protest, asking to be filled before Kyungsoo rested his eyes. He could
only try his best to ignore the feeling and cling onto his pillow with some hopes of
comfort. He fell asleep with the contrasting feel of paper digging into his palm and
the plushness of his bed.

Kyungsoo felt himself slowly coming back to consciousness but he stubbornly kept
his eyes shut. Maybe he would fall back asleep. Maybe time would stop. Maybe the
night before was just a bad dream. However, it only took a few more irritating and
long minutes before he gave up and blinked his eyes open. He squirmed in an
attempt to bring life back to his muscles when something pinched against his
collarbone. Removing the item, he found what was left of his origami cat. He cursed
internally as he painstakingly tried to bring the wrinkled paper to its original feline
form. It did eventually find its original shape though it appeared more limp and
tattered. He cynically thought he could relate to its condition.

He placed the paper cat on his night table before letting his feet slide out from his
bed comforter and onto cool floorboards. When he straightened himself up, his
stomach groaned and ached from the lack of nutrition. Numbers light up on a nearby
clock and they indicate that he might have a chance to eat before his parents get up.
He forced his body to quicken its pace in order to reach the kitchen in a timely

He could only freeze when the sight of his two parents situated at the kitchen table
greeted him. His fatherís newspaper was nowhere in sight and his mother had opted
for apple juice instead of tea. Their smiles when they saw him made him suspicious
and confused. It was almost as if a cloud of contentment wrapped around them. Was
the night before really just a bad dream?

ìHave a seat.î His father motioned to Kyungsooís usual chair. He felt himself
following the soft demand before remembering that he was supposed to be angry
and rebellious.

ìYour mother and I had a long chat last night,î his father slowly told him, a hand
clasping one of his motherís. ìAnd weíve come to a compromise.î

ìWe trust you, Kyungsoo,î his mother spoke up. ìYouíve never caused us much
trouble. Youíve been so selfless through what weíveó Iíve put you through. Since you
are eighteen and we havenít been able to sell the house yet, your father and I came
to an agreement.î

A compromise? What sort of compromise? Kyungsoo swears he must be having a

heart attack. There was no way the rapid clenching and constrictions were normal.

ìWe decided that you could stay here until the house is either sold or until you
graduate. We'll settle in the condo in the meantime.î

There. His heart somehow wormed itself into his throat. His mind was reeling in
disbelief. This must be a dream. This was a dream.

ìBut donít think you get off easy!î his father pointed at him in mock suspicion. ìWeíll
drop by a lot and when you least expect it too.î

ìPick up your jaw,î his mother chuckled. ìWe can and will take this offer back if there
are any reasons that show that you are unable to live on your own. But we both
think youíll be fineÖ wonít you?î
Kyungsoo numbly found himself nodding along.

ìGood! By the way, when we were searching for a new place, we took your future
education into consideration. The city weíre moving to has a vast amount of schools
and job opportunities to choose from. When we went to pay the deposit on our
condo, we actually picked up some university brochures if youíre interested.î His
mother slid a number of pamphlets across the table. Kyungsoo looked down to
them, eyes skimming over the decorative front panels.

ìMay I be excused?î he found himself asking. His parents blinked up at him rather
confused before they both slowly nodded their heads. After one dip of his head,
Kyungsoo slid his chair back and it let out a small screech. He calmly walked out of
the kitchen and made his way over to the entrance where he took a light
windbreaker from the closet and zipped it up while he shoved on his sneakers. He
opened his front door and exited his home.

He crossed his arms tightly and found his strides becoming wider and faster. By the
time there was only one block left, he was sprinting. His feet only stopped when they
were facing a front door that looked similar to his own. He knocked on the door with
hard and insistent knocks in between his gasps for air. The door opened to reveal a
stern looking man who appeared to be as confused as Kyungsoo was to see him.

ìI-Is Jongin available?î Kyungsoo stuttered out just when he realized who was
standing before him.

Kaiís father raised an eyebrow while analyzing Kyungsoo. It struck Kyungsoo at that
moment that he had left his home without changing out of his pajamas first.

ìHeís in the shower right now. Maybe you could come back later?î Kaiís fatherís eyes
pointedly glanced to Kyungsooís flannel pants.
ìNo!î he blurted out. ìI meanó No, Iíll just wait out here. Itís really important.î He
spoke urgently, eyes trying to portray his desperation.

The man was startled to say the least. ìWell, if youíre going to wait, you might as
well come inside instead of staying out in the cold.î He pulled the door further open
and moved to the side. ìCome on now, before the cold air gets in.î

Kyungsoo put one foot forward and then stumbled getting over the small ledge.
Kaiís father gripped onto his upper arm to stabilize him and scolded him to watch
his step. It was safe to say he was a bit mortified. His first meeting with Kaiís father
couldnít get much worse.

Kyungsoo shortly found out that, yes, it could get worse. Kai fatherís showed him to
the living room and motioned for him to sit on the couch. He presumed proper
posture and stiff shoulders when Kaiís father sat down on a La-Z-Boy that faced him.
He guessed that Kaiís mother was busy in the kitchen when he heard clanging and
running water from nearby.

After a few moments of awkward silence and Kyungsoo trying his hardest to ignore
that piercing gaze that refused to leave him; the man spoke, ìSoÖ youíre a friend of

Before Kyungsoo could reply, he heard loud thumping coming from the stairs and
watched as Kai casually walked into the living room with a towel around his
shoulders. Their eyes met and Kai froze in mid walk. He glanced over to his father
and then back to Kyungsoo.

ìWhatís going on? Why are you here?î he asked worriedly. ìDad, did youó ì

ìIs this yourÖ friend you spoke of?î

ìNo, I told you, heís my boyfriend. ì Kai stomped over and grabbed onto Kyungsooís
hand. ìCome on, letís go upstairs.î He laced their fingers together in an obvious
manner and showcased it to his father before dragging a speechless Kyungsoo away.

ìB-boyfriend?î Kyungsooís words stumbled out when they entered Kaiís room.
ìWhat did youó And to your father! I can''s your father!î

ìCalm down, I told him a while ago about you. Heís still getting used to the idea but I
wouldnít worry about it much. Heís loosened up sinceÖ you know, the art thing.î Kai
smiled and pulled Kyungsoo to sit down on the bed next to him. ìSo, what did I do to
deserve this visit?î

Kyungsooís frantic thinking came to a stop. ìOhÖ oh! Right!î he spoke out. He turned
to Kai fully and took a deep breath. ìI spoke to my parents last night andó uh, what's
with the face?î Kyungsoo paused when he saw how Kaiís smile dropped and his eyes

ìIs this the part where you tell me youíre leaving?î Kai whispered and glanced down
to his lap. He rubbed a hand over his face slowly and silently laughed.

ìWait, what? No, Jonó ì

ìEven though I knew it was coming soon, it still really sucks.î Kai faced the ceiling
and a broken smile cracked through his lips.

ìListen, can you justó ì

ìHow long?î Kai asked. ìHow long until youíre gone?î

ìJonginÖ Iím notó ì

ìWait! Before you say anything. Kyungsoo," Kai grasped Kyungsoo hands tightly,
"You know I love you, right? You know that even if you're away, I'll still love you.î

Kyungsoo couldnít help but smile. ìJongin... I know and I love you too but, I need you
to listen. What Iíve been trying to tell you for the past minute was that Iím not
leaving, at least, not until after graduation or until my house gets sold.î

Kai slowly turned his head to Kyungsoo, jaw opening and closing. ìYouíre kiddingÖ î

Kyungsoo smirked right back. ìWhat? Do you want me to be kidding?î

ìNo!î Kai cried before composing himself. ìBut seriously, youíre staying? Until

ìYes, that is what I said,î he lightly laughed. ìBut after that, Iíll probably move back in
with my parents. The city theyíre going to has a lot of good universities to choose

ìCity?î Kai froze and then spoke quickly. ìLike a big city thatís kind of close by?î

ìUh, maybe? My parents said they would visit me often.î Kyungsoo replied while
furrowing his eyebrows. ìWhy?î
Kai sprung up from the bed and raced over to his desk. He shuffled through some
papers before returning with a white page covered in typed font. He eagerly handed
the paper to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo skimmed over the letter and quickly realized it
was Kaiís acceptance letter.

ìUm, why did you hand me this?î

ìLook at the return address, is it familiar?î Kai nibbled in his bottom lip with his eyes

Kyungsoo looked to the top left corner of the page and read the address. The cityís
name stuck out from the rest. Kyungsoo then remembered seeing the same name
while briefly glancing over the university brochures his parents gave him earlier
that day.

ìPlease.î Kaiís words spoke through Kyungsooís trance. ìPlease say thatís where
youíre going.î

Kyungsoo lowered the page to his lap. ìItÖ it is. Your art school is there? Reaó Ooff!î
Kyungsoo was tackled into the bed with Kai tightly squeezing him in his embrace.
Kai laughed contently against Kyungsooís neck. Kyungsoo attempted to reciprocate
the joy but his arms would remain glue to his sides if Kai continued to hold onto him
so tightly.

Kai finally loosened his grip in order to shimmy himself up and shower pecks all
over Kyungsooís face, purposely avoiding the lips with a cheeky grin. Kyungsoo
could only smile along with Kaiís antics. That is, he could until he caught sight of the
roomís door opening and Kaiís father peeking in.

Kyungsoo immediately shoved Kai away with a strong push. Kai just managed to
grip the comforter hard enough to save himself from falling off the bed. He looked
like he was about to question Kyungsoo when he realized that Kyungsoo had backed
away with his hands covering his face. Kai looked over his shoulder and groaned
when he saw his father standing in his doorway.

ìDad, canít you knock?î he grumbled. Kyungsoo peeked through his fingers to see
Kaiís father's stone cold expression.

ìYour mother was kind enough to make both of you lunch. Donít take too long or itíll
get cold.î And his father walked out with the door clicking shut behind him.

ìOh.My.God.î Kyungsoo shrieked. ìY-your father! He saw us!î

ìThatís what happens when he doesnít knock,î Kai replied with a predatory grin
stretching onto his lips as he crawled toward Kyungsoo.

ìFor heaven's sake, Jongin! You were on top of me. And do not give me that look!
Your parents are home and they can probably hear us.î Kyungsoo contradicted his
words when he let Kai straddle him without a fight.

The kiss was one that sent sparks flying about. It felt like some sort of movie worthy
moment as Kyungsoo and Kai celebrated with connecting and reconnecting their
lips. Fingers lovingly brushed against his jaw while his own enjoyed the texture of
Kai's hair.

Their lips slid and their arms tightened around each other in an embrace that felt so
right and so good. Kyungsoo closed his eyes and relished in the pleasant feeling. He
wasn't going anywhere. He was going to stay right there with Kai in his arms.

And this time, it was the truth.

(Chapter revised 27/11)

Hi everyone :D ....:D...:D..:D D:!!! *runs away*

Omg, I'm sorry for the wait! I've been crazy busy. Finding time to write was a little
difficult. August is usually a terribly busy month for me. If you guys want further
details on my whining why I took longer than usual, please see this blog post.

Okay that done. Story talking time: ...BOOOOOOMM! OF COURSE KYUNGSOO

WASN'T GOING TO LEAVE AJKFHDKJHFDS. I think a good amount of you knew that.
I don't think you guys understand how fluffy of a person I am. I couldn't bear to
seperate Kaisoo. The story is ending soon. Like...I have only the epilogue left. Wai-WHAT?
Yup. Just an epilogue to wrap everything up. BTW, before anyone asks (because I've
been seeing this pattern with other stories, including ones I've written), I DO NOT
DO SEQUELS. So, you can ask/demand all you want but it.just.won't.happen. Kay

Comment reply time! ACTUALLY, since it's been a while since I updated and I don't
want my A/N to be longer than the chapter cause of replies, I will reply to comments
via wallposting again. I'm sorry everyone for the long wait :(

So. Guys. I don't know what to do anymore. How amazing are you all? First off, I'm
almost at friggin 700 subs. WTF. Seriously. And there are so many comments. And
then I see people recommending this on tumblr and I'm = dead. And then some
people even tweet and fb like this. I am too fortunate! /uglysobbing.
damn cookie. You deserve it.

A special thank you to DarkDreamer here on AFF for this wonderful fantastic
amazing eyeblinding fanart! It's so friggin' cute. /dead.
15 Doorstep


The following weeks were along the lines of chaos (in Kyungsooís opinion).

Indecisiveness and reluctance hung through the Do household as his parentsí

departure drew closer. As a friendly reminder to his parents, Kyungsoo gave them a
certain look from a certain angle, to tell them that they had made their decision and
they werenít allowed to go back on it. There was no way and no how Kyungsoo
would just let that happen. He tried to display his independence by cleaning
meticulously and doing chores in excess. I am responsible, he wanted to tell his
parents through his actions. Iíll be fine on my own.

As if his parents werenít frustrating enough, Kai was being too unpredictable for
Kyungsoo to handle. Having been thoroughly embarrassed by him once before when
meeting Kai's parents, Kyungsoo was doomed to be mortified when Kai arrived one
night looking quite sharp and neatly put together. He greeted Kyungsoo with a kiss
to the forehead and lightly pushed Kyungsoo further into his house. Kyungsoo
spluttered words to convey his confusion and he sincerely hoped that it would elicit
a response. However, when Kai found Kyungsoo's parents and interlaced their
fingers in front of them, Kyungsoo knew the answer behind the visit and flushed
several different shades of red.
His parents were shocked and Kyungsoo didnít blame them. It wasnít an average
occurrence to have your sonís classmate simply show up and introduce himself as
your sonís not-so-secret boyfriend. Kyungsoo wished Kai would have at least
notified him of his plan. In all honesty, Kyungsoo swore he was going to tell his
parents right after they left. Then, that would give them time to gather their
thoughts and, most importantly, there would be no awkward tension for Kyungsoo
to deal with before they moved.

After reassuring Kyungsooís parents that they were leaving him in good hands, Kai
was forcefully led out by Kyungsoo and was given a light hearted beating. Kai
managed to still the explosively ranting Kyungsoo with a tender embrace before
leaving him to fume on his doorstep.

And then there was complete silence for a week. His parents didnít know how to
talk to or even look at him. It was when they were packing up the moving truck that
his mother finally spoke to him. She told him that his boyfriend seemed like a nice
boy and that she was happy that she wasnít truly leaving Kyungsoo alone. She
kissed his cheeks and whispered her goodbyes. Maybe a few tears were shed,
Kyungsoo wasnít really sure because his mother turned away too fast for him to see.
His father gave him a stiff nod with a grim expression. An awkward slap on the
shoulder was how he wished him goodbye and Kyungsoo thought it was plenty
more than what he hoped for. Kyungsoo could only silently watch as his family
drove away not long after the moving truck.

His heart was heavy and the first day alone made him feel as empty as the house. He
was eating his dinner off the kitchen counter when the doorbell rang. Confusion
soon turned to excited urgency as Kyungsoo clumsily placed his plate down and ran
to the door. He swung it open and was greeted by a smirking Kai carrying a

It's safe to say that Kai spent the night "comforting" Kyungsoo.

Later on, Kyungsoo looked through the university pamphlets his parents picked out
with Kai by his side. Kyungsoo was lucky enough to see that one of the universities
offered a well-established and professional investigation program. Unfortunately
thatís where his luck ended because the program accepted only a small amount of
applicants and only the best of the best got in. So, Kyungsoo worked himself to the
bone in order to increase his marks (which was increasingly difficult with Kai
sticking around and being his distracting self).

Kai was there when he received his letter. Kyungsoo forced him to read it first,
unable to bear the thought of his possible rejection. His heart sank when Kaiís
expression went blank and he slowly lowered the paper after reading its content.
Ah, so he didnít make it, Kyungsoo thought as his throat constricted. But then a
gigantic smile stretched onto Kaiís lips and Kyungsoo knew at that moment that Kai
was pulling his leg. A mixture of anger and joy made Kyungsoo tackle Kai to the
ground. They rolled around and wrestled with Kaiís laughter roaring over
Kyungsooís mutterance of threats. Soon their bodies just lay together on the floor
with smiles refusing to leave their faces.

His parents visited him as soon as they received the news. His mother made his
favourite meal and his father bought his favourite dessert. When they were finishing
a deliciously crafted raspberry chocolate mousse cake, the doorbell rang.

It was Kai. Of course it was Kai. It should be known by now that Kai was going to stir
up trouble again. Just like the previous times, Kai decided plans all on his own and
didnít bother consulting Kyungsoo about them whatsoever. Confronting his parents
about their relationship was one not-so-minor and embarrassing situation; telling
them that Kai and Kyungsoo were going to live together after graduation was a
different kind of event altogether.

Kyungsoo quickly dragged Kai away before his parents could break out of their
dumbstruck states. He wondered if Kai had masochistic tendencies because it
seemed like he was always asking for a beating. Kyungsoo smacked him upside the
head, asking what on earth he was thinking. He scolded Kai on manners and
introduced the term ìpermissionî and how he should definitely try it out sometime.
Kai decided to utilize this new knowledge and properly asked if Kyungsoo would
live with him.

Kyungsoo declined his offer in spite.

It took weeks of Kaiís nagging and pleas in order to get Kyungsoo to finally cave and
agree. His parents took even longer to accept the idea. How was he going to pay for
rent? Obviously he would get a job. How was he going to balance work and school?
Well, Kyungsoo thought he was more than capable to work and study at the same
time; if others could do it, so could he. After scoping out and finding a reasonably
priced apartment placed conveniently in between both Kaiís and Kyungsooís
universities, his parents reluctantly agreed.

After that, all they had to do was graduate, and a couple of weeks later, they did.

The graduation ceremony in itself was boring as hell. Speech after sentimental
speech, inspiring quote after quote, some smiles here and tears there, donít forget
the long wait to walk up and receive the damn paper. When the ceremony finally
ended, Kyungsoo nearly tore off his sauna of a gradation gown. He eventually found
Kai in the crowd and they celebrated by hugging each other tightly and smiling a
mile wide. It was done. High school was done. No more school transfers. No more
bratty teens. No more being the new kid. It was a new change for Kyungsoo, and a
very welcomed one at that.

Together, Kai and Kyungsoo packed their things and moved to the big city a few
hours away. Their apartment was small but it had potential. Kai decided to fully
bring out that potential with various art projects. Paper m‚chÈ figurines covered the
floating shelves Kyungsoo helped install. Large and colourful paintings covered
unsightly plaster damage they didnít have the money to fix. Numerous origami
shapes and pinwheels were strung from the ceiling in their shared bedroom. The
main attraction out of the entire apartment was the large mural hanging right above
the couch in the living room. It was a streaky depiction of a black cat snoozing
underneath a warm sunís rays.

Kai found part time employment at a nearby art store he had visited with Kyungsoo
the first day they arrived. Feeling extra determined to pull his weight, Kyungsoo
searched high and low for job opportunities. He figured it wouldnít have hurt to try
and apply for a position at a nearby library. Kyungsoo was pleasantly surprised
when he received a phone call a few days later stating that his application was
accepted and that his first shift was the very next evening.
School soon starts and Kyungsoo had never felt so content in his life. He never
thought it was possible. Kyungsoo thought he would go on through life without
purpose or control. His life would be driven by the decisions made by others.
Forever, that wall between his guarded and true self would remain. Kyungsoo knew
that wall would have stood tall until his true self would eventually and completely

But that doesnít happen. Kai helped Kyungsoo see that he was allowed to have a
voice. Kai helped Kyungsoo realize his true wants, desires and dreams, and how to
act upon them. It was his life and he was free to do as he pleased. And Kyungsoo
certainly did just that.

Kyungsoo was pleased to wake up curled next to Jongin. He was pleased to eat
discounted cereal with Jongin in the mornings. He was pleased to walk with Jongin
to the bus stop before they went their separate ways. He was pleased to find Jongin
waiting for him at home with an attempt at dinner on the table, and he was pleased
to fall asleep in Jongin's arms. It's within those arms that Kyungsoo feels the most

When Kai asked Kyungsoo if he wanted to bring their box along after graduation,
Kyungsoo declined. It was time for a new chapter in Kyungsooís life and the box was
part of a past Kyungsoo wanted to move away from. Although their box in particular
had many memories stuck to it, it didnít hold the same importance to Kyungsoo. It
wasnít a necessity anymore. There was the realization that, from then on, he did not
need boxes. He no longer had to have those tan walls around him in order to feel
calm or to grasp what familiarity was. Even long before the move Kyungsoo
understood that all of those feelings and needs were transferred elsewhere. A
malleable brown box morphed into a dark haired boy with a warm smile and
charcoal smudged fingers.

With Jongin by his side, Kyungsoo would always and truly be home.
(Chapter revised 29/11)

Cue the ugly sobbing.

Really. I can't. It's done. It's really done (and um, yeah, sorry for the long wait!).

I guess I have a few things to say about this story in general. So, here's my blurb.

One thing: This story was three times longer than originally planned. I added a lot of
stuff in there and changed my plotline a few times to make things work better. This
was one of the main reasons behind my revision of the earlier chapters. Not a huge
revision but I feel like the story flows a little better now. (Although I still have a bit
more reivision to do)

Two: Being a writer, and I'm sure other writers can relate, I feel like I can always do
a lot better. This story has been a great learning curve for me. I feel I've improved a
lot from my previous writings but I still have a long way to go. I hope in the future I
can continue growing my writing skills using AFF and that everyone will not be
afraid to give me their honest critique. I write mostly for myself and sometimes
grammar and carefully proofreading isn't my main concern. Which brings me to my
next point:

Three: SIAHNA. My proofreader, beta and (can I call you?) friend. I guarantee you
that it's because of her that half of you are sticking around. No really. I am such a
half-ass proof reader. Not only did she correct my errors, I also consulted her on a
few matters regarding the plot and she really and truly helped shape this story to
the way it is. And for all of that, I thank her a thousand times over.

And of course....most importantly,


Thank you.

Ahem, yes you there behind that screen. Thank you for reading. I'm so happy you've
made it this far through the story and I hope you liked it in all of its entirety. I thank
every one whose ever subscribed, commented, tweeted, tumblr posted,
recommended and/or simply gave this story a shot. I really thank you. You have all
been very supportive and your compliments and critiques were awesome
motivators. No really, I would be the car and you guys would be 3/4 of the fuel. I did
not think I would, this many subscribers. Really did not see that coming. (I
know I'll lose a few now that this is done :( Oh well). So yes, most importantly please
know how thankful I am!

Also, I see from the last update I made, AFF has added the "reply to comment"
button. Can I get a HALLELUJAH?! Omg, comment replies made easy. Omg.
Awesome. I'm just. Ugh. So happy.

AND. OOOOOOOOFFFFTT. I'm like a sobbing mess (internally...). So. I got this
wallpost from the wonderful SunaoTeam saying she made the Kaisoo box...and she
took pictures.

I exploded.

I was an inch away from death. Happiness can kill someone I swear. Can you even-I
can't believe she did. But ofmygod, here's the proof. I'm just so happy.

I don't think I can thank SunaoTeam enough. It's so amazing. It included the
pinwheels, the roof, the sun and although hard to see, the cat as well! Of course that
chibi Kai and D.O is to die for. She single handedly tossed me to death's door...but I
suppose it wasn't my time yet.

Okay. I'm done being a sap. Thanks for reading everyone! But before I go...

Sobs. Kaisoo, why so perfect and obviously legitimate?

One more thing: Siahna and I have created a little something here on AFF. Well,
mostly credits to her! It was her idea, I'm mostly cruising along for the ride.
Anyways, it's a Yaoi Fan Fiction Recommendation List! Basically, any sort of good
story be it: long, short, canon, AU, crack pairing, angst, fluffy and smutty can be
featured on our list! We both know how tiring it gets looking for good stories, so we
thought this might be helpful! It's still under construction considering it's the
beginning of the school year and we've been a little on the busy side. But, things
should be up and running soon!

So why not check it out and subscribe?

16 Bonus: Kai (Part I)

Bonus: Kai's Perspective. (Part I)

Jongin didnít want to be a furniture salesman. Through his eyes, a life wasnít lived if
it was filled with smiles lacking authenticity and words too sweet. His father may
have survived just fine by using those deceptive tools all the way to exhaustion, but
Jongin was not his father.

No matter how much his father wished him to be.

Jonginís upbringing wasnít extraordinary and his character streamlined through the
average. He studied occasionally, hung out with friends and played community
soccer twice a week. The routine bored Jongin but it was what everyone else kept
occupied with. Maybe it gets better, were his thoughts, maybe itís supposed to be
this way. So, Jongin continued on with the forced pleasantries and mundane
His maturation came faster than others not only in build, but in mind as well. It first
took his notice when the birds and the bees arrived in his health class. The children
around him responded to the lesson by squirming and/or laughing. He didnít quite
get what was so strange about vaginas or penises or sex. It was plenty clear that it
was important stuff to know, otherwise they wouldnít have bothered teaching it.
But, classmates still exaggeratedly stuck out their tongues and grimaced at the
images displayed before them. He couldnít understand his peersí reactions and that
confusion only grew over time.

The breaking point was when he hit his sixth grade. Jongin watched as a man
laughed uncharacteristically with another from afar. He would usually call this
laughing man his father, but on that day, Jongin found him unrecognizable. There
was no changing the fact that despite the uncanny likeness, the man was his father
hiding behind a manipulating faÁ ade. It frustrated him, how a person would change
themselves for someone elseís benefit. Was it not easier to be truthful? Did it not
feel wrong to be disguised as someone else? Sadly, those questions were never
voiced and the man continued to laugh with many others as the hours went on. The
only truth Jongin saw that day were the smiles his father made once hands shook
and deals were sealed.

His view on the world changed. His lifeís structure felt like it was held up by well
entwined lies that would mold him to meet societyís standards. And Jongin didnít
want that. No, he wanted the freedom to choose how to live his life. So, with no
regrets, Jongin broke through the constraints and began to become a breed of his
own. He first started by cutting off those he used to call his friends. It was funny to
consider them as such despite how much he disliked them. They made him laugh
and helped him through complex school work, but there always remained a gooey
mess in his conscience whenever they told fables for recognition or put down others
to feel importance. With the fear of growing accustomed to such behavior and
possibly adapting it himself, Jongin conjured a solution. The distancing and eventual
severances of bonds were surprisingly easy tasks to complete and they were met
with little resistance. Jongin was pleased that the end results left him nearly

The next step in his self-cleansing was to cancel his soccer membership at the
community centre. He didnít like soccer much, not that he had a particular reason
to dislike it, but he figured why continue when he had no passion for it. Strange how
the loss of a previously thought passion would bring the arrival of a new and much
greater one. While walking through a hallway in the community centre, bright
colours caught his eye. Through a doorís small window, Jongin observed an art class
in session. The different characters within it and their equally unique canvases took
Jonginís curiosity by storm. A week later and Jongin found himself sitting on a not-
so-comfortable stool and staring at a blank paper which held an incredible amount
of potential. Over time, Jongin was able to manifest that potential more effortlessly
and flawlessly than he ever imagined he could.

Stroke after stroke, it became an obsession.

Instead of laughing with friends during breaks, Jongin sketched the scenery from the
schoolís roof. Instead of studying Newtonís Third Law, Jongin read about
Rembrandt, Klimt, and Monet. Some may have commented on what a lonely life he
led, but he strongly disagreed. His works were his companions, and these
companions were never afraid to show their true colours (pun fully intended).

Even with all the hard work to rebirth himself, Jongin couldnít seem to find a way to
display it before his parents. He supposed that somewhere deep inside, his parentsí
view on him mattered a great deal. A great enough deal that he would act out the
attitudes he despised so much in order to keep his father pacified and his mother
cheery. His frustrations would later seep out and take form in numerous dark
works. Once they were finished, he would instantly dislike the product of his self-
hatred. Slowly, he would tear each page apart and toss their remains away.

Jongin needed an escape. Every fibre in his being craved to explore and see what
other inspirations the world had to offer. As he grew older and his future started to
become a concern, a solution was handed to him from a mentor at the community

ìTalent shouldnít be wasted.î

The folded piece of paper stayed within his grasp for days. His imagination went
wild with the possibilities spoken in each of the pamphletís bullet points. Just like
that, his future mapped itself out perfectly. Without his parents knowing, he took
the proper preparations and successfully applied to the school where he hoped his
dreams would thrive.

All that was left was time with its seconds, minutes, and hours that took too long to
pass. His patience wore thin with the world surrounding him blurring into
regularities. His art was his only solace and he kept his tools close to prevent his
sanity from breaking.

Jongin wondered what sort of person he would have grown to be without that
cardboard box idly waiting for him on the storage room rooftop. Would he have
been bitter? Would he have been selfish? Would he have been happy?

It wasnít every day that a person would catch his attention. In his defense, it was
hard to miss a glowing boy with a great amount of bounce in his step. Jongin hadnít
seen someone in such an honestly joyful state in a long time. What could cause such
happiness, he thought as he followed after the boy. The route the boy walked was
familiar and the end location even more so. Jongin watched from afar as the boy
climbed up the storage room ladder and disappeared onto the roof. He wasnít sure
what to conclude. The roof was supposed to be his quiet place that held no
distractions. After a few minutes of debating, Jongin tightly secured his book bag
and also made his way up the ladder.

Bizarrely enough, the boy was nowhere in sight. All that remained within sight was
a cardboard box that certainly wasnít there the day before. Stepping closer to the
box, Jongin examined it and found strange cuts on the top. He gave it a light kick
impulsively like any teen boy would and gazed around the roof once before setting
his sight back onto the cardboard. Could the boy possibly be hidden inside?

If the boy was, he wasnít going to be much of a distraction, Jongin concluded as he

turned and took a few steps back. He settled onto the ground and took his
sketchbook out from his bag. The remainder of the lunch period continued as it
normally did for Jongin, with the tiny addition of a box sitting in the corner of his

Once the lunch bell rang, Jongin slowly stretched out and climbed down from the
roof. But, before trekking his way back to his classroom, he hid behind a tree and
waited. When the boy from earlier raced down and ran towards the school, Jongin
knew his suspicions must have been correct; the boy was in the box.

The rest of the week went by with Jonginís sketching becoming less and less
productive and his curiosity building more and more. The obvious ìWhy?î flashed
across his mind every time he observed the box and the concealed boy within.
During one lunch, his hands flowed and created what he imagined to be behind
those cardboard walls. Different pages depicted etchings of a curled up boy that
would sometimes sleep, sometimes read, and sometimes stare intently at Jongin
from the page.

Inspiration hit him hard. He knew he was taking a chance but his artistic spirit
demanded he follow through. The tip of a pencil met cardboard and his hand fluidly
created a charming home for the boy. He continued on with adding to his design for
multiple days, patiently waiting for the boy to make an appearance. But each day,
there was no sign of him and Jongin assumed that the boy must have been rather
determined not to make himself known.

Now, Jongin wanted to leave the box boy in peace, but he simply found that he
couldnít. His assumptions of who the boy was only left him with so much, and so
much was not enough. Jongin wanted and needed to know more. He was unique. He
was original. And Jongin had to meet him. He just had to. So with a lighter in hand
and a fairly strong hypothesis, Jongin flicked his thumb and spoke.

ìI wonder what this would look like on fire...î

His hand inched closer, eyes not focusing on the flame but on the box. The closer he
got, the more nervous he became. The boy couldnít be sleeping, right?
ìNo!î The box was tossed away and the boy frantically placed himself in front of it.
ìYou! Keep that away from my box!î

It was beautiful. He was beautiful. There were such earnest emotions displaying
across the boyís features and it met Jonginís expectations and more. He was so
pleased that the boy responded to his carefully provoking pries. The boy was very
much resistant to his advances and Jongin surprisingly took to the challenge.

He wondered if the novelty would wear off eventually. Kyungsoo was something
new, fascinating, and entirely inspirational. The number of pages consisting of
Kyungsoo and his box in his sketchbook only grew with every passing day. Was this
what they meant when referring to a person as a muse? Had Kyungsoo become his

Jongin grew restless due to the fact that even after their small exchange, their
amount of interactions remained null. He had some notions that Kyungsoo would
possibly plead for him not to gossip about his box fetish (though Jongin had no one
to gossip to), or maybe he would flee away, or maybe even offer friendship. Heck,
Jongin didnít know, he just didnít predict that nothing would change and Kyungsoo
would stay within his box as if nothing happened. Even his brilliant idea of
exchanging food got bombed because Kyungsoo still found a way to share his snacks
while sitting in his cube.

Really, what was so special about a box anyways?

And what better way to answer Jonginís question than by experiencing it first hand?
With a flattened box grasped within his hands and a vision in his mind, Jongin set
himself to work. At least, he attempted to. He heard footsteps behind him and he
cursed internally. His box was supposed to be up and majestically standing before
Kyungsoo arrived onto the roof. Kyungsoo definitely wasnít supposed to stumble
across him having a wrestling match with the darn cardboard. He could imagine the
boy walking past him quietly but snickering obnoxiously once in his box.
But rather than hiding away, Kyungsoo spoke to Jongin. Jongin could hear the
wavering in his voice and took note of his clenching fists. It had been a while since
Jongin felt anything remotely embarrassing, but his skin undeniably crawled and his
cheeks felt warm at the way Kyungsoo was clearly judging his actions.

It didnít take long for Kyungsoo to realize Jonginís intentions with the cardboard. He
swooped down and snatched the flattened box from his hands, leaving a faint
woodsy smell to overwhelm Jonginís senses. It brought to mind the moments when
Jongin would excitedly open a new sketchbook and inhale its scent before it was
masked with the smell of paint and charcoal.

Once snapped back to reality, Jongin knew that was his chance. He knew he had
caught Kyungsooís attention and he had to play his cards right or else the box boy
would scurry away again. Sure, he maybe shouldnít have leaned in close in order to
get another whiff of Kyungsoo and sure, he maybe shouldnít have surprised
Kyungsoo by using his hands rather than his voice to stop him from fully taping the
box. Either way, his beautiful open roof concept became completed with their mixed
efforts. Even though Kyungsoo didnít quite get his masterpiece, the process of
changing his mind became Jonginís new challenge.

Originally, Jonginís art was a personal affair. He did it alone and he did it for his own
pleasure. But then along came Kyungsoo. An unknown motivation erupted within
Jongin and his imagination had never been so vivid or driven. He was going to bring
out the big guns and show Kyungsoo that he wasnít someone to turn your back to.

One lunch, Kyungsoo took one long glance at Jonginís box with obvious discontent
and stole a black marker. Jonginís gut leapt because Kyungsoo was finally taking the
notice that Jongin desired.

Manipulation is a harsh word. Jongin merely used the tools known to him in order to
bring the two of them closer together. It wasnít his fault that Kyungsoo allowed
himself to be baited by cardboard flowers or colourful paint palettes. It wasnít his
fault that Kyungsoo smelled so nice and felt so warm. It wasnít his fault that
Kyungsoo was so different than anyone else he had ever met.
And let it be known that it certainly wasnít Jonginís fault that Kyungsoo reluctantly
agreed to go shopping with him after school. Truth be told, he was expecting
rejection. Instead, Kyungsooís acceptance created a tiny hope that maybe Kyungsoo
was also curious about him.

They walked away from the school in silence and Jongin felt more nervous than he
probably should have. To calm his nerves, he replaced the silence between them by
listening to the soothing tunes of pianos and violins. They boarded a city bus and
Kyungsoo didnít even hesitate to sit next to him and press their shoulders and
thighs together. It had been so long since Jongin had felt the warmth of another. He
tried to distract himself from focusing on what lay beyond the window. However,
rather than staring at the streets, Jonginís eyes caught the reflection bouncing off of
the Plexiglas. For the remainder of the ride, he observed Kyungsoo reading the
advertisements placed above them and his heart trembled harshly.


Really cute.

Those thoughts only increased when Jongin caught Kyungsoo innocently blowing
into multiple pinwheels within the art store Jongin dragged him into. The bent over
figure with puckered lips, puffed cheeks, and shut eyes made Jonginís hands want to
reach out and do some questionable actions.

They could have left each other after purchasing the items. They could have gone
their separate ways, but Jongin didnít want the outing to end. It still wasnít enough.
He needed to know more. And Jongin saw the chance when the scent of food caught
his attention. Sharing a small booth together, there were two possibilities: silence or

When words were voiced and connected, it left Jongin at odds. They were speaking
to each other like regular friends would, but the subject matter had a sour note.
Kyungsoo was pushing him away and claimed it was for the best, but Jongin knew
better. He could see that the undecipherable want he felt was mutual. With only one
long meeting of gazes, Kyungsooís first barrier finally caved and crumbled.

The pinwheel was a gift to cement their friendship. Or maybe it was because Jongin
wanted to withdraw a particular reaction from Kyungsoo. Would he smile as he did
the previous night? Would he blush? Would he refuse to take it? No, Kyungsoo only
widened his eyes in a comedic manner and dropped his jaw.

Of course, Kyungsoo gave Jongin the sight he desired when the pinwheel was put to
proper use. Taped onto Kyungsooís cardboard box and its blades blowing with the
wind, Kyungsooís lips created a serene grin so blissfully content that Jonginís hands
inched to sketch the scene before it disappeared.

He did that, didnít he? Without his present, Kyungsoo wouldnít showcase that kind
of expression. That smile wouldnít appear on his lips and those eyes wouldnít soften
without his actions. It was those cause and effect moments that stirred something
within Jongin, and he grew to like them so much that he simply wanted more. Then
again, the more aspect confused Jongin. He wasnít quite sure what he wanted more
of. He mulled over his thoughts while his hands created a flower very typical to his
usual designs. When the lunch bell rang, Jongin caught Kyungsoo staring at his
completed work.

Finally, it clicked.


Jongin wanted Kyungsoo to really look at him. The mask of Kai was a good barrier
against the people Jongin couldnít trust, but he knew Kyungsoo was different from
them. Unknowingly, Jongin had found someone he wanted to successfully see past
that mask and completely accept him for who he was.
However, that so called acceptance wasnít easy to achieve. The stubbornness
Kyungsoo displayed time and time again did break Jongin up a lot more than it
should. But, through the smallest actions, Kyungsoo always seemed to build him
back up again.

It was the smell of aerosol paint that reminded Jongin of the first time Kyungsoo
broke before him. Familiar words laced with lies seeped from Kyungsooís quivering
lips as their vandalized boxes lay in the background. His words were firm but his
actions unsteady. It was wrong. What was done to Kyungsoo was completely wrong.

ìIíll fix it.î

And Jongin would. Heíd find a way, he had to. Kyungsoo was inching away from him
just when he was starting to inch forward. It frightened him when Kyungsoo didnít
meet him by the school gates as he usually did. Whispers ran across his ears as
people passed and Jongin immediately bolted to the schoolís infirmary.

Even with tinges of purple forming under his eye, Kyungsoo still looked much better
than he did hours previous. His expression relaxed and his body less strung up.
Although unsure of what exactly conspired between Kyungsoo and the other beaten
boy, Jongin was pleased to see that the spark in his eyes burned nearly as bright as it
usually did.

As unglamorous as it may sound, the idea came to Jongin thanks to it being garbage
day. A stack of newspapers lay outside a shop in the morning, awaiting its time to
be picked up and disposed of. Jongin took a few steps past it when a memory struck
him. Quickly back tracking, he eagerly gripped onto the string that kept the stack
together and ran to school.

After taking a bucket Jongin swore the janitors wouldnít miss and amounts of glue
he shouldnít have taken from the art room, Jongin was giddy and ready. After
painstakingly bringing both the newspapers and the nearly full bucket onto the roof,
Jongin persuaded Kyungsoo to leave his box and witness his brilliance first hand.
Disappointment hit Jongin pretty hard, though he tried not to show it. Replacing a
showering of thanks and a bright smile he thought would beam his way, Kyungsoo
gave him was a look of pure confusion.

Luckily, after a little paper m‚chÈ demonstration, Jongin felt himself relaxing when
Kyungsooís reluctance transformed into hope. Soon, Jongin couldnít help but smirk
at the speed with which Kyungsoo eagerly pasted the glue soaked papers onto his

His world shifted. Skin met skin and it shocked Jongin. His eyes looked to the bucket
where Kyungsooís hand had touched his and slowly followed the arm to its ownerís
face. For some reason unknown to him, he couldnít focus on his art anymore.
Instead, certain trails of thoughts were starting up again.


He thought, or unintentionally blurted out when Kyungsoo smacked a paper heart

directly in the center of his newspaper covered cardboard wall. It triggered another
thought. There was something Kyungsoo reminded him of. His eyes lazily trailed
over the boy next to him. The sunlight shone handsomely down on Kyungsooís black
hair and the wind lightly feathered through the strands. Kyungsooís back faced
Jongin in a manner that would be considered defensive, yet receptive.

Thatís when he got it. With the cautionary actions and sleek independence,
Kyungsooís resemblance to a stray cat was striking. Striking enough that the very
image refused to leave Jonginís head in an all too familiar way. Any tools and
material would do really, his hands just needed to make the idea a reality. His box
may have faced him with a blank and inviting wall, but it didnít sit right with him.

However, a mere glance to Kyungsooís box and it cleared up his confusion. After
carefully phrased sentences and persuasively raised eyebrows, Kyungsooís box was
in his hands and he wasted no time materializing his mentally conceived art piece.
Jongin began to realize that Kyungsoo was a relatively competitive individual. When
Jongin explained his cat-like piece and his reasoning behind it, he didnít expect
Kyungsoo to take it as some sort of challenge. Instead of ripping carelessly and
pasting on mismatched pieces of newspaper, Kyungsooís hands slowed and his
undivided attention went to evenly tearing out different shapes. Slowly, Jongin could
make out the pieces taking form on the cardboard wall before Kyungsoo.

A sun.

Oh god. The sun, of all things. Jongin tried not to look too much into the possible
meaning behind Kyungsooís paper m‚chÈ art, but his rapidly fluttering heart
clouded over any denials.

Being compared to the sun was a good thing, right? The sun was bright and it
created warmth. But did Kyungsoo really see him in that way?

To hopefully ease or end his hopes, Jongin tried his luck and invited Kyungsoo out
one more time.

The night sky was an inspiration to many artists and Jongin was one among the
many. Through his telescope, he watched the stars twinkle and satellites sail across
its dark depths. The feeling of being so small and so insignificant calmed him.
Thoughts, actions, and the entire world didnít matter to him under the glittering

His intentions were to share those feelings with Kyungsoo. Maybe then the string
tightening his frame would loosen and Kyungsoo would stop shyly sliding away
from him. Beneath the stars, he hoped the last barrier Kyungsoo had set up would
Jongin should have known not to be overly optimistic. He should have foreseen that
Kyungsoo would walk by him that night and automatically sit inside his box rather
than next to him. Even with that bitter acknowledgment, disappointment still sunk
in. Jongin moped his way under his box and handed Kyungsoo the telescope through
a cut window.

Seconds passed as Jongin watched Kyungsoo.

He couldnít describe it. KyungsooÖ heó

Why was his heart tightening? Why were his hands itching? Why did his mouth go
dry? Why couldnít his eyes leave Kyungsoo? Why was there such a huge and deep
want in his gut?

Through the minutes, words, stars, sounds, smells and touches, Jongin realized what
he began to want.

There was a line thinning as they sat inside the close quarters of Jonginís box. That
line shrunk as Jongin inched closer and closer, and then, the line snapped.

A numbing rush raced through his veins for the split second their lips met. He
waited for Kyungsoo to shove him away and for the look of horror, the curses, and
the inevitable stinging in his chest. But, all Jongin could see was mild disbelief and

So he took another chance and pushed Kyungsooís bottom lip between his. A
familiar exhilaration coursed through him and every passing second made him love
it more.
Meeting no obvious resistance, Jongin hoped that the final wall between Kyungsoo
and himself had finally vanished.

Yoho and hello everyone!

How is everyone doing? It's been a while, hasn't it? I hope everyone enjoyed this
part of the bonus, I still have the other to post (eventually). I've had this idea for a
while and it was originally supposed to be a Kaisoo Bday present, but this thing got
bigger and bigger and yeah. I was going to wait until I was finished writing it and
then post it...but this part is 4,000words. Anyways, I guess this is a valentine's day

I also hope this doesn't ruin anyone's image of Kai in their head. I felt like I didn't
explain him as much as I would have liked in Paper M‚chÈ , so yeah, made this.

THANK YOU to all the new subscribers, people who UPVOTED (wtf, I actually love
this new featuring system, so much better than before), commenters and social
people who spread this.

Special thanks to siahna, who edited this for me like the champ that she is. Lemme
luv yous.

And now, for the commenters....I'M SORRY. I have such backlog of comments to
reply to and andandI've given up. I'm still SUPPPER happy you guys take the time to
write them and I read them all and they mean so much and I fdjhfsjdsf. Fangirl barf
all over my laptop, kay? Like, really T-T If you have a question in regards to Paper
M‚chÈ or want to discuss something with me, I am more guarenteed to reply via
wallposts and PMs. I'm sorry once more :(

Love you all and thanks for reading >

Random kaisoo spam:

MHMM, look at Kai touching those love handles. Down boyyy <3

ps: I think some people had a hard time imagining a box being big enough for a full
grown person to fit inside. So, this is me covering my arse. I work in a postal outlet. I
see differently sized boxes regularly, and yes, some are large enough for a person to
fit in there. For an example, think furniture and the boxes they come in (SEARS,
WHY YOU SEND HEAVY PARCELS?). I actually had a reader tell me how they got a
new couch and how the box was huge. But, hey how did Kyungsoo and Kai get a hold
of these boxes? Well, Kyungsoo moves a lot. Boxes are needed to pack. A big box
could be used to hold a lot of pillows. Huge, but light. And Kai's dad is a furniture
salesman, which Kai explained when he got the giant box (I was thinking specificaly
a refrigerator sized one). Still don't believe me, well google images is your friend <3

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