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Tugas Pemilihan Ketebalan Steel Pipe Berdasarkan Rule of BKI

Dengan Menggunakan Standard JIS

Instruksi :
1. Isi kolom yang kosong sesuai dengan nama masing - masing
2. Kolom OD di analisa data dan pipe material sama nilainya
Mahasiswa Deskripsi tugas Analisa data Pipe material
No thickness
NRP Nama Sistem location DN OD Group DN OD Thickness Material SCH. Standard of JIS
acc. rule of BKI
0 Contoh Sistem bilge cofferdam 50 60.5 M 4 50 60.5 5.5 STPG370-E 80 JIS G 3454
1 319030001 Anjelina Dhea Puspita Sistem bilge Ballast water Tanks 50 50
2 319030002 Lilis Wahyuni Sistem bilge Machinery space 40 40
3 319030003 Muhammad Faris Iqbal Sistem ballast Machinery space 65 65
4 319030004 Rakhmad Dwi Andrean Sistem ballast Machinery space 80 80
5 319030005 Ali Maulana Hidayatulloh Sistem ballast Machinery space 100 100
6 319030006 Aryo Ruansyah Sistem ballast Machinery space 125 125
7 319030008 Jeff Danial Kusuma Sistem seawater cooling Machinery space 150 150
8 319030009 Tia Safitri Sistem seawater cooling Machinery space 200 200
9 319030010 Muhammad David Nachrowi Sistem seawater cooling Machinery space 250 250
10 319030011 Hilal Syafiq Azhari Sistem seawater cooling Machinery space 300 300
Aldyansyah Pramudya
11 319030012 Sistem seawater cooling Machinery space 350 355.6 M 6.3 350 355.6 9.5 STPG 370 30 JIS G 3454
12 319030014 Ika Permata Sari Sistem seawater cooling Machinery space 400 400
13 319030015 Danisy Yusuf Ali Sistem seawater cooling Machinery space 450 450
14 319030016 Abdul Aziz Hamdani Sistem fuel Machinery space 25 25
15 319030017 Dimas Aga Kristianto Sistem fuel Machinery space 32 32
16 319030018 Farhan Arif Santoso Sistem fuel Machinery space 40 40
17 319030019 Ahmad Ilham Sistem fuel cofferdam / void space 65 65
18 319030020 Faisal Darmawan Sistem fuel cofferdam / void space 80 80
19 319030021 Rifqi Ihlashul Aufa Sistem fuel cofferdam / void space 100 100
20 319030022 Inayah Tri Lutfiah Sistem fuel cofferdam / void space 125 125
21 319030023 Indah Rachmawati Sistem fuel Ballast water Tanks 65 65
Mohammad Risky Andi
22 319030024 Sistem fuel Ballast water Tanks 80 80
23 319030025 M. Nur Kholis Majid Sistem fuel Ballast water Tanks 100 100
24 319030026 Muhammad Budi Wibowo Sistem fuel Ballast water Tanks 125 125
Revinsyah Nabil Kautsar
25 319030027 Sistem fuel Ballast water Tanks 150 150
26 319030029 Yoga Tri Wiryanda Sistem fuel Ballast water Tanks 200 200
27 319030030 Farhan Ananda Wahyu Sejati Sistem drinking water Machinery space 40 40
28 319030031 Ginza Maheswara Al Muqsith Sistem drinking water Machinery space 50 50
29 319030033 Dimas Abdul Nazhif Sistem drinking water Accomodation 25 25
30 319030034 Sofa Ali Umamuddin Sistem drinking water Accomodation 32 32
31 319130035 Pingga Agung Pradana Sistem lubcricating Machinery space 15 15
32 319130036 Ricko Syahrul Mucharromi Sistem lubcricating Machinery space 20 20

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