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Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibition in

Glaucoma: Hazard or Benefit for the
Chronic Lunger?


Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Florida,

College of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida

Abstract. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, of proven value in the longterm manage-

ment of glaucoma, have a number of troublesome side effects, most of which are well-
known. However, their potential hazards to patients with chronic obstructive lung
disease have received little attention. The author reviews the physiological effects of
carbonic anhydrase inhibition on carbon dioxide metabolism and the implications for
the chronic lung patient. The untoward pulmonary complications associated with the
use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are of particular importance to ophthalmolo-
gists, since chronic lung disease and glaucoma, both common disorders in the elderly.
frequently coexist in the same patient. (Surv Ophthalmol 23: 169-172, 1978)

Key words. carbonic anhydrase inhibition - chronic obstructive lung disease

* glaucoma

arbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAI) are tance of this enzyme in the CO,-bicarbonate
of proven value in the longterm manage- system. Most patients are able to adjust to
ment of patients with glaucoma. these CAI-induced alterations in CO,
Unfortunately, their usefulness is often metabolism by increasing alveolar ventila-
limited by untoward effects which include tion and establishing a new steady-state for
gastrointestinal upset, malaise, anorexia, CO, production and elimination.22~2s How-
weight loss, paresthesias, and loss of libido. ever, the development of increased CO,
In addition to these troublesome side effects, gradients, with or without frank acidosis, is
administration of CA1 is accompanied by cer- not without potential hazards in certain
tain predictable alterations in carbon dioxide patients, especially those with chronic
(CO,) metabolism. The inhibition of carbonic obstructive lung disease who may be unable
anhydrase implies a resultant impairment in to increase their alveolar ventilation suf-
the in vivo transport of CO, leading to in- ficiently to compensate for these metabolic
creased CO, gradients between body tissues changes.
and pulmonary alveoli and retention of CO, Although the hazards associated with the
in the body.17.22,26These changes are a use of CA1 in patients with chronic obstruc-
necessary corollary to the established impor- tive lung disease were theorized’ and
170 Surv Ophthalmol 23 (3) November-December 1978 BLOCK, ROSTAND

documented to occur3 over twenty years ago, companied by a decrease in the excretion of
the warnings seem to have gone un- titratable acid and ammonia. As a result, the
recognized. A recent symposium on ocular concentration of serum bicarbonate falls in
therapeutics devoted an entire chapter to the extracellular fluid and metabolic acidosis
reviewing other problems with CA1 but failed results. Inhibition of red cell carbonic anhy-
to even mention potential hazards to patients drase impairs COZ elimination from the
with chronic lung disease and glaucoma who pulmonary capillary blood leading to the es-
require CAI.“’ In addition, the Physicians’ tablishment of a CO, gradient between
Desk Reference (31st) edition, 1977) and the arterial blood (and body tissues) and the
package inserts from the most commonly pulmonary alveoli and retention of CO, in the
prescribed CA1 (acetazolamide, Diamox@; body.
dichlorphenamide, Daranide@; methazola- This undesirable effect of CA1 was first
mide, Neptazane@; and ethoxzolamide, Car- demonstrated by Mithoefer and Davis18 who
drase@) fail to offer any warning or precau- administered a single large dose of aceta-
tion pertaining to the use of CA1 in chronic zolamide (50 mg/kg) intravenously to rats in
lungers. This is in contrast to our own ex- whom a subcutaneous gas pocket had been
perience and the experience of others who created to permit the measurement of tissue
have expressed concern over the use of CA1 in CO, tension. Thirty minutes after the ad-
patients with obstructive airway disease; ministration of the drug, tissue CO, tension
therefore, we would like to draw attention to had risen by 9 mm Hg despite a concomitant
several “unrecognized” potential complica- increase in alveolar ventilation and reduction
tions. In order to do so, we will review briefly in alveolar CO, concentration. Similar obser-
some of the physiological effects of inhibi- vations were made by Carter and Clark4 and
tion of carbonic anhydrase and the results of Mithoefer17 in dogs and by Shepard et al (Fed
several studies evaluating the use of CA1 as Proc (abstract): 13: 135,1954) in normal exer-
respiratory stimulants. cising humans and by Strijmme and FogZS
during hyperventilation in humans receiving
Physiological Effects of Carbonic smaller oral doses of acetazolamide (lo- 12
Anhydrase Inhibition
In the early 1930’s, Roughtonz3 demon-
Clinical Studies
strated the presence in red blood cells of an
enzyme, carbonic anhydrase, which catalyzed While it is not certain at what precise dose
the reversible hydration and dehydration of of acetazolamide the elimination of CO, is
CO, by the following reaction: compromised in normal humans, the early
studies of Pocidalo et aF2 demonstrated that
CO, + H,O z H,CO, * H++ HCO;
oral or intravenous doses of acetazolamide in
Subsequently, carbonic anhydrase has been excess of 10 mg/kg resulted in a significant
found in many tissues: the renal cortex, gas- CO, gradient between arterial blood and
tric mucosa, pancreas, eye, lung, and central pulmonary alveoli. These results were ob-
nervous system.lg It is not surprising, tained in normal subjects and patients with
therefore, that CA1 over the past twenty emphysema. In normal persons, the increase
years have had a wide range of clinical and in tissue stores of CO, due to inhibition of
therapeutic roles; they have been used for carbonic anhydrase will eventually result in a
reduction of intraocular pressure (IOP), alka- rise in alveolar minute ventilation. This in-
linization of urine, treatment of periodic crease in alveolar ventilation is believed to
paralysis and acute mountain sickness, and result from stimulation of the respiratory
as respiratory stimulants and anticonvul- center either directly from an increase in
sants.‘S~lB tissue CO, concentration within the respira-
It has been shown that at least 99.9 percent tory center or indirectly via an increase in hy-
of kidney and red blood cell carbonic drogen ion concentration. This led several in-
anhydrase activity must be inhibited before vestigators to explore the clinical use of CA1
full physiological effects are observed.1S as respiratory stimulants in patients with
Inhibition of renal carbonic anhydrase results chronic obstructive lung disease. The results
in a prompt, but brief, increase in urine of these studies are varied and inconsistent.
volume associated with an increase in urine Ventilation improved in many patients with
pH, bicarbonate excretion, and sodium and chronic obstructive lung disease and
potassium excretion. The alkaline urine is ac- worsened in others, not infrequently leading

to respiratory acidosis and failure, and the disease and acute respiratory failure. Orally
response in any given lung patient was unpre- administered acetazolamide (500-1000 mg
As a result, this total dose) resulted in prompt bicarbonate
dictable. 3,6.8.9,12,15,20.21,~~,28
mode of therapy gradually fell into disuse. diuresis leading to a reduction in arterial CO,
Fortunately, most people who receive CA1 tension and improvement in oxygenation.
are able to manifest an adequate ventilatory Whether these results will be confirmed in
response to compensate for the development larger numbers of chronic lung patients with
of increased CO, gradients and the reduced mixed respiratory acidosis-metabolic alka-
rate of conversion of bicarbonate to (and losis and whether the use of CA1 will be
from) CO,.24 That this is not always the case shown to be more beneficial and less hazard-
in patients with chronic obstructive lung dis- ous than potassium chloride administration
ease has been alluded to above and is well alone in correcting the metabolic alkalosis in
documented in the literature.3*7~9~11~15~21~z4~zsthese patients are important and, as yet, un-
The incidence of respiratory decompensa- answered questions. Until the answers to
tion and clinical deterioration in lung patients these questions are known, we would caution
treated with CA1 is probably quite low, in- against the use of CA1 in all patients with
creasing with increasing severity of the lung severe chronic obstructive lung disease in
disease, but the exact frequency is not known. whom the development of increased CO,
Naimark et UP’ reported clinical deteriora- gradients and/or frank acidosis might
tion in one of fifteen patients with severe precipitate the development of acute respira-
chronic lung disease and acute respiratory in- tory failure.
sufficiency who were receiving dichlorphena-
mide, 200 mg/day, for 1.5 to 30 weeks.
Wishart and Isaacs,28 Bell et aP and Dorris et
a18 suggest that the incidence may even be Summary
higher, especially in those patients with severe The untoward pulmonary complications
chronic obstructive lung disease; these are associated with the use of CA1 are of par-
patients who have a one-second forced expira- ticular importance to ophthalmologists, since
tory volume of less than 1.0 L and/or chronic lung disease and glaucoma are com-
elevated arterial blood CO, tension and who mon disorders in the elderly and frequently
are unable to increase their work of breath- coexist in the same patient. Mild to moderate
ing, and hence alveolar ventilation, to com- degrees of chronic lung disease would appear
pensate for alterations in CO, metabolism to pose no special problems or contraindica-
and/or acidosis. Such patients will eventually tions to the use of CAI, but this is not the case
tire, retain CO, and develop respiratory with severe chronic obstructive lung disease
acidosis and failure. as defined earlier (one second forced expira-
Recently, Bear et al2 suggested that tory volume I 1.Oliter with or without hyper-
patients with chronic obstructive lung disease carbia).
who have a mixed respiratory acidosis and When the use of CA1 is deemed essential to
metabolic alkalosis may represent a “select” the management of glaucoma in patients with
subgroup of chronic lung patients who will severe chronic obstructive lung disease, it
favorably and predictably respond to CAI. would seem prudent to use the lowest effec-
Their results with acetazolamide in a small tive dose which will lower IOP without com-
number of patients with respiratory acidosis plete inhibition of renal or red blood cell car-
and chloride-sensitive metabolic alkalosis bonic anhydrase activity. In this regard,
(due to diuretic and/or corticosteroid Maren et alI4 have recently demonstrated a
therapy) were encouraging and were based on significant lowering of IOP with no renal loss
the observation that uncorrected metabolic of bicarbonate or development of acidosis in
alkalosis is a respiratory depressant in man.5 patients and volunteers treated with metha-
Thus, correction of the metabolic alkalosis zolamide 25 mg orally every 12 hours.
might be expected to (and did in the 8 patients Although the magnitude of the lowered IOP
reported by Bear et aC) improve ventilation was slightly less than that which follows pres-
and clinical oxygenation. Further evidence to ent schedules of methazolamide or of
support this possibility has been reported by acetazolamide, such a dose regimen may be
Miller and Berns16 who used acetazolamide to preferred in patients with severe underlying
treat diuretic-induced metabolic alkalosis in chronic obstructive lung disease who require
two patients with chronic obstructive lung therapy with CAI.
172 Surv Ophthalmol 23 (3) November-December 1978 BLOCK, ROSTAND

Acknowledgment 1:906-908, 196 1

16. Miller PD, Berns AS: Acute metabolic
The authors would like to thank Dr. Thomas H. alkalosis perpetuating hypercarbia: A role for
Maren for his encouragement and meticulous acetazolamide in chronic obstructive pulmo-
review of this manuscript. nary disease. JAMA 238:2400-2401, 1977
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