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Práctica 4-Ingeniería de Métodos

Presentado por:

Julio andres caipe Ibarra

Richard Alexander Ruano





Universidad tecnológica de Pereira

Respuesta a preguntas:

1. Ergonomics is the science of fitting the job to the individual worker

a. the individual worker

b. the group of workers

c. job classifications

d. the gender of workers

2. Ergonomic risk factors are inherent in each of the following areas EXCEPT
the system

a. the worker

b. the system

c. the environment

d. the task

3. Workers are likely to develop musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) when they

work in an awkward position.

a. occasionally lift objects

b. work in an awkward position

c. reach for objects at shoulder level

d. participate in a stretching program

4. Each of the following are factors that contribute to MSD symptoms and
injuries EXCEPT continually performing different motions.

a. awkward positioning

b. vibration

c. continually performing different motions

d. forceful exertions

5. Work-Related musculoskeletal disorders are nothing more than

musculoskeletal disorders that are caused or made worse by the work

a. caused or affected by the local environment

b. dependent or modified by the work environment

c. changed or improved by the work environment

d. caused or made worse by the work environment

6. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 40% of all WMSDs

involve injury to the back.

a. the leg

b. multiple body parts

c. the back

d. the shoulder

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