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Práctica 5-Ingeniería de Métodos

Presentado por:

Julio andres caipe Ibarra

Richard Alexander Ruano





Universidad tecnológica de Pereira

Respuesta a preguntas:

1. The science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of
workers is called Ergonomics.

a. Anthropometry

b. Metronomics

c. Neumogenics

d. Ergonomics

2. A proactive approach to ergonomics would emphasize workstation design

a. reduction in injury costs

b. early to return to work programs

c. workstation design

d. aggressive accident investigation

3. Which of the following best illustrates a real commitment to an ergonomics


a. Expressing your commitment to the ergonomics program in a newsletter

b. Telling others ergonomics is important

c. Telling others you will eventually implement a program

d. Training the workforce on effective lifting techniques

4. Employee involvement in the company's ergonomics program has all of the

following benefits EXCEPT a. waiving any OSHA inspections

a. waiving any OSHA inspections

b. added problem-solving capabilities

c. greater knowledge of the work and organization

d. enhanced motivation and job satisfaction

5. What is the benefit of employee involvement in devising solutions to ergonomic


a. A new level of competition

b. Automatically fewer injuries

c. An increased sense of ownership

d. Getting out of regular work duties

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