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Rumbling machinery, clink and clank of the metal monstrosities, hissing steam stealing away through

their escape routes, blades whirring, and I, positioned right at the heart of it all, eyes widened, rapt in
wonder; is the image that I conjure from my childhood every single time I hark back to the origin of my
allure for Mechanical Engineering, particularly thermal energy. It was not a dream I envisioned for
myself as a child but just another day from my childhood that I spent, gawking at the mechanical
marvels, at my father’s work place: a thermal power plant. It was an apparent curiosity that drove me
down the road to an undergraduate study in Mechanical Engineering. While the PSG university nurtured
the first two years of my undergraduate studies in India, Farmingdale State College welcomed me into
its community for the remaining two years of studies as a transfer student.

On the other hand, it is in fact the natural fondness for the stream accompanied by a cognizance of the
realities looming over the sector that has me advancing towards and seeking a more comprehensive
learning through Masters in Industrial Management. Although Prime Minister Narendra Modi has
announced his intention to transform India into a $5 trillion economy by 2024, this rests on the necessity
of the industries for unceasing and reliable power source. To sustain this, while according to the federal
power ministry's chief engineer, India's coal-fired power generation capacity is expected to rise by
22.4% in three years, this could potentially neutralise the efforts to cut emissions by boosting adoption
of renewable energy. Such an increase would have an indescribable consequence on India’s 14 cities,
declared by World Health Organizations to be the most polluted ones in the world. Though I may not
be one among the Avengers with super powers to save the world, by becoming proficient Industrial
Manager, I hope to be one among the handful seeking and discovering solutions that could collectively
contribute to the reduction of pollution and thereby decelerate the ill effects of climate change.

Raring to fortify my foundations and acquire a head start in my career goals, I soon began to foray into
several different avenues of this field that reaffirmed my understanding of the subject through both
theoretical and practical knowledge. On one hand, subjects such as Energy Management, HVAC
systems, and Robotics took me closer to and offered me deeper insights into the field that I had always
been so drawn towards. On the other hand, the internships that I undertook during the course of time
afforded me the requisite real-world exposure. The first internship I pursued was at JSW, during my
summer break. Though I was not a stranger to the whirr of machinery or such colossal plants, this was
the first time I stepped over the threshold as a worker and not a bystander. I was initially overwhelmed,
even though the responsibility was not entirely a critical one. Here, I and a team of 5 other interns were
assembled together to study one of the defective blast furnaces at the plant to produce the most cost-
effective solutions to determine whether the furnace should be fixed or replaced. Over two months of
intense research, literature studies, and reports, I suggested a solution which was collectively altered to
take the final form which was to fix the furnace in two months in a way that would help it run for
another 10 years. Whereas replacing it would have had the plant shut down for 6 months, costing the
company triple the investment.

The internship considerably drew my attention to the improper management of resources at the power
plant. It helped me realise the importance of effectively managing both people and resources in such a
manner that it not only reduces the incurred costs but also the probable dangers. Soon after in the
subsequent year, eager to be a part of the practical ambit and figure ways in which I could learn more
beyond the scope of my classroom, I ventured onto another internship at the SEMBCORP. At this plant
I was trained in boilers and turbines. Thereafter I assisted the the daily operations and the supervision
of the turbines. I was greatly drawn to certain aspects of Sembcorp that made it stand out from other
plants in many ways. For one, it was focussed on sustainable power production and therefore uses a
supercritical technology that allows the operation at lower emission levels. Moreover, instead of the
groundwater, the plant employs sea water. This is in addition to the usage of an enclosed conveyor belt
system to transport the coal that ensures environment compliance. I felt enthused at the opportunity to
study the system at such close range.

One of the main reasons that I chose to pursue my undergraduate study in the PSGIAS university was
the international tie up that the university had with the universities of other countries where students
could complete two years of studies in India and if admitted, study in the countries and universities that
the university has an association with. Moving to the USA and continuing my studies in the USA
initiated a new chapter of learning in my life. This was mainly because the system was tighter and more
rigorous than what I had experienced in India. Taking on challenges, one step at a time, and
communicating and learning from a diverse group of people immensely reinforced my foundations in
both learning and personality. In the subsequent months I immersed myself in the coursework and
assignments that would help me keep up with the pace of the academic flow.

As soon as I found a foothold, I involved myself in the first project which was related to my then
subject Electronic packaging applications. In this I led a team of three members to design an Air Bag
sensor using Microelectromechanical systems to improve the safety and operation speed. One of the
main challenges that we experienced in this project was in determining the right material that was to be
used for the sensor. Using plastic did not work as it melted, whereas using steel would heat up, failing
to maintain the parameters. Although the first model failed to deliver, we steadfastly tested many
materials before arriving at a hard plastic as an alternative to implement. I have worked with different
people on many occasions but this was the first time that I was leading a team in a professional
endeavour. The whole experience taught me patience and resolve as well as the significance of a strong
team for better thoughts and solutions.

Later, as part of the coursework for the subject Robotics, I yet again plunged my hands into applying
my theoretical knowledge into a practical setting. I worked alongside another member to devise a
vending machine that would not only perform the basic operations but also the additional feature and
operation of a robot that would pick up the drink and serve it to the user. We could complete the project
without any hiccups and comprehend the criticality of robotics in other avenues of Mechanical
engineering. At present, I am again waist deep in deeper learning and understanding with a project that
is of great interest to me, which is the determination of the kind of paint and appliances that could help
regulate the temperature of a house. This project entailed a study of a plethora of research works in
order to comprehend the existing methodologies used as well as the kind of house that would be
appropriate for study. On competition of this task, we have commenced the testing and experimentation
to establish the best alternative.

While my academic pursuits have taken me closer towards realization of the direction that my career
would take, the varied leader positions that I have held in my undergraduate studies helped me build
the essential persona and maturity needed to manage both people and situations with finesse. My work
with the PSG Nebula Club as an Operations and Finance coordinator has given me greater proficiency
in executing events with precision, insight, and dexterity in optimizing cost of operations. On the other
hand, as an Operations Manager for Global Leaders Forum, I realized how it was not just self-learning
that contributed to personal growth but sharing and spreading the same love for learning that brought
better satisfaction. In this role through the various conferences that I attended, I had the chance to
interact with some of the most successful entrepreneurs. Also, I keenly orchestrated several workshops
and seminars that would put this world in touch with the rest of the students. The work in this specific
role did not just teach me management but taught me an important lesson in giving back to the
community through different activities of the club as well as through the exchanges with like minded

The field of Mechanical Engineering is dynamic and highly influential, just as technology influences
all facets of life, so too does Mechanical Engineering. From the plumbing of a house to the production
of power for whole regions, this field is omnipresent. Throughout the past four years, I have attempted
to draw on all the opportunities that I perceived to take me closer to my aim of becoming an adept
____________ [position/ field]. [University] has the unique distinction of epitomizing excellence in the
field of [Specialization]. Master Of [Specialization] at [University], encompassing several courses such
as [course1, course2, and course2] would augment and forge the foundation that I need to succeed in
my resolve to pursue [field or position]. Additionally, the unsurpassed emphasis with a comprehensive
perspective on [Specialization] will unquestionably add immense value to my career progression. In
fact, the research and courses conducted by Prof1 and Prof2 would be highly invaluable and significant
to the goal that I am trying to achieve. Furthermore, the global perspective that I would gain in my
industry while studying at [University] will be invaluable in buttressing my future. Hence, I would be
extremely grateful if I could be provided with an opportunity to learn amongst the best in the [] sector
of the country.

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