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Wednesday, the 27th of May 2020

Hw- Living in a van

Living in a van may be an opportunity to travel, a

chance for freedom, an escape from the usual, but it can
also be a struggle for some and hard to get used to.
Firtsly, you can basically live everywhere and always
wake up to new paysages. Secondly, you can explore the
world without the need of a hotel room, for example, and
you don’t have to pay for staying there. You’re like a
turle: carring your house all over, but actually the house
is carrying you.
But, even though you don’t have to pay for your
living, you still got to pay for the vehicle’s maintenance,
fuel (unless you’re the giant realistic flying tiger).
Another disadvantage would be the job you have; it
wouldn’t be a problem for the ones that work from
home, but not a lot of jobs require that, so if you work
somewhere full time, you can’t really move anytime.
With all of its pluses and minuses, I still take living
in a van into consideration, personally I think i would
love to live in such a place, but I don’t know if I’d have
enough space for my collections. Great house and
transport 2 in 1, however a challenge for unfamiliar ones.

P.S.: I’m writing in a word document because I can’t find my English

notebook, I know I could’ve used another notebook but I thought about
this alternative. I hope you are okay with that. : ) And sorry for being

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