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Friday, the 29th of May 2020

Hw- Online learning

The online environement is a large space which,

with its abundance of information, offers students the
chance to improve/develop research skills and find the
informations they need much easier.
Aside the fact that we can communicate via Internet
from home, since all the homework is given online, we
can learn to use the informations we find on random
sites and determine which is true, based on reliable
sources, usually the best known ones for their accuracy.
It’s a great opportunity for teachers to encourage the
students search more about the tasks they are asking for
and make them be organized. It’s good for us that we
have more time for doing them. So, the main point here
is improving our searching skills and be more familiar
with the online environement (both students and
However, this ‘familiarization’ takes time and not all
of us can keep up with the homework, not everyone has a
stable internet connection and maybe not everyone has
the necessary devices. It comes hard for some students
to understand, especially when the teacher isn’t clear in
his instructions. Another disadvantage would be lack of
communication. If teachers and students don’t get to talk
to each other about the work, there might be confusion
and they won’t know if they did their work properly. It’s
a challenge for the teachers too, since some of them
haven’t worked online. And it’s hard for them to evaluate
us too, because some pupils may not be sending their
homework or skipping classes. Lack of communication.
And additional disadvantage would be the chaotic
structure of the classes. People tend to not respect the
timetable (also a problem determined by lack of
communication and maybe the need of marks) and some
homework come and come and never end.
To sum up all I wanted to say, online environement
is a complex space and, with some time and
determination, I think all of us can understand how
things are going and learn more. We need to be
understanding with others and with us.

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